Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 14

by Marian L. Jasper

  “Oh, Patrick, that won’t be necessary. I’ve already made plans to return to Benson at the end of next week, but we can talk about all that later. Thank you for coming back, I do love you, my Patrick. Go on up to our room and I’ll organise some hot water for you and join you shortly,” said Liza.

  He had expected some annoyance followed by a warm welcome, what he hadn’t expected was Liza waiting for him to arrive. He knew that they had a very real closeness but had not realised that not only could they talk with their eyes but they could also talk without being together. Love is something very strange, he thought. He bounded up the stairs to their room and breathed a sigh of relief to be somewhere where there had been a great deal of love between them. A footman was walking in with hot water, followed by Bridget also with water and she had the courage to say that she was pleased to see him there. Liza had also organised that his trunk be brought up and Bridget offered to unpack it, but Patrick told her that he was sure that they could deal with it themselves; and if not, there was always tomorrow. She nodded and left.

  Liza was about to go upstairs and she saw Patrick’s hat on the hall stand, she picked it up and was going to take it upstairs, but changed her mind; she would leave it there in full view so that when Jamie arrived back he would know that Patrick was here as she had said he would be. Poor Jamie, he really must realise that she would never be his even if Patrick was not around, but now, she must look after her Patrick.

  She went down to the kitchen to see what she could organise for a tray to be taken up to their room. She saw cold beef, fresh bread and a little salad. The chef was a dream at making apple pie, so some of that was needed. As she felt that this was a celebration, champagne was what she wanted. They were going to have a picnic in their room and nobody was going to disturb them; they had a lot to talk about.

  As Liza was about to run up the stairs, the front door opened and Jamie arrived back from the recital. Liza turned and stared at him; he looked from her to the hall table and took in exactly what she was telling him without words. She was astounded by the pain that immediately showed in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she mouthed to him and he found it hard to accept the sympathy that she was showing to him.

  “I’ll make my arrangements to return to England tomorrow. Thank you for your hospitality,” he said. Liza’s eyes looked into his and for once he could understand what she was saying without words, and it was ‘you are my friend, please stay that way’, and there were tears in her eyes and they were all for him. She turned and walked up the stairs to her room and he thought that once again, all his hopes had been dashed.

  She walked into their room closely followed by Bridget with their special supper. Luckily Patrick was still in the bath in the wet room and Bridget smiled and left. Liza set out Patrick’s supper on the small breakfast table together with the champagne and glasses. Patrick came out with a towel wrapped around him and looked at what Liza had prepared for him. He had not kissed her since his arrival home but he could not resist it now and he took her in his arms and kissed her for such a long time that she thought that their lips would remain together forever.

  “How did you know I was on my way back to you?” he asked.

  “I heard you tell me. It may have been a dream but whatever it was, I knew with absolute certainty that you were going to be here today,” she answered.

  He was hungry; he hadn’t eaten since breakfast that morning, and the breakfast had not been very inspiring. He sat and ate with his towel still wrapped around him and then poured champagne into the two glasses.

  “To us, Liza,” he said as he raised his glass. “I’m so grateful that we are back together. I’ll never leave you again. That I promise.”

  “Let’s pretend that it never happened. I can do that if you can. You do look tired,” she said.

  “We do need to sort out what we are going to do. I know you said that you were going back to Benson, but I am quite prepared to stay here with you, or go back to Belfast if that is what you want. I would have to travel back to resign my commission, but after that we can do whatever you wish.”

  “You would really give up the army for me? I truly think that it is wonderful of you to think that way, but as I said, there is absolutely no need. I have just about sorted everything that I need to here and I have, for the past few years, dealt with whatever is needed by letter. I know that there are a few more business ventures now than when I was in Benson before, but they are all in excellent trustworthy hands, and every now and again I will either see someone who has travelled to Benson, or I shall make a trip back to New York for a few weeks. Anyone from Belfast will know when I shall be there and they can make their arrangements to travel there accordingly. The businesses that I have in Benson and Harris need me more than New York or Belfast do. I’m going back to Benson next week and I hope that you will be coming with me,” she smiled knowing that she didn’t need to ask him.

  “I still have my doubts that Benson will be enough for you, now that you have been in Belfast and New York for some time and I am quite willing to find some useful employment here if that would make you happy,” he said.

  “Patrick, I would never want you to give up your army career, it is all part of what you are and what attracted me to you in the first place. As far as Benson being enough for me; you know as well as I do that Benson has a habit of working me into the ground and also I don’t think you know how many interests I have there and they can keep me occupied more than you know. I also think that it would be better to bring up our sons there. Here and in Belfast they have too much for their own good, and much as I try to keep their feet on the ground, mixing as they do here is bound to make them expect and have too much. This is definitely not the best place for them to be in their most informative years,” said Liza.

  “In many ways, you are making a great deal of sense, but we can discuss it further tomorrow. I’m very tired and must get to bed,” said Patrick.

  He climbed naked into bed and she covered him and got herself ready and climbed in beside him. He looked as if he was already asleep, but he had fooled her and that night their final child was conceived, although they would not realise that for a while to come.


  Patrick was up early the next morning and he went straight in to see the boys. Liza was woken by the sound of the shrieks of pleasure coming from them at the sight of their daddy. They couldn’t wait to tell him that they had played cricket with their mother and followed what he had told them and she’d had to run around so much that they had to help her back into the house. They all laughed together conspiratorially.

  Liza was lying in bed comfortably stretching and not really wanting to get up, but Patrick came back and said that they had a great deal to sort out that day. She had no idea what he meant but it was about time she got herself ready for the day. She knew that Myra was calling around later that day and she had another appointment at the dressmakers to pick up the completed dress for the garden party. That was all she had planned apart from making sure that the boys had enough work to do for their lessons.

  Jamie had left the house early and informed the housekeeper that he would not be back until much later and that they were not to worry about meals for him.

  “Did you see him last night, Liza?” asked Patrick.

  “He came in just as you had gone upstairs and he saw your hat on the table. He said that he was going to make arrangements today to leave as soon as possible,” said Liza.

  “Once again he’s been thwarted in his ambitions and now I do feel very sorry for him. It would be best if he leaves now for his sake, it will only be worse for him if he stays any longer,” said Patrick.

  “Yes, you’re probably right. I’m going out soon to the dressmakers, but I’ll only be gone for around an hour, afterwards Myra’s coming around to finalise the numbers for our farewell garden party next week,” said Liza.

  “You are sure about what you really want to do with our life, aren’t you
Liza?” said Patrick.

  “Yes Patrick. I want us all to spend our lives in Benson and even if you ever get posted elsewhere, I want to be with you wherever that may be. I’m going to look forward to this next week, especially our garden party but I’m looking forward to leaving even more. I shall miss our friends, but we have lots of friends in Benson also, and I can always write to Myra and Henry and others. You just don’t know how happy I am that you are here,” said Liza.

  “Good. I have one or two things to do this morning; I’ll be back later,” said Patrick. “What time is our garden party starting next week?”

  She thought it was a strange question. “It’s a week on Friday and starting at one o’clock. People will be coming and going all afternoon. I hope the weather stays fine,” said Liza.

  Liza was back from the dressmakers within the hour and Bridget took the dress up to the bedroom to hang it up. The boys were in the sitting room with Liza when Myra arrived to finalise the arrangements. They were also going to check with the chef that he had everything in hand for the numbers that were coming. Myra was delighted to learn that Patrick was home.

  “You said he would be, didn’t you Liza. You have an uncanny knack of reading the future,” said Myra.

  “I do hope not; I don’t want to know what the future holds; I just want to live in the present and enjoy life as it is,” said Liza.

  Patrick arrived and he was grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve got something to ask you, Liza,” he said.

  Liza frowned and stood up to leave the room and go into the library with him.

  “I don’t care who hears. Sit down Liza,” he said as he led her back to her chair.

  She frowned and Myra and the boys looked puzzled, but something exciting looked as if it was going to happen.

  Patrick got down on one knee and said, “Will you marry me, Liza?”

  After a shocked silence, Liza finally said, “But Patrick, we are married,” then she added, “aren’t we?”

  “Yes but we are not in the eyes of our church. We’re both Catholics, Liza and we haven’t been able to marry in our own church. We’re married in the eyes of the law, but not in the eyes of our church and I thought perhaps you would like to be, so I have arranged a ceremony for the morning of next Friday and your garden party can be our reception.”

  “Oh, Patrick, that’s a wonderful thought, thank you and yes, I would love to marry you again,” said Liza. “I don’t think we are in a position to have a Nuptial Mass though, Patrick.”

  “Maybe not a Nuptial Mass but I have arranged that we will make our commitment to one another and repeat and renew our vows in front of a priest in the New York cathedral. I hope that it will be sufficient for you,” said Patrick.

  He was still on his knees and he drew a small box out of his pocket, opening it, he took out a ring and pulled Liza’s left hand towards him. On her wedding finger, he placed a gold band encrusted all around with small diamonds. “It’s what is called an eternity ring, Liza. We never had an engagement ring and your wedding ring is made from my mother’s only piece of gold jewellery, but I wanted to give you something that you could wear with your wedding ring and something new that I have chosen just for you.”

  “It’s beautiful Patrick, and so aptly named. I will wear it from now to eternity,” and they kissed to seal the arrangement.

  Myra was dabbing the odd tear away. “That’s going to make your party so much more important to you both, and we are all going to be so sad that you are once again leaving us. I’ll leave you alone for now and be back tomorrow to finish all the arrangements.”

  When she had left, Patrick told her that he had already gone to see Henry and asked him to stand up for him, in other words be his best man. “I’m sorry if you were thinking of asking him to give you away, but he really is the only person I know who could do this for me and I do like him very much, he seems a very genuine person.”

