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The Diversity Myth

Page 39

by David O Sacks

  !Kung culture, studying, 61–62

  Kuumba Dance Ensemble, 132

  Lalarza Prize for Excellence in Chicano Research, 73

  Lammi, Walter: IAC and, 65

  “Language and Gender” (Linguistics 154), 70

  Lantana House, 97

  Lawrence, Charles, 191n4

  on fighting words, 165, 166

  Leary, Timothy, 104–5, 107, 110

  Leftism, 127

  Leggon, Marie: on pluralism, 98

  Lennox, Elsie, 56

  Leo, John, 237

  Lerer, Seth, 64

  Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community Center (LGBCC), 101, 119n45, 149, 223

  Lesbianism, 88n56, 114

  teaching about, 65

  Lewis, Juliette, 51, 62

  Leyton, Stacey, 28

  multicultural relativism of, 29–30

  Third World communities and, 36

  transformation and, 37

  LGBCC. See Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community Center

  Liberals, multiculturalism and, 38


  freedom and, 107–8

  multicultural, 164

  Liberation theology, 99–107

  sexual conduct and, 109

  Lin, Jane: on sexual coercion, 123n94

  Lincoln, Abraham, 84

  “Linking the Past, Present and Future of Psychedelics” (conference), 104

  Linn, Nathan, 58, 87n36

  “Literature of War,” 64

  Locke, John, 84

  Lougee, Carolyn: on Western civilization, 21n34

  LSD trips, 104, 105

  Lum, Marni: on condom dispensers, 120n54

  Lyons, James: MEChA and, 184

  McBride, Thomas, 106

  McGee, W. J., 81

  McNair-Knox, Faye, 142

  Mabry, Marcus: multiculturalism and, 98–99

  Madrigal, Victor, 158n2

  Mahar, Cheleen, 61, 63

  Majoritarianism, 32–33

  Makinen, Julie: on grade inflation, 55

  Malloy, Kevin, 139

  Mancall, Mark: on Res Ed, 118–19n30

  Manley, John, 67–68, 83, 206

  Marine Corps, flyer by, 178–79

  Marotta, George: study by, 38

  Martin, Gerald, 121n61

  Martin, Naomi: on CUS, 13

  Martinez, Alejandro: on rape, 111

  Martinez, Julie: on boycott, 47n15

  Martin Luther King Papers Faculty Development and Mentoring Program, 74

  Marx, Karl, 4, 5, 20n20

  Master Tutor Program, 73

  Matsuda, Mari: “Women of Color” conference and, 80

  Matthies, Dennis, 99, 169–70, 192n11

  MEChA, 108, 132, 144–45, 156, 157, 158n13, 188, 223, 225, 226

  fee requests for, 227

  hunger strike by, 177

  unity and, 183, 184

  See also Chicano community

  Medieval culture, diversity of, 128–29

  Memorial Church

  alumni fundraising and, 121n61

  Bible studies and, 177

  homosexual marriage at, 99–101

  transformation of, 105, 106

  Menchu, Rigoberta, 6, 7, 12, 20n20

  campus talk by, 27, 28, 47n12

  Mendoza, Jerilyn, 109

  Menendez, Lyle and Erik, 231, 234

  Merit increases, xi

  Mickelson, Brady: on orientation, 131–32, 148

  Middlebrook, Diane: on Chace proposal, 14

  Military, discrimination by, 178

  Miller, Adrian, 94


  evaluating, 36, 134

  special identities for, 60, 135–36

  systematically discriminated, 72–73

  Minority-based services, demands for, 133

  Minority issues, 131

  Minority set-asides, 1

  Minority Student Outreach and Tutor Development Program, 73

  Minority studies, 73–74

  Mondale, Walter: support for, 37

  “Monocultural” standard, 28

  Morality, liberation from, 105

  Moran, Matthew, 108

  Morganbesser, Jill, 67

  Morrow, Willie L., 52

  Muhwekmataw-ruk, 132

  Multicultural community, forging, 130

  Multicultural Council (Stanford Law School), quota system and, 142

  Multicultural Curriculum Development Grant Program (SUNY, Binghamton), 47–48n19

  Multicultural Educator, qualifications for, 40

  Multicultural events, 186–91

  Multicultural identification

  individualism and, 155–56

  oppressors and, 175

  victimization and, 163–64

  Multiculturalism, 1, 208–9, 235

  as conformity, 40–45

  as cultural phenomenon, 117, 127

  cultural response to, 243–44

