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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa

Page 10

by Tina J

  Me: That’s what I thought.

  Ariel: Whatever. He was ugly, that’s the only reason why I didn’t entertain him.

  Me: Yea ok. You know what it is. I put my phone away and watched the awkward interaction between Armonie and Freddy. It seemed as if she was forcing herself to be there.

  “My sister got yo ass stuck.” Brayden said laughing. He knew we took it there but this is the first time we talked about it since.

  “Fuck you.”

  “I’m just saying. We here for your cousin and you watching Ariel.”

  “I’m watching my cousin too.” I stared at Freddy pull Armonie in front of him and felt a tad bit better.

  “We getting out?” Brayden asked getting his gun ready. One would think he followed in his pops footsteps by running the buildings he owned but not him. He’s almost as crazy as me.

  “Nah.” I reached in my pocket to grab the phone I just put away and laughed at the text.

  Ariel: Since I can only fuck you, I better have you in my bed no later than 1 or I promise to come looking for you. I’m gonna act the fuck up too. Try me.

  Me: You ain’t running shit.

  Ariel: You heard what the fuck I said.

  “Damn nigga. Let me get you home before she wild out.”

  “Let me find out you reading my text.”

  “Get a privacy screen punk.” He joked and pulled off.


  “If you even think about opening your mouth to my mom, I’ll break your jaw.” Freddy whispered in my ear when we walked on the porch. I didn’t wanna come and had his mom not asked, I wouldn’t have.

  I know people may be calling me stupid and dumb and you’re right. I’m scared to tell my family because they’ll kill him. I shouldn’t care but I do. Then, I’m scared he’ll kill me if I don’t want him. Why does being in a relationship have to be so hard? There’s no way he’s in love if threatening me is the only way to keep me around.

  “Freddy stop with the threats ok? I’m tired of it.” I stepped away from him and into the house. I hated being around this many people because someone is bound to fight, tell somebody’s business and drink until they pass out; yet, here I am.

  “Armonieeeee.” His mother always extended my name when she saw me.

  “Hi, Mrs. Graham. How are you?” We embraced one another for a few seconds.

  “Hey Ariel and is this the pastor’s daughter?” She pointed to Stormy.

  “Yes I am. How are you?” Stormy spoke in a polite manner.

  “I’m good. Is your father happy?” Mrs. Graham said throwing all of us off.

  “Excuse me. I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking.” We were all confused.

  “I’m just saying, he is fine as hell and whew!” She fanned herself.

  “Yes, my dad is happily married.” We all laughed.

  “Girl, they don’t make them as fine as your dad. Look at what God sent me.” She pointed to her husband and we all busted out laughing. He was drunk as hell and talking shit at the table. There was a card game going on and it’s clear he was losing.

  “I’ll let him know you find him attractive.”

  “That’s ok. Don’t nobody need your crazy ass mother tryna fight.”

  “You already know.” Stormy told her and shared another laugh. It was funny tho.

  “Let me talk to you for a minute.” She told the girls we’d be right back. The bedroom door closed, and I sat on the old-fashioned recliner in the room. Old people kept everything.

  “What’s going on with you and my son?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She sat on the windowsill in front of me.

  “You barely call anymore and after seeing you in the hospital the last time, I have to ask, is it worth it?” I laid my head back on the chair.

  “We used to be so happy and when I wouldn’t give him sex, things changed. He cheated and the abuse started...”

  “Abuse? He told me some guy from outta town did that to you and he tried to beat him up and got jumped.” I chuckled because Vernon did a number on him.

  “Actually, your son has been beating on me for almost a year now. Believe it or not he warned me not to mention it today.” She shook her head.

  “I remember when his father used to beat on me. Boy, did I love that man.” She shook her head.

  “And you stayed?”

  “Not at first. You see, I took a hell of a lotta of beatings. Broken bones, jaw, nose and the emotional abuse was even worse. Four long years of being scared to leave, scared for my life and scared to be on my own.”

