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Crimson Ties

Page 9

by V L Moon

  “Where the fuck are you, Laziel?” He growled into the silence. Thirty seconds of inactivity swelled into a full minute. Adrenaline pumped through his system as if the earlier fight had never taken place. With a savage oath, he sprang from the chair to pace back and forth across the newly restored carpet. Patience had never been a virtue for him, and with Laziel gone, there was nothing or no one to tame the savageness of his vampiric nature.

  A loud crash behind him sent him into a fighter’s crouch, fangs bared, gun and knife drawn, and eyes glowing feral red. Terrified carpenters froze when he snarled. Malachi fought to rein himself back as the scent of fear triggered his warrior nature. He knew he was dangerous and someone or something besides his office was going to take the brunt of his ire if he didn’t get away.

  “Sire?” Ms. Stroner’s voice broke through the cacophony in his mind. His gaze snapped to her, bathing her form in a scarlet glow.

  “I’m going to the gym, let me know when Arial arrives,” he snapped and ported straight to the locker room. He changed out of his fighting attire into loose shorts and trainers. He didn’t bother with a shirt. He stepped into the training area and bit back a groan. The angel’s scent slammed into him.

  “I’m going to find you angel,” he vowed under his breath as he crossed to the punching bag in the far corner.


  Chapter Seven


  The bitter warmth of alcohol burned through his system. Tobias was glad Malachi kept the onboard bar supplied with an eclectic stash of hard liquor. The harsh sting of the booze helped him maintain the façade of a cool head. No easy task to pull off when faced with being trapped alone, on the vampire king’s private jet with someone who made his blood boil and his body ache with the need to touch and taste.

  As much as Tobias tried to keep his cool, his wolf was of an altogether different opinion concerning all of the tightly coiled power that made Roman De Sangue so fucking addictive. When he arrived at Denali's enclave as an ambassador for his father’s wolf pack, Tobias hadn't given one iota of thought to the vampires surrounding him. Truth be known, he’d been completely oblivious to their compulsive charms.

  Wolves stuck to their own species and hardly ever mated with someone outside of their own pack. And, they always mated the opposite sex or faced exile and ostracism from all of the packs. The thought flicked through his mind like an angry wasp buzzing at his subconscious. As always, he swatted the irritation away. Until his wolf found its mate, he planned to play the field, male and female. No need to confront his father or the pack until then. There was a possibility, albeit slight, that his wolf would choose a female mate and the showdowns with both factions could be avoided.

  His eyes danced over Roman sitting stiff and proper in the seat across from him. Already, his wolf stirred just being in close proximity. The slight chance of controlling his lust was fast dwindling to nil and every second spent in Roman’s company wetted his appetite to know more about the male.

  After being introduced to Roman only a few nights before, everything Tobias considered the norm quickly went topsy turvey. When added to the mix, the delectable Miss Stroner acted as an aphrodisiac, one he and Roman had lovingly savored.

  Together, they'd stretched her; filled her while sandwiching her lithe, toned body between them. Kimberly had taken her fill and rode them hard. Tobias remembered the lustful glint in her eyes when she encouraged his and Roman’s obvious attraction to each other. Helped along by copious amounts of homebrewed wolf hooch, Roman had succumbed to their combined charm and let down his guard. Tobias had been ready, willing and more than able to show the brooding male exactly what he was missing in sticking to only the females of the species.

  Except, Tobias had been the one left pining for more when all three of them lay wrung out in a tangled mass of limp, sweaty limbs. Tobias winced as he took another slug of the rich brown liquid. He wished the liquor would work its magic and chill him the hell out. No such luck, Tobias. With a near silent sigh, his eyes wandered up along Roman's thighs. Damn it! Tobias didn't think he'd ever met anyone as fucking hot as Roman de Sangue.

  The brooding vampire sported the most sullen and sultry bow shaped lips. They emphasized the whole moody persona the vampire had going on. The male was dour at best, and Tobias surmised Roman used that part of himself to keep others at arm’s length. Not that it worked on Tobias. To him, Roman practically oozed sex appeal. Something his wolf was helplessly drawn to the more he fought it. And, those eyes--fuck! He just wanted to fall into those deep pools of icy green and drown. He’d never reacted so strongly to anyone.

