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Kaiju World

Page 7

by R. F. Blackstone


  "Steady!" Ellen Scott shouts at Lloyd Behm as he fights with the helm. The young man smiles sheepishly then focuses on not running aground. "Where'd you find him?" Ellen asks Christopher Michael.

  The midget shakes his head. "You said find a true believer."

  Ellen blinks then grabs the railing, steadying herself. The journey from Tokyo harbor had been rougher than they had expected, luckily though their leader had the foresight to change boats. If they had stayed with the original chartered vessel they surely would have capsized by now. As it stands, the south-western landing site is visible. But so are the rocks and coral reefs.

  The boat smacks and then bounces off one of the medium sized rocks and Lloyd shouts, "Sorry!"

  Ellen shakes her head, "How did we not know about these damn rocks?"

  A slightly odd-accented voice says, "All of the recon was done during high-tide." Jeremy Smith stares at the woman, his dark eyes unblinking, giving him the appearance of an alien. His long dark braided hair looks at odds with the rest of his outfit; khakis and a flak jacket.

  The blonde’s eyes bulge in disbelief. "Wait...You're telling me that all of our planning has been done--"

  "--Hang on!"

  "Done solely in daylight?"

  "Hang on to something!" Lloyd calls again then quickly drops behind the helm.

  Ellen turns, ready to throw the new guy overboard when with a lurching shake and an unholy scraping sound the boat shudders to a halt. The sudden stop throws everyone that is not Lloyd forward. "Here we are," he says cheerfully looking at his handy-work.

  The prow of the boat is wedged up and deep in the dry sand of the picturesque beach. The sand itself is bright, almost totally white. Nearly all of the beaches on the island are covered in the same fine grains. About a hundred meters or so up the beach is a lush green forest. It's not a gradual change of environment but a hard sudden appearance. The foliage is dense and looks almost like it has been sculpted to be this way. They don't want us getting in, Ellen thinks as her eyes take in the sight, or want to keep something from escaping.

  "Move it or lose it," Rick Shaw says, using his bulk to push the woman aside. He is carrying tactical bags and tosses them down to Christopher who catches it easily then throws it up the surf to Jeremy who is making a pile of their equipment. Each one lands on the sand with a dull thud.

  None of them says anything as Ellen goes over to Lloyd and roughly grabs him by the neck. He squeaks as she speaks, "Are you actively trying to get us caught? Or is it just natural stupidity?"

  Lloyd slaps her hand, trying to get her to let go as his face turns blue while he struggles to breathe. The woman relaxes her grip just enough for the man to gasp for air. Once the colour returns, he speaks, "I told you to hold on."

  Ellen blinks, expecting more and when she realises that there is nothing else, a smile appears on her pale face. "That you did...Hold. On."

  Lloyd Behm yelps as he sails over the side and lands in the cool aqua water with a loud splash mixed with a thud. Ellen leans over and stares at the four men. "You've got five minutes to get everything unloaded."


  The investors cough and splutter, trying to get rid of the aftertaste of the decontamination spray. Only Dutch, Mako, Pryke and McTiernan are unfazed by the experience. As the hidden fans pull the remnants out of the chamber, Mako says, "We have refreshments outside."

  Once the security doors open, the five men run over to a metal table with a large tray on top. Upon it are tall glasses of water that are quickly devoured en masse. The four park workers walk over and Dutch clears his throat, a deep rumble that freezes the men. "Let's move," the commanding tone works perfectly and the investors put the glasses down. The head of A.R. Team turns on his foot and sets off. Everyone, save for McTiernan, hurries to catch up.

  "What's the plan?" Emmerich demands. "We're not cattle, you know!"

  Dutch stops as the others murmur similar sentiments. His eyes are hard and with his imposing build the powerful businessmen cower slightly. Dutch smiles as he speaks, "This is the danger. Miss Ikari?"

  They are standing before another large shuttered room. There are no signs or markings but Mako and Dutch know exactly where they are. Taking her cue, the Kaiju expert scans her ID card in a small wall-mounted reader and sirens begin flashing as the annoying whine deafens them. Clamping their hands to their ears the investors glare at Mako. As the lights dim, the shutters begin to roll up. "You wanted to see one up close," Dutch barks, his voice easily heard over the wailing klaxons. "You got it."

