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The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1)

Page 11

by Ivy Clyde

  “Sit down,” I said, gesturing toward the chair by the desktop.

  He obeyed and sat down while I stayed standing. “You checked over the files?” I asked.

  “Yes, Master Sokolov,” he said, looking toward the screen. “There is a lot of information scattered around these files but none of it is helpful. It would take someone ages to find anything useful. So, I am arranging them in a way that would make accessing information a piece of cake.”

  Taking a deep breath, he pointed at a spreadsheet on the screen. “I’ve been correlating information from both online accounts as well as the files you gave me. There are minor inconsistencies in some of them but I have to do a thorough perusal before reporting them to you. I also want to do a statistical analysis to see—”

  Danny’s sudden pause had me glancing back at him. “Why did you stop?”

  His cheeks turned pink as he avoided looking at me. “Was I talking too fast just now? You probably didn’t want to hear all that stuff and I—”

  “It’s fine.”

  “It is?”

  “It’s good to know I wasn’t wrong about you,” I said, giving him a smile. “You know what you’re doing.”

  A look of pure relief spread through his face.

  “Do I make you nervous?” I asked.

  Just as I expected, his pink tongue flicked out to wet his lips. “A little, Master Sokolov,” he said, lowering his head like he was confessing to it.

  I wanted to pull him to me and kiss those naturally red lips but controlled myself. He was already scared of me and being too forceful would only worsen his present state of mind.

  I had to drive away his fear of Boris first. Alexei wanted me to shelter him like River but Danny wasn’t the same as him. Danny was stronger and a diamond I could polish so sharply, his charisma would make men cower before him.

  “Can you tell me of a man who can replace Boris?” I said. “Someone who always turns a profit, someone who knows the prostitution and nightclub business and someone loyal to me and my father.”

  “Replace Boris?” he asked, staring up at me with wide eyes.

  “That’s right,” I said. “I want to replace him. In fact, I’m getting rid of him this very evening.”

  “Master’re going to-to-kill him?” he stammered, swallowing hard.

  “Call me Victor.”


  “Call me by my name when we’re alone,” I said.

  “Victor,” he said. It was strange to hear my name from those luscious lips. Maybe it was because only four people called me by my name but it felt kind of nice coming from him. A funny warmth spread through my chest.

  “I could think of a few names,” said Danny. “But I’d need time to make sure I give you the perfect guy.”

  “Tell me who you think it should be.”

  “How about Steven McLaughlin?” he said, his expression clearing. “He is from Bronx too, always turns a profit from the businesses he manages, even worked at a brothel when he was younger.”

  Danny was back in his element. I liked how he lost his nervousness when he spoke of his work.

  “He’s much more popular than Boris and loyal to both you and your father,” he added.

  I scoffed. “Anyone could be more popular than that bastard. It’s hardly something to boast of.” Nodding my head, I added, “All right. I’ll give him a chance to prove himself.”

  “If you give me an hour, I can give you more info about the guy.”

  “No, I need you for something else tonight. Get up!” I said, my tone turning commanding.

  “Right, Master Soko—I mean, Victor. Sorry,” he added with a nervous chuckle.

  I shook my head. “You’re not the one who should be apologizing tonight...”



  Victor held out a pair of leather gloves. “Take them,” he commanded, watching me with an interested look in his steely-gray eyes.

  I obeyed, picking up the gloves from his palm, noticing him taking out another pair from inside his jacket. The pair in my hand seemed new while Victor’s seemed quite well-used and worn. My heart thumped in my chest as I went through the conversation we just had.

  He was planning to get rid of Boris. Knowing Victor Sokolov, this meant only one thing. Boris Pavlov was going to be dead before the night was over.

  My lungs seemed to stop working as I waited for him to speak. Part of me already knew he wanted me by his side when he killed Boris. Why else would he offer me a pair of gloves? Still, I held my breath, hoping it wasn’t what I was fearing.

  Things hadn’t been too bad since he put me in this apartment suite to look over the accounts and information related to the gang’s businesses. The job wasn’t too different from what I did at the department and for a moment, I’d allowed myself to feel safe.

  “Put them on,” said Victor in a low, deep voice. “They’ll be big for you but I want to see if you can still move your fingers in them.”

  Swallowing, I put on the gloves. They were definitely bigger but didn’t pose an obstacle to the movement of my fingers.

  Without another word, he grabbed my elbow and pulled me to my feet. His eyes gazed into mine intently as he pulled me against him. “Why do you look so scared, Danny?” he asked.

  I shook my head, knowing my expression was giving me away.

  “Pete kept you sheltered,” he said in a deep, brooding voice. “Alexei wants to do the same. He doesn’t want you seeing any of the filth of my world.”

  I jolted at the sound of that name. “He does?” I asked, feeling a sliver of relief and gratitude toward the man who’d saved me yesterday. Alexei still seemed to be watching over me.

  Victor frowned. “You think I’ll do as he says?” he asked. His fingers dug into my arm as he brought me against his hard chest.

  A sliver of heat shot through the haze of fear clouding inside me. This close, I could smell the spiciness of his cologne. It wrapped around me, keeping me locked in his embrace.