  He knew he was a cocky son of a bitch, literally, and had invaded Roman’s personal space far too many times. But, wolves were tactile by their very nature. With Roman around him, Tobias exhibited that side of himself a little too much; he just couldn’t help himself. The more Roman attempted to brush him off, the more the vampire appealed to him. A growl echoed in his mind. Too late, he realized the rolling thunder fell from his lips when his gaze met Roman’s troubled glare.

  Roman laid his own drink aside and rose leisurely. Elegant hands tugged at the hem of the green sweater that matched his eyes. His lips firmed. Keeping his gaze firmly on Tobias’s face, he backed slowly away from his seat in the direction of the bedroom suite. Tobias guessed his intentions, a locked door between them. A barrier easily broken by either of them if they dared invoke the ire of the vampire king. The growing bulge in Roman’s trousers told Tobias the male was not as unaffected as he tried to appear.

  He really should have warned Roman; should’ve played fair. Beneath his skin, Tobias’s blood ran hot. His wolf bayed for the chase. Roman’s scent saturated the cabin as he continued to back away from Tobias. Teeth bared and eyes starting to glow, Tobias gained his feet and stalked the vampire like prey.

  His mouth salivated with the desire to taste all of Roman’s marble hard flesh. But, what he really craved was the feel of Roman’s mouth at his neck and the slow piercing sting of those fangs as they sank into his vein to draw at the scorching rush of blood surging through him. His wrist tingled from the earlier bite and instinctively, Tobias knew the pleasure would be far greater with Roman at his throat.

  “Anyone ever tell you it’s dangerous to look a wolf in the eye?” Tobias cocked his head to the side, his grin devilish. “Are you trying to provoke me, vampire? Do you like the thought of being held down and thoroughly fucked?”

  A rush of male pheromones soaked the air in response to Tobias’s statement. A low warning howl rolled from his chest and turned into a full on roar when Roman turned his back and sprinted for the private cabin at the rear of the plane. Tobias drank in the aroma of Roman’s lust before darting forward in hot pursuit, knowing full well that whatever was between them was anything but a game.

  The wolf within clawed for release. Another howl threatened to explode. Tobias fought to rein in the dominant flow of animalistic power demanding he mark Roman de Sangue as his mate. The realization of the battle he waged nearly dropped him to his knees. Mark him? His mate? Had his wolf already bonded? Heart pounding, he slowed in his pursuit of the other male.

  Usually, he controlled the change between human and wolf with little effort. But, not with Roman acting as prey. The dominant side of Tobias resided with the beast. In human form, Tobias portrayed a flirtatious persona, but the underlying threat of awakening the wild part of his nature was something Tobias always lived with and kept contained. However, there was something about Roman that stirred his wolf’s hackles and brought it to the surface.

  Tobias shuddered under the strain of keeping it together and bolted down the aisle. He crashed through the door of the private bedroom to find Roman standing on the opposite side of the room with a look of defiance on his face. Just what Tobias needed to further stir up the half crazed wolf lurking just beneath the surface of his bristling heated skin. Tobias sniffed the air and caught the trace scent of apprehension masked by arousal.

man backed away, holding his palms out as though to keep Tobias away. “We can’t do this, not here. It’s the King’s plane, his bed. I won’t give in to you, wolf.” Roman’s statement of fact, however true he thought it to be, belied what he really felt. Dropping to all fours, Tobias prowled toward him slow and predatory until he came to a halt at Roman’s feet. Using only his nose and mouth, Tobias growled as he sniffed along the throbbing shaft of muscle protruding beneath the vampire’s neatly pressed pants.

  “You need to keep still. I’m having a little difficulty keeping my furry side in check. It seems that my wolf likes the smell of you as much as I do Roman. You wouldn’t want to deny him right now, you might end up losing something valuable,” Tobias growled, his voice thick with lust.

  Before him, Roman shuddered, but didn’t back away. The hands on his shoulders stopped pushing him away. When the heat of Tobias’s tongue laved over the thin material of Roman’s pants, the fingers curled into his shoulders. As he slowly edged down the zipper with his teeth, the same fingers, relaxed before smoothing down his back.