  defining, 23–31, 37

  as diversity, 25–28

  as ideology, 33–40

  institutionalization of, 25–27

  myth and, 237–38

  new thinking/structures of, 25

  political response to, 241–42

  problems with, 29–30, 202, 226, 230

  as relativism, 28–29

  rise of, ix–xi, xix, 17

  stopping, 228, 242

  targets of, 179–82

  value-free, 39–40


  male-female distinctions and, 102

  nonconforming victims and, 182–84

  oppressors and, 164–65

  on progress, 245

  racists and, 140–41

  sexual conduct and, 109

  values of, 35, 99

  victimage and, 191

  Multicultural workshops, xix

  Multiculture, 115, 117, 127–28, 130, 227

  antirationality of, 240

  as cultural phenomenon, 239–40

  feminists and, 151

  liberation from, 241, 247–48

  oppression and, 157

  victims of, 234

  Murray House, 97

  Myth, multiculturalism and, 185–86, 237–38

  Names Project, 120n61

  Nash, Christine, 95

  Nation, The: on Tawana Brawley hoax, 237

  National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, 233–34

  National standards, xi

  Native American Orientation Committee, 131

  Natural rights, 245–46

  Newman, Mike

  Anthro 1 and, 61–63

  politically correct answers by, 83, 156–57

  Newton, Fred, 215n3

  New World primitivism, Columbus and, xvii-xviii

  New York Times, The

  on Casper, 221

  faculty advertisement in, 250n23

  Ivy in, 165

  on victims, 232

  Nicaraguan Marxist Women's Defense Fund, 178

  Nietzsche, on nothingness/nothing, 187

  “Nietzsche and the Apaches,” 65

  Nihilism, multiculturalism and, 84–85

  “19th-Century American History,” 64

  1984 (Orwell), 173

  Noddings, Nel, 54–55, 180–81

  No Grapes (movie), booing, 156

  Nonconformists, 182–84

  vilification of, 206

  Office for Multicultural Development (OMD), 44–45, 130, 225

  budget of, 202

  Menchu talk and, 27, 47n12

  mission of, 23, 24–27, 33

  multiculturalism and, 27–28, 40, 47n18, 63

  Office for Naval Research (ONR), 200, 215n3

  Office of Public Affairs, dissolution of, 222

  Office of Residential Education, 108

  Office of Student Activities, LGBCC and, 119n45

  Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, LGBCC and, 101

  O'Hanlan, Kate: “domestic partners” policy and, 223

  OMD. See Office for Multicul
tural Development

  ONR. See Office for Naval Research

  Operations Council, multiculturalism and, 25


  female perspective on, 153

  multiculturalists and, 157, 164–65, 175, 185

  overcoming, 174

  Ortega, Daniel, 199

  Orthodoxy, enforcing, 164–69

  Orwell, George, 173

  Osgood, Elizabeth: herstory and, 153

  Otero House, incidents at, 138–40, 146, 149, 164, 165, 167, 169–74, 177, 184

  Oughourlian, Jean-Michel: on witch-hunts, 173–74

  Overseas centers, decrease in, 46n10

  Pacific Islanders, as discriminated minority, 72

  Paper Angels, 132

  Parades, America, 6

  Park, Andrea: editorial by, 31–32

  Parker, Sharon, 78, 202

  OMD and, 23

  transformation and, 37

  Paulson, Linda, 94

  Peace Studies, 59–60

  Pedroza, Octavio, 133, 158n13

  Peninsula Times Tribune, The: on financial scandal, 203

  People's Charter, A (Burns), 60

  “People's Platform,” 91n115

  Perloff, Marjorie: resignation of, 3

  Phi Delta Theta fraternity

  Ehrman and, 139

  protesting, 157, 164, 184

  Phillips, Steven, 139, 140

  Philosophy track, requirements for, 5–6

  Phrenology, science of, 81

  Physics Department Recruitment and Retention Program, 74

  Pisano, Joe: fraternity crackdown and, 107

  Pluralism, 40, 98, 106

  Polarization, racial/ethnic, xx

  Political correctness, xx

  speech code and, 168

  Political surveys, 37–38

  Political views, expressing, 249–50n23

  Politics, multicultural, 242

  “Politics of Desire: Representations of Gay and Lesbian Sexuality, The” (Comparative Literature 110), 65

