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A Dark Oceans Descent: (Heridian Saga, Book 1)

Page 27

by Darryl J. W. Temple

  'What's that?' asked Draethus.

  'We have always done what we think is right and what we believe is the honorable way. The Cygnian Pirates may not be the same as the Paladins of Echelon or the Soldiers of the Void that arrived later, but they have shown us they are honorable. I believe their cause to be worthy and just. Besides, by the time we get back to Echelon, if we ever do, the SOV still won't exist, and I know the Paladins have evacuated the planet.'

  Draethus thought about Tremon's words for a moment. He could see the hope in Rel's eyes; she wanted him to join them.

  'We have been fighting alongside each other for a long time now and it's hard to imagine doing anything different,' Draethus said. 'At this exact moment in time, the Soldiers of the Void have not yet arrived to the planet Echelon as we currently exist in their past.'

  Raeson added, 'If they haven't arrived, that will give you time to deliver the message to them, to warn the SOV of the coming attacks on their world.'

  'Correct,' Draethus replied. 'I've only realised that even returning to Echelon, I can never again join their ranks as I could negatively affect the outcome of my progression.'

  'You could get the Eclipse to time shift you back to your present,' Raeson stated. 'Although you are fitting in here well.'

  Draethus nodded and said, 'There is a price to shifting and its only something that is done during dire times. Getting me home is not one of those.' He looked at Rel and smiled, 'I also have a good reason to stay.'

  'So you will accept the offer and join us?' Rel asked in delight.

  'Yes, I will gratefully accept the Khans invitation to join,' he said as Rel threw her arms around his neck.

  'So you will be happy here also?' Raeson asked Tremon.

  'I believe I will as I'm happy being a crew member of the Eclipse,' he grinned. 'I always thought I belonged protecting the people of Echelon, but they're gone. You should have seen Spect's face when I told him; his exact words were, but I only ever wear white, he said.'

  Raeson laughed, 'I'm sure we could organise something.'

  'What news of the fleet is it prepared?' Draethus asked Tremon before Rel interrupted.

  'The Vidar and support ships have re-fueled and rearmed. The bombard ships arrived an hour ago.'

  'What are bombard ships?' Tremon asked with a puzzled look on his face.

  It was Raeson's turn for an explanation. 'A decade before the Heridian's appeared, there was a race of humans that were how we say, religiously obsessed. A small system of worlds that were governed by a group of zealots believed they should be the only humans to live amongst the stars. They released enormous capital bombardment vessels to wipe out all the human colonies, genocide on a massive scale.'

  'That's terrible,' Draethus added.

  'We were more pirates than the military force of now, we kindly helped ourselves to their ships for our own uses.' Raeson continued. 'Unfortunately we were not fast enough to stop all the destruction but later traced the vessels back to their system and displayed the error of their ways.'

  'You bombarded their worlds?' Tremon asked.

  'That we did,' Raeson replied, 'we took everything of value first and gave any civilians time to escape; it wouldn't surprise me if groups of the zealots still exist, really.'

  A huge smile crossed Rel's face, 'I'm to lead the mechanic crew aboard the lead bombard ship, so I can be there with you Draethus.'

  'I want you here on the Vidar, Rel, where it's safe,' Draethus replied anxiously.

  'I don't think anywhere will be safe once we reach Heridia, Commander,' Tremon added.

  Draethus wasn't happy but realised he didn't have a choice in the matter. If his girl wanted to be with him in battle, who was he to argue?

  Raeson could see the pain on the man's face, so continued his story. 'The bombard ships are the slowest I've ever seen, but they are massive and covered in more armor than I would have thought possible. Once in orbit around Heridia, there will only be destruction for that forsaken planet, the Rids will die and with it their hopes of winning.


  The four proud warriors stood at attention in front of the thousands of people in the arena, eager to glimpse the new honorary members of the Cygnian Pirates. Most had heard the rumours and stories of the golden ship traversing through the void, saving the crew of the Arvernus and attacking the Heridians.

