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The Temple of Set II

Page 86

by Michael A Aquino


  The High Priesthood is regarded so highly in the Temple of Set that it has been virtually inconceivable to doubt

  the integrity of the incumbent. True, I wrote provisions into the By-Laws to remove a High Priest from office [to

  protect the Temple against an Anton LaVey-type disaster], but the exchange of information among the Priesthood

  has always been so open that we never really worried about a “Watergate“.

  I think it is also correct to say that, as Barrett introduced the above-cited policies, everyone made a good effort

  to interpret them in the most positive way and to help them off to a good start. Most of the problems seemed to be

  time-pressure ones or occasional lapse of communications rather than serious doctrinal ones.

  That, at any rate, was how it looked from here. While Barrett was putting his surprise letter in the mail, I was at

  work updating the Temple Reading List - with all the new Order material added to it per input from all of the Sages

  [except Barrett - but I assumed he was too busy and planned to take his recommendations from Scroll #VI-6].

  • A further point to consider is that, barely a week previously, Barrett had received the highest

  Recognition in the Temple of Set - that of Ipsissimus VI°. Per the By-Laws this requires the

  unanimous consent of all of the Masters of the Temple and of the entire Council of Nine. So Barrett

  - 348 -

  was hardly in a position to say that the Temple of Set - at all levels - did not respect or appreciate his


  These, then, are the facts. From them I conclude that Barrett was becoming increasingly frustrated by the

  Temple of Set’s reluctance to mold itself into his ideal conception of it, and that he saw its decreasing size (36) as

  symptomatic of its impending demise. Rather than suffer the embarrassment of being in office as High Priest when

  that happened, he decided to jump ship, taking his Order of Anubis with him. In fact he is certainly intelligent

  enough to have expected that his sudden, unexplained departure would probably so shake the Temple that its death-

  agonies would commence - several months of struggling, perhaps, but an eventual, inevitable disintegration.

  Having admired, loved, and trusted Barrett for so long, many of the Priesthood have found it hard to imagine

  such Machiavellian motives in his case. I myself was so stunned at the news that the only thing I could think of was

  to ask him if he would at least accept an Honorary Membership in token of our regard for him. [He refused this later

  by a two-sentence letter.] After considering the aforementioned facts, however, I feel that this interpretation is the

  correct one.

  Some members of the Priesthood have speculated that Barrett, having achieved the VI°, has left in search of

  “new initiatory heights” beyond those of the Temple of Set -and/or that he has deliberately “pushed the Temple out

  of the nest” to force it to learn to fly, i.e. to evolve into the new and more advanced initiatory realm in which he now

  exists. I can understand why such hopeful, grasping-at-straws speculation occurs, but I do not share it for the

  following reasons:

  “VII°+ Initiation”

  The Temple of Set’s philosophy of initiation has always been very simple and straightforward. It is to clear up

  the mysteries of existence, not to further obscure them by occult doubletalk. [This no-bullshit approach is

  something we inherited directly from the Church of Satan, I might add.]

  Advancement through the II° is purely rational [see the Crystal Tablet and included Reading List now in the

  mail to you].

  Advancement to the III°, in its simplest terms, is by estimation of an IV° that you display the unique

  characteristics by which Set Recognizes his Priesthood. Advancement to the IV° is by consensus of the Temple’s

  senior Initiates that the III° has become so expert, sensitive, and judicious in the control and application of his

  powers that he should properly be considered a Master.

  The V° and VI° are essentially variations upon the IV° level of expertise and consciousness. They do not denote

  “higher levels of consciousness” in any sense.

  Note that one’s personal development is unrestricted at any degree. A II° may become tremendously wise in the

  ways of magic without ever displaying that peculiar combination of qualities characteristic of the III°. [Last year I

  received the missing ingredients for a Temple working of key importance from a Setian I° whose knowledge of the

  Enochian system’s origins was greater than mine.]

  The IV° has been regarded as the “summit” of personally-activated initiation, because the V° and VI° are

  properly seen as “freakish” or “accidental” occurrences.

  Masters of the Temple IV° do not cease to develop just because they Understand the known universe. First of

  all, they are constantly accumulating more “lesser” facts which enhance their Understanding. Secondly, as Adept

  magicians they have the power to create magical universes in accordance with their will - and do so. Their quality of

  Understanding manifests itself in the excellence and precision of these creations.

  The II°, moreover, is the last degree at which personally-oriented workings are considered sufficient. All

  Initiates to the Priesthood of Set are expected to concern themselves to a reasonable extent to the teaching of newer,

  junior Initiates - as an active manifestation of the Priesthood in its most sacred sense. All Masters of the Temple are

  expected to concern themselves to a reasonable extent with the excellence of the Initiatory climate of the Temple as

  a whole.

