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The Alpha's Assassin

Page 4

by Rain Itika

  "How....where?" Lara muttered. Rubbing her eyes, as if it was all a dream.

  "Do not act as if you do not know what I am." Roland looked down at her, pissed that she still lies.

  "But the wolf... right there." Stuttering as if she could not breathe. Her chest rising up and down, the start of a panic attack. Her finger points at the space where he stood and begins to hyperventilate. Her breathing coming out shallow as she grasps at her chest.

  "I can't breathe."

  "Calm down. Take a deep breath." Roland finally realizing that this is not an act. She is really going into shock.

  He quickly bents down in front of her, grabbing her face in his hands, he forces her to look at him. Making eye contact seems to be working, but he can still hear her heartbeat working overtime. She keeps freaking out, her head trying to shake side to side in his tight grip. All senses leave Roland as the action following takes over.

  He lowers his head, kissing her softly, lips brushing lightly like a feather.

  She stills for a moment. Her breathing and heartrate slowly return back to normal, eyes starting to focus again.

  She looks him dead in the eye. "You are a fucking wolf."

  "I am a werewolf." Correcting her.

  Realizing he is so close to her, she tries to push him away. Her fingers meet his hard chest, slowly gliding up, the contact leaving sparks on her tips. She was transfixed by him and when he cleared his throat, she realized what she was doing. Again, she pushes him but he does not budge.

  "Get away from me."

  "Why? I like being so close to you." The end of his lip turns up, revealing the white off his teeth.

  Out of the blue, she punches him, right in the face, "I said move." Her response took him by surprise and he shifted back, leaving a small space between them. She tries again to get up, but he pushes her back down. His eyes have turned completely black now, looking down at her with anger and lust.

  "You are mine..." Lust engulfs him as he kisses her again, but this time with more hunger. She keeps her lips sealed, not allowing him access. His hand wanders down her body, brushing hard over her breast.

  She gasps with the sudden contact, giving him the access he wants to her mouth. She was still for a moment, but the more he kissed her, the deeper into the rabbit hole she went.

  Forgetting what she just saw, she let herself go. Something about his touch made her loose herself, wanting him closer than before. Unknown desire filled her and she craved more. She leaves the spot on his chest as she trails her hands up, finding them entangled in his hair and gripping hard. A low moan escapes her throat as his tongue brushes inside her mouth and her fingers, using his hair, pulls him closer while she intensifies the kiss. The only thought now was getting more, feeling like she would die if he stopped now.

  The hands that cradled her face left her, and she was about to protest the lack of touch, when his heat pressed into her stomach, lifting her shirt up. Her back left the tree as she granted access to him, making it easier to remove the shirt. He kept kissing her hard as his hands trailed up her stomach, stopping when it met the barrier of her bra. He growled lowly as he brushed over her, her hardened nipples tickling him. Cold air washed over her as the protective material of her bra disappeared. Her tips strained from the cold but was quickly replaced by his hot mouth. She let out a moan from his teasing and he took that as confirmation, sucking and pulling harder, feeling her squirm beneath him.

  His hand started to focus on her other breast, still clad in her bra. He puckered the nipple through the material, giving an extra sensation.

  He used the hand that was not busy playing with her breast and lowered it to her pants. Moving aside the material, his hand reaching in, brushing over her.

  "Wait..." she tried to say, but could not finish.

  He looked up into her eyes. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked while rubbing her lips through the panties, a trail of wet left behind.

  She just closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling.

  He stopped right before pulling her panties to the side and she moaned.

  "I said, do you want me to stop? Tell me, I want to hear you say it."

  The lust in his voice was clear, his reaction making her shudder with the pleasure it promised.

  "" she managed to say, right before he plunged a finger into her. The sensation made her scream again, but this time with pleasure.

  His finger went in and out, covering it in her juices. He could feel her getting tighter, about to come.

  He used his thumb, rubbing her clit, knowing she was close. He gently bit down on her nipple, which sent her over the top.

  Her scream burst out of her lungs, her nails digging into his back, drawing blood.

  She had never had an orgasm before, but this was amazing. It felt like every cell in her body had exploded, and all she could do was ride the wave of pleasure. She slowly returned back to earth and she opened her eyes just in time, seeing him lick her juice from his finger.

  "Mmmmm..." he smiled down at her.

  Just then, she noticed his eyes. They were still black, reminding her of what he really was.

  A monster.


  He could not believe he had just done that. On the ground, in the middle of the woods. Being so close to her, touching her, had made him lose control. His wolf had taken control and done what he had daydreamed about the last couple of days. He was even more shocked to learn that she did not know about wolves, either that or she is an outstanding actress. That does not explain her weird smell, meaning he had to get to the bottom of this before he got too deep.

  He just stared down at her, analyzing her, trying to figure her out.

  "Get the fuck off me." She said loud while pushing his chest away. As he was a bit distracted, he let her. All he could do was mindlessly watch as she got up and still being on his knees, he was able to really admire her. The orgasm she just had brought a subtle pink tint to her skin.

  He took a deep breath, the scent of nature all around with only a subtle change. Her scent was different, only slightly. The human part was still there, but something had changed. The smell of the wolf was stronger, which was not right. The woman in front of him is no wolf, yet she reeked of it.

  As she walked away, he got angry again. He jumped up, following her. He was right behind her when he grabbed her by the arm, he spun her back around to stare down at her.

  "Where do you think you are going?" He asked furiously, but a part of him was afraid she would run away from him again.

  "Away from you." She glared up at him, "I do not want anything to do with freaks like you."

  He tightened his hold on her arm, not pleased with her response, "Who said I am done with you?"

  "Look here, you dog..." her voice trailed off as he threw her into a tree, his hand snaking around her throat, pressing the air out of her.

  He came up to her face, rage, and teeth showing. "I do not like that word, next time you will be punished."

  For a moment, he could see the fear in her eyes, but in the next blink, it was gone, replaced with a neutral look.

  She just nodded her head, acknowledging his request.

  He stepped away as he let her go. She reached up to massage her neck and he turned his head away from her gaze, trying to hide to look of shame from the way he had responded to her words. So, all he did was push her in the direction of the house and followed behind her as she made her way back. His mind scampering around as they were walking back to the packhouse.

  Who is she? Who hired her? Why did she smell like that?

  Being the alpha meant he had to protect
his pack at all costs. How do you do that when you do not know the enemy? He knew he had to question her and soon as well.

  He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost bumped into her when she suddenly stopped.

  "Why did you stop? Afraid." He teased her.

  She peered over her shoulder at him, anger splayed across her face. "We are here. Now what?" He finally noticed the trees had ended, and the sun shining more brightly in the clearing.

  "You, lucky lady, will be a guest at the packhouse until I get all the answers to my questions."

  "Pfft, more like a prisoner." She rolled her eyes at him before looking back at the house perched in front of her.

  "You said it, not me." He gave a small smirk while watching her when a slight movement in the corner of his sight caught his attention.

  He could see Mark standing by the door, waiting for them, his awareness on a high level. Roland knew how Mark felt about this situation. He was especially not happy about him being alone with Lara in the woods. He pushed her again, showing her to keep walking, and she did.

  Take her back to the room, he mind linked his beta.

  When they got closer to the house, he could not help but admire her from the back. Her hips swayed seductively side to side, unbeknownst to her. And that ass, he could easily take a bite out of that.

  Mark left his spot and walked over to her. He struggled a few times to take ahold of her arm, Lara pulling it away but with a low growl from Roland, she complied. He held on to her, leading her away, when his emotions, all of a sudden, took hold over his logic.

  "Beta, rather take her to my room." He requested, "and chain her to the bed."

  Before she could register what he had said, Mark had her arms strapped behind her back, and she was kicking and fighting him.

  "Fuck you, you motherfucker...." her curses could be heard all around but slowly faded away as she was pushed into the house.

  That mouth needs to be washed out, and he will gladly help. This interrogation will be fun.



  She could not believe it. In all of her years traveling around the world, there was never a mention of them. They were merely stories, told to naughty children to make them behave. A scary story.

  Now she had come face to face with one. Now, she is a believer, how could she not be?

  The thing that bothered her the most was his touch. She had allowed him access to a part of her she had kept hidden for so long. Tucked away for her own safety. She was taught that anything sexual is bad, a sin.

  Something about him made her change. Being close to him made her weak and not to think straight. His touch alone set her body alight. She had to get out before things got out of hand and she regretted her actions.

  The problem was she was now in his room, chained to the bed. The man she was hired to kill, who is not really a man.

  She looked around, trying to distract herself from her current situation. The room is enormous, more significant than anything she has seen before. In the middle is the bed, the softest she has felt before. It had four posters, crafted with wood in tiny details. Her prison cell.

  As she sat bored on the bed, she inspected the chain and noticed that it was long. She took the time from his absence and got up to explore, allowing her to roam the room.

  His closet was the size of a small apartment. Rows upon rows were filled with clothes, and by the look of them, they were expensive. His belongings covered half of the space, the other area stood empty, meaning there is no lady in his life. She felt relieved at the revelation, a feeling she found strange. She turned around to leave the closet, knowing that the longer she stayed, the longer she would think about it.

  The bathroom was next and boy, o boy, was it fantastic. It was all white, from the walls to the towels. It made her afraid to even walk around. That is when she noticed her clothes. They were covered in mud. Maybe it was time for a shower, and it did look inviting. It was big enough to fit five people in with showerheads on the top and on the side. She knew it would feel like heaven.

