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The Alpha's Assassin

Page 8

by Rain Itika

Even though they were in the middle of the woods, with nature all around, he could easily separate the scents. Hers was a clean and welcoming scent. Of the grass, the moss, the dirt.

  That of a pure wolf, and no longer mixed with a human.

  He finally knew she was definitely a wolf and that she had lied to him.


  She had been crying for hours. The feeling of innocence lost. She was a child no more. Her actions had finally made her one of the wrong people. She knew from that moment that life would never be the same again. She had eventually killed someone, a person.

  She was in the dorm room, and luckily no one else was there to see the tears; otherwise, they would have mocked her, well more than they already did.

  "She is such a baby."

  "You want your mommy."

  "You should also have died with your parents."

  Those words rang in her ears. She was not the youngest student here but was still small, and it made the other kids bully her.

  She pulled the blanket tighter to her body, trying to forget everything. She stayed like that when finally she heard steps coming into the room. She quickly covered her face, afraid whoever it was will see her. The bed suddenly dipped with someone sitting down next to her. They placed a hand on her head, rubbing lightly.

  "Are you okay?"

  She knew the voice, so she peeked out. Next to her was her godfather, Bill. He was an older gentleman with gray hair and a sweet smile. He had looked after her since the accident and had helped her adjust to the new life. He was her light in the dark.

  "Yes," she whispered.

  "Do not lie to me, girl." He replied, a slight smile spread on his face. She was always amazed by how he knew she felt like he could read her mind.

  "No" was all that escaped her lips before she started crying again. Bill pulled her in for a hug, just holding her and letting her get it out of her system. He was heartbroken. She was his daughter, even though not by blood, but by a more profound meaning. He had tried everything to keep her alive when others wanted her dead.

  She stopped crying, so he pulled her away and looked at her. As he wiped the remaining tears from her cheek, he asked: "Are you ready to tell me, child?"

  She sniffled her nose, "I do not want to do this anymore. Mamma had told me to love everyone, but the man is making me hurt them."

  He remained silent, thinking about what to tell her. He knew it was a hard life, but it was the only way for her to stay alive, so he did what he does best, lie.

  "I know it is hard, but it will get better. You want to hear a secret?"

  Her eyes brightened slightly with the question. Like every other kid in the world, she too loved to be naughty, and a secret was the best way to do it.

  "You see, Lara, they might ask you to do bad things, but you are doing it for the right reasons. All the people you hurt has done terrible things to other little girls just like you. Do you not want to help them?"

  His heart broke into small little pieces. He knew the truth, but this was all he could do to protect her; from the others and herself.

  "Yes, I want to. Papa said we should always help other people." She nodded her head.

  He smiled down at her, "Good. Just keep remembering that." He stood up, rightening his suit. "Then let us get you back to practice."

  She will remember that lie, tricking herself into believing it for the rest of her life.


  The room was cold, and it made her shiver. She knew she was not in Roland's place even before she opened her eyes. She was correct.

  The room was dark and smelled like mold. There was a small window close to the ceiling, too far for her to reach. A bright light shone through, telling her it was day time.

  Lara got up, the chains rattling against the bare floor. They had chained her up again, the one thing she told herself they would not do to her. As she explored, her eyes adjusted to the dark, making it easier to take in her surroundings. In front of her were bars, the rest walls, looking like some kind of prison. Against the one side is a metal bed with the thinnest mattress she has ever seen. Next to it, a toilet, right in the open. They were overreacting; she had only tried to escape.

  Thinking about that made her realize she was still alive. She had another attack but no medicine. Maybe she was dead, and this was her hell. A hell she deserved.

  "Let me out of here." She screamed, banging on the bars to make as much noise as possible.

  She heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and she silently waited to see who it will be. From the shadows, he emerged with an angry look on his face. Roland stopped right in front of her, hate clear in his eyes.

  "Look who decided to wake up." He spat out.

  "How long was I asleep for." She asked.

  "Two days."

  Shocked crossed her face. It had felt like mere minutes, and she was that tired. "Why am I in here?"

  His eyes glazed black for a mere second before returning to normal. "You still going to keep up with that lie? I can smell you, hell everyone in the house can smell you."

  She looked up at him, confused, not replying.

  "Do not try to use your innocence on me. You are a wolf."

  "I do not know what you are talking about.”

  He slammed the bars with his fists, reaching his boiling point, "I believed you. You used me to get closer to my pack, only to turn around and betray us."

  The stare he gave could kill, but still, she was confused. "Please explain, because I do not know what the hell is going on."

  He closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. He needed to calm down before he did something he would regret later. He looked back at Lara, her beauty still taking his breath away, even if she was a liar.

  "The attack you had was not because of an illness, but rather withdrawal. Rogues use witches' blood to hide themselves from other packs. It is frowned upon our community, and if caught, will be sentenced to death."

  She took in all of the information, but still, she was lost."I can assure you I am no wolf, and I sure as hell do not know any witches."

  "Stop fucking lying. I told you before, I did not smell any illnesses, but I do smell a wolf."

  Now she was also getting angry, "And I am telling you I am not a wolf."

  "We will see. Tomorrow is a full moon, and all werewolves are forced to shift. Then you will not be able to deny it. And once you shift, I will kill you myself. Mate or not." Was all he said before walking away.

  She grabbed the bars, desperation in her voice, "Please just let me out of here. I am not a wolf." Her voice followed him until he left, and she was alone once more.

  She was all alone again until nighttime,e when they delivered her dinner.

  A laugh filled the air, making her glance up at the source. She was sitting on the bed, trying to find a way out of this situation.

  "Well, well, well. Do you not just love when you are proved right." The remark was filled with hatred and his look even more.

  "Go away, Mark." She was tired and had no time for snarkiness.

  A bowl was thrown in front of her, the content spilling over the side. It looked like porridge, but it smelled like garbage.

  "Eat up. This food will be your last meal before we kill you. Did I not warn you what would happen?" He kept pushing her until she went over the edge. She picked up the bowl and threw it at him. The bars stopped it from hitting his face, but not the content. He was left standing covered in the white goo, surprise on his face.

  "And I said leave me alone." She turned around to lay down, turning her back to him.

p; He slammed against the bars, trying to get her attention. "Have it your way, but tomorrow night you die."

  She listened as he walked away, her hope disappearing with him. This whole situation was messed up. She should supposedly be a wolf, but she does not feel any different. The only strange thing was the illness. The doctors at the school had told her it was deadly, but here she was, alive and well: for now.

  Her eyes began to flutter closed, making her drift off, the last thing on her mind before she was gone, was maybe that they were right. Perhaps she was something else


  She awoke the next day with hunger, but not for food. The feeling was strange and new. It started at her toes before moving slowly up. At first, she thought it was just her legs falling asleep, but then it kept moving up. It crept faster up to her thighs, getting stronger as it went. It was a warm feeling, almost pleasant, which was a contrast to the cold cell she was currently in.

  It finally reached its peak when she felt it at her core. It made her tingle, wetting her underwear. The feeling was like nothing she had ever experienced, and it just got stronger and stronger.

  It felt good but also like there was something missing. She moved around, trying to ease it, pressing her legs together tight. Nothing worked, so she put her hand down her pants. This was the first time she was touching herself, so she did not know what to do, but the second her fingers made contact with her lips, her world exploded. The feeling got more intense, soaking her fingers just from the contact, so she pressed harder. She rubbed up and down, harder and deeper until the feeling of pleasure intensified. She could feel an orgasm coming, the same as when Roland had touched her, but when it got to that stage, nothing happened. She was still riding high, but no explosion.

  It made her desperate. It felt like she had to reach it like she would die if she did not. So she pressed harder, moving her finger faster. She climbed the wave again, but right before she felt like she would burst, nothing. By now, her fingers were dripping wet and her arousal to the max. She knew something was not right.

  She started again, but right before she could finish, she heard steps in the corridor and then the stairs. Someone was coming, so she removed her hand, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, but her arousal was still growing.

  The footsteps stopped right outside the bars, closer to where she lay. She could hear the person breathing, not saying anything.

  She was tempted to start again but embarrassed to do it in front of the uninvited guest.

  "What are you doing?" She looked up and saw Roland looking at her. His eyes were black as he looked down at her with hunger.

  "Nothing. Just go away." She silently begged he would leave her as the feeling got stronger.

  "I can smell you from upstairs."

  "Please.." she begged, not knowing if she wanted him to leave or help her.

  All of a sudden stronger heat engulfed her, making her squirm. It moved up over her stomach, reaching her breast. Her nipples hardened. It made her body physically heat up and sweat started dripping on her forehead.

  "Go.." she whispered right before she reached down again. Her mind was blank; the only thing she needed was release. Her body was begging for it.

  The cell door opened and Roland stepped in. She was rubbing again, ignoring him. Just when she was about to reach the high, her hand was ripped away.

  "Stop doing that. What is wrong with you?"

  "I need this.." she looked at him with pleading eyes. He touched her face, brushing away the sweat.

  "You are heating up. Are you feeling alright?"

  "No..." was all she managed to say before everything went dark.

  The heat felt worse when she woke up again. She reached down but couldn't. She opened her eyes and saw that she was tied down to a bed, eyes watching her.

  "What is wrong with her?" A male voice spoke.

  "It is the heat. But I do not understand, this only happens when a wolf reaches puberty, to ensure the person will have sexual contact to unleash the wolf." A woman's voice spoke.

  Lara was not listening as the heat got more intense. She wiggled around, trying to get any type of release, but it was futile. "Please..." she begged again.

