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Ruth - Jehovah Shammah, (The Lord is There)

Page 3

by Don Hatfield

  Chapter 3

  1.Then Naomi her mother in law said unto her my daughter shall I not seek rest for thee that it may be well with thee?

  1a After all that had taken place I, Naomi finally came back to Jehovah again. I knew that I must do my duty that I had so neglected in teaching Ruth about Jehovah. I prayed and asked what I should do in regards to this and I immediately knew in my spirit what the answer was. I then began to seek for Ruth that which she deserved as a young woman.

  2. And now is not Boaz of our kindred with whose maidens thou was? Behold he winnoweth barley tonight in the threshing floor.

  2a I then began to speak to Ruth and I told her that Boaz who was our kindred would be fanning and separating the barley this night on his barn floor.

  3. Wash thyself therefore and anoint thee and put thy raiment upon thee and get down to the floor but make not thyself known unto the man until he shall have done eating and drinking

  3a Then I told Ruth to wash and anoint herself with the little perfume that we had left and to dress in the best clothes that we had left although they were just rags. Then I told her to go down to where Boaz was and linger outside until he had finished eating and drinking.

  4. And it shall be when he lies down that thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie and thou shall go in and uncover his feet and lay down and he will thee what thou shall do.

  4a I told Ruth to wait until he laid down and then go into and find the place where he laid and wait for him to take notice of her.

  5. And she said unto her, all that thou says unto me I will do.

  5a And I Naomi was astounded at her unquestioning obedience and her unwavering faith. And I was ashamed because her trust in me far outstripped my trust and faith in Jehovah- Raah, the Lord who is my Shepherd and guide.

  6. And she went down unto the floor and did according to all that her mother in law bade her.

  6a. And so I, Ruth went down to the threshing floor and there I waited and there I did as Naomi told me to do and there I prayed for El-Shaddai, the Everlasting God, to watch over me and protect me.

  7. And when Boaz had eaten and drunk and his was merry he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn and she came softly and uncovered his feet and laid down.

  7a. And I, Boaz was delighted with the bountiful harvest that Jehovah – Jireh, the Lord will provide, that He had blessed me with. I was also very tired and so after I had eaten and gave thanks I laid down to rest for the night for there was still much to do in the morning.

  8. And it came to pass at midnight that the man was afraid and turned himself and behold a woman lay at his feet.

  8a. Why I who was so tired awoke I do not know. I only know that around midnight I was startled by a movement and awoke. I looked around and there to me shock was a woman laying at my feet. I laid there for a long time not knowing what to do. I asked the Lord what I should do. It was as if He laughing said why not asked her who it is. Does it not amaze you sometimes how we can forget to do just the common sense things when confronted with a problem. You might say what are the common sense things. To me the first is to inquire of the Lord and then do what needs to be done next.

  9. And he said who art thou? And she answered I am Ruth thine handmaiden spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaiden for thou art a near kinsman.

  9a. And so I asked who was there? And she answered Ruth thine handmaiden. Then she asked me to share my blanket and covering with her for I was her kinsman. And I was filled with wonder and amazement with this young girl.

  10. And he said blessed be thou of the Lord my daughter for thou has showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning in as much as thou follows not young men whether poor or rich

  10a. And I praised Jehovah, the Existing One, first for His love and concern for all and second that He had worked in this beautiful young woman His Spirit so that she would seek His will and not the ways of the world being impressed by neither the young men whether they be rich or poor. How different than so many of the other young maidens.

  11. And now my daughter fear not I will do to thee all that thou requires for all the city of my people does know that thou art a virtuous women.

  11a. It is an amazing thing what Jehovah can do with one small person who decides to follow Him. She had not only worked her way into my heart but all of the city had heard of her faith in El-Shaddai, the Everlasting God, for she was the one who had left the land of the descandents of Lot and followed Naomi back to the land of Judah to worship Jehovah. She had done without any promise of reward. She only followed with the promise of His grace.

  12. And now it is true that I am thy near kinsman however there is a kinsman nearer than I.

  12a. I felt my heart and my love go out to her and then fear struck my heart. For there was another who had more right than I to this young maid. Another who was a closer kinsman than I. I pondered long in front of the Lord. Should I keep this young maid hidden, should I let this be our secret? Then Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness, spoke to my heart through this young maiden. I remembered how she had put her hand in His hand and did what was right and left the outcome to Jehovah- Mekoddishkem, the Lord who Sanctifies You. So I did the same as she who had left the land of the descendants of Lot.

  13.Tarry this night and it shall be in the morning that if he will perform the part of a kinsman well let him do the kinsman’s part but if he will not do the part of a kinsman to thee then I will do the part of the kinsman to thee as the Lord lives lie down until morning.

  13a. I Boaz, had to face my night of waiting in the dark. It was there on that threshing floor that I came to know Jehovah – Shalom, the Lord is Peace, in a way that I had never known Him before. As all the wild thoughts ran through my head and all the schemes formed their answers dancing in front of me I finally found the true answer. I and all that is in the world belong to Him and we are His to do with as He pleases. I found as Abraham did with Isaac the blessedness in giving everything up for our God loves us so much that He is Qanna – Elohim, a jealous God. Jealous in the same way that I would be jealous if my kinsman redeemer stepped in and took my place with Ruth.

  14. And she lay at his feet until the morning and she rose up before one could know another. And he said let it not be known that a woman came into the floor.

  14a. And Ruth did as I said she laid there in the silence and in the dark. She said not a word to me unless I spoke. I asked her of her belief in Jehovah and how it came to be and she told me of Naomi’s words spoken to her there in land of the descendants of Lot. She told me of how had knelt with Naomi and confessed her belief in the God of Judah.

  15. Also bring the vail that thou has upon thee and hold it. And when she held it he measured six measures of barley and laid it on her and she went into the city.

  15a. And then I told her to take her cloak and hold it out to me. And as she did that I felt cold chills go through me and the tears welled up in my soul for the cloak spoke to me of Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord my Banner for His banner flew over her faith. It spoke to me of Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide and I poured six measures of barley into that cloak and watched as she walked back into the city.

  16.And when she came to her mother in law she said Who art thou my daughter? And she told her all that the man had done to her.

  16a. I, Naomi had been watching all night, I had been praying all night to Jehovah –Shammah, the Lord is there, yes, I, Naomi who had become so desolate who had called myself Mara, the bitter one, had come back to the only One, El Elyon, the most high God, and again had put my faith and joy in Him. Ruth told me all that Boaz had said and done that night.

  17.And she said these six measures of barley gave he me for he said to me go not empty unto thy mother in law.

  17a When Ruth told me what Boaz had said my soul began to soar to Jehovah – Shalom, the Lord is Peace, and came to rest at the throne of Adonai, Lord, Master, and I knew in my spirit that what had happened to us there in the land of the de
scendent of Lot was planned by El Elyon, the most high God. It was then that I began to praise Yahweh, Lord, Jehovah, for I knew in my soul that I would see my husband and sons again. I knew that we would all be forever grateful that El Olam, the Everlasting God, had used our lives for His purpose although we could not see all that He had planned it was enough to know that He planned it.

  18. Then said she sit still my daughter until thou know how the matter will fall for the man will not be in rest until he have finished the thing this day.

  18a And I actually found myself instructing Ruth again in the ways of Jehovah – Raah, the Lord my Shepard, for I told her that once God had spoken to Boaz and given him a mission that Boaz would not stop until he completed that mission. For our Jehovah delights in our obedience to Him.


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