  “What did you do?” She smiled.

  “One night he was asleep, and I had, had enough. I poured gasoline on his legs, set them on fire and stood in front of him with a fire extinguisher. He begged and pleaded for me to put it out and I wouldn’t until he swore, he’d never hit me again.”

  “Oh my God.” I covered my mouth.

  “Chile please. It worked for sure and I hadn’t had a problem since.”

  “What did the hospital say? You didn’t go to jail.”

  “He told them the gasoline from the lawn mower spilled on him and he was smoking.”

  “And they believed him?”

  “Yup. They could care less if he killed himself. Another black man they don’t have to worry about.”

  “Is that why he doesn’t wear shorts?”

  “You got it. His legs are fucked up.” We both laughed.

  “Honey, if you’re not strong enough to handle the abuse, then leave.” Did this woman say if I can’t handle it? Who’s strong enough for that? She obviously wasn’t because she tried to burn him alive.

  “I don’t wanna die and I don’t want my family to kill him so I’m trying to figure it out.” She knew who my family was just like everyone else.

  “I’d rather you leave and move on. I don’t wanna bury my son.” She patted my shoulder and left the room. I wish it were that easy. I went to leave the room and his sister blocked me in.

  “If anything happens to my brother for beating your ass were gonna have a problem.” She had her arms folded.

  “Latifa you don’t scare me. I suggest you move the fuck on.” I pushed her out the way.

  “Put your hands on her and I’ll break your wrist.” I turned to see VJ standing there with two other guys.

  “VJ fuck her. She’s tryna get my brother killed.” Latifa yelled.

  “He shouldn’t be putting his hands on her.” He lifted the beer to drink.

  “You know her?”

  “The fact you’re asking if I know her and not dealing with your brother beating on her, is a problem.”

  “But she…”

  “Get the fuck out my face Latifa.” She caught an attitude.

  “I’m saying. Are you still staying the night?” I folded my arms and waited for him to answer.

  “My girl downstairs and you asking me some dumb shit. You desperate as fuck yo. Beat it.” He waved her off and she stormed away.

  “Can y’all give us a minute?” The two dudes moved down the hall. The house wasn’t huge, but the upstairs did have a small hallway.

  “You good?” He asked and took another sip.

  “I’m fine. What are you doing here and are you sleeping with her too?” He smiled and backed me against the wall.

  “The only woman I’ve slept with since being here is you and it’s gonna stay that way.” He placed a kiss on my neck.

  “I miss you Monie.” His index finger lifted my chin. He slid his tongue in my mouth and had we been elsewhere, we’d probably be naked.

  “I want you in my bed tonight or I can come to you.” He wiped his bottom lip.

  “VJ you have a girl and I’m not playing second to no one.”

  “No disrespect but I’m doing the same thing because yo nigga downstairs.”

  “Touché. The difference is we’re not sleeping together and never will.” I was serious. Freddy is too crazy and I know if we slept together it would get worse.
r />   “You haven’t slept with him?” He seemed confused.

  “Hell no! If we slept together I’d have more problems.”

  “Oh.” Is all he said which let me know he’s sleeping with Mecca.

  “You thought because you were my first, I’d just go and fuck him?” I was offended.

  “I didn’t say that and I’m glad you didn’t.” He stared at me.

  “I should go.” He didn’t move.

  “Why didn’t we meet, or should I say, mess around years ago?” I smiled and moved outta his embrace.

  “It wasn’t meant to be.” I excused myself walking past the other guys.

  “Where the fuck you been?” Freddy grabbed my arm when I hit the bottom step.

  “Get off.” I tried to get outta his grip.

  “You think I’m ok with other niggas in your face?”

  “What are you talking about?” I wonder if he saw me and VJ kissing?

  “Latifa told me how you were in some guys face. How you at my mom’s house acting like a ho?”

  “That’s enough Freddy. Let her go.” His mom shouted and he pushed me on the ground.

