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Dinosaurs! (Forger of Worlds Book 3)

Page 31

by Simon Archer

  You have leveled up. You gain three stat points and one skill point to distribute.

  You have leveled up. You gain three stat points and one skill point to distribute.

  You have leveled up. You gain three stat points and one skill point to distribute.

  All that was interesting, as were the words Mab had spoken about the blow being delivered by her hand, and as soon as I had a chance, I was going to set the pussycats to researching that one, but for now, I did the most important things I could do. First, I summoned Queenie back from the Auric Pocket and gave her a huge hug and kiss.

  “Thank you,” I whispered to her as I kissed her again. “You’re really the best.”

  “You’re welcome, master,” she said, cheeks flushing. “Now, I think there is someone else you should tend to.” She nodded toward Thera. “I will take care of the cleanup.”

  “Again, the best,” I said, giving her one last kiss before approaching Thera, who was sitting up and speaking with Denno despite clearly being hurt, which was when I realized several Orange tribe members had been captured rather than killed. Denno nodded to me and scurried off to do whatever she’d told him, and when my gaze

  “Are you okay?” I asked her as I approached her, already summoning a few Minder Ants to tend to her wounds.

  “I will be okay,” she said as she accepted the ants’ help without complaint. Admittedly, part of me had expected her to argue. “You serve a truly fearsome master.”

  “Oh, Mab?” I asked with a thoughtful frown. “Yeah, she’s kinda scary.”

  “I am glad to not be you.” She smirked. “Though I am glad you have paid the price for her help.”

  “I am too, for now anyway,” I offered her my hand and helped her up. “So, what are we going to do now?”

  “Rest,” Thera said as she took my hand, and as she took a step toward her tent, she smiled back at me. “And your Ant should join us when she is done. After all, I think she deserves some rest too.” Thera winked at me. “After that, who knows? It seems the Orange clan’s leader was killed by Titania, so someone will have to step in.”

  “I think I know just the person,” I said as I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her deeply.

  “Perhaps,” she said when our kiss broke. “But that is a problem that can wait until morning.”




  A Note from the Author

  Hey, if you got here, I just want you to know that you’re awesome! I wrote this book just for someone like you, and if you want another one, it is super important that you leave a review.

  The more reviews this book gets, the more likely it is there will be a sequel to it. After all, I’m only human, and you have no idea how far a simple “your book was great!” goes to brighten my day.

  Also, if you want to know when the sequel comes out, you absolutely must join my Facebook group and follow me on Amazon. Doing one won’t be enough because it relies on either Facebook or Amazon telling you the book is out, and they might not do it.

  You might miss out on all my books forever, if you only do one!

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  And if you are looking for more stories like mine, check out these great Facebook Groups for more authors and suggestions: Harem Gamelit, Harem Lit, and GameLit Society!




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