  Hence Ronald Barrett had no reason to feel constrained or stifled in his personal initiatory desires by his IV°+

  state of being. His titles of Magus and Ipsissimus, like my own, are of relevance to Æonic magical “office” only. He

  could have resigned the High Priesthood, remained a VI°, and soared on to more personal degrees than even the

  Masons can conceive. The Temple of Set would have no right to judge such things, nor would Barrett have the right

  to expect such judgment.

  Instead he resigned his affiliation entirely - including in this act all degrees Recognized by the Temple as well as

  the sacred Priesthood of Set itself. Moreover, charged by Set with the sacred care of his Temple as its High Priest,

  Barrett did not relinquish that office in a fashion designed to ensure its smooth transition to a successor. Instead of

  consulting with the Council of Nine, giving it advance notice of his intentions, and remaining in office until the next

  High Priest could be chosen after reasonable discussion and installed in office [at this next month’s conclave, for

  example], he departed the office so abruptly that a condition of crisis was inevitable and immediate.

  - 349 -

  “Testing the Temple”

  My answer to this is short, sweet, and blunt: The Temple of Set does not play games - magical, psychological, or

  otherwise - with its Initiates of any degree. Our manipulative/ Lesser Black Magic is reserved for the profane world.

  Within the Temple straight questions get straight answers; and the sincerity, intelligence, and dignity of other

  Initiates are always respected. This is a code of ethics which applies to VI°s and I°s and everyone in-between.

  Relative newcomers to the Temple may not know this, but we feel especially vehement on this matter because

  the final downfall of the Church of Satan occurred when Anton LaVey made a decision to exploit all
but a select few

  of the Church. I was among the select few, but wouldn’t stand for his decision and so spoke for the Infernal Mandate

  on that point. [Barrett, I may say with irony, was not among the select few ... nor, for that matter, were Ricco

  Zappitelli or Susan Wylie. Memories appear to be short.]

  Within the Temple, therefore, any misleading of Initiates, now matter how “therapeutic” or “well-intentioned”,

  has always been anathema. Clearing up the mysteries of the universe is hard enough without wondering whether

  our co-investigator is setting us up!

  And the High Priest is expected to make all policies or seriously-anticipated policies known to the Council of

  Nine [at minimum] at least at the earliest point in time anyone else hears of them. [Magistra Sinclair, Chairman of

  the Council, was put in the humiliating position of being scheduled to learn of Barrett’s decision by letter - while

  some of the Order of Anubis people that she talked to by phone evidently knew of it - and of her ignorance - in

  advance. [This is the same Lilith Sinclair, I feel moved to add, who welcomed Ronald Barrett I° into her Grotto in

  New York City so many years ago and watched with pride as he attained the II°.]

  Summarily I deplore the circumstances and evident rationale of Barrett’s resignation from its chief executive

  office, which I consider not unlike stabbing the Temple of Set in the back with the expectation that it would bleed to

  death in the street.

  I reject absolutely the notion that he was initiatorily constrained by the Temple’s degree structure.

  I reject absolutely the notion that he had any right or precedent to suppose that he could “test” the Temple with

  a shock such as this.

  Rather I assess his motives simply as self-centered and clique-oriented - no different, in final analysis, from

  others in the past who, finding the Temple of Set too large a pond with too many big fish, left to became the

  acknowledged big fish in a smaller pond. Barrett is, to be sure, the first one to toss a stick of dynamite into the big

  pond where the many fish were relaxed under his “guardianship”.

  While you have been reading this - particularly those of you who are recent entrants into the Temple - you may

  have been wondering why I should spell all this unpleasant and unflattering information out to you. Most other

  religious and/or magical organizations would do a gloss-job, put on the best face, and hope that they wouldn’t lose

  too many members who could see through the paint.

  As I’ve said earlier, the Temple of Set isn’t like that. Our senior Initiates are people who’ve spent years digging

  through mounds of occult bullshit and pseudo-science in search of the real Philosopher’s Stone. We have suffered a

  certain amount of social ostracism, even persecution because of our interests and dedication. But we also have a

  fierce pride in our integrity, and no one is going to monkey with it.

  A side aspect of this is that any individual who entrusts his initiation to the Temple has the right to know the

  quality of the initiators. The privacy of the Priesthood and Masters of the Temple is respected as long as their

  execution of office is in keeping with the Temple’s established reputation. If a problem emerges, the facts are

  brought out in the open to all who are involved in any way. In the case of the sudden resignation of a High Priest,

  obviously, the whole Temple has the right to know what is going on. Q.E.D.

  High Priest Policies

  Since reassuming the High Priesthood, I have made specific policy decisions which I consider to be of

  immediate and urgent importance:

  • All degree-downgradings which took place because of Barrett’s test are reversed, and use of that test

  (in whole or in part) becomes just one of many ways for magical knowledge to be measured. Word

  has circulated that just about everyone did rotten on the test. I received all the tests from Barrett a

  few days ago, together with the corporate papers. I haven’t reviewed them in detail, but from a

  quick skim-through they’re not that bad and most are impressive. We’ll discuss them more at the

  conclave. Some of the essays really ought to go to the Scroll for example, so that the entire Temple

  can benefit from then.