  BAM! I looked up and VJ knocked him out.

  “You ok?” He reached out to help me.

  “Yea. I’m just gonna leave.”

  “Bye bitch. Take your crippled ass the fuck outta here.” Latifa shouted and VJ stared at me. People knew about my leg, but no one ever mentioned it. I’m sure she couldn’t wait to shout it since VJ told her to beat it so he could speak to me in private.

  The night VJ and I shared a bed, I had shoes on so he couldn’t tell, and he carried me all over the room, so he wasn’t able to see then either. When I say it’s hard to notice, it really is. Walking hurts sometimes without shoes which is why I’m always in slippers at my house. You can tell when I’m barefoot though.

  “Crippled?” Mecca questioned just as Ariel and Stormy came in the house laughing. They stopped after seeing my face.

  “Yup. The bitch got two different legs. One is bigger than the other. Pay attention and you’ll see. I don’t know why my brother wanted to be with you. Your baby would probably be deformed if y’all had kids.”

  “Wow! VJ you didn’t tell me she’s disabled.” Mecca said and Ariel jumped on her. I walked over to Latifa and did the same. I could hear Stormy telling every chick in there to stay put.

  BOOM! A gun went off.

  “That’s enough.” I heard and stood there with tears falling down my face. I don’t know if it were because she shouted it out or I was embarrassed she said it in front of VJ.

  “Go home Ariel and Monie.” VJ barked. Ariel started to say something and stopped when she saw his face.

  “If any motherfucker in here disrespect Armonie again I’m knocking you the fuck out.” Nobody said a word as we walked out. Did these people know him because no one said a word?

  “I’m done Ariel. I can’t do this anymore.” I cried going to the car.

  “You want me to call your brother?”

  “No. I’m gonna stay at the hotel tonight and move in with my parents. When you get the new place, I’ll move in with you but right now I need some peace.”

  We drove in silence to drop Stormy off. She gave me a hug and promised to call tomorrow. Once Ariel pulled into the hotel, she walked in with me, stayed for about an hour and left. I stayed on the phone with her until she made it to the house.

  “It’s not one o clock but you better had been here?” Ariel spoke to someone.

  “Who is that?” I asked and started the jacuzzi.

  “None of your business. Call me in the morning. Mmmm. You taste like weed.” The guy never said a word.

  “Bitch who is that?”

  “Bye Armonie.” The phone hung up. I tossed mine on the bed and headed to the bathroom.

  BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! My heart started beating fast. I had no one here and my energy is non existent. I peeped through the small window and blew my breath. Why is he here?


  “Get up.” I barked at Mecca on the floor. I wasn’t even mad my cousin beat her ass because she deserved it.

  “VJ why you let her fight me?” Did she really just ask me that?

  “I told you to stop fucking with her.” I pushed her out the front door. It’s bad enough her eye was swollen shut and her nose looked broke. I didn’t need anymore people seeing her.

  “VJ are you coming back?” Mecca stopped. Latifa just got her ass beat and still being smart.

  “Coming back for what?”

  “Bitch to fuck. What you think?” Mecca went towards her.

  “How the fuck both of y’all get yo ass beat and still tryna fight? Y’all look dumb as hell.” I left Mecca standing there and went to my car. My boy sat in the back while she sat in the front.

  “VJ I’m tired of your cousin and her bitch ass friend. They always getting smart and...” I stopped her right there.

  “Stop playing victim and take responsibility for the petty shit you say and do.” Her mouth dropped.

  “You had no business getting in the mess with Latifa. Then you get smart with Ariel and for what? You know what? I’m not tryna deal with this.” I pulled off and drove her straight to the condo.

  “I’m dropping him off and I might be back.” I stepped out the car and unlocked the door.

  “I know you’re not going to that dirty woman.”

  “Hell no I’m not. Are you crazy?” I barked and walked back to the car.

  “What time you coming home?”

  “I don’t know. Lock up.” I pulled out the driveway.