  A moan slipped from Roman. The temperature in the small cabin escalated higher and hotter from the heat pouring off of Tobias’s body. It mingled with Roman’s heady rich scent to heighten the overly amorous mood of Tobias and his wolf. He bumped the vampire’s thigh with his shoulder, and wonder of fucking wonders, the male moved, following his silent demand to back toward the bed.

  Roman’s breathing and the way his hands remained on Tobias contradicted his feeble attempt to deny he wanted Tobias. He and his wolf could tell that the male desired him. Who was he to deny his guest’s needs? Roman’s knees hit the mattress, and he sat hard before scrambling back to lie against the pillows. His green eyes aflame with lust beckoned Tobias closer.

  “Do you want me, Roman? Once I join you, I’m not sure I can stop.” He gave the male one last out; forcing himself on someone was not his idea of a good time. In response, Roman sat up and yanked his sweater over his head. Creamy white skin, so different from his own bronzed physique covered a leanly muscled body. A nice six pack begged to be licked and tasted. And then, Roman sprawled flat of his back again, his hands working his belt and the fastenings of his trousers. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband and lifted his hips, shoving the material down.


  All of the defiant words he’d uttered only minutes before vanished the second Tobias’s magic mouth touched him. Roman lay on the bed determined to hang on to his courage. Although he’d never considered a male lover, Tobias’s lust slammed into his senses, driving him wild. The vampiric side of him matched every howl that fell from those lush lips. Roman wanted. And, he wanted Tobias. He lifted his head to stare into topaz eyes that heated his skin everywhere they touched.

  “Take them off me, wolf and get your ass in the bed. You wanted this, wanted me so show me what the hell you are so eager to give me.”

  The logistics of what they were about to do dried Roman’s mouth. Did Tobias expect to fuck him, or would he be taking the wolf. How did they determine who assumed which position. He’d seen the size of the wolf when they’d shared Ms. Stroner. Could he handle that inside of him? He swallowed hard at the thought. More, could he fuck another man? He’d felt Tobias’s body. There was no softness, no curves. Hard planes and pads of muscle. Roman’s blood flared hotter. Apparently, his vampire liked the idea of a male.


  Roman’s words whipped Tobias’s wolf into a frenzy. He snatched the vampire’s pants away and quickly stripped himself. His cock bobbed free; thick and long. Roman’s eyes latched on to it, and he visibly swallowed. Unable to resist, Tobias palmed himself and stroked balls to head. He twisted his wrist at the top and sucked in a breath. On his stomach, Roman’s dick twitched and drew Tobias’s burning gaze.

  He placed a knee on the mattress and crawled onto the bed. Languidly, his tongue and teeth prowled up Roman’s long legs. While Roman lay before him panting with need and completely exposed, Tobias trailed his tongue and teeth along the inside of his thighs, biting and nipping at the vampire’s flesh until he squirmed beneath him. Tobias inhaled the invigorating scent of his sex as it wept, tempting him with its salty musk.

  “I…oh God. Toby, please don’t stop,” Roman pleaded.

  Tobias heard the tremble in Roman’s voice and wondered briefly if the vampire had anyone else in his life. He stilled momentarily, studying the look on Roman’s face. It reminded him of a startled deer trapped by the headlights of an oncoming car. Tobias could tell Roman wanted him. But, at the same time, he had the fleeting notion that maybe under that tough exterior, Roman hid a very unique quality—innocence. And oh boy, that really didn’t help. Knowing he’d be the first—drove him fucking crazy.

  Tobias needed to touch, needed to be Romans’ first male lover. The wolf in Tobias clawed at him from the inside; tearing at the mental wall Tobias had erected to stop himself from shifting. He was fooling himself. He didn’t just want to be the first; his wolf wanted to mark the male, claim him.

  Tobias shifted gears from fast and furious to slow and easy. He’d to make sure Roman enjoyed the experience. He longed to show him how good it could be between them. He needed to go easy; make their first time something to remember. Slower than before, Tobias tormented Roman by using the tip of his tongue to dip in and out of his leaking slit, tasting, groaning as he did so. His wolf salivated as Roman’s bouquet exploded over his tongue. The want for more had Tobias inching his lