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Clifton Falls: A Zombie Story [Part 1]

Page 14

by Taylor, Lee Andrew

  Chris composed himself.

  He took probably his deepest breath ever as Ted slowly revealed Vincent’s and Mary’s faces; both being made to look more respectable with Vincent’s eyelids being stuck down and Mary’s face being mostly bandaged. Chris wouldn’t be able to identify her even if he was a real relative, but he stared at her all the same.

  Hazel knew it was the best Ted could do on short notice so was pleased to see Chris hadn’t puked.

  “Are you okay?” she asked him, seeing him touch his head like he was about to faint. “Are they the Smythes?”

  Chris nodded.

  “Do you have any questions?” Hazel asked, closing the curtains.

  But the faint sound of Chris’ phone turning off almost made him cry.

  “Nope,” he replied, feeling angry for missing out on vital information. “I’m all good.”

  “Okay then…Shall we head off? I’m sure you have things to do.”

  Hazel escorted Chris out of the room, leading him back to the main part of the building; watching him as he exited before choking again from the smell coming from the flower.

  “What a strange man,” she said, turning to aim for the reception desk.


  Chris was still high on adrenaline after leaving the hospital, feeling relaxed after experiencing many draining emotions. He knew he shouldn’t have seen the bodies. He regretted it but his reporter instinct to go above-and-beyond had taken over.

  He drove towards the edge of town, smirking from thoughts of what was going to happen once he parked his car. He knew the person he was about to visit wouldn’t be impressed to see him again so soon and would probably not let him in, but he wasn’t going to clock off from work just yet. He needed more information.

  He turned down a quiet street, looking ahead to see the living room light was on inside the chosen house; checking the time on his dashboard to see it was 7:00 pm. He sighed as he wondered what response the latest news update was having as it was read out on TV; knowing people would be tuning in to find out more information about the deaths of the locals. He knew it could lead to a mass hysteria outbreak so hoped the person doing his job was being professional enough to not let that happen.

  He parked up outside Mike’s house, laughing to himself for still wearing his disguise; ripping away the fake nose before quickly changing into his usual attire.

  Maybe I would have a better chance of being let in if I kept it on? he thought, exiting the car to walk towards the house.

  He entered the front garden, breathing in deeply as he neared the door; still holding the flower as he pressed the doorbell. But he cringed from the thought of Mike bellowing out for him to – FUCK OFF –

  He pressed the bell again, thinking this was the time when he would get his marching orders, but it was way too quiet for his liking. He stood back and looked at the bedroom windows, seeing if a curtain would move, but sighed again after thinking Mike was either doing a great job at not being noticed or wasn’t home.

  Chris was on the verge of giving up before a sudden urge to sneak up to the front window crossed his mind. He walked towards it, peering through a gap in the curtains to spot the television was still on; viewing the rest of the room to stop after seeing a pair of legs hanging over the sofa. He smiled after knowing Mike was home, but his smile became sadistic when he banged on the window.

  “Come on! Let me in!”

  He banged again until the legs moved, watching them closely as the rest of Mike’s body appeared, but Chris wasn’t feeling guilty for waking him up. Mike stood up and yawned before staring at Chris like he thought he was dreaming, but another bang on the window snapped him out of it. He shrugged his shoulders and frowned before rubbing his eyes after seeing the flower, shaking his head in disbelief as Chris waved it at him.

  I’d rather have a visit from one of those dead freaks than him, Mike thought, as he slowly walked towards the window.

  “What do you want?!” he shouted.

  “Open the door…I need to speak to you about something.”

  “I’m very tired…Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

  Chris knew he had Mike rattled.

  “No…I need to talk to you now…”

  Chris pointed towards the front door, smiling as Mike slowly moved towards it, but he rattled the window again to annoy Mike into quickening up the pace.

  “…Did you see the news report? What did you think?” Chris asked, pushing the flower into Mike’s face as the door was opened. “It’s just been on.”

  “Shit, I missed it…What did you say?” Mike replied, holding his nose.

  “I wasn’t at the studio to read it because I’ve been busy with my investigations.”

  Chris took a step inside the house but Mike stopped him in his tracks.

  “You’re not coming inside with that thing,” he said, wincing. “It smells like it’s been dead a long time.”

  “Funny you should say that,” Chris replied, smirking. “Someone else said it smelled of death today.”

  “Just get rid of it…”

  Chris smirked again.

  He knew Mike wasn’t happy after seeing him frown worse than if he’d just lost the winning lotto ticket, but still hoped he would let him inside. He waited for Mike to change his mind but it wasn’t to be, so grunted as he placed the flower on the ground.

  “…Not there…Throw it in the wheelie bin.”

  Chris grunted again as he searched for the bin, acting like a child being told off as he lifted the lid.

  “Are you sure?” he said, hovering the flower over the bin. “The smell eventually grows on you.”

  “Fuck that! Just chuck it in.”

  Chris did before attempting to enter the house again. And this time Mike let him.

  “Why did you let someone else read the report? I trusted you and now you’ve gone and fucked it up.”

  “Calm down,” Chris jokingly said, entering the living room to sit in a chair. “There’s no need to worry. Nothing vital was leaked out…It was the same story I told the people in the street.”

  “How do you know if you were off galavanting somewhere else?”

  “You need to trust me, Mike,” Chris replied, holding up his hands as Mike’s face turned an angry red. “It was the same story.”

  Mike glared at him for being so calm, close to punching him for his - ‘hey, we got away with it and don’t you worry about a thing’ – speech.

  “Were you born stupid?” Mike shut the door and entered the room as thoughts of him losing his job made him want to scream. “If you want to work with me then you need to cut the crap and listen…You got that?”

  “I got it,” Chris softly replied, sitting back in his seat. “I will be obedient from now on. Just like a loyal dog.”

  “I know you crave a good story over-emotional feelings towards other people but you need to change your attitude and fast.”

  “Yes, boss.”

  Mike shook his head and entered the kitchen, returning moments later with a full bottle of whiskey and two glasses; handing a glass to Chris before sitting opposite.

  “So, where were you that was more important than reading the news?” Mike said, pouring whiskey into the glass.

  “Just at the hospital.” Chris took a sip but almost spat it out. “Some head nurse spooked me.”

  “Why? What were you up to?”

  Chris explained that he wore a disguise to not be noticed but wasn’t convinced she brought into his story.

  “At least your disguise worked,” Mike said, taking a sip of whiskey. “Just be more careful next time.”

  “Are you allowing me to continue with my investigations?”

  Mike shook his head. “I’ll probably regret it…Just don’t sniff for more clues until you get the nod from me. Is that understood?”

  Chris nodded and took another sip from his glass.

  They sat in silence, drinking whiskey whilst watching television for the next thirty minutes; both
eager to see a repeated news report. But nothing was coming on.

  “Are you sure your chums at the studio did a report?”

  “Mike,” Chris replied, sinking into his seat. “They must have…It should be on soon.”

  “It better be.” Mike reached down, grabbing the bottle from the floor. “I don’t want to fall asleep before it comes on.” He then poured more whiskey into his glass.

  They drank for another half an hour, close to shutting their eyes from a mix of tiredness and intoxication as the news returned to the screen. Chris smiled after hearing the newsreader repeat the words he wanted him to say but his eyes closed seconds later and he fell asleep.

  Mike watched the rest of the report aimed at what went on in Clifton Falls, happy to see Chris had stuck to his word. He turned off the TV and rose from his seat, nudging Chris to notice he was too far gone to respond before sighing and reaching for a blanket spread out across the top of the sofa. He placed it over Chris as he slumped further into the seat, giggling at the man sucking his thumb and talking to himself before letting out a loud fart.

  That was Mike’s cue to go to bed.


  Blake looked upset as Karen watched him from across the room. They’d seen the recent news report, but what seemed to be a reasonable and understanding account of what happened for the chief of police was somehow seen as a shockingly confusing and heartbreaking moment for them. Karen tried hard to hide it beneath the rocks inside her mind but Blake couldn’t let it rest. He was angry that the newsreader had said something different to what he’d been told.

  “What’s goin’ on?!” he shouted, leaving his seat. “Why did he say there was a domestic incident between the Smythes and their neighbour?”

  “I don’t know,” Karen softly replied, closing in on him. “But there has to be a reason for it. Right?”

  Blake reached for his jacket resting on the arm of the sofa and placed it on.

  “The reason had better be a good one,” he said, grabbing his car keys.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m off to the police station to get some answers…Something isn’t right here…”

  Blake hugged Karen after seeing a tear roll down her face. He knew the conversation was getting to her.

  “…I think there’s more to it.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know.” Blake let go. “Why weren’t we able to see the bodies? We were at the hospital for hours but no one came for us…Why?”

  Karen almost broke into a crying fit after thinking back, now feeling sick to her stomach for believing what Mike said as she watched Blake close in on the door.

  I should’ve known something was off. An electrical fault? Can’t be true.

  “Don’t leave me on my own,” she sadly said, hoping Blake would do a U-turn. “You can phone the police station.”

  Blake smiled to leave Karen thinking positively towards his next move. She was happy, but it only lasted a few seconds as Blake gripped the door handle.

  “Hey, don’t be upset with me,” he said, opening the door. “I need to go there and look them in the eyes. See if they try to wriggle out of it…”

  He was mad but he wasn’t mad for himself. He was mad because Karen wasn’t told the truth.

  “…I’ll phone you soon.”


  Blake parked his car outside the police station, shaking in anger as his heart raced from thoughts of being arrested.

  I’m here now so I may as well get it over with.

  He checked to see if any officers were lingering outside the main doors before cautiously leaving the car; gulping as he waited for his heartbeat to slow down. And when it did he walked towards the building. He looked through a small window in one of the doors to see an elderly officer behind the receptionist desk, but the sight of his uniform caused Blake’s blood to boil again.

  “He’s havin’ it.”

  Blake flung the door open, but the closer he got to the officer, the more his anger turned to nerves. He couldn’t speak after reaching the part-time, semi-retired, sixty-five-year-old man who was typing slowly on a laptop keyboard. He wanted to let rip and shout at him but the man reminded him of his father.