  Mouths drop open as the frightened voices whimper, "Dear God." And, "Help us."

  "Say hello," Mako says, "to Ishiro."

  Even Gideon Pryke, the man who has seen charging a tiger up close and wrestled bears for fun is forced to whimper, "Amazing!"

  The giant eye shifts slightly, the massive muscles pulsing as it moves the ocular organ, focusing on the nine people. A feeling of absolute terror overtakes them and as the pupil dilates, the shutters close, shielding the people from the terrible eye.

  Dutch turns and says, "Enjoy the rest of your stay." Then he walks, disappearing around a corner.

  Pryke steps forward, taking the lead. "Well...How about a little break while Mako does some minor surgery? Oh it's nothing invasive, just implanting our security measures." Not waiting for an answer, Pryke and McTiernan lead the stunned men over to a small lounge area. It looks similar to a beach bar found in the Bahamas; wicker chairs, a beach sound-scape playing and tiki glasses everywhere.

  "Now this is better," Beacham says as he grabs a tall scotch. The others follow suit and soon the five money men are laughing and acting like what they had just seen, never happened.

  "A word James," Pryke says then leads McTiernan to a small alcove.

  "Yes Gideon?"

  The older man throws his Panama hat onto a chair while taking a deep breath. When he looks at the Head of Security, all trace of joviality is gone. What remains is cruel and shrewd, "What was that all about?"

  McTiernan smiles ever-so-slightly, he is better with direct questioning. "I'm not sure I know what you mean."

  "Can it! Dutch and his little show back there, what was the point?"

  "Sir?" McTiernan goes back to his army days.

  Pryke senses this and pushes the advantage. "You better answer me. Am I not your commanding officer?"

  "Sir!" McTiernan stands erect as he speaks. "Dutch wanted to teach the guests a lesson in humility. That is all."

  "And you didn't think to stop him?" Behind them the investors are getting rowdy. Pryke clears his throat. "Just do your job and pray they love the tour."

  Before McTiernan can answer, Pryke grabs his hat, fixes a smile to his face and then goes over to the five drinking men saying, "Better slow down! There's still lunch and then the tour proper."

  James McTiernan watches the group of men and thinks, This is why I stay away. Since going into the private sector he has learned one very important lesson; people are complete assholes. He's known it all his life but his COs and squad mates were decent and enjoyed a laugh. But civilians? Selfish, rude, crude and totally without a sense of unit. It's a dog eat dog world, he reminds himself.

  "Mister Pryke," Mako's voice echoes in the lounge from a series of speakers that are strategically mounted in the walls and ceilings. "We're ready here."

  "Bully!" Pryke says with a clap. "Gentlemen, how about a show?"

  "Girls?!" Tull slurs slightly as he flops into one of the wicker seats.

  "Oh heaven's no. Not until tonight," Pryke says with a sly wink.

  The man could be an Oscar winner, McTiernan thinks as he watches the philanthropist.

  Pryke's eyes never leaves the other men as they slump into the comfy chairs. "So, to save those of you with weak constitutions we'll be viewing the procedures via a live feed." As if on cue a large screen slowly lights up. On it they can see Mako and some of the technicians walking around a scaly landscape. "What our dear Mako is going
to do," he continues, "is really nothing more than tagging the beast. Just like we do with dogs and cats. This way Security and A.R. Team can track it all over the island to within ten meters."

  "Oh," Crichton says softly as Mako and her team begin the process of cutting at the thick flesh. They use a process of lasers, chainsaws and heavy machetes; its hide is that thick.

  "Don't worry," Pryke says as the men squirm and flinch in their seats. "The animal is completely anesthetized and unaware of what's happening to it."

  On the screen, as Mako does her job, orange blood seeps and oozes from the giant veins that surround the bright purple flesh. Ishiro is knocked out and periodically shifts and rumbles. A crane begins to lower a blinking probe that is the size of a man. "That's our tracker," Pryke continues as they start to push the device into place. "They did try experimenting with smaller models but for some reason the muscles had this annoying habit of crushing them."