  “I’m not going to shelter you, Danny,” said Victor. “I want you by my side at all times.”

  “You have Alexei,” I said.

  He shook his head. “No,” he said. “He never stays during my punishments. My cousin is good at conducting business and negotiating deals but he wouldn’t touch a weapon or be witness to torture or death.” He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. It was a tender gesture, causing heat to bloom under my skin. “I’m going to be by your side, Danny. You don’t have to feel scared about anything.”

  The promise in his voice was both comforting and disturbing.

  “I won’t be scared, Victor.”

  A strange sensation passed through me as I said his name. Part of me felt an irrational terror at speaking his name so casually. He didn’t seem to mind though as he started walking toward the door, dragging me along with him.

  “I will protect you, Danny, but I won’t shelter you from the filth of my world. You’re part of the Sokolov gang now. There is no place for weakness here.”

  Opening the door, he moved toward the elevator.

  When the doors slid open, we walked inside. Victor still hadn’t loosened his hold on my arm.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “We’re going to take care of Boris Pavlov,” he said in a grim tone.

  We? Why did it sound like Victor was going to make it a group project? Fear lapped inside me as I realized there was a chance he was going to make me do the deed.

  “You saw what happens to men who steal from me,” he said. “Tonight, you’ll see what happens to a man who disobeys me and touches what’s mine.” Glancing down at me, he added, “I’m going to teach you how to murder a man. In the future, you’ll be my executioner.”

  It looked like Victor just promoted me from rat-catcher to rat-exterminator.

  The elevator doors slid open. Victor stepped out, taking me along with him.

  Reaching the security, Victor waited while one of the
men handed me a box. Opening it, I found my shoes inside it. I was about to ask them about my duffel bag but stopped myself. This wasn’t the time to be enquiring about something as mundane as my clothes and underwear.

  I put them on and followed Victor down the well-illuminated foyer.

  Stepping through the doors, I was greeted by the sight of Victor’s sleek, silver Mercedes waiting for us. He was prepared for this but I doubted I’ll ever be ready to participate in murder.

  I thought of Nolan and Ethan. Through all the training they put me through, they never mentioned anything about having to commit murder. Then again, no one could ever imagine I’d end up right beside Victor Sokolov.

  Taking a deep shuddering breath, I moved forward to open the backseat door for him. Next moment, he walked past me and slipped into the driver’s seat.

  I stared at him dumbly until he called out to me. “Get in, Danny.”

  Victor was chuckling softly as I got into the passenger seat in the front.

  “I don’t bring chauffeurs along for murder,” he said, starting the car. “Only my personal men know what’s about to happen. My father might know if Alexei’s tattled on me already but seeing Dad hasn’t called me yet, I am guessing he doesn’t mind me getting rid of Boris.”

  For a moment, he sounded like a young man who still cared about his father’s approval.



  “Why do you have to kill Boris?” I asked in a quiet voice. “You could simply kick him out of the gang and have someone else take his place.” The car was already speeding through the sparse traffic on the city streets.

  “He pissed me off,” said Victor. “He should’ve never touched you.”

  “I’m not worth murdering someone for,” I said.

  “I’ll be the one to decide your worth, Danny.”

  Glancing at me, he added, “You’re an unpolished gem at the moment but I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Boris wanted you too but he should have stayed away. Instead, he went to steal you from me. Punishments are necessary for disciplining men. If I let him go, someone else might feel bold enough to hurt you or River.” His gaze moved back to the road ahead.

  River? That was a name I hadn’t heard before but it had to be someone precious to Victor.

  Victor’s words were bringing up emotions that clashed with the fear flooding through me. Who wouldn’t want a man who would literally kill for you? Who wouldn’t be attracted to a man who said he’d protect you?

  Victor saw me as nothing but a possession, something to guard and protect from the hands of other men but his words still warmed my cold, clammy heart.

  Nolan had warned me about the bad shit I’d be doing undercover. I just never thought it’d stretch to committing murder. Would I still remain one of the good guys after tonight?

  I was here to destroy the Sokolov gang but it looked like I was the one who was going to be fucked before the operation was over.

  “Don’t think about Boris,” said Victor, clasping my hand in his. “I’ll be by your side through the whole thing.”

  Silence fell between us but he didn’t let go of my hand, silently comforting me.

  “Why me?” I whispered after a while. “Why would you choose to have someone as inexperienced and clueless as me by your side?”

  “You’re new blood, Danny,” said Victor. “You’re not tainted by the gang yet, you don’t owe favors to anyone. You don’t have friends or family. I can have your whole loyalty for me. You have no excuse or reason to choose someone else over me. Sometimes, a stranger can be safer than a friend, you know?”

  “Are you talking about Alexei?”

  “Alexei was groomed by my father to help me with the business,” said Victor in a low, grim tone. “He is older and learned everything before me. My cousin is a bloody genius when it comes to brokering deals and seeing them being carried out but he is also under my father’s command. He’s not completely mine.”