  Hands touched her face, the contact from them cooling her a bit. "We are trying."

  Someone grabbed her face, forcing her to look at them. "Tell me, darling. When was the last time you had sex?"

  She looked into the person's eyes, getting lost in the green orbs. Roland shook her again, trying to get her attention, "Stay with me. When was the last time you had sex?"

  She was confused. Why would they ask that? They had to know that it was bad. It was forbidden and would get beaten if you were ever caught.

  "It's forbidden." Was all she managed to say when another heatwave struck. It made her scream and fought the restrains.

  "That is impossible. Is she saying she has never had sex?" Roland looked at Mary confused.

  She kept quiet for a second, thinking. "That would explain the heat. It has built up over the years and now with the magic out of her system, it is coming back, all at once."

  "So what do we do?" Roland pleaded. He could feel the pain radiating off of his mate.

  "The only thing you can do. Mate with her." Mary replied.

  "No, I can't. She will never agree to it." He looked torn, wanting to help her.

  "Either that or she dies. It will get to a point where her body cannot take it anymore, forcing her heart to stop."

  "But.." Mary took his face in her hands. "I understand how you are feeling, but do you really want to let your mate die. You may not have marked her yet, but the loss will still be heartbroken. Even if she tricked you, she deserves to live."

  Roland looked down at Lara. Her pain visible, her eyes pleading. He made her look at her, "Baby, I can help you, but I am going to have to do something."

  "Please." Was all she managed.

  The second the chains were removed, she tried to touch herself again, to ease the pain.

  "No." Roland said, grabbing both hands, holding them in his.

  She felt her body getting picked up. The movement was sparking a new wave of heat. All she managed was a moan.

  Roland walked out of the room, Lara cradled in his arms. He went to his room, placing her down carefully onto the bed. The second he let her go, so tried again to touch herself, but her arms were lifted above her head, pushed into the mattress.

  "I can stop the pain. The only way to do it is to have sex. Do you understand?"

  She looked up at him, knowing what he was asking. Right now, she did not care what she believed in, all she wanted was for this to stop.

  "Yes, do it."


  The bed felt soft beneath her, easing her pain slightly. She stared up at Roland while trying to fight the heat off. Luckily, everywhere he touched, a trail of coolness followed.

  "Are you sure you want to do it?" He asked, concern edged in his voice.

  "Just do it." She demanded.

  Without another word, Roland pressed his lip on hers, the contact easing the pain a bit, but unleashing another feeling. The one of need. She needed him to do this. She craved to experience this. So she repeated his actions. She opened her mouth, allowing him access to what he sought. They were fighting, only using their tongues as a means.

  She became eager, so she ripped her hands out of his grip and locked her fingers in his hair. She pulled and pushed, pressing him deeper into her. The contact helped ease the pain but also unleashed a hunger in her.

  His hands roamed down her body, setting her alight. Her re
sponse pushed him over the edge, and he could not hold back. He ripped off her clothes, her underwear following suit. His mouth followed his hands as he molded and sucked everything. The pleasure was building in her but still no release. She needed more and was going to get it.

  Lara got impatient and tried to get him to undress, but he pushed her hands away. "Not yet, love."

  His mouth traveled down her stomach, kissing her bare skin. She felt him getting closer to her core, the thought of what he was going to do excited her. She felt his breath on her and a moan escaped her.

  "You smell so sweet." He said and before she could respond, he began to lick. Up and down, slow at first so she could get used to it and not long before she wiggled around, trying to get him to go harder. He obliged, sucking on her clit. As he was biting gently, his finger separated her lips, pushing one finger in gently. She let out a scream, the pressure getting higher.

  "So tight.." he whispered against her pussy. He pushed another finger in, pumping slowly while he licked her. Her moans encouraged him, letting him know what she likes.

  The pleasure was intense, but still, she could not get the release she wanted. She grabbed his hair, pulling him up. "Now.." she begged. He could hear the desperation in her voice and he gladly gave in. His clothes disappeared in mere seconds, and he covered her body with his own. Sparkes burst from where their naked skin touched, making her desperate.

  She reached down to grab him, curious as to what it would feel like, but he stopped her by grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head. "If you touch me now, I will be finished too soon."

  He position himself at her entrance, rubbing up and down to get her used to him. In turn, she raised her hips, granting him access. He slowly pushed in, his size invading her. She let out a sharp cry, confirming that she was a virgin. He stilled for a moment, afraid that he might have hurt her. Not long after, Lara pressed her hips up into him again, signaling she was right, so he continued pushing. It felt amazing and he was trying hard not to go too fast.

  He pulled out entirely before pushing in again. Her moans filled his ears and he lost it. He moved faster and deeper as Lara grabbed onto his back, her fingers digging into him. Roland did not feel the pain, only pleasure, and excitement. He was finally mating with his mate and they were becoming one.


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