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A Dark Oceans Descent: (Heridian Saga, Book 1)

Page 15

by Darryl J. W. Temple

  The Dawn Eclipse slid quickly sideways into the dock of the Sky-Station, and upon arrival the side hatch opened and Paladin Captain Varican exited. He turned to face the ship's new commander, the soldier Draethus.

  'The Sky-Station is my home and my responsibility. I need to get my people to safety before that enemy ship arrives.' Varican said gripping forearms with his friend. 'If I don't see you after this, I wish you all the best in your next endeavours.'

  'And you, my friend, may the creator watch over you,' replied Draethus as Varican turned and walked down the levitating steps. 'We'll have a drink when we meet again.'

  The Paladin Captain laughed.

  A short time later, back on the bridge of the Eclipse, both Tremon and Spect stood next to their consoles, and greeted their commander as he walked between. The stern expression on Tremon's face told Draethus that he was finally warming to him.

  'You've both stayed then?' Draethus said with a grin.

  Spect was beaming, 'have you seen the science bay here, it's massive! I could spend months just learning how to use the equipment. Plus, I don't need to endure the taunting of that little animal, unless it gets onboard of course.'

  'And you Tremon, what's your reason? I thought you would have stayed with the Paladins.'

  'It's a privilege to serve with a ship such as this. I protect my people with the best methods possible, so an exotic vessel with guns, lots of them, would better suit me. I may also have some making up to do with how I treated you in the beginning.'

  Draethus slapped Tremon on the shoulder and said, 'Well then, let's get to it. Man stations and let's try drawing away that Rid monstrosity. It will give the people time to evacuate the Sky-Station.'

  Spect looked uncomfortable. 'Can the ship operate with only the three of us?'

  'Don't worry,' replied Tremon. 'I'm sure we will manage, what with our amazing gunner.'


  The Heridian carrier was half the size of the Sky-Station, but twice as deadly. The station's anti-air defences pummelled the opposing vessel with projectiles and lasers but couldn't breach the nanite coated armor of the brutish vessel.

  Enormous shell casings dropped into the jungle below like metal rain, splashing into the wet mud and scaring the wildlife which fled into the depths. The smoke of weapons fire concealed the towers of the station, with only the large guns visible, their recoil sending visible shock waves through the superstructure.

  Watching from under the liquid of the lower level command deck, Draethus felt small and powerless. The only plan they had was to distract the enemy vessel long enough for the trade and drop ships to ferry people down to the surface or flee. Some trade ships had already left, seeking profits somewhere a little less hostile, and others still loaded their cargo. The Eclipse strafed the bridge of the enemy carrier repeatedly, trying to entice it to follow and lead it away.

  'Wish we had bigger guns,' Tremon said, clutching his controls and firing another salvo of lasers at the enemy vessel.

  Incoming signal, the Eclipse announced into the mind of its Commander.

  Display on the main hologram, Draethus replied, still uncomfortable speaking inside his own head with another voice.

  A large image of the Heridian leader they fought previously appeared as a three-dimensional image hovering over the liquid. Its face occupied the front of the top level, causing Spect to jump.

  'You… You fought that?' Spect said in astonishment.

  'That's right,' Tremon whispered across. 'It's even uglier in person.'

  'Draethus!' the Heridian leader roared. 'I see you've come back to face me again.'

  'And you are just as putrid as before, menace,' replied Draethus, now tired of the game the creature thought it was playing.

  'So here's how this is going to play out, insect,' the Heridian leader began. 'You are going to land your ship inside one of my carrier's docking bays and surrender your golden vessel. If you do not, I will wipe that station from existence.' It smiled revealing rows of metallic razor-sharp teeth. 'Can you justify the loss of so many people just for your pride?'

  Can he see me? Draethus asked the Eclipse.

  Yes, this is a two-way connection, replied the ship, the words washing over his mind.

  'You see this face, menace?' the Commander said, pointing. 'The next time you see it will be when the lights dim, from your soon to be, cold dead eyes. I will not surrender a vessel that you can use to benefit your race or release your lords.'

  The Heridian leader couldn't hide its shock that Draethus had knowledge of its masters, or their imprisonment. It laughed, 'Then how about you treat my offer as redemption for leaving me to die on the Dark claw, old friend.' The Heridian paused and let the words sink in. 'You left me in the torturous claws of our enemies, to become one of them, and I swear I will make you suffer the same fate.'

  Draethus couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt dumb founded, and shock filled his chest, betrayed by the look in his eyes. 'It can't be… No, I was told you perished… I was told you died.'

  'Yet here I stand before you, more powerful than I could ever be in the flesh, an officer among the mightiest species that ever existed!' The Heridian leader cut the communication with a swipe of its claw.

  The Heridian super capital weapons ignited, creating rings around the two large tail weapons that arced over the massive vessel. Forced to shield their eyes and block their ears, the residents of the Sky-Station panicked as an immense energy beam fired from the carrier. A huge chunk of structure broke off the station, a corner that slid like water on glass and fell. Rubble, twisted metal, girders and bodies followed the large piece down and crashed onto the surface, throwing dust into the air and covered the landscape in a shroud of destruction.

  'You filthy menace!' screamed Draethus as tears flowed from his face. 'Johan, how could you do this?'

  He is one of them, he will follow their commands, his mind corrupted and turned against everything he ever loved. The release of death can only save him. The ship's voice in his mind was soft, knowing how much mental pain Draethus was in.

  Draethus wondered if the ship could read his thoughts or just hear the words he projected.

  The carrier is turning and vectoring back to the tear which is closing, we haven't much time. What are your commands, Draethus?

  Follow it through, Draethus thought. Follow it through so we can end my friend's existence.


  Precursory of Eleven.

  The steel walls of the dock ripped apart, causing metallic mayhem of death for the civilians waiting an escape to the planet below. Thousands of tons of what was a corner of the dock had already broken away like a ravaged island falling to the depths, taking with it the unwilling souls.

  Paladin Captain Varican, along with other soldiers and some civilians, began searching the rubble for survivors, hoping to add to the numbers on the evacuating ships still left untouched.

  'Varican!' the Senechal yelled from the other side of a twisted walkway that had fallen across the main dock area.

  Varican looked up to see the Sky-Station's leader and commander pointing to the market entrance that had collapsed on some nearby food stands. As he ran up, he could hear the cries of a little voice that reminded him of the first time he ever met his small lizard friend all those years ago.

  'I'm coming little one, are you hurt!?!' he yelled to the reply of only small faint squeaks from beneath.

  The Senechal came from behind them, 'Lift from here,' he said as the two men levered the girder, letting the small creature drag itself out of the rubble. They let it drop as Varican scooped up his lizard.

  'Thank you, Praefectus,' Varican said, bowing his head. 'I don't know what I would have done without this little one.'

  'Very welcome, Captain. Now if you'll follow me we have an important meeting to attend, let the rescue teams do their job.'


  The Arvernus appeared from translocation in a bright flash of white light and sparks that qu
ickly faded, shimmering into non-existence. Immediately its engines flared and the pirate corvette traversed the emptiness of space, sleek and fast. Its matt black armor dulled any reflection from the nearby sun the ship was using to mask its signature.

  With the pirate fleet on the run from the Heridian forces, the pirate Khan had tasked Raeson with the infiltration of enemy lines and monitor their traffic. The anomaly had been slowly closing, and the Khan, concerned, needed more information.

  Raeson wondered if the man wanted him out of the way so as not to ask any more questions. Rumors had a tendency to spread quickly and never in the best interest of the fleet.

  'Get me a heading to the tear and keep systems running at minimum,' ordered Raeson. 'I don't want an engagement this far out with no backup.'

  The new soldier to replace Tektar was inexperienced and probably had done something wrong to end up serving on the vessel.

  'Yes sir,' the youngster replied. 'Power down weapons as well, Sir?'