  “I love you VJ.” I heard her because the window was down. I hit her with the peace sign and kept it moving.

  “Yo! That was wild. Shorty ok?” My boy Mycah asked. He knew how I felt about Mecca and also how I started feeling Monie. Besides Brayden, he’s my best friend. We grew up together in Virginia and been rocking with each other ever since.

  “She has a room at the hotel you staying at. I’m gonna go check on her.” He laughed.

  “Yea a’ight. You bout to fuck.” We started laughing.

  “I’ll see you later.” I went in the opposite direction of where he was going. I remembered the room in an area all by itself. It made me wonder how she got it. I banged on the door and threw my tongue down her throat when she opened it.

  “VJ what are you doing here?” She pushed me away.

  “I had to check on you.”

  “I’m fine. You can go.” I closed the door with my foot, locked it and carried her in the bathroom.

  “Were you waiting for me?” I pointed to the water in the jacuzzi.

  “No. I just wanted to relax.”

  “Good because I need to do the same.” I stripped out my clothes, removed hers and helped her in. I sat down and mounted her on top.

  “Sssss.” I could see pain etched on her face.

  “You ok?” I held her waist.

  “I’m still getting used to having sex. It’s gonna take me a minute to adjust that’s all.” I watched as she got comfortable and bit my lip when she started grinding in circles.

  “You got it ma.” I lifted her hips and slammed her down.

  “I see why he don’t want no one to have this and he hasn’t even had it. Shit, I know how you feel and I don’t want anyone to know.” I placed my finger on her clit and enjoyed the facial expressions she made as her orgasm started building.

  “Did you miss me Monie?”

  “Yesss. I missed you a lot.” I pulled her neck close to my face for a kiss and continued circling her pearl.

  “Mmmm.” She moaned in my mouth as the first one erupted.

  “You look sexy cumming.” I told her and made her do it again. We ended up having sex in the jacuzzi, the floor and I put her back on the table to eat her pussy. The glistening of her pussy under the light had me amazed. No wonder doctors be in it.

  “Why did she call you crippled?” I asked when we finished. She was laying on my chest and I felt her
body tense up.

  “Don’t be embarrassed Monie. It’s not gonna stop me from coming to see you or look at you in a different light.” She blew her breath

  “I’m a pre mature baby and the doctors think my short leg is the outcome of it.”

  “Oh. But you can’t tell.” You really couldn’t.

  “You can when I’m barefoot. I mean it’s not really bad but sometimes it hurts if I walk without a shoe too long. It’s like each step puts more weight on the other leg.”

  “Why didn’t I notice?”

  “Ugh because your head and body has been in between my legs. And why would you think to pay attention, when you didn’t know about it?”

  “True.” We laughed.

  “She only said it to hurt me because everyone knows how sensitive I am about it.” I pulled her body on mine.

  “Well it don’t bother me and it doesn’t interfere with how you fuck, which is real good by the way. I taught you well.” I moved her hair back.

  “You did but you only taught me how to please you.” I used my elbows to lift up and stared down at her.

  “And I’m the only one you need to please.”


  “I mean it Monie.”

  “VJ, I don’t wanna argue. You made sure I had an amazing night and I wanna remain happy.”

  “Yea a’ight. Don’t play with me.”

  “You’re just saying that because you were my first. I know damn well you’ve experienced women way better than me.”

  “I would never compare you to anyone. You’re one of a kind Armonie and that’s some real shit.”

  “One of a kind?” She asked and rested her chin on my stomach.

  “Something about you is drawing me closer and keeping me near. When you’re not around me, I wanna know where you are and if you’re safe. Shit, I don’t even worry about Mecca, the way I worry about you.” She sat up and I could feel her juices sliding out and onto my stomach.

  “Is it because I remind you of what your mom went through?”

  “Yes, I see my mom in you but I don’t know everything you’ve been through. But I also love making love to you. The way you moan my name and cum has me mesmerized every time.”


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