  Something struck me at this point. Victor either didn’t trust his father or disliked someone else having power over him. On his path to becoming the top boss of the Sokolov gang, Victor was looking to surround himself with those who would be loyal to him and only him.

  I filed away this bit of information in my mind to think about it later.

  Far ahead, I caught sight of the outline of massive cargo containers. It looked like we were approaching a port or dock.

  Victor easily distracted me by answering all my questions. However, as the car slowed down beside a two-storied building, I was reminded of the real reason he’d brought me along for the ride.

  I climbed out of the car and stared out at the warehouses surrounding us. Giant overhead lights lit up the vast, deserted area. I could taste the sea on the cold breeze that wafted all around us.

  Victor led me to the door of the building but hesitated before entering. Turning back to me, he placed his hands on my shoulders. “You might get scared with what’s waiting for you inside but you’ve got to pull yourself together. Do you understand?”

  I gave a nod.

  “You must follow my every order,” he continued. “I will teach you how to kill a man in the most satisfactory way.”

  “I understand, Victor.”

  “Good.” Bending down, he wrenched the shutter up and gestured for me to step through the gap.

  The interiors of the building were shrouded in darkness. A strange scent, mostly foul but with a tang of rust, wafted into my nose. Victor pulled the shutter down with a deafening sound and moved to stand beside me.

  Soft chuckles escaped him as I clenched my fists.

  “Are you guys playing some kind of joke?” he asked. “Turn on the lights.”

  A loud bang erupted somewhere in the dark. Next moment, the whole place was illuminated by several fixtures hanging from the ceiling.

  It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the bright light shining down on me.

  We were in a spacious room with gray concrete walls but the most notable feature was the number of metallic hooks dangling from the ceiling all around us. Combined with the smell I’d detected earlier, I realized we were in an abandoned slaughterhouse.

  My gaze took in the five men gathered in the corner. They were stationed beside a man who’d been hung upside down from one of the hooks.

  “Is he conscious?” asked Victor.

  “He’ll come around soon, boss,” said one of the men.

  Victor moved toward the hanging man and bent down on his knees. With a sudden move, he slapped the man’s face. The impact caused such a loud crack, I almost jumped backward.

  The man jerked, making the chains move along with his movements.

  My feet stepped forward, bringing me close to Victor who’d straightened up.

  For a moment, I didn’t recognize the man. Without those black shades, Boris’s face was almost unrecognizable. They’d also taken off his shirt, trousers, and shoes, leaving him in nothing but his boxers.

  Low groans escaped the man as he shifted once again.

  “Did you cause trouble with Craig and Jackson?” asked Victor, taking in the bruises on Boris’s face.

  “Why would I fuck with those retarded thugs of yours?” Boris spoke with difficulty but was still managing to piss off the people around him.

  “Those retarded thugs can make a bitch out of you,” said Victor in a soft voice. Bending down slightly, he grabbed a fistful of Boris’s hair and pulled hard. “You’re nothing but a bitch to me and them. So, don’t talk shit about my men unless you want this to be slower.”

  All my instincts as a cop were rising to the surface. I wanted to put a stop to this, tell Victor we should hand Boris over to the police. We could all walk away and let the law handle someone like Boris.

  A cold voice laughed at the back of my mind.

  Right now, Victor was the law. Boris would be punished in whatever manner Victor deemed fit for his crimes.

  Tearing my gaze away from the hanging man, I
looked toward Victor. His face was a mask of black hatred that froze my insides. Even if I begged on my knees, he would show no mercy to me or Boris.

  “Have you heard of the ‘Colombian Necktie’, Danny?” asked Victor in a tone that suggested we were back in the penthouse suite with a bottle of champagne between us.

  “It’s a kind of punishment doled out to those who snitched against drug dealers,” I said. During my time in the department, I’d come across a few homicide cases linked with drug cartels that used the torture method to kill their victims.

  “I’m surprised you know,” said Victor, smiling at me.

  Boris, on the other hand, struggled against the chains but ended up swinging like a bizarre pendulum before us.

  “They usually slit the victim’s throat and then pull out the tongue to dangle it through the gash,” said Victor, keeping his gaze on me. “We’re going to do something different tonight.”

  As if the prospect of slitting a man’s throat wasn’t enough, Victor seemed excited about making his own alterations.

  My mind went back to the things I’d learned from the documents the department supplied me a couple of months ago. While Ivan Sokolov liked clean deaths such as quick bullets to the head, his son preferred a more theatrical element to his murders.

  “Here’s what you’re going to do, Danny,” said Victor, injecting steel into his voice. “You’re going to cut off his cock, slit his throat, and then insert the cock into the gash.”

  I stared at Victor while Boris renewed his struggles and started cursing loudly. Boris’s punishment seemed to fit his crime. Victor would be taking away the cock with which he’d tried to rape me.

  Boris’s cries were the only reason Victor couldn’t hear the fierce pounding of my heart.

  Victor warned me about refusing his orders tonight, so I stayed quiet and silently begged him.

  “Think of what he was going to do to you,” said Victor as if he could perfectly read my mind.

  If Boris succeeded that night, my cover would have been blown, my body raped by all the men present at the scene and I’d be dead already.


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