  The word of the duel between Draethus and the Heridian leader Servatus, in all its details, including Raeson's part, spread throughout the fleet. It didn't take long for entrepreneurs to capitalise on the video sales of the fight which had been running constantly on the vid streams in every location possible.

  If there was ever someone with celebrity status amongst the group, it was the Commanders who killed the Heridian leader on Tiberous. One of these Commanders, Draethus, stood in full SOV attire at the base of the stadium. His dark gray armor reflected the lights from the above stands, his powered vibration sword sheathed. To his right stood Tremon, his once rival turned friend, also adorned in armor, however much bulkier and in white and blue.

  Next to him was the scientist Spectalin, almost cowering in his scruffy off-white lab coat. He seemed uncomfortable like he would rather be in his lab on the golden ship than in front of a few thousand people. He looked to the stands at the cheering faces, fists being thrust into the air, chanting their names, and wondered when the event would be over.

  Lastly stood a warrior who until recently had never seen acknowledgement. Tektar, 'Tek' Shahath, the hero of the fleet. People wanted to see the pirate in person, the man who sacrificed so much to save them all from the Heridian trap all those years ago. He who had loathed himself for his actions, despite his own self value.

  They thought the man dead only to re-appear in mystery. Vandals had spray painted his name all over the civilian parts of the ship. The Hero, it read, sacrifice for others. That he told no one of his actions only painted him more heroic.

  In front of the group, the great pirate leader, Khan Alexon Hayreddin, clothed in his ceremonial armor, stood at a higher level near the podium. The shades of black and gray of his armored uniform were just visible through the dark cloak that draped his shoulders. The symbol of the pirates, an Elismorus skull struck through by a sword, covered one side of the cloth.

  'Warriors, workers and civilians of the Cygnian Pirate fleet,' the Khan began as the crowd hushed to a whisper. 'Behold before you, four warriors chosen in honor of actions beyond the normal capability of others.'

  The crowd roared again, louder this time as their leader stirred them into a frenzy, roaring and screaming.

  'The first man, Commander Arcilous Draethus of the Dawn Eclipse, warrior and Soldier of the Void has shown the strength and courage above and beyond the limits of normal men. I'm sure you have all seen him on the vids alongside our own Commander Raeson?' the pirate leader announced as the crowd cheered.

  Three men from the side of the podium walked across to Draethus, each holding a piece of dark pirate armor, and knelt before the soldier.

  'Please accept this gift as a formal gratitude and as a sign of your acceptance into the Cygnian Pirates. From outside you came, from inside you belong, welcome to the fleet soldier.'

  Draethus nodded deeply in respect, as he had seen other pirates do in the past, and took the armor from the three men. A camera drone hovered in front of them, much to the curiosity of Spect, then relayed the video onto large screens scattered about the high ceilings.

  'The second hero, gunner of the Eclipse and right-hand man to the last. Many of you may not know this man, but he has been a warrior in the background. May I present Paladin warrior Tremon,' the Khan announced. 'From outside you came, from inside you belong.'

  The same three men walked from their hideaway off the side of the podium to Tremon, who was eager to find out what his new attire would resemble. To his surprise, the pirates had replicated his Paladin armor, but in their own colors of black and gray. Tremon, now beaming with pride bowed his head and accept
ed the new uniform. Spect fidgeted and rolled around on the side of his boots as he knew his moment in the spotlight was approaching.

  The Khan raised his hands to show he was about to speak again, 'And where would any of us be in this fleet without the hard work and dedication of our scientists? Let me introduce to you the scientist of the Dawn Eclipse, Spectalin. From outside you came, from inside you belong.'

  Spect flushed red as the camera drone hovered in his face. He looked down, but the drone followed and tilted up so the crowds could see. Only one man this time walked across the podium and offered his new uniform as a dark gray lab coat, as was customary for the position. Spect gave a nervous bow before taking the attire from the man and giving him thanks as a quick smile.