  • “Order Without Law” is revoked as a mandatory system. Masters of the Temple may establish

  specialized Orders of their own [indeed this has been a traditional prerogative of the degree since

  the Æon of Horus], but they are not required to do so.

  Initiates of the Temple may affiliate with one or more Orders as they wish to [and as will accept

  them], or they may choose to remain Initiates of the Temple in general.

  - 350 -

  The title of “Apprentice” will not be used as a qualifying designation to any Temple of Set


  The authority of supervision and Recognition empowered to the Priesthood of Set III°+ under

  the By-Laws will not be circumscribed in whole or in part, by explicit requirement or by tacit

  expectation, by any Order.

  In short, the Orders are both welcome and encouraged as they lead to more enriching

  experiences for all members, and as they are both instructive and pleasant for Masters and other

  Initiates alike. Oppressive and constricting Orders, I expect I hardly need add, are not welcome and

  will most assuredly be discouraged.

  • And now one point - straight from the By-Laws - that I cannot stress too emphatically: No Temple-

  germane secrets are to be kept from any member of the Council of Nine. This is also one of the

  historic emphases of the Temple.

  I don’t give a damn what promises you have made to whom. If you’re hiding some important

  information from a Councillor, and you know [Setians tend not to be stupid] that the Councillor

  would be interested in it, you’re in trouble with this High Priest when I find out about it.

  The Council of Nine, in addition to being the corporate Board of Directors of the Temple, is the

  sovereign authority of the Temple. It does not make policy - the High Priest does that - but it

  watches that policy, him, and the Executive Director to ensure that all is as it should be. Obviously

  the Council cannot do this if it is in the dark. Nor should its dignity be offended by Counselors being

  even “passively” misled [as Chairman Sinclair was when talking with Order of Anubis persons].

  Temple of Set policies and programs for the present and future will be discussed in great detail at the conclave

  next month, and Setians of all degrees will have a chance to be heard and to have their recommendations

  considered. If you cannot be present, put your ideas in writing and send them to any member of the Priesthood who

  is planning to attend. Standing Temple-wide policies will be clarified in appropriate supplements to the Crystal

  Tablet of Set, and more specific and time-dated programs will be discussed in the Scroll of Set.

  My Promise

  Finally the promise: In 1975, during the writing of the Book of Coming Forth by Night, I pledged to Set that I

  would recreate his Temple and his Priesthood in their highest, noblest essence. Every decision I have made since

  that night, organizational or initiatory, has been made with that pledge in mind.

  So powerful has been the energy that has radiated from the Temple of Set that it has accomplished things

  absolutely unequaled and unprecedented by anything remotely resembling it. Its Initiates have unlocked gates to

ves and their prerogatives whose existence they could scarcely have imagined.

  Yet this has not been without cost. Seemingly without end the Temple has suffered shock after shock - both from

  outside persecution and, more sadly, from those whose dedication to initiation was disrupted by lesser motives. It

  has built up a host of enemies - in conventional society, who instinctively sense its authenticity [hence threat to false

  religious and philosophical antics], within the “occult community” (groups whose ethics, expertise, and axioms are

  pathetic and simplistic in comparison), and among disgruntled ex-Setians who find its continued presence an

  intolerable reminder of their own failures and weaknesses. Not daring to challenge the Temple of Set directly, such

  individuals and organizations circle about it like vultures, probing for vulnerabilities and recruiting its rejects and

  failures (like Zappitelli and Wylie) with mock titles and positions.

  Ronald Barrett’s resignation is the worst shock yet. I have no reason to anticipate that the Temple of Set will not

  survive it, just as it has withstood so many others for so many years. But if it ever should seem - either now or at

  some other time - that the Temple’s strength is falling, then it will not be cast aside to die wretchedly, gasping out its

  life slowly and painfully while those who fear it and hate it assemble to gloat over its agonies. Rather, like the fabled

  sword Excalibur, It shall be returned with dignity, honor, and Essence to the Source from whence it came, awaiting

  a third moment in a far future when some restless beings who seek the ultimate Mystery will again evoke its Coming

  Forth by Night. Xeper.

  - 351 -

  A57: Xem and Per-t: From Magic to Mysticism

  - by Michael A. Aquino VI°

  High Priest of Set

  The Scroll of Set

  August 1982

  The critical events prior to, during, and following the Set-IV Conclave are now so well known throughout the

  Temple of Set that it is unnecessary to recount them here. It is important, however, that the magical consequences

  of those events be evaluated. The disgrace of Ronald Barrett and Lynn Norton is significant in that these two

  individuals were recognized as Magi V° by the Temple, hence were acknowledged to have made significant


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