  Pop culture, rise of, 64

  Porter, David, 142

  Porteus, Evan and Ann, 96, 99

  Posner, Richard: hexing, 177

  “Posttranssexual Manifesto, A” (Stone), 66

  Potter House, 97

  Powell, J. W., 81

  Prager, Dennis: on multiculturalism, 19n11

  Preuss, Ulrich, 77

  Prieta, Elvira, 144

  “Professional Responsibility and Academic Duty,” 212

  “Project Awareness,” consciousness-raising by, 93–94

  “Psychology of Gender, The” (Psychology 116), 80–81, 91n112

  Public relations, 207–8, 211

  “Public service” projects, 55

  Public Service Center, 105–6

  Puritanism, 99

  dating scene and, 109

  multiculturalism and, 116

  return of, 107–15

  “Queer Be-Ins,” 101

  Quotas, racial, 74, 142

  Rabois, Keith: condemnation of, 169–71, 173, 174, 175, 187


  institutional racism and, 138–45

  obsession with, 138

  preference, 155

  relations, 67

  Race consciousness, xix, 136

  artificial racial identities and, 145

  Race studies, 74

  multiculturalism and, 75

  Racial identities, 134–35, 148

  fake, 157

  perpetuating, 145

  Racial programming, 132

  Racism, xix, 13, 136–37, 143–44, 155, 175, 240, 250n23

  defining, 141

  finding, 140

  multiculturalism and, 140–41, 157

  reminder of, 137

  unconscious, 138

  Western civilization and, 18n5

  See also Institutional racism

  Raisan, John, 222

  “Rally Against Racism,” 44

  Ramsey-Perez, Michael, 103, 110


  coercion and, 112

  multicultural definition of, 111–12

  preventing, 113

  reeducation, 115

  statistics on, 110

  See also Date rape; Sexual assaults

  Rape crisis movement, 112–16

  Rape Education Project, 153

  fee requests for, 227

  pamphlet by, 113–14

  rape definition by, 112

  study by, 109, 111

  Reader's Digest, Biddle and, 202

  Reagan, Ronald, 37, 97

  Reagan Library, 178, 179, 187

  Real News, The, 136

  on racial identity, 134–35

  Real Terror Network, The (Chomsky), 76, 77

  Rebholz, Ronald, 93, 178

  Reges, Stuart, 153

  on homophobia, 146, 148

  Reider, Jonathan: on Western Culture protestors, 13

  Relativism, 28–30, 127

  cultural, 4, 19n11, 40


  homosexuality and, 100

  liberation from, 105

  multicultural, 105

  rejection of, 190

  “Religions in America” (Religious Studies 8), 64

  “Representing Sappho: the Literature of Lesbianism” (Comparative Literature 189), 65

  “Representing Sexuality: Whitman to AIDS,” 66

  Republic (Plato), 7

  “Republican Appreciation Day,” 176


  billing for, 205

  contracts/grants, 200–201

  indirect costs of, 200–201, 203

  Residential Education (Res Ed)

