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Cuffed for Love

Page 4

by Goode, Ella

  “I invited you to take me to my bedroom and then you ghosted me.” I wiggle, trying to get off his lap, but his fingers dig into my hips, not letting me. “Then you spider me.”

  He lets go of my hips to cup my face gently. “I’ve been wanting to call you all day. It’s why I went to my brother’s to hang out so that I wouldn’t.”

  “Well, I’m glad we got that all straightened out. I should be going now. After you clean up the fake spiders from my door.”

  He smirks. “Are you saying you can’t go back to your place because there are fake spiders in front of your door?” I nod. I don’t care if they are real or not. They freak me the hell out. “So you’re trapped here?”

  I narrow my eyes on him.

  “I’m starting to think my plan worked out better than I expected.”



  “I meant to be up to film that spider prank for you, but after I collared that skip, I had plans with my brother than passed out. I didn’t plan on you leaving your place so late tonight.” I had turned on my alarm.

  “What’s a bounty hunter do exactly?” Joy leans against the counter, a cup of tea in her hand.

  “The technical term is skip tracer, and it just means that you’re retrieving someone who skipped out on their bail. You know what that is, right?”

  “Money that keeps them in town?” she asks.

  “Basically. The judge says that instead of serving your time in jail before your trial, you can go about your business, but you have to deposit money with us so we can coerce you to come back. No one can really afford the full bail, so they go to a bail bondsman, who fronts the entire amount while you pay only a fraction. If the person doesn’t attend the court hearing, the bond is forfeited, and the bondsman is out the money. I’m sent out to get that person back.” I flip a flapjack over. It’s never too late for pancakes.

  “Do they usually not show up?” She appears genuinely curious. Her elbows are on the counter, and she’s leaning forward, listening intently. It’s really flattering, and my dick perks up in notice. He likes the attention.

  “No. Only a few ever skip because they don’t want the bail bondsman after them, but sometimes people get drunk or high or scared and either forget or think avoiding court will make it go away.” I slide the cakes onto a plate and set them on the counter in front of her. One bottle of maple syrup and three fat patties of butter later, breakfast is good to go.

  We dig in, both apparently hungry, so our conversation comes to a halt. As I’m scraping the last of the syrup off my plate, I ask her about her business. “How’d you become an influencer?”

  A wry smile tips the corner of her left mouth up. “How does anyone? Sort of by accident. I’ve always been a heavy user of social media. Whenever something happened, I’d post a picture and tell a little story about how the picture came to be. More and more people started following me. When my follower count clicked over the hundred thousand mark, businesses contacted me wanting me to post things but”—she makes a face—“if you do too much of that, no one thinks you’re genuine anymore, so I only try to partner with companies that sell stuff I really use. I can’t really explain why people like my feed.”

  I’ve been back-reading her posts the past few days. She’s funny as hell and doesn’t mind looking silly for her followers. I’m sure that’s why she’s popular.

  “So what’s your social media account? You know mine, and it only seems fair if you share yours.”

  “I haven’t posted anything.” I grab my phone, pull up the account I made, and display the screen for her to read.

  “You don’t even have a profile pic,” she exclaims, taking my phone out of my hand. “Let me take a picture of you for your account.”

  I gather up our dishes and put them in the dishwasher. “I’d rather you didn’t. No offense, but I gotta stay under the radar. I have a company that traces skips on social media, but I might do my own research now that I’ve opened my account. If I do, I don’t want my targets to see my face.”

  “That’s too bad. You’d be good on social media. Girls would be sliding into your DMs and making all sorts of propositions. Actually, maybe you should just delete your account.” She turns off my phone and places it face down. “I should get going. Cece should be home soon, and I need to be there when she is.”

  “Why? Does she turn into a pumpkin if you're not at home? Because I didn’t want to remind you, but you have a bunch of spiders blocking the way into your house, and you’re stuck here now. What do you want to do? Watch a movie?”

  She shudders. “Thank goodness I have a back door.”