  'The last man,' the Khan bellowed before starting again because of the noise of the crowd, 'the last man needs no introduction. By now you have all heard the story of the warrior responsible for saving the fleet many years ago. A scout leader having to sacrifice his non-worthy squad, so we all could live. Without his efforts the fleet would have fallen into a trap prepared by the Heridians, a trap that would have ended in the deaths of everyone here.' The Khan considered his next words. 'I should have acknowledged this man many years ago, and I accept the responsibility for not doing so. I give you Tektar Shahath, famous pilot of the infamous Reaper Squadron!'

  Everyone in the enormous arena jumped to their feet and shouted the hero's name, 'Shahath! Shahath!'

  'For his bravery and sacrifice I award Tektar the Iron Skull medal, the highest award possible to any pirate, alive or dead,' the Khan announced loudly as he walked down from the podium. He revealed the medal; the Cygnian Pirate emblem carved from the rarest of metals and pinned it on Tek's chest.

  'Well done warrior, I am honored to award you this medal and please accept my apologies for its lateness,' the Khan said.

  A tear ran down Tek's face as all the emotion flooded into him, 'Thank you my Khan, thank you so much.'

  'Let's hear it for our newest heroes!' the great Khan announced again.

  The crowds leapt out of their seats again, mobs of people ran up to the new recruits, wanting to meet their new idols.

  'This is a strange feeling,' Draethus said as a woman got him to sign a vid stream cover for her son.

  'I could get used to it, Commander,' laughed Tremon. 'I don't think Spect could though.'

  Spect had his lab coat up in his arms and was making a quick getaway when the Commander of the Eclipse noticed a small red-headed girl headed his way amongst a group of familiar faces.

  'Rel,' he yelled over the volume of the stadium.

  The girl ran into his arms, causing him to drop the new armor at his feet and return her hug.

  'I'm so happy you accepted,' she yelled into his chest. 'Things are really going well for a change.'

  Raeson was about to say something when a group of young pirates ambushed him for an autograph. They handed him a physical photo, capturing the moment he had thrust the sword into Servatus.

  'This is a new feeling, sure I'll sign,' Xain said.

  Raeson wasn't used to being liked by anyone and felt guarded when people offered him kindness.

  I guess being famous may have its perks, he thought.

  Slin and Nash clasped forearms with the newest members and gave them a sign of congratulations, even their wingman Tek, who looked to be more himself.

  'That's the happiest I've ever heard the Khan speak,' Raeson said, nudging the arm of Draethus. 'It's good to see even his spirits liven up.'

  'You know him better than I do Raeson. Every time I see him I feel he is going to reprimand someone.'

  Raeson smiled, 'that's normally the case, and he has an entire fleet to run, I'd imagine that would be on his mind.'


  In the background, and blending in with the crowd, was the ever watchful Napier Stark. The Dark Ops warrior scanned every person who approached Xain Raeson using a tiny discreet hand-held device, looking for threats. The pirate Commander could look after himself, but was still a vital component of Stark's mission.

  He glanced up at the Khan for a moment and noticed the normally dark and brooding leader looking happy, content.

  You now have control of a ship capable of time shifting and giving you access to the planet Heridia, he thought, and you didn't even have to steal it.


  Lost in Haze.

  The Arvernus materialised from its quick translocate, a small skip across the emptiness of space where the bulk of the pirate fleet lay behind in wait. They tasked the corvette with scouting the co-ordinates of the link to Heridia, to fly ahead and make sure enemy forces didn't guard the gateway.

  Despite the request of the newly titled pirate Draethus, the Khan had sent Raeson instead of the golden vessel as it was too valuable.

  'What do we have Nash?' Raeson asked getting up from his command chair on the Arvernus.

  The woman in charge of navigation was busy activating the holographic buttons, 'Nothing on short range scans, Sir, and I'm switching to extensive range.'

  There was a pause while the vessel opened its sensor ports, something only ever done in situations that don't require an active defence because of the vulnerable state it put the ship into. Large antennas extended from beneath the armor plates and sent pulses of electromagnetic waves that rippled out at the speed of light. If these ripples connected with anything physically, even that of an energy signature, the host ship would see the break in waves and a three-dimensional image rendered the results.