  She grabbed a towel off the rack and hung it over to the door. Next, she removed her clothes, folding it nicely, and putting it on the floor. Turning on the water, she waited for it to get hot, taking the time to investigate the rest of the room.

  The tub was next to the shower, bigger than the first with jets all around.

  Lara let out a sight, daydreaming about how good it would feel to relax in there.

  When the water was warm enough, she steps inside, letting it run down her hair and body, easing the pain in her muscles from all the running. She spent almost twenty minutes inside, washing every nook and cranny of her body. Trying to scrub away the memory of the man and how he had affected her body.

  Suddenly a whistle sounded behind her, bringing her back to reality.

  "What have we got here?" His voice had a hint of lust, making her shiver.

  She kept her back to him, peeking over her shoulder. "I'm busy here, get out!" She demanded.

  "I like the view from here." He gave a little wink.

  "Leave now, or I will make you."

  "Well then, come on out and show me."

  Lara had not thought her threat thru. If she was to leave, he would see her naked, and that was not an option.

  He could see what she was thinking about. His mind already picturing her in front of him, naked and wet. "You already saw me naked, I think it is my turn now." He joked with her.

  She tensed up. Thinking back to the woods. He had stood in front of her naked. She had been so focused on the wolf part that she did not even have a good look at him.

  "Why? So you can play with your dinner before tearing me to pieces."

  He walked closer to the shower, stopping right before the door. Lara pressed herself into the wall. Not afraid that he will see her, but more of her reaction to when he does.

  "I won't hurt you, but I do love eating." He looked her up and down, focusing mostly on her ass, before smiling and walking away.

  Lara was able to relax a little after he left, but the tension returned to her shoulders. His words had affected her. It had sounded like a promise, and she did not know if she wanted it to be true or not.

  She got out of the shower and dried herself off. She felt much better and was glad the chain had reached this far. That is how he caught her at her weakest. She could not close the door all the way, and he did not make any noise coming in.

  She walked into the bedroom, a towel wrapped around her tight.

  She saw him sitting on the bed, his shirt was removed, and his upper body open to her gaze. And look, she did. His skin was golden brown, not a hair insight and muscles most men could only dream of. She wondered if it was a wolf thing or if he just exercised a lot.

  "See something you like?" He smirked at her.

  She quickly looked away, turning red. She was feeling like a teenager again.

  "Nope, just thinking about how to teach you to fetch."

  His eyes flashed black for a mere second, and then he was smiling again, "You are thinking of tame animals. I am a predator, not afraid to take what I want."

  He stared straight into her eyes, and she stared back. She will not back down from his intimidations. Minutes past before he looked away. Now was not the time to show her who he really is.

  Lara was relieved that he had faltered first. She was about to and did not want to show weakness.

  "You can sleep in my clothes. I will organize some for tomorrow." He said while walking into the closet. He reemerged with a blue T-shirt and black pants.

  She took the cloth
es and dashed back into the bathroom to change. They were too big for her, but it would have to do. When she came back out, he was gazing from under the covers.

  He patted the area next to him, "You can sleep here."

  She gave a snort, "No thanks, I will rather sleep on the floor."

  "Fine with me. Go right ahead."

  She went to bed, grabbed the pillow and dropped it on the floor, and sunk down. The floor was hard, but the carpet made it a little bearable. She knew this was going to be the worst sleep of her life, but she would rather sleep here than lay next to him.

  As if he could read her mind, "Sleep tight, because tomorrow I want answers."

  She dozed off, her mind wandering to what tomorrow will bring.


  The man looked up at her, his eyes pleading. He was bound to the chair, and his mouth restrained by tape. All he could do was beg with his eyes, his tears running freely down his cheek.

  Lara stood in front of him, and even if he was sitting, she was still shorter than him by a few inches.

  "Lesson number one, do not hesitate. They will try to beg and bargain for their lives. Ignore it. They are your targets for a reason." She looked up at the man who was currently speaking. He was standing there emotionless as his gaze shifted between hers and the bound man. His features were sharp, and his hair cut almost to the skin. He looked like the scarecrow from some book her mother used to read her, all skinny and bones sticking out.

  His eyes finally landed on her. He looked serious with his hand outstretched, nestled in his palm, was a gun.

  Her gaze shifted back to the man sitting in front of her. He started to rattle around in the chair when he noticed the gun, his fate being made clear.

  "Take it." The man pushed the gun into her little hands. It was too heavy and big, forcing her to use both her hands to hold it up. He gave a slight nod, and she took action.

  She lifted her arms and aimed the barrel at the man's head. Her finger hovered over the trigger when their gaze met.


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