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Sheet Music

Page 7

by Tibby Armstrong

  “I knew you had a naughty streak,” he purred in her ear.

  Her back shuddered against the plane of his stomach, and his answering smile was one of pure wickedness. God, he needed this. Needed her after the emotions that had sawed through him over the past several hours.

  She looked at him in the mirror, her skin flushed and mouth opened in an oh of surprise that had him wondering what it would be like to have her kneeling before him on the plush carpet.

  “Hold up your skirt,” he said, doing his best to banish the memories that had ripped through him when he’d signed the autograph for that girl.

  Kyra’s hands fluttered up to her waist as she complied with his direction. He’d already unbuttoned her blouse and the lift of her arms had the material gaping nicely to reveal the matching bra. His palms pushed her already bountiful assets into a sin-inspiring display, but then dropped away as if he’d been burned. He had better stoke her fire before his raged out of control.

  With deliberate care, he slid his fingers underneath the elastic of Kyra’s panties, and she thrust her hips forward in a motion that begged him to move lower.

  He paused, vowing to make her go slowly even if it killed him. When he didn’t move, her eyes opened to meet his in the mirror. Shaking his head in silent rebuke, he held her gaze as he traced a slow path under the band to the dip of her derriere.

  Her expression was at once curious and begging.

  “Don’t move.”

  He waited until she understood his implicit command and moved her hips to their original position.

  “Good girl,” he growled lightly into her ear. She rolled her head to the side in response.

  Kissing a curl at her temple, he fisted her panties and gave a lightning tug. The motion forced the material up between her ass cheeks and into the cleft of her pussy. He drank in her resulting tiny cry of dismay.

  Her hands remained at her waist, and the glistening folds of her sex peeked around the nestled lingerie. Snaking his arm around her torso, he held her steady as he slid her satin panties back and forth along her clit. Kyra’s breath came through her nose in harsh puffs, as if she were afraid breathing through her mouth would test the control she understood he wanted her to exhibit.

  When, inevitably, her eyes began to flutter closed and her hips rocked forward again of their own volition, he gave a harsh tug that had her gasping with sensation. He wanted to see the passion in her eyes.

  “I want you to watch yourself. See how beautiful you are?” he coaxed.

  She nodded and licked the seam of her lips in an innocent temptation that made his cock press with greater urgency against the zipper of his jeans. David groaned aloud. The woman had no idea what she did to him.

  Or did she?

  He swatted the insidious question away as her head fell back to roll against his chest.

  Guiding her with him, he backed toward the chaise. Sitting, he left her standing and tugged her panties aside to dip a finger into her slick heat from behind.

  “Yes,” she whimpered, rocking against his hand.

  “Behave,” he warned, but she squirmed to seek him out.

  A playful slap made her bottom jump. He sought her passion-shaded gaze in the mirror, the bite of his zipper just painful enough to rein in his increasing lust. His voice was husky with need when he spoke. “Bend over. Grab your knees.”

  Kyra swallowed hard and her breath came in little panting gasps even before he touched her. He knew she thought he would spank her, and he smiled to himself. Not yet. She’d have to earn the punishment she craved.

  David rolled her panties down her hips with exquisite care, exposing first the peachy cleft of her bottom, then the dusky rose of her anus before revealing the swollen fullness of her pussy lips. He left the material nestled just below the crease of her ass, holding her thighs together in makeshift bondage.

  The chair put him at a perfect height for what he planned. Pulling her back one halting step, his hands on either side of her hips, David inhaled the musky sweetness of the beautiful woman before him and speared her cunt with his tongue.

  She cried out, her body shuddering against the unexpected manner of his assault, and her juices flooded his taste buds. Salty, musky, sweet. He laved her with forceful concentration, alternately flicking between each fold and piercing her with his strokes.

  Moisture trickled down her thigh and he chased after it, nipping the milky whiteness of her flesh. A series of ensuing love bites left tiny pink marks he soothed with darting licks.