  'Nothing on extensive range, there's nothing here Commander, not even an energy signature,' Nash announced from the back of the command deck.

  'There's nothing at all?'

  'That's correct, the link isn't here,' Nash replied, the frustration in her voice clear.

  'Open all visuals, I want a perfect eyes on everything around us in case our sensors are faulty, there must be something out there we can't detect.' the Commander ordered.

  A curve of displays appeared around the deck and began rotating to give the crew an image of their surroundings only to reveal nothing but darkness.

  Raeson touched his ear to activate his coms, 'Arvernus to fleet, area is empty, reply to transmission,'

  'Empty?' a confused reply from the Khan crackled, 'very well, expect friendlies incoming.'

  The first light sparked across the primary display like a glint of reflective metal drifting around a sun, in this case though no star was present and was instead a pirate vessel exiting its translocation jump. Another glint appeared with a warping of light and within quick succession the entire fleet had joined the corvette, physically, and also in confusion. They had arrived at the co-ordinates found on Tiberous to find nothing but an empty void.


  From within the liquid lake on the golden vessel, its leader, Commander Draethus, adorned in his new dark pirate armor, looked over the surrounding area and expected to see at least something spectacular.

  Would you mind informing me why nothing is here, Eclipse? Draethus said into his mind, were the co-ordinates wrong?

  The entity that was the ship entered his mind in its usual warm and calming manner. We are in the correct place, Commander Draethus, and even though your usual sensors are not detecting anything I can assure you the link is here.

  Show me, replied the Commander.

  For that I need only to open the link, on your command of course.

  'My Khan,' Draethus said over the ship's coms, 'the Eclipse is detecting the link and will activate it on our command.'

  Sat at their consoles on the bridge, Spect leant over to Tremon, 'Isn't it weird hearing the Commander call the Khan his leader, and I'm not seeing any sign of anything here in this space with us?'

  Tremon smiled, 'Things will be different for a while around here Spect, I'm sure you will adapt. As for this link, I'm wondering if it even exists at all. Maybe this has been a wild chase for nothing this entire time.'

  The loud vo
ice of the Khan boomed over the coms, 'We came here for a fight Commander Draethus; your orders are to open this damn link so we can exact some vengeance on the menace.'

  'Received,' Draethus replied.

  Open the link Eclipse, let's make this happen, he ordered in his mind.

  Monsters screamed through his head, visions flashed around his consciousness of a world covered in the dead and the dying. Creatures reached out of an ocean of blood to drag in the carved up bodies of fallen warriors. Rain fell from the dark skies and singed his skin.

  He looked down to see half of himself missing as one monstrosity had bitten him and was consuming the rest with giant, bloodstained teeth. Draethus screamed in panic, but no sound emanated. He wished for a quick death, for his life over so the pain would cease. As he lay on the ground, his spirit fading, he noticed a strange building way off in the distance, only just visible through the haze of rain. An enormous spike protruded from the red dusty surface, a spire that reached into the heavens.

  The core of the Eclipse materialized in the protected room at the center of the golden vessel. A dark sphere that hovered, spun at sharp but quick speeds, where the ghosts that existed on the other side of the normal realm howled and shrieked trying to escape. The Tether Source then vibrated; dark purple and gray electricity arced from its edges and connected to the walls inside the room.

  On the outside of the vessel, the armor plates slid backward and apart, revealing a red fiery glow from beneath that enlarged and enveloped the ship. A swirl of radiation, gases and lightning began forming, ever increasing in speed until a disk tore the fabric of space and created the opening to the link.


  The sound of whispers spread through the entire fleet, haunting voices that began quietly then increased in volume until becoming a roar of many.

  Tek, who was drinking at a bar on the Vidar sat with his hands over his ears and screamed, 'They are coming for me again, they are coming, please don't let them take me!'

  Khan Hayreddin stood on his command deck stunned by the visual beauty of the link and like all the people in the fleet tried to ignore the voices before giving the order.


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