  “I have no problem with who is going to give me away,” she said looking at both Matthew and John. “My two boys will do that for me. One can be on each arm to walk me down the aisle. You’d like to do that, wouldn’t you boys?”

  They both replied ‘yes’ in unison, but Matthew said, “Does it mean that you and daddy aren’t really married yet.”

  “We are married, my darling. We are just going to renew our vows and make our promises to one another in a religion that we were both brought up in. It’s important for us to do this, but to make it easy for you to understand, it means that we will be married twice to each other, once in Benson and once here in New York and we’re both very happy about it.”

  “We’re going to have to practice our walk, John, so come on let’s go,” said Matthew as they ran out of the room and could be heard walking up and down the hallway.

  Liza was looking at her new eternity ring. “Do you know, Patrick, that we live together, love together, talk together, laugh together, play together and get on so very well together in all things, but with all our togetherness this is the first time that you have ever shown what could be classed as romance and you weren’t shy about it. You are a very surprising person and I’m really looking forward to our new wedding day. I enjoyed our last one so very much and I’m now going to have another one, not many people can say that.”

  “I do have one confession to make to you, Liza,” said Patrick. “I’m going to have to be a kept man until I get back to Benson and have my first pay as I have now used up every cent I have on you, but you are worth it.”

  She smiled at him and said, “Well, I have a confession for you. You haven’t used up every cent you have as I have invested some of the housekeeping money you gave me so you may not be rich, but you are not without.”

  “Liza, that was for you and the family to live on and I wanted you to have it,” he said not quite annoyed but somewhat frustrated.

  “I know but I only had to use part of it for us, you were more than generous with your allowance to us. What I did was to buy the blacksmiths with the money I had saved from your housekeeping. He wanted to retire so I bought it and rented it to the young man that he had been training. It’s in your name as it was money that you had given me and the rent goes into an account at the M & F Bank. Please don’t be annoyed at me, I did it because I love you and should anything happen to me I didn’t want you to be without anything. I haven’t told you until now as I thought you might feel that you were not looking after us properly, but as you have spent every cent you have saved over the years on me, not only on this beautiful ring, but also on coming all the way to bring me home and the fact that you have earned nothing for the past six or so months, then I felt you should know that I have tried to be fair to you with your own money.”

  Patrick put his head on one side and looked at her for a short while. “Liza, you put it so well and no, you haven’t made me feel that I have not looked after my family as well as I should have done. You have made me feel that I have done a good job and well provided for you, which in Benson was more than enough. Here and in Belfast, I would not have been able to afford you,” he laughed. “Let’s enjoy this next week or so and look forward to getting ‘married’ again next Friday. The boys are thrilled with their role in all that. I can still hear them practicing in the hall.”

  “I love you, Patrick, but I’m going to have to get to the dressmakers again as I don’t want to let you down on our second wedding day. How are we going to count our anniversaries? It could get complicated,” and Liza laughed on her way up to their bedroom to see what she had in the wardrobe and decide what she was going to ask the dressmaker to make quickly for her.

  At the end of the day Jamie returned, he came to find Liza who, at the time was showing the boys what would be expected of them the following week. “Can I have a word with you please?” She nodded and went down into the library with him.

  “I have heard what you are planning for next week, Liza, and I would ask if you are really happy with what you are doing,” he asked.

�My dear, Jamie, I really am so happy with how my life is turning out. I do truly understand how you are feeling at the moment and you know that I have never wished to hurt you in any way. I have always told you how I feel; I have never been dishonest with you. You know what I would ask of you, you knew that the other night, didn’t you?”

  “I don’t know how I knew it but you asked me to stay your friend. I will always be your friend, Liza, but you know that I would much rather be your husband and lover and because of that I have arranged to leave on the next sailing tomorrow. I would not want to be a witness to you once again marrying someone other than me. I’m going to pack now and I can stay on the ship tonight ready for its departure tomorrow,” said Jamie.

  “I wish you could join in our happiness but I understand why not. I shall miss you Jamie, you are a very good friend to me. Please keep in touch,” said Liza.

  “I will keep in touch, even if it is only to let you know how the farm is doing and also how the charity is coming along. Please say goodbye to Patrick for me and it’s hard but I must say goodbye to you now as you won’t see me after this. I’ll just leave when I am ready, but I do thank you for all your hospitality and if ever you need me please, please let me know. Goodbye Liza and you have my thoughts and love,” he said as he turned and left her standing in the middle of the room.


  The week was rushing by so quickly, but Liza’s dressmaker had turned up trumps and she had organised a beautiful cream day dress with matching long coat and the trimmings were apricot as were her gloves, shoes and hat. The gardener had cut matching cream and apricot flowers for her bouquet. She was planning that, at the reception, she would see the arrival of the few wedding guests, have a champagne toast, cut the cake and then change into her afternoon green outfit for the garden party. However, it was not to work out that way.


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