  She was gasping for air and he hadn’t even touched her clit. He knew she was primed. Considering how fast she had gone over the first time he’d fucked her, there was no way she’d last if he so much as brushed a finger over the hood of her clitoris. Still, the tiny bud throbbing proudly in its nest at her apex tempted him.

  Focusing a stream of breath on her anus, he blew lightly, making her ass cheeks clench prettily as he trailed the stream downward over her pussy and onto her clit. When the puff of air hit its mark Kyra choked out a sob and her legs shuddered as her hips pistoned back. She was going to climax.

  David stood, ready for her reaction, and swept his arm underneath her waist to support her as he delivered a series of quick spanks to her bottom. The element of surprise at the sharp blows cut off her orgasm, but the bouncing of her ass underneath his hand was almost his undoing. He had to clench his teeth as he soothed the series of red marks on her heart-shaped bottom with small circular motions. The longer he made them both wait, the more mind-blowing the sensation would be when they finally came.

  If only he had a similar technique to use on himself, because with the taste of her on his tongue and the scent of her perfuming the air around him, it was going to take everything he had not to spill the second he entered her. If he could cool her down a degree or two, he prayed his own temperature would follow long enough for him not to embarrass himself.

  Kyra sobbed against the vibrations assailing her body. Her nipples were twin points of sensation, jostling against the fabric of her bra. Just when she thought he’d finished spanking her, another rain of blows landed on the back of her thighs and trailed up her ass. Each smack resounded from her clit straight up to her breasts.

  The womb-jarring sensation reminded her of David inside her, fucking her into oblivion, and she cried out, knowing he didn’t want her to come, but knowing she would despite—or possibly because of—the erotic spanking.

  Her legs gave out beneath her, the steel band of his arm the only thing preventing her from falling to the floor.

  Another series of smacks, and heated tightness coiled in her womb to blaze a trail down her swollen channel. The bundle of nerves at the epicenter of her universe jerked once, then seemed to fall in on itself in waves of sensation that reminded her of a collapsing star about to go supernova.

  “David,” she screamed as her orgasm spiraled out of her control and she lost awareness of time and space.

  Gradually, she realized he’d stopped spanking her, but the shuddering aftershocks continued to assault her for a minute or more. She couldn’t say. Time was irrelevant in the face of what had just happened to her body.

  “You are a firecracker,” he said, wonder and humor lacing his tone.

  With infinite care he pulled her upright and brought her with him onto the chair where he cuddled her into his lap. She shifted her position and he grunted as her hip brushed against the painfully apparent bulge behind the placket of his jeans.

  Settling her face into his neck, Kyra took in several deep breaths, enjoying his sandalwood-like scent and steadied her breathing.

  “You smell good,” she sighed and nuzzled his neck.

  When that small motion had his arm tightening around her with a reflexive jerk, she realized he was using every ounce of his self control to comfort her rather than fuck her brains out. At that thought, her clit throbbed in a staccato beat that had heat gushing once again from her core.

  Sitting back, she shrugged her shirt
off her shoulders. Undoing her bra with one hand, she slid it down her arms to join the shirt. David’s eyes darkened, his pupils swallowing up his irises with the swiftness of a summer storm.

  Standing, Kyra unzipped her skirt and pushed it from her hips before stepping out of it. Underwear and garter belt discarded, she turned from David, and, holding his eyes in the mirror, walked over to place her palms flat against its reflective surface.

  It was all the invitation he needed. Later she couldn’t have said how he’d stripped out of his clothing so quickly. All she remembered was that one moment he was on the chaise and the next he was behind her, the heated press of his erection nudging her ass as he lifted her hair from her nape and left a trail of sharp nips and kisses along her neck.

  Squirming, she explored the silky-smooth skin of his cock against the friction of her ass. His hands came around and palmed her breasts, twisting her nipples as she watched his expression in fascination. When he looked at her she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. He drank her in like a man living in a desert, and it made her desperate to slake his thirst.

