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Occult Assassin: The Complete Series (Books 1-6)

Page 14

by William Massa

  She slammed the door shut and moved deeper into the vast space. She soon recognized that she wasn’t alone in the cavernous chamber. An audience of engineers hammered away on their laptops while images of the progressing mass suicide filled the screens before them.

  A snapping sound behind her made her spin away from the screen. A programmer had closed his laptop lid. The scene repeated itself as other engineers sealed their computers and rose to their feet, their empty eyes fixating on her now. She held up her pistol even though she knew this crowd wouldn’t be intimidated by the weapon. These men and women were beyond reason. Beyond any instinct for self-preservation. These were slaves to a digital master she couldn’t comprehend. She was up against a seething mob of fanatics who all shared the same goal…


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Talon felt his life draining away.

  The tendons in his neck stood out like cords and his temple pulsed. Zagan’s nightmarish robot skull-face dripped gore. The one weapon that could offer Talon a fighting chance remained tantalizingly out of his reach. He was about to succumb to the inhuman pressure on his windpipe when his darkening gaze landed on...


  She had materialized about thirty feet behind Zagan. This wasn’t the broken woman who’d perished in his blood-soaked arms. This Michelle was a vision to behold. She looked the way she did when he proposed to her in the park. Beautiful. Untouched by death. Full of life.

  Sadness welled up inside him but he drew a strange comfort from the idea that they might be reunited soon. To his surprise, instead of welcoming the possibility of his passing, Michelle whispered one word that changed everything.


  Talon’s bloodshot gaze traveled back to Zagan. He took in the pulsing servers. Remembered the stakes. This wasn’t about him or personal vengeance any longer. Three hundred Omicron workers were in danger of committing suicide. Who knew how many lives would be lost if this hellish program infiltrated the operating system of every Omicron device in the world?

  Talon had dedicated his life to keeping his country safe. He’d sworn to protect America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Zagan couldn’t be allowed to win.

  Tapping into the last of his dwindling reserves of strength, Talon reached for the pentacle around his neck and pushed it against Zagan’s hand, hoping this desperate move might have some sort of effect.

  As soon as the amulet made contact with Zagan, he roared with savage agony and let go of Talon. The Delta operator crashed to the floor and rolled away. He scanned his surroundings and locked on the Demon Slayer. Killer instinct flashed in his eyes as he scooped up the magical knife. Tapping into his rage, he honed his fury until its razor edge rivaled the blade in his hand. This was for everyone Zagan had sacrificed in his mad quest for power.

  For Erik.

  For Michelle.

  His hand tightened around the blade and spun, steel slicing in a lethal arc. He slashed Zagan’s chest, once, twice before driving the weapon deep into the cyborg-demon’s chest. The Demon Slayer penetrated metal, circuitry and tissue to find the abomination’s pulsating heart.

  Zagan bellowed and the server room shook with his roars of pain. He stumbled back and clutched the hilt of the blade sticking from his chest. Before he could liberate it from his flesh, Talon’s leg flashed out in a roundhouse kick that drove the handle of the knife even deeper into Zagan’s ribcage.

  A second later, the charges ignited back to life and the ticking countdown resumed. Weakened by the attack, Zagan’s power over reality was growing more tenuous.

  Two minutes left before the explosives would go off - two minutes for Talon to get the hell out of here.

  Talon spun around and dashed toward the control deck. As he sprinted down the passage of pulsating servers, he searched for Michelle but saw no sign of his love. Had a trick of his imagination conjured her into existence? Or had Michelle somehow communicated from the beyond? Talon didn’t have the answer. All he knew was that her presence, imagined or not, had given him the necessary strength he needed to defeat Zagan.

  Talon reached the elevator and punched the call button. Sensing movement behind him, he pivoted toward his pursuer. The biomechanical monster lurching toward him was barely human, a cyberpunk nightmare of fizzling robotics and bleeding meat.

  Talon squeezed off round after round, pumping lead into the withering demon. The fusillade sent Zagan stumbling backward.

  The elevator doors slammed shut just as the first charge went off. Metal warped under the blast and Zagan’s bestial shriek of defeat gave way to the deafening sound of an enormous explosion.

  Shockwaves rattled the lift, but it continued to ascend. A beat later Talon spilled into the atrium of the Omicron lobby. Two steps farther from the destruction, the rest of Talon’s explosives erupted in the basement below. The floor shook and trembled. Tile beneath his boots cracked and spiderwebbed. Shockwaves rippled through the structure and shattered windows. It rained glass.

  And then it all stopped.

  The lobby had been eviscerated and resembled a battlefield of fractured glass and broken humanity. Talon stumbled and staggered through the gutted atrium when he heard a round being fired.


  The horde was closing in. Circling and circling. They had become part of the occult program, a physical extension of the code.

  Serrone squeezed off round after round but the shots echoed impotently in the auditorium. No one gave a shit about the gun in her hand. She was outnumbered and a few bullets shy from being out of ammunition.

  She doubted that her predicament would be any different if she were facing a smaller group of fanatics. These people experienced no fear. They didn’t care about their own survival. All that mattered to them was making a sacrifice to whatever unholy deity they worshipped. Her best option was to save the last bullet for herself but unlike the raging cultists, she had a reason to live. That reason was named Casey and she was seven years old and Serrone had promised to have dinner with her tonight. It couldn’t end like this. She couldn’t let Casey down. Not again.

  Serrone was a tough woman but she could feel the hot tears welling up in her eyes. Going out like this just wasn’t fair.

  The mob was almost upon her when a loud explosion rocked the Omicron building, shaking the foundation of the structure. For a moment, the images on the large screen fritzed out, turning black, and she could hear glass pulverizing outside the auditorium.

  Serrone was still trying to make sense of the sounds of destruction when the horde ceased its approach. They jerked up straight and slumped in unison as if a switch had been flipped. The cultists suddenly didn’t look bloodthirsty anymore. Their faces wore expressions of shock, panicked eyes studying the knives in their hands. Stunned by their actions. Somehow the spell had been broken.

  Taking in the change, Serrone allowed herself to experience an emotion she thought she’d never feel again: hope.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Fisher couldn’t believe what was happening. The explosion had solidified his growing dread. The servers had been breached. This disturbing insight was followed by another development. His fellow cultists were dropping their knives and returning to their senses. There was only one explanation…


  They’d been so close to completing the program. Rage flared inside Fisher and he swore he would find the man and teach him the true cost of his victory. Fisher would rebuild, gather a new flock. Omicron could not be stopped.

  As these thoughts of vengeance consumed his mind and heart, footsteps echoed in the lobby below. He peered over the railing and saw Talon stumble from the elevators. Fisher’s lip twisted into a cruel smile. Payback’s a bitch.

  He wished he could announce himself to his enemy, to make him suffer, but he expected Talon to be armed and wasn’t taking any chances.

  He sighted down on Talon.


  A muffled scream followed the explosive crack
of the bullet. Talon whirled and saw Fisher spill from the first floor and crash to the lobby. The man’s body jerked upon impact and grew still.

  Who did he have to thank for saving his life?

  Footfalls behind him. Talon turned. Staring back at him was Detective Serrone, gun leveled. Her hair was pasted to her forehead, features coated with perspiration and exhaustion. Who was he kidding — she probably cut a better figure than he did.

  For a moment their eyes locked and Talon remained unsure of the detective’s next move.

  “What happened here today?” she asked.

  Forgoing long-winded explanations, Talon said, “Evil was defeated.”

  His words seemed to satisfy Serrone. At least for now.The detective had saved his life. He would never forget her. Eying Serrone he said, “Thank you.”

  Talon walked away from the detective, her eyes convincing him that she wouldn’t shoot him. She knew he was one of the good guys.

  He staggered out of Omicron. Sirens keened in the distance as he stumbled to his motorcycle. He feared that in his battered state the cops might stop him, but he would have to chance it.

  He swung onto the Ducati and shot out of the Omicron parking lot. He was long gone by the time the authorities arrived.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Talon didn’t remember how he got back to Casca’s estate. He later was told that he collapsed from blood loss as soon as he parked his bike. For two straight days he slept, lost to the darkness that came with deep exhaustion.

  Upon waking, he vaguely recalled some of his nightmares. Michelle was in most of them. There was also a dim recollection of a doctor checking in on him, but perhaps he’d imagined the man. Reality and imagination had fused while his body was recovering.

  The first change he noticed when he finally woke up was that someone – most likely the doctor in his dreams – had stitched up the wound on his chest. There would be a scar in the shape of the inverted star, no doubt about it. It would serve as a constant reminder of the evil he’d confronted and defeated in San Francisco.

  There would be other enemies. As long as ruthless men could master the rituals of the occult, they would tap into its unspeakable power. Talon had received a glimpse into an alien world and come to realize that the universe was far grander and more terrifying than he could’ve imagined.

  After he showered and shaved, Casca brought him up to speed. Becky had returned to her life secure in the knowledge that this cult was history. The Omicron story still dominated the news channels. Experts left and right speculated about how this techno-cult could have gained such a hold over the minds of its followers. Deepening the mystery was the fact that many of the cultists suffered from a form of amnesia, or so they claimed.

  Books would be written about the computer cult. Experts and pundits would be debating the case for weeks to come, at least until the next big disaster drowned out the chatter.

  “Your two weeks are almost up, Sergeant,” Casca said. “Time to report for duty soon.”

  Talon shook his head. “I won’t be going back.”

  “I’m resigning from Delta.”

  Casca cocked an eyebrow.

  “There are plenty of good men fighting the war on terror. My services might be needed on another front.”

  “You think you’re the guy who’s going to save the world from the boogeyman?” Casca asked, echoing Talon’s earlier question.

  “Perhaps we can save it together,” Talon replied.

  They both grinned.

  “Did we destroy the program?” Talon asked.

  “I believe so.”

  “Where do we go from here?”

  “I’ve been hearing some disturbing stories coming out of Milan. Someone is abducting tourists and leaving dead bodies behind… Bodies with pentagrams carved into their backs.”

  Talon winked. “I always wanted to visit Italy.” His face grew serious as he continued. “I became a soldier to keep this country safe. My job hasn’t changed. Only the enemy.”

  “Let’s head inside and I’ll show you the reports. See what you make of it.”

  Talon and Casca turned toward the estate.

  They’d won a victory against the darkness, but the war was just beginning.


  Who am I and what to read next?

  Hi guys, I hope you had fun reading the story you just finished. I figured this might be a good time to tell you a little about the man behind the words.

  I’ve been at this writing game for a while and started in screenwriting in Hollywood. Well, technically I started in high school, publishing little story pamphlets, but let’s not go there. I had an eight-year run in the film industry. working on such projects as Anaconda 2 and Return to House on Haunted Hill. During this time, I sold a bunch of projects, most which never saw the light of day. Pretty frustrating for a creative, even when the check clears.

  Perhaps that’s why I turned to books. As a creator of stories, it’s important for me to get them out into the world. And that brings me to all my current book projects. As you might have noticed, I have many series out there, so it might be a bit challenging to figure out which one to pick up next.

  All my Urban Fantasy features horror elements. None of these series feature a talking cat or demon bartenders. The tone is more Constantine/Hellblazer/Supernatural than Dresden Files. You could call it Urban Fantasy Horror (UFH) or Dark Urban Fantasy. I like the stakes to be high and the paranormal elements to be genuinely scary. Shadow Detective and Night Slayer are my series with the strongest Urban Fantasy flavor.

  The Night Slayer Series:

  A sorceress recruits a SWAT Team Commander to help her in a secret war against a magical cabal.

  This one is a high-octane Dark Urban Fantasy. The hero is learning magic, there are vicious beasts of all sorts, and the action is big and loud. There is a touch of horror, but the emphasis is on action and monster hunting. Overall this series is a fun, fast-paced romp with both strong male and female leads. Currently there are three books out, which are also available as a boxed set. Should appeal to fans of Hexecutioner and Occult Assassin.

  The Hexecutioner Series

  In the real world, he is Special Agent Jaxon Weylock, FBI profiler of human monsters. But in the shadow world where supernatural beasts prey on the innocent, he is the Hexecutioner, punisher of otherworldly evil.

  If you like The Witcher, The Crow, or Constantine but want a quick read you can enjoy in one sitting, consider checking out the Hexecutioner. The series consists of short novellas that feature diabolical villains who receive their dark magic comeuppance once the Hexecutioner finishes with them. This is pure dark fantasy horror and should appeal to fans of all my other series, but especially The Paranormalist, Night Slayer and Occult Assassin.

  The Paranormalist Series:

  The son of black magic cult leader grows up to become a paranormal investigator and demon hunter.

  This will be right up your alley if you like supernatural action thrillers. Again, the hero is not a mage but a regular man who uses his occult expertise and the magical power of his father’s sacrificial blade to hunt monsters. The supernatural is treated seriously and there is a scare factor here. If you like such shows as Kolchak, The X-Files, and Supernatural, as well as books like Jeremiah Hunt or Necroscope, I think you’re going to enjoy this. The horror is a little stronger in this one than Shadow Detective; it’s Dark Fantasy Horror combined with some paranormal sleuthing. Should appeal to readers of Shadow Detective.

  The Shadow Detective Series:

  A young man’s parents are murdered by demons and he devotes his life to becoming a monster hunter who helps the authorities solve supernatural crimes.

  This is my longest series to date and probably the most fun. For fans of Dresden Files, Constantine, Supernatural, and the Demon Accords. There is more magic in this series, wielded by both the good guys and the bad ones, with a darker edge than many UF series out right now. The supernatural villains are da
ngerous and scary, and the humor comes from the banter between the leads. The series features plenty of action, snark, shocking twists, and moments of horror. This series will continue as Shadow Cop in 2021, so best to catch up now.

  Monster Heroes: (now a Boxed Set):

  My standalone or limited series featuring monsters who fight on the side of the good guys. These consist of Fear the Light (vampires solving the murder of the undead master who also happens to be Dracula), Panther Curse (a were-panther action adventure) and Gargoyle Knight (think a cursed Highlander ends up coming back to life in modern times).

  These are mostly fast-paced, Dark Urban Fantasy, with Fear the Light having a strong murder mystery vibe. If you want to get a taste of my work, grab the boxed set!

  2: Apocalypse Soldier

  Book 2

  The Mission

  After a decade spent fighting the enemy abroad and keeping his country safe, Delta Force Operator Mark Talon is ready to settle down with the love of his life. But Talon’s world crumbles when his fiancée becomes the victim of a murderous cult.

  In the wake of his terrible loss, Talon dedicates himself to a new mission – hunting down twisted occultists around the globe and stopping them before they can unleash the forces of darkness upon an unsuspecting world.


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