  'Everything, pilot.'

  From the back of the command deck, Slin, now recovered from surgery, moved his robotic arm across his panel and powered down most of the ship's systems. He gave Nash a small grin as he looked up and enjoyed watching her blush a little. Nash had been through hell, tortured by a psychotic Heridian Skylord, and almost lost her love and partner, who now seemed to enjoy his cybernetic implants. Yet still she remained strong willed, a trait no doubt inherited from her father.

  The bridge of the Arvernus felt strange without the humour, although sometimes annoying, of their comrade Tektar. The drunkard, self-loathing joker of an old man that Nash had liked. Replaced by a green nosed youngster whose name no one ever seemed to remember. Xain Raeson stood at the front of the bridge staring out into the darkness, still haunted by the visions he encountered. Ever since that moment his perception of the world around him felt different, like something was calling out to him and it felt stronger the closer they got to the tear.

  'Estimated time to the over watch point on the tear, Nash?' Raeson asked.

  'Three hours, Sir,' she replied. 'If need be, we can flare the engines again, which will cut that time in half, though we will run hot and not silent.'

  Raeson turned and walked to the bridge exit, 'Keep her on quiet run, we have time.'


  The briefing room on the Sky-Station illuminated with emergency lighting, making the Praefectus appear dark, as opposed to his normal bright demeanour. The group of people to his front were curious about their summons and comprised the greatest leaders and commanders the Paladins offered.

  Lead Armor Commander, Captain Wrath, stood to the front, a newly gained slash across his face from the recent battle he barely escaped. His subordinate, Lieutenant Camerous, leaned on a chair at Wrath's side, clutching a broken arm as he swayed from a concussion. The rest of the group Varican knew mainly by reputation only.

  'You may wonder why I've called you all here to this meeting,' Senechal Praefectus began. 'The battle against the Heridians has tested our strengths and shown how fierce and determined we are as a force. I commend all of you here today for your bravery and tenacity against overwhelming odds.'

  He took a moment to look everyone in the eye before continuing, 'These invaders are the greatest threat we have ever faced.' The group stirred with a reaction the Senechal expected. 'Our war against the Heridians has been short-lived compared to how long our descendants shall fight.'

  'We will never give up!' Someone yelled from the group as others added their agreement.

  'That's correct; we will not give up,' he said with a smile, 'which is why I have selected you all here in this room. Our people are leaving the Sky-Station and abandoning Echelon.' He could see the look of shock and pain on his people's faces. 'After the recent invasion and the threat of further conflict, traders will never again seek to make their fortunes here. With the destruction of the city below, it is no longer viable for our people to inhabit this world. It will only be a matter of time before commerce fades in this solar system permanently and this will become a dead world. We must plan as remaining here will only see our race vanish. However, the fight is not over. As I mentioned earlier, the information provided to us by the soldier known as Arcilous Draethus tells us the war continues in a future far. It is this war that requires the same heroics all of you have shown.'

  Wrath was the first to question, 'What do you require of us, Senechal Praefectus?'

  'I require,' he answered, 'all of you to continue the fight in the next war for Echelon. Deep within the Sky-Station exists hidden vaults, vaults that contain left over hibernation chambers from the colony ships that landed here hundreds of years ago. You will all sleep for thousands of years until awoken by the next inhabitants of this world, the people Draethus referred to as the Soldiers of the Void. Help them, fight alongside them, and protect this world from the coming threat of the next invasion. With your knowledge and expertise they will stand a chance against the Heridians.'

  There was silence at first, followed by a mixture of acceptance and angry grumbling in the group.

  'Why can't we stay and fight them?' asked one a man from the back. 'If we are going to stay here, why not fight?'

  Another man joined the protest and said, 'How do we know the Heridians won't find us in the vaults and kill us, who will protect the fleet?'

  The Senechal nodded in acknowledgment. 'You are free, of course, to make your own decision as I cannot force you to follow this plan.'