  Kyra canted her hips back, wriggling her bottom seductively. In a fluid movement, he retrieved a foil packet he’d dropped on the floor and ripped it open. By the time he had rolled the condom on, she wanted him in her with a need that bordered on desperation.

  Kyra watched his expression in the mirror as David held his shaft and massaged the head of his cock along her swollen flesh before entering her with a smooth plunge of his hips. She gasped and held his stare as her body accustomed itself to his deft invasion.

  He fucked her like that, her watching him and him watching her, their eyes never leaving one another. His movements were languid. Sensual. He held her, massaged her nipples with tiny plucking motions, skimmed his fingers over her lips and let her suck them into her mouth. When his eyelids drooped in a heavy-lidded stare, he slid his hands to her hips and kissed her shoulder.

  The rocking fullness of his cock created an ache on retreat that only its sliding return assuaged. Her body sought him out as if he were a vital half of her existence. His hands were a brand on her hips, his harsh breath a reminder of the control he had been exhibiting on her behalf. The thought warmed her as much as his kisses. She wanted to give him more. She wanted to give him his release.

  “David,” she whispered, her look telling him she was ready to ride the storm. Her body clenched around him, pulling him in deeper.

  “Hold on.” His voice was hoarse, and a thrill ran from her core outward to her limbs at the knowledge of what would come next.

  The first full stroke rocked her hips forward and she moaned, watching in fascination as David tilted his head back and gave himself over to his lust. Lips pursing, nostrils flaring, eyes hooded and glazed, his thrusts took on a jackhammer motion that had her breasts singing with sensation as her walls clenched with need. Gasping, he adjusted his hold and increased the already impossible pace.

  She watched him through the flurry of motion and curtain-like fall of her hair as best she could, unable to tear her gaze away from his face. As he neared his climax, the line of his jaw tilted upward, his chin jutted and his mouth formed a grimace of exquisite pain-pleasure that had her awash in the throes of her own building orgasm even as he was yelling out his climax.

  His fingers clenched her hips as he rode her to his finish, the jerking of his cock sending her over the edge into a gentler but no less welcome oblivion.

  Moments, or maybe minutes, later their harsh breathing calmed. He placed a kiss between her shoulder blades and withdrew from her with a luscious slowness that had little thrills trailing down her spine.

  At the sensation Kyra laughed out a realization.

  “What’s so amusing?” David asked, bundling her to him.

  She smiled into the haven of his chest as she spoke. “You didn’t touch my clit once.”

  She felt the rumble of his laugh against her cheek.

  “I suppose I didn’t. Do you mind?”

  Grinning, she twisted her position to look up at his smiling face. The sparkle of mischief and happiness she saw warmed her to her toes.

  “You can make it up to me later.”

  A sharp swat landed on her backside and she jumped.


  “Brat. You deserved that,” he taunted.

  Sticking out her tongue, she danced out of his arms and retrieved her clothes. As she dressed, her heart was lighter than it had been in a long time. She was discovering that rather than being an untouchable god whose life story made for a prestigious byline, David Tallis was a complex, interesting human being with a heart.

  In light of all the conflicting promises she’d made, she couldn’t say, exactly, what she was going to do with that information. Still, she had a feeling it didn’t necessarily involve splashing his life story all over Volume 2, Issue 11 of Voice and Vibe.

  The best of writers wouldn’t have a prayer of committing all of his complexities to the page. Even if she treated his story with the utmost care, she knew the process that made him into a commodity would cheapen her experience of the man. With a dawning sense of wonder, she found some things could be better understood when held close to the heart, not examined in the harsh glare of a spotlight.

  Chapter Eight

  Kyra adored the Ritz hotel staff. No one so much as batted an eyelash when she and David dashed, laughing and dripping wet from the rain, through the opulent lobby to the elevator. Overflowing with giddy energy from their intimacy, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun. Or been so cold!