  CIV and, 224–25

  condom dispensing machines and, 103

  homosexuals and, 100

  multiculturalism and, 96–97, 99, 106, 194n38

  multicultural transformation and, 201


  as interdividual force, 157

  multicultural, 157, 169, 172–73, 179, 181, 190, 240

  Rhode, Deborah, 114

  on rape, 113

  Rice, Condoleezza, 251n54, 223–24

  on freedom of expression, 163

  Rich, Adrienne: on lesbianism, 114

  Ricks, Greg, 136, 137, 139, 180

  Robinson, Norm: on Conklin, 210

  Robinson, Paul: CIV and, 5

  Robinson House, 97, 154

  Roble Hall, 97

  guerrilla incident at, 93

  Rogers, Matt, 139

  Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation, 178

  Roosevelt, Franklin: welfare state and, 238

  Rosaldo, Renato, 18n6

  alumni and, 207

  CIV and, 7

  “Europe and the Americas” and, 6–7

  Western Culture debate and, 16–17

  Rosse, James, 4, 194n43

  Bennett address and, 179

  on bureaucracy, 201

  on Cox, 116

  Faculty Senate and, 21n42

  on indirect costs, 203

  ROTC program, 178

  Rouman, Terry: marriage of, 99–100

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 4, 5, 94, 95

  “RubberWare” parties, 103

  Ruebush, Ken, 100

  Rulfo, Juan, 6, 20n20

  Ryan, Ashley: on multiculturalism, 106

  “Safer Sex Shoppe,” 102–3

  Said, Edward, 77

  Sanchez, Gloria, 156

  San Francisco Chronicle, The, 68, 137

  Curran in, 31

  San Francisco Examiner, The: on date rape, 109

  San Jose Mercury News, The, 116, 197

  on financial scandal, 205

  Santa Clara County Superior Court, speech code decision by, 168–69

  Scapegoating, 185–86, 188, 212, 213, 240

  multiculturalists and, 189–90

  SCCR. See Stanford Center for Chicano Research

  Schachter, Ross, 225

  Scher, Bret, 169

  Schmid, David, 64

  Schmidt, Herb, 105

  School of Humanities and Sciences, 26

  Schrader, Helen, 56–59

  Schwartz, James, 209–10

  Science magazine, 201

  Seaver, Paul, 14

  Sedgwick, Eve, 66

  Self-esteem, 55–56, 59, 114, 145

  Self-segregation, 143

  Sensitivity training workshops, 235

  Separatism, 144, 151

  Sex education, multicultural, 102–4

  “Sex in the ’90s,” 113

  Sexism, 13, 164, 175, 240

  combatting, 152

  conscious/unconscious, 152

  gender and, 151–55

  hunt for, 153–54

  multiculturalism and, 157

  victims of, 152

  Sexual assaults, 109–11

  preventing, 112–13

  See also Rape

  Sexual conduct policy, 112

  feminists and, 113

  Sexual preference, 145, 151, 155

  consciousness about, xix

  Shakespeare, William, 190, 231

  tempest over, 8–12

  Sheehan, James

  on CIV, 224

  CUE and, 224

  “Shorts Day,” 176

  Shultz, George: pelting, 177

  Sigma Chi fraternity, probation for, 108

  Silva, Eva, 144

  Simon, Mark: on financial scandal, 203

  Simonton, Anne, 98, 116

  Sloan, Jeff, 139

  Smith, Adam, 84

  Smith, Margo, 210

  Smith, Roechelle, 142

  Social life, limits on, 107–8

  “Social Movements of the 1960s in California” (History 61), 64

  Social Movements of the 1960s: Searching for Democracy (Hillier), 64

  Socolar, Milton, 215n3

  Socrates, 83, 246

  Solomon, Amy, 153

  Solzhenitzyn, Alexander, 26, 27

  Sowell, Thomas, 134, 160n50

  Spears, Jay, 121n61

  Speech code, 164–69, 206, 227

  adopting, 165, 168

  problems with, 166–68, 169

  violation of, 170

  Spicer, William, 201

  “Spring Break Bingo,” 56

  Staff Affairs Office, multiculturalism and, 25

  Stanford, Leland: Kennedy and, 213–14

  Stanford American Indian Organization, 132, 158n13

  Stanford Band, suspending, 176

  Stanford Bookstore, 209–10, 211

  Stanford Center for Chicano Research (SCCR) Graduate and Undergraduate Mentor Program, 73

  Stanford Daily, The, 13, 46n10, 48n34, 54, 133

  on blacklist, 182–83

  on CIV, 224

  Curran and, 31

  on date rape, 110

  editorial in, 31–32

  on ethics course, 212

  on hiring clause, 74

  on homosexual marriage, 100

  Multicultural Editors at, 23

  on multiculturalism, 227

  poll by, 73

  on pop culture, 64

  Rabois incident and, 170, 171

  on race/gender studies, 74

  Stanford Dining Services, grapes and, 144–45

  Stanford Humanities Center, 76

  Stanford Law Review, 77, 91n104, 193n37

  Stanford Law School, 73, 132


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