  'As you wish, Great Senechal,' Wrath said with a raised voice and stared down the men against the idea. Bowing his head, he spoke for the group. 'We will continue the fight.'

  As the group began heading for the vaults, the Senechal stepped forward, 'Camerous.'

  'Yes, Lord?' Camerous was not accustomed to dealing with his leader directly.

  'Or should I say, Captain Camerous?'

  The newly appointed Captain beamed before the Senechal continued, 'It has been long coming, you have fought well alongside Wrath and your promotion well deserved.'

  'Thank you, my Lord Senechal,' Camerous replied with a big smile before Varican slapped him on the back in congratulations.

  The small lizard, Livant, scurried across the floor before jumping onto Varican's shoulder as the group left the room toward the vaults and the legend of the eleven Captains began.


  On the command deck of the golden vessel, Tremon and Spect stood with their Commander.

  'So I guess you know that Heridian,' Tremon started, referring to the conversation he witnessed during the fight above the Sky-Station. 'Considering it cut down a squad of Paladins, men I knew, I wouldn't mind an answer… Commander,' he finished with a respectful nod of the head.

  Draethus was still in shock with the knowledge of his friend's capture, and felt he could have done something, helped him. Although the term captured was a very loose term for his demise.

  'He was my friend Johan, Johan Servatus. We trained together to become SOV, we passed the trials and fought alongside for a very long time. He saved my life on many an occasion and I saved his.'

  Spect sat back at his console, 'So he changed into that creature during a battle? Like a Rid would have grabbed him and…' he made a ripping motion with his hands.

  'Yes, something like that. He served on a ship called the Dark Claw that patrolled the outer regions of the system. We lost that ship when the Rids invaded, leaving only a carcass of metal and no survivors. That's how we learned of the method the enemy uses to increase their mental strength. We designed a failsafe into every soldier since, to counter any Rid that tried to take a mind.' Draethus pointed to the back of his neck.

  'An explosive device?' Tremon asked, surprised.

  Spect started approaching his Commander to investigate but held off, not so much out of etiquette but concern for his own well-being.

  'Remind me not to stand to close if a Rid gets you,' Tremon said.

  The comment forced a smile on the Commander's face
before he said, 'If I die the explosive device will sever my spine, making it impossible for a Rid to take my mind, drastic but essential.'

  'That makes sense, but we've seen Heridians do that in the past, though none of them end up looking like whatever creature we encountered in the complex. I mean sure they glow with the runes but what we saw in that transmission, that was something else entirely.' Tremon said.

  'My understanding,' Draethus continued, 'is that the Rids have some sort of Hierarchy. If a Rid with a higher status takes a mind, it moves up that hierarchy and the mind gains control under the corruption of that machine. They meld together as one entity with the Heridian gaining the control.'

  Spect rubbed his chin, mumbled to himself and started fidgeting.

  'You have something to say, scientist?' the Commander shot him a look.

  'I was just wondering,' Spect said nervously. 'Would the stronger the mind taken equate to how high in the hierarchy that machine would place? I mean he was SOV, strong willed, so is that why he is a leader amongst them? Or was that by his choice?' He looked down, 'I don't mean…'

  'You're asking me if he sold out and became one of the Rids out of fear of death or pain.' Draethus felt his blood rising.

  'No, no, no, I don't mean that, just if his personality measured his level of hierarchy.'

  Draethus paused for a moment and thought, new crew, might just give this one a pass.

  The warmth flooded his head again as the ship spoke to him through his mind, He means well.

  'We might never know, Spect,' Draethus smiled. 'Let's hope none of us experience it.'

  The presence in his mind remained as the warning klaxon sounded.

  Commander, we are approaching the Heridian flagship, the Eclipse said in his mind.

  Adjust our trajectory to approach from below; can we get into the tear before it? Draethus questioned in thought.

  No Commander, we will trail through behind. In order to pass through the tear, we would need to be in proximity.

  At least we might get under its big guns, would give us a fighting chance. Get us there, Eclipse.


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