  “F-f-freezing!” She rubbed her arms as she and David shivered together outside the elevator doors. They had forgotten the red umbrella in the pub—probably to Jenny’s delight—and hadn’t bothered to run back for it.

  His answering smile sparkled with boyish charm, but his movements when he ushered her into the close confines of the elevator were all suave sophistication.

  Door shut and key fitted to the elevator lock, he slid his arms around her to share his warmth. Steam rolled from him in tropical waves. She snuggled closer and eyed the nub of his nipple straining the wet fabric of his sweater.

  “Hot blooded for a Brit, aren’t you?” Her voice came out as a throaty whisper, but the licking nip she gave him was playful.

  He answered with a growl and slid his hand down to cup her ass and draw her closer. The even greater heat of his erection pressed against her belly.

  “Careful, or I’ll press the emergency stop.”

  Kyra chortled and nipped again.

  The tightening of his hand told her he would have made good on his threat had the door not slid open. He pulled her inside, palming her buttocks, lifting her as he moved.

  His hand came up to cradle the nape of her neck, massaging lightly as he slanted his mouth across hers. She opened so he could drink more deeply of her and moaned when his tongue mingled with hers in a playful dance.

  “I want to taste you,” she whispered, and drew her hand down the soaking wet denim molded to his skin.

  His cock jumped against her palm and his mouth devoured hers with renewed vigor. Slipping her fingers inside the unbuttoned placket of his pants, she caressed the searing, silky flesh that jutted just under the waistband of his briefs.

  He broke their kiss with a gasp and moved his hips forward with an insistent jerk. His eyes were pools of dark blue. Cheeks flushed and mouth parted on a moan, he presented a picture of masculine beauty so intense it made her ache just to look at him. Part of her still couldn’t believe she was allowed to touch this man, kiss him, take him in her mouth.

  Holding his gaze, she delicately slid the zipper past the insistent jut of his cock. When she pushed his jeans and briefs past his hips, trapping him as he’d trapped her earlier, his moan was a guttural vibration that had her stomach clenching with desire.

  Backing him up a measure she pressed him against one of the marble pillars framing the foyer before lowering to her knees

  His hands tangled in her hair, and she cupped his balls with exquisite care, brushing her thumb along the raphe as she wrapped her other hand around his base. A focused stream of breath had pre-cum leaking in a jeweled drop from his slit and she darted out her tongue to swirl up the salty fluid.

  “Kyra,” he growled, clenching his hand in her hair.

  “Mmm,” she hummed, bringing him as far to the back of her throat as she dared.

  Two deep bobs had him pumping his hips in time to her movements, and she squeezed him gently to calm his lust before pressing her tongue up and along his shaft. Backing off the intensity, she traced the veined cartography of his flesh with deliberate strokes and waited until his breathing slowed a fraction.

  Having lulled him into a less hurried state, she surprised him with a quick undulating flick of her tongue along the nerve-rich ridge at the tip, and smiled when his other hand came down to frame her head.

  Finished toying with him, she took him in deep, sucking pulls timed with the stroke of her hand around his shaft. The swelling surge of his balls and frenzied thrust of his cock into her mouth told her he was ready moments before he came in hot, salty spurts across her tongue. When his knees shook she pulled back and laved him with soothing laps.

  Looking up, she luxuriated in the raw sensuality of his features. The recessed lighting highlighted his high cheekbones, the flush of color across them like a modernist brushstroke. As she stared up at him, his eyes fluttered open and he smiled. It was a languorous expression of trust and something else she was reluctant to identify, so unlike the self-satisfied Cheshire cat grin she’d come to expect.

  David’s hands stroked back her hair in a smooth caress. When she stood, his kiss was a delicate whisper that briefly deepened before he tucked himself away. Taking her hand, he led her upstairs where he drew them a bath in the oversized tub.

  “Have them send up some wine and whatever you want for dinner, will you?” he threw over his shoulder as he tested the water with his hand.


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