  "Spare no expenses," Tull mutters with a childish laugh.

  Pryke ignores the comment and goes to open his mouth when Emmerich gets to his feet. "Yes?"

  "This is all wonderful," the German says with an air of superiority. "But, how do we know that this idea to use these...monsters as attractions is going to be as profitable as you say?"

  Pryke smiles as he talks. "What a valid question! Well, to answer that and any others you may have...Let's crack on!"


  "What's our position?” Ellen Scott asks softly as the small band crouches in the forest below a large tree. It hadn't taken them long to unload and perform a quick count. In total they have ten pounds of C4 plastic explosives, a couple of small calibre handguns, two shotguns with plenty of ammunition and enough rations to last a week. Under the branches and leaves the entire landscape has a strange alien quality to it, as if the plants were created from different species and spliced together. The smells are unlike regular jungle smells, no sweet air or that hint of moisture, but there is a very distinct scent of musk and something artificial, like there is perfume being pumped all around them.

  Jeremy checks the map and quickly traces a few different routes with his finger. He nods. "Depending on how quickly you want to do this, either three hours hiking or five."

  "What's the difference?" Rick Shaw asks, grabbing the map. He holds it up to the light and squints, studying the topographical lines. "Either way we're gonna get dirty."

  The large man takes back the map gently so as to not tear it and says, "Do you know what's waiting for us?" Jeremy's finger traces one of the paths. "This is quicker." His digit stops on a large green circle surrounding a blue spot. "But this lake, this we have to cross."

  "So?" Shaw says looking between Jeremy and Ellen.

  "So," Jeremy answers, "that's a watering hole."

  "Which means that any animals in the area would naturally be drawn there and there is nothing on this planet that can disturb a drinking animal and live," Ellen adds.

  Shaw nods, impressed, then looks at the map again. "Is that the longer way?"

  Jeremy shakes his head. "No. The longer one takes us too close to here." He points to a small building shape. "What we can tell is that it's a bungalow. Once we pass it though, smooth sailing."

  Lloyd has that look of someone wanting to ask a question but is afraid to look like an idiot. The others notice but refuse to engage, leaving Ellen to be the one. "What?"

  The young man swallows air before speaking. "Well...It's just that...Nobody's told me what the target is?"

  Christopher laughs. "That's above your paygrade."

  "Wait!" Shaw says. "We're getting paid?"

  "That's the thing," Christopher says apologetically. "We are, but..."

  Ellen shakes her head as the two men begin squabbling. Why did I pick 'em? she thinks before holding up a hand. It instantly works and the two men go quiet. "There," she points at a cleared space on the map that has a small, almost indescribable symbol on it.

  Lloyd stares at the map and frowns as he tries to figure out what it means. Then slowly it dawns on him. "It's a generator!"

  The woman nods, a sly smile on her face. "That's all we have to do. Blow the power. Easy."

  Shaw is shaking his head emphatically as he casually swats at a mosquito. "Won't work. The entire place is powered by geothermal energy; taking out one generator is not going to do anything."

  "Glad I'm surrounded by such optimistic lads," Ellen says as she rolls up the map into a tight tube then quickly she tucks it into a metal holder and then checks her watch. "Okay," she says. "Time to move out. No time for lolly-gagging. You gotta pee? Then pee while walking." Without another word she turns and begins trudging through the dense foliage. Jeremy is right behind her.

  Lloyd grabs Shaw's arm and asks, "She isn't serious about the peeing?"

  Rick Shaw grins. "Welcome to the Alliance."


  "Well, wasn't that enlightening?" Gideon Pryke says with a loud clap. The sound bounces around the large hall and causes the five men to wince a bit. "Oh, my apologies! Are we suffering a tad?" He laughs then nods to McTiernan. "That'll be all, thank you James."

  McTiernan gives a quick curt nod to his boss and the investors before disappearing down the long corridor. Pryke shakes his head with a click of his tongue. "A surly fellow to be sure but he is the best." He casually looks around the main hall of the main resort and makes a mental note about quickly replacing some of the more outdated pieces of art. Maybe I should commission some of those young upstarts back in Tokyo, he thinks.