  “Hello, Sir,” the constable said, squinting at the keyboard. “I always forget where the letter J is…”

  Blake smiled even though he didn’t want to before pointing at the letter.

  “…Thanks.” The constable pressed it before saying, “So, what can I do for you then?”

  Blake stared at a shiny badge attached to the man’s shirt with the name George Price on before lifting his head to look at him.

  “I want to speak to the main man, you know, the officer in charge?”

  But George shrugged his shoulders, annoying Blake to repeat the words more aggressively.

  “Either lower your tone or leave the premises!” George snapped before calmly returning to the message he was writing. “I haven’t got time for anyone’s aggravation.” He glared at Blake. “You got that?”

  Blake puffed out his cheeks but he wasn’t backing down. He’d come this far with the courage to lash out so needed to keep it up to hopefully find some answers.

  “I’ll calm down when I see the boss.” Blake glared back to leave them having a stare off; his teeth showing as he furiously stretched his lips. But inside he was panicking. “Where is he?”

  “I don’t think you heard me properly, young man,” George replied, moving away from the laptop. “I told you to sort your temper out or risk being shown the door…Now, what’s it gonna be?”

  Blake backed away once George pointed at him. He knew he was stepping over the line.

  “Okay, I’m calm,” he softly said, glancing around at what seemed to be an empty station. “Where are the other officers?”

  “You’re being nosey.”

  “It’s just a question.”

  Blake received a short version of their whereabouts but George never mentioned why they were where they were. He just said they would be back if needed. But his words brought a curiosity upon Blake and he needed to know more.

  “I’ve heard there has been some unexplainable things going on recently…Do you know anything about em’?”

  George studied Blake to see where he was going with the question, becoming defensive once being asked it again.

  “Are you a reporter or just a nosey bastard?” he asked swiftly, reaching for a pen. “I’ll write down the chief’s phone number for you so you can ask him.”

  “That would be great.”

  “I’m not giving you the chief’s number, you moron.” George tutted at Blake before returning the pen to his shirt pocket. “He’s a busy man…You’ll have to leave a message with me.”

  “But I need a word with him…It’s important…Do you know where I can find him?”

  “Yeah, I do know, but I’m not going to tell ya’.”

  Blake lowered his head and sighed before whispering, “I know about the deaths.”

  “Speak up,” George replied after failing to catch any of what Blake said. “I’m not a young whippersnapper now you know. You’ll have to speak louder.”

  Blake lifted his head. “I know about the deaths.”

  This time George panicked. He backed away as thoughts of Blake talking about all the deaths from that day spooked him.

  Maybe he was one of the murderers and had come in to give himself up?

  Sweat suddenly appeared on George’s brow.

  He concentrated on Blake to see if he would make an aggressive move, not taking any chances as he withdrew a gun from his hip holster to aim at the puzzled looking man.

  “Don’t move scumbag…Place your hands on the desk and keep still.”

  Blake couldn’t take his eyes off the gun. It made him nervous.

  “I can’t place my…hands on the desk,” he stumbled from his mouth. “And not move.”

  “Don’t piss me off!” George roared. “Just do it…”

>   Blake quivered as he slowly approached the desk, placing his hands onto it as George kept the gun on him. But both were as jumpy as each other.

  “…Just keep them where I can see them,” George ordered, moving from behind the desk to pat Blake’s body. “Are you concealing a weapon?”


  Blake closed his eyes for a second as he waited to be arrested, but George stopped touching him and moved away.

  “I had to check,” George said, still holding the gun. “Now explain about the deaths before I lose it.”

  “Look man, you’re scaring me…Please put it away.”

  “Not until I’m certain that you’re not a killer.”

  Blake was close to laughing after being labelled a criminal but the sight of the gun stopped him.

  “Me, a killer, you’ve got to be kiddin’.”

  “I’m not kidding, fuck face…What do you know about the deaths?”

  Blake began to fear for his life.

  He shook his head, feeling stupid from thoughts of his plan to storm the station to have it out with the chief backfiring into him being accused of murder.

  “The deaths? The deaths were mentioned on the television.”

  George gulped hard and lowered the gun; his face beaming a bright red after realising he was close to shooting the wrong person.

  “So, it’s appeared on the news now,” he politely said, reholstering his weapon. “I’m sorry…I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay,” Blake replied, still on edge. “I probably would’ve thought the same thing if I was in your shoes.”

  George’s eyes lit up like he was happy and excited all of a sudden.

  “Did that sexy woman read it? She makes me horny,” he said, acting like a sex-starved tongue-wagging dog.

  “You must be thinking about the woman on sky sports news…The only female you get on the main one is that overweight, dragon faced, mud wrestler type.”

  “Yes, that’s her…Isn’t she a stunner?”

  Blake didn’t answer back because he couldn’t think of anything to say about George’s taste in women. But, at least now the tension had lifted between them.

  “What’s with the gun?” Blake asked, staring at it inside the holster. “The news report only mentioned some kind of a domestic, so why are you waving a gun about?”


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