  “I better go and make sure there are no spiders back there. They have legs, you know.”

  Joy holds up a hand. “I know the ones in the front are fake, but they seem real and the more you talk about them, the more real they become. I won’t be able to sleep tonight at this rate.”

  “I’m sure I could tire you out.” I smirk.

  The tip of her pink tongue peeks out and then hides. I suck in a breath at the erotic sight. “Definitely have some ideas about how to put you to bed,” I growl, staring at that succulent mouth.

  Her lips curve up. “Maybe you should explain them to me so that staying here is more appealing than braving the spiders.”

  I wipe my hands on the dishtowel and lean forward. “How graphic can I be?”

  She flushes. “I don’t know.”

  “Here’s the thing, Joy. We’re getting together, and maybe it’s not tonight, but it’ll be soon, and I’m going to want to do all kinds of things to you and with you. It’s not just going to be kissing either. Oh, we’ll kiss. Don’t get me wrong. I’m going to kiss your pert mouth, your pretty cheeks, your neck, and your wrist. I’m going to bite and suck on your nipples until they’re hard enough to cut glass. I’m going to kiss you until you’re coming just from the thought of me going down on you, but I’m not going to touch that cunt. Nope. I’m going to kiss the small of your back, trace your spine with my tongue. I’m going find out if you’re sensitive behind your knees and around your ankles. I’m going to see if you shudder when I lick your inner thighs and whether you cry when I suck on your toes.”

  “H-how come you’re skipping the good part?” she stutters.

  “Because the minute I lay a finger on that pussy of yours, that’s the only thing I’m going to be able to pay attention to for about five days. You ready for that?”

  The mug Joy’s been drinking her tea out of is suspended in midair. Gently, I remove it and lay it on the counter. “Baby, it’s gonna be okay. We’ll take it as slow or as fast as you need.” I cup her face and tilt her head back. “Just let me know what speed you’re in the mood for.”



  I’m starting to think of this as a challenge. If that was his plan, it’s working because the only thing I can think about now is his mouth between my thighs.

  “I guess I should stay the night. It’s late and then there’s the spider issue.” I smirk “How big is your bed?” I pick up my phone and text Cece. She’s on a date and would worry when she got home if I wasn’t there. I look up to see his jaw tighten, letting me know that I’ve won this round.

  “You don’t want me to spend the night? You could go clean up the spiders,” I offer. I’m unable to hide my smirk.

  “You can stay.” Before I can move, he’s on me. He places a hand on both sides of me, caging me in. My heart rate picks up with how close he is. I’m sitting on his kitchen counter. I hopped up here once he cleaned up from making dinner. Him being able to cook is an added bonus. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.” He’s so tall that even though I’m sitting on the counter I still have to look up at him. I give him my best innocent look as if I have no clue what he’s talking about.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I add my sweetest smile as I wrap my legs around him. I run my fingers up his broad chest slowly before wrapping my arms around his neck
. I yawn.

  “I am feeling tired.” I push my chest into his. “Can we go to bed now?”

  “You’re going to get your ass spanked if you keep it up.”

  “What!” I screech, but my body has a different reaction to his words. My cheeks suddenly feel flush, and the ache between my thighs gets worse.

  “Spanking your ass isn’t touching your pussy. I can spank it all I want.” To prove his point, his hands go to my ass as he pulls me off the counter. He gives my ass a squeeze. “You like the sound of that?” Now he’s the one that’s smirking.

  “Is that like your kink?” I ask. He laughs, making his whole body shake. Damn. He’s even hotter when he laughs. I really am playing with fire here.

  “I’ve never spanked someone’s ass before, but I have a feeling you’re going to need a few spankings.” I huff out a breath, pretending to be annoyed, but I think he sees right through it. I’m starting to see the man notices everything about me. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad one.

  He drops me onto a bed. It’s soft and big. I’m actually impressed that it’s neatly made. “This bed is giant. I think we can have our own sides.”