  "Wonderful," Winston rumbles. "But what are we waiting for?"

  It takes a moment for the owner of Kaiju World to focus on the bulk. He blinks then, "The last guest for the inaugural tour...What? Don't tell me you thought it was just going to be you?" From the sullen looks it's obvious that they did and still do. "Dear fellows," Pryke says. "Originally that was the idea, but the lads in PR thought that a bit of early press--"

  "--The press?" Emmerich is fit to burst with rage. The other men stare blankly, trying to figure out why Pryke would invite such a creature.

  "That's right," he says with a tone that leaves no room for argument.

  "But for the love of God, why?"

  Pryke's eyes scan the scared, confused and terrified faces of his investors. The question is quite valid but unfortunately for them, Gideon Pryke has no valid answer of his own other than, "You know what they say? There's no such thing as bad publicity."

  Crichton scoffs, even he can't believe it. "Are you fucking joking?"

  Pryke shakes his head. Beacham coughs and sputters, "No such thing? No such thing?! Don't you remember what those vultures said about Drummond and Dino Park?"

  Tull picks up the refrain, quickly saying, "Yeah! They used the words; deranged megalomaniac, delusional and shyster among the more polite articles."

  "Not to mention!" Emmerich adds. "Not to mention that every review for an X-Treme Park has said the exact same thing; you've seen one, you've seen them all. Is that what you want the first written piece to be saying..? Why are you smiling?"

  Pryke has a large cheeky grin that seems to say one of two things; just wait and see, or, I'm making this up as I go. For the billionaire owner, both are valid answers. His eyes shift slightly, focusing on the long-legged woman striding towards the group and the smile grows bigger. "Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Teresa Hernandez."

  The woman is decked out in jeans and a multi-pocket shirt that is baggy enough to hide her shape. Teresa goes over and shakes Pryke's hand firmly then she looks at the men with pursed lips. "So," she says after a moment of thought. "These are the ones I'm touring with?" There is the slightest hint of an accent but it is her tone of voice that annoys the five men.

  Emmerich looks her up and down then says with a chuckle, "Aren't Latinas supposed to be gorgeous and curvy?"

  Teresa laughs, "Wow look at that, a Nazi being racist." Her eyes bore into his as she speaks, "Tell ya what Hans, I'll not bother you and you keep your eyes on al
l the wondrous sights and not me. Oh, and I'll not mention the war."

  "I like her!" Winston roars with laughter as they start towards the large doors.

  "So, for the tour!" Pryke says as he speeds up to the door. "We'll be visiting the major attractions. As we get to the more...extreme ones we'll have to swap vehicles. Safety at all times."

  "We're not going to see that...big motherfucker again?" Tull says nervously.

  "Not until Miss Mako gives it the all clear," Pryke says. "It is our first Category 5 and we don't want anything happening to him."

  Up till now Teresa has been busy scribbling notes but at the mention of 'Category 5' she looks up at Pryke, "What's a 'Category 5'?"

  Gideon Pryke stands in front of the large doors. "Well Miss Hernandez. Our attractions are all rated based on the fabled Serizawa Rating System. Basically it takes the Kaijus and puts them into one of five categories." The doors slowly open silently letting in warm sunlight and a light breeze. "Professor Serizawa, who unfortunately has passed on, came up with the ratings after the Tokyo Attack...It's very easy to understand really." He talks like a teacher explaining simple calculus to a Golden Retriever. "The weakest ones are put in the lowest category, One. Then as they get more powerful and how much damage they can do, we raise their Category with five being the most powerful force in all of creation."

  "Umm," Teresa interrupts. "How do you manage the damage?"

  "Excellent question! We compare the damage they can do to that of a nuclear bomb." That statement leaves everyone in awe.

  With a spin, Pryke pushes the doors open fully and steps out into the bright sun. He races down the steps to the large ATV waiting for them. It has the Kaiju World logo on the sides and the top has been removed and replaced with a clear heavy duty Perspex dome. Pryke stands proudly in front of it and gestures grandly. "Our mode of transportation! Impressive, no?"

  The five men look unconvinced as they slowly walk down the steps. Beacham mutters to Tull, "Thought we'd be in tanks or at least a monorail."


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