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Face of the Assassin

Page 9

by Bill Brewer

  When the process was complete, Avery gave Diegert a hand mirror. The eyes went wide as the mouth gaped open when the reflection was perceived. Although the image was exactly as planned, Diegert was surprised at how unsettling it was to look at himself and see this new face. Just like Jian Wong and Javier Perez, Diegert had to again see himself as someone else. This time though he knew this was not someone else’s face. It was an original. It was unique to him and unprecedented on the planet. With the others, there were dossiers and experience from which to know the men, but for this one there was no real history. Who was Vince Kronig? It was up to David Diegert to decide and create the persona he wanted to show the world with this new face.

  Panzer, Avery and no doubt, Blevinsky had made up the backstory, but it was David who would embody this new person, and he could behave in whatever manner he wanted.

  Avery interrupted David’s thoughts. “What do you think?”

  “I look like a cross between a Ken doll and comic book Aquaman.”

  Avery chuckled. “Millions of people would kill to look so good.”

  “In my case, only 511 people had to die for me to look like this.”

  Panzer stepped forward. “You are a man of whom many will be envious, but many more will look up to with faith, belief and desire. Come my son let’s celebrate your arrival.”

  “Wait!” said Diegert, halting the moment. “I’m not ready to meet people just yet. I want to be alone with the new me.” Panzer looked at him quizzically, but Avery directed the tall gray-haired man to the door and together they left Diegert in the room with his new face contemplating his new identity.

  Diegert realized he had an opportunity to become the man he’d always wanted to be. Who he was up to now had been someone molded by bad circumstances and worse people. Tom and Jake Diegert never gave him a reason to think well of himself. The duality of his Native and White American blood left him socially adrift in Northern Minnesota. Friendless and ostracized, he looked down on himself as others did. He felt worthless, lonely and despondent. He acted out with rage and turned his violent tendencies into combative sports. When he discovered he was a bastard, the rejection he felt all his life suddenly had validity. He was unwanted and abandoned by a father he never knew. All Tom’s anger and abuse made perfect sense. Why would he want the product of his wife’s infidelity living in his home? Of course, the kid should be shunned, neglected, and exploited. Were it not for the love of his mother he would have no sense of self-worth at all. Not thinking much of himself left him with little reason to treat others with kindness. Diegert was a product of his dreadful and impoverished upbringing, but he now realized he could break from that. As Vince, he could be kind, gentle, polite, considerate and thoughtful. He would show strength through generosity rather than violence. Respect would be earned, not through fear and intimidation, but through intelligence and the provision of assistance. He would take on the role of a philanthropist, raising and donating money to just and worthy causes. Instead of being a killer of men, he would become a provider, a supporter, a savior.

  David lifted the mirror and looked at the new him. He had to admit the face looked like a movie star. The kind of guy who would turn heads and be remembered. He smiled for the first time and the handsome face looked even better. A “Million dollar smile,” as they say. His new looks were both captivating and compelling. People would immediately find him attractive and project upon him all sorts of positive attributes. This would be so different than the negative assumptions always made when his old self entered the room. Diegert regretted living down to the old expectations but it was who he was. Now he would be someone new.

  Touching his face for the first time, David felt the warm, smooth skin of his cheek. He ran his fingers through the luxurious thick hair and stared back at the ice blue eyes. He lost himself for a moment in the eyes. Peering in, he looked to see if he was really in there. Could he fulfill the potential represented by Vince Kronig? Could who he was, become who he wanted to be, while co-existing in this handsome, but manufactured appearance? Diegert realized that the eyes were definitely Klaus Panzer’s. The face was an amalgamation, but Panzer’s genetics were directly responsible for the piercing blue eyes. David promised himself he would commit Vince’s life to doing good. Although he had his father’s eyes, he would see with clarity as he committed himself to a new purpose in life.

  Avery knocked softly on the door as he gently opened it. “May I come in?”

  “Yeah,” replied Diegert.

  As he approached Avery said, “It is a bit unsettling to see you looking so different, so I imagine it is taking you a moment to adjust.”

  Sighing, Diegert replied, “Yeah it is, but I was just thinking about my mom. She must be destroyed thinking I’m dead and believing I was the world’s worst criminal. Can’t I tell her I’m alive and now I have a new face and I’m going to be someone new and better?”

  “Listen to yourself and tell me she’s going to be better served with that crazy story.”

  Diegert hung his new handsome head, sighing more deeply.

  Avery spoke up, “Look you can still be in her life. We are going to take care of her forever and you can befriend her and treat her as kindly as you would like. She might be happy to “adopt” you.”

  “More lies, it’s always a lie.”

  “David the rest of your life is going to be a lie, but that lie can be as good as you want it to be. Not all lies are negative. Your life can be a positive deception, committed to whatever ideals you feel are most important.”

  Scoffing, Diegert said, “Leave it to you to twist a life of lies into something better than the truth.”

  The Grand Hall conference and banquet center at LPU was selected by Klaus Panzer for the public event at which he would introduce his son, Vince Kronig, to the people who mattered most to Crepusculous and Omnisphere. With the campus CCTV system at full capacity and security personnel on high alert, the venue would be impenetrable to curious media reporters or rivals in the business world. Approximately 200 guests entered the hall to be greeted by Panzer himself before they enjoyed the open bar and the gourmet hors d’oeuvres. In the far corner of the Grand Hall Vince stood with his sisters, Gretchen and Sashi while being introduced to the guests who lined up to shake the hand of the bastard son who would inherit the wealth of Klaus Panzer.

  Some of the guests grumbled under their breath, for they found it absolutely disgusting to be celebrating the fact that this incredibly arrogant and narcissistic tyrant would hold a rare, although private, event to introduce a bastard son from an affair he had years ago. Only now, at the peak of his power, was he willing to admit to the deed. How many other poor sods were there out there that would never be acknowledged by the unrepentant philanderer? These thoughts were never given voice as the economic power wielded by Panzer rendered the moral objections mute. The guests adopted the practice of suppressing their displeasure under polite smiles and obligatory handshakes.

  Among the corporate executives under the Omnisphere umbrella and foreign dignitaries subservient to the generosity and control of the world’s largest company were the board members of Crepusculous and their families. Diegert gave himself over to the role of Vince. Never in his life had he received so much praise and adulation for having done nothing. He thought he might be able to get used to this. He just had to smile and politely shake hands and the men would congratulate him while the woman would flirt with him. His new face was admired, adored and desired. He could see it in their eyes. Diegert realized that with just a little extra expression he could get even the oldest of the women to smile at him with a great deal of mischief in their eyes. Vince took a position next to his father and sisters forming a reception line to greet the people of Crepusculous.

  Chin Lee Wei, his wife Ming Ha, son Shing and daughter Mei Ling were the first in line. Diegert could see that the grief from losing Qiang was still fresh on Chin Lee, who had difficulty with eye contact while making his stoic remarks. Ming Ha was
also hurting and although polite did not seem comfortable in the big crowd. Shing seemed like a lost boy, who perhaps did not even want to be the man in charge of the Wei Empire’s future. Mei Ling however took Diegert’s hand with a firm sense of self and purpose for the family. She seemed to realize now was not the time to be filling one’s mind with thoughts of loss and grief. She shook the hand of Vince Kronig in a manner that let him know she was someone to remember.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said. “I think it’s wonderful that the people of Crepusculous finally get to meet.”

  “Yes, well I’m kind of new to Crepusculous but I’m very happy to make your acquaintance.”

  Lowering her voice as she stepped closer, Mei Ling said, “The founders can’t live forever, it will be up to us to keep the alliance alive.”

  Vince pulled his head back, casting her a curious gaze.

  Mei Ling’s dark eyes searched for agreement, but Vince’s expression was quite questionable. “We will speak again, when we can focus on business,”

  “Certainly,” replied Vince, as Mei Ling stepped away to re-join her family.

  Next in line were the familiar faces of Javier Perez and Fatima Hussain. She wore a sleek dress that fell to the floor with just enough slit to allow her long legs the freedom to throw a roundhouse kick. Diegert couldn’t help but look at her, and her plunging cleavage, as he shook the hand of Javier Perez. When the grip on his hand increased, Vince turned his eyes to the glare of the dark Spaniard. Javier said, “I apologize. My father Julio is unable to join us. His health is not well. I however am so glad to meet the man with whom I will one day rule the world.”

  Vince replied, “I wish your father all the best. I believe we will make an excellent team.” Turning his attention to Fatima he asked, “And who is this vision of loveliness?”

  “I am Fatima Hussain,” said the stunning Pakistani woman, not waiting for Javier. “I’m very happy to meet you. I hope that the future of Crepusculous is dedicated to leaving a legacy of generosity and better living conditions all over the planet.”

  Taken aback by the strength and clarity of her message, Vince replied, “Nobility is not only to be admired but to be acted upon.”

  With her hand still in his grasp Fatima flinched but re-centered her gaze. A sudden sense of familiarity ran through her nerves, and she shuddered at the feeling. Diegert saw the flinch and a flirtatious smirk rose across his lips. He felt like a kid playing hide and seek. He was looking right at her, but she could not see David Diegert, only the captivating Vince Kronig. She and Javier moved along, but Fatima kept peering over her shoulder at the mysterious new man.

  The distinguished bearing of Dean Kellerman always impressed Diegert. The accented English and the chipper sense of keeping a stiff upper lip were the calling cards of the second half of the founding pair of Crepusculous. Accompanying him were his son Michael and his daughter Colleen.

  “Such an honor to meet you,” said the man of quiet power, surprising Diegert with the strength of his grip. “I do say your story is quite the tale of a reversal of fortune.”

  Vince tilted his head as he replied with a questioning tone, “Reversal?”

  Holding Diegert’s gaze Dean continued, “Well, all right, you were not exactly a pauper, but your mother’s resources were certainly less than what lies before you now.”

  “Are you implying that my current position is somehow inappropriate?” asked Vince.

  With a baleful look from under a bushy eyebrow, Dean Kellerman countered, “Oh no, nothing of the sort. I just wanted to point out that your lot in life has changed dramatically, and very much for the better.”

  Vince’s nonstop smile faded as he replied, “Did your children’s lives change for the better when their mother died?”

  Seeking to lighten the mood Kellerman responded with a return of his classic smile. “Enjoy your evening and welcome to the most powerful alliance on earth. Allow me to introduce my son Michael.”

  Diegert turned his attention to the one man at the party who was not wearing a tie. The open collar though was the least of the appearance problems for the awkward and unkempt son of Dean Kellerman.

  “Dude,” came the greeting from the man whose shirttail extruded from his trousers covering the girth of his gut. His pants, unlaundered blue jeans. Upon his feet were scruffy sneakers, the kind with white rubber encasing the toes. The one thing Michael had already clearly accomplished was to have found the bar and enjoyed the free drinks. Trouble with substance abuse was clearly evident in the young man’s demeanor. The fact he had a nearly empty highball glass as he met the guest of honor displayed where his priorities were.

  Diegert shook the guy’s hand which had the feel of a damp kitchen rag. “Pleased to meet you.”

  “Yeah, welcome aboard. Let’s hang out sometime. I can take you someplace a lot cooler than this fuck’n fogey fest.”

  Cocking his head with a slight nod, Vince said, “Okay, let’s do that sometime.”

  As he walked away, Michael Kellerman replied with a chuck from his lips and teeth while raising his glass and downing the contents.

  Diegert watched as he walked away then turned to see the most striking face he had ever laid eyes on. He nearly dropped dead, she was that gorgeous. Colleen Kellerman’s smile gleamed across a face of perfect proportions, glowing under smooth soft skin. Her sultry brunette hair framed her face in lustrous waves. Her dark brown eyes sparkled with an effervescent joy which shown like bright beacons of happiness. She was beaming, radiating an appeal that Diegert found irresistibly attractive.

  He caught himself staring at her, lost in his impressions. His gleeful smile and wide eyes told everyone that Vince Kronig was immediately and deeply smitten. He was so very pleased to be making the acquaintance of the daughter of Dean Kellerman.

  “Hello,” said the young lady as she extended her hand. “I’m Colleen Jewel Kellerman.”

  Pulled from his reverie, Vince took the hand, and gently but firmly accepted the greeting. “It is so nice to meet you. Call me D… Vince.”


  Chuckling awkwardly, Diegert said, “No, just Vince.”

  “Well, I go by Julie. I prefer the use of my middle name.”

  “Excellent, Julie it is then.”

  “I’m glad you’ve been reacquainted with your father.”

  “Yes, it was a long time that I didn’t know who my father was.”

  Julie’s furrowed brow showed Diegert that she was listening and found his remark sad.

  “One cannot control the circumstances of creation,” said Diegert. “But hopefully the consequences have their purpose.”

  Julie looked at Vince with a quizzical gaze. “I suppose that’s true. What purpose do you hope to fulfill now that the consequences have turned out as they are?”

  “My purpose will be to serve others with the power and resources of Omnisphere. I only hope I find similar minded colleagues on the Board of Crepusculous.”

  Her smile was reluctant, not the full beamer from earlier. This smile was hopeful but nuanced. It occurred to Vince that perhaps she already realized that the greatest force of opposition to generosity on the board was his father. How would he influence the direction of an entity with which he did not always agree. She said, “I would like to meet with you at some point and hear some more about your plans for the future.”

  Vince leaned in with Diegert’s reply, “You can count on me reaching out to find time on your calendar.”

  Julie’s smile brightened a few notches and her eyes held more mischief than the old ladies’. As she walked away she simply said, “I look forward to it.”


  Mei Ling stepped over to the bar for a second drink. While patiently waiting to be served, she looked to her right as a striking dark woman with beautiful black hair, styled in a French braid inlaid with strands of gold, approached. The woman’s body filled her figure hugging dress with tantalizing proportions. Mei Ling found herse
lf reacting to the appearance of this woman with thoughts that were surprisingly sexual.

  Fatima Hussain extended her hand to Mei Ling as she introduced herself. She was surprised by the firm strength in the grip of the smaller woman who seemed somewhat subservient and demure.

  “I’m Fatima Hussain.”

  “And I am Mei Ling Wei. I was just telling Vince that is so nice to meet the rest of the people of Crepusculous.”

  “That disgusting corporate name almost sounds pretty when you say it.”

  Mei Ling smiled as she giggled, “When I first heard the word, Crepusculous I asked my father if it was a fatal disease.”

  “Believe me, for some people it is. I wanted to meet you because I feel that when the time comes to change the guard, we women should take over.”

  Mei Ling blinked with astonishment before her attention wavered when the bartender requested her order. “A vodka martini please.”

  Fatima held her gaze with anticipation.

  “I like bold,” said Mei Ling. “I too have concerns about the future. My brother is not equipped to rule the world, not even one quarter of it.”

  Sliding close as she lowered her voice Fatima said, “Javier is only good at one thing, and it is not running the globe’s largest corporation.”

  Mei Ling giggled as her drink arrived. Taking a sip and flicking her eyes to direct Fatima’s gaze to the end of the bar she said, “I have grave doubts about the capabilities of the Kellerman family’s heir.” Together they observed Michael Kellerman, planted on a stool and slumped on the bar as he swallowed his drink in two gulps. Looking at each other, Fatima rolled her eyes and Mei Ling shrugged her shoulders.


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