  “You've lit the fuse, sweetheart.” He pulls off his shirt as he makes his way over to his closet. He drops it into the hamper. His jeans and boxer briefs go next. I sit shocked in his bed as he walks right past me into his bathroom. His cock is hard. I’ve only seen one on my computer screen before. All I know is that it matches his body, which is big. I hear the shower turn on.

  The man’s body is a work of art. There’s no denying that he works out and is in good shape. I guess you would have to be if you chased people for a living. My insecurities about my own body start to flood me.

  I’m not hard anywhere. When I’m next to him I feel small, but in reality I’m more on the curvy side. I rush to get under the covers. I’m going to pretend I’m asleep. When I hear the shower turn off, I close my eyes. He was right, though. I took this as a challenge, and now I'm running from it.

  I hear him move around before the bed dips, and I know he’s in it. I let out a small scream when his arm wraps around me, pulling me into his massive body.

  “I was asleep.”

  “Liar.” I roll over to face him. His hand runs up and down my back.

  “Are you naked?” I whisper for some reason.

  “No, I have boxers on.”

  “Oh.” I let my legs tangle with his.

  “You sound disappointed.”

  “No I didn’t.” I deny it. I’m actually not sure if I want him naked or not. He shifts me so that I’m lying on top of him. My legs straddle him. His hard cock is pressed against my sex.

  “You feel that? I had to jack off in the shower thinking about your pussy and all the things I’m going to do to it. My relief was short lived when I walked out of the bathroom to see you in my bed. Now I’m hard all over again.”

  Holy shit. I grow wetter between my thighs. So wet I wonder if he can feel it.

  “I’m sorry?” I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say to that. Then he gives me one of those deep laughs. I bite the inside of my lip, trying to not be so turned on by his attraction to me. The ache I have for him may have started between my thighs, but now it’s my whole body.

  I shift, unable to stop myself. He grabs my hips, his fingers digging into me as he tries to stop me. “If you want to get off by rubbing your little pussy against my dick, you have to lose the shirt.”

  “My body is not like yours,” I let him know. He sits up, grabbing my shirt and pulling it off over my head.

  “It might be an asshole thing to say, but this body is the first thing I really noticed about you.” Before I can respond, he kisses me. It’s hungry and full of need. I love the way he kisses me. It’s like I’m the only thing in the world that matters to him. He puts everything into it.

  He thrusts up, making me gasp when his cock rubs against my panty-covered sex. He falls back down onto the bed. “Take what you want, sweetheart. I’m all yours. If you want to dry hump me to orgasm, I’m not going to stop you.” I’m blinded for a second when light fills the room, and I realize he’s turned on the lamp on his nightstand. “But I am going to watch. Drop the hands,” he orders.

  I hadn’t realized it, but I’d covered my breasts. I do as he tells me, dropping my hands to his chest. He puts his hands behind his head like he is relaxing watching a show. But the way he’s looking at me and how hard he is for me makes my insecurities fall away.

  I shift my hips back and forth, mimicking sex. My movements become quicker as I try to find my release. I dig my fingers into him. I'm so on edge that my orgasm is coming fast. I try to hold back, but when he groans my name I lose the fight. I come. The orgasm rushes through my body as I fall on top of his. I’m pretty sure he came with me. I close my eyes as he wraps his arms around me.

  What have I gotten myself into is my last thought before sleep takes me.



  I don’t regret saying we’d move at the pace she set, but I want nothing more than to drive my cock into her succulent pussy. Shooting my load into my boxers doesn’t give me the same fulfillment that I know would come from being inside her. Still, she’s here in my arms, and that’s more than I deserve, that’s for damn sure.

  I crawl out of bed and pull on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I’ve got some spider cleanup to do. The porch light is off, so I pull my truck out and shine the headlights into the front yard. Fifteen minutes later, the front entrance is spider-free. I’m about to head back into the house when a Dodge careens around the corner and squeals to a stop in front of Joy’s house. The passenger door whips open and Cece tumbles out. She barely has the door shut before the Dodge takes off. I file the license plate in the back of my head and amble over to the roommate.

  “You okay?”

  She sniffs but nods. “Just a bad date. I’ve had a run of them lately.”

  “Sorry.” I heft the garbage bag over my shoulder. “Why don’t you go inside? I’ll wait to make sure he doesn’t come back.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Joy’s waiting up for me.”

  I grimace. “Actually, she’s sleeping upstairs.” I jerk my thumb toward my own house.

  Cece’s eyebrows shoot upward. “Already? I didn’t think Joy would cave like that. She’s way more—You know what? Let me just shut up. Night, Dane, and if you hurt her, I’ll be carrying your balls around in my purse.” Cece scampers up the porch and dashes inside before I can press her.

  She’s way too what? Conservative? Shy? I guess that fits, though, given that all Joy is ready to do is take off her shirt and dry hump. I toss the trash away and get ready to head back inside. We’ll see what the morning brings. I’d like to have a little taste of her cunt for breakfast.

  My plan to crawl into bed next to Joy is thwarted by a text from Tony, one of the bail bondsmen I work with.

  Him: had a no show skip is at Club Tango shouldn’t be a hassle woman 5’2” 140 lb 45 yo she was charged w class d felony UDW

  Me: Use of a deadly weapon? That doesn’t sound like a no hassle pick up

  Him: beer bottle bar brawl w another woman nothing big

  He sends a picture of a bottle blonde whose hair is teased out twice the size of her head. She’s scowling at the deputy taking the mug shot. Women are actually a little challenging because you can’t really lay hands on them like you can a man. You have to kind of corral them, herd them like cattle into your truck instead of punching them across the jaw and hauling their carcass out over your shoulder.

  But she’s small and so I should be able to finesse this quickly and be back before Joy wakes up. I text back an affirmative and go inside to gear up. Joy’s still sleeping, her arms curved around a pillow. I growl under my breath. That should be me and not a damn sack of feathers. I give myself a little shake. Am I really jealous of a pillow? I’ve got it bad.

  After tucking my gun into my shoulder holster and grabbing a pair of so
cks, I make for the door as quietly as possible.

  “Going somewhere?” a sleepy voice asks.

  I turn toward the bed. “Didn’t mean to wake you, sweets.”

  She pushes upright and swipes a hank of hair out of her eyes. I clench my jaw as the desire to pounce on her sweeps through my system. I finger the phone in my pocket. There are other skip tracers in this county. I can let this one go. “You didn’t. Not really. I need to go home and wait for Cece.”

  “She’s home. I saw her when I was cleaning up your front porch.”

  “Oh. That’s good. Did she say how her date went?”

  “Wasn’t good, I don’t think.” The memory of the Dodge barely making a rolling stop before disgorging Cece runs through my mind.

  Joy swings her feet out of the bed. “I should go home. She’ll need someone to talk to.”

  I bite my tongue to keep from telling her to get back where she belongs. “All right, but when I get back, I’ll stop over, so maybe you should give me a key so I don’t wake you up.”

  Joy gives me a once-over, taking in my clothes, gun, and socks in hand. “Are you going somewhere?”

  “Got a job.”

  “Tonight? This late?” She looks for a clock.

  “It’s nearing midnight, and yeah, the skip is at a bar.”

  “Can I go? Actually”—she fumbles for her phone—“let me see if Cece’s awake. We can both go. It’ll be a good distraction for her. Maybe I could film it? That would be some cool content for my feed.”

  “Ahh…I don’t know whether that’s legal.” I scratch my head.

  “You’re going to a public place, right?”

  “Yeah, Club Tango.”

  “If it’s a public place, I can film it. Wait for me. I’ll be a sec. Hey, you’re awake,” she chirps into the phone. I back up to the bed and sit down to pull my socks on. By the time I’m done, Joy’s dressed and ready to go. “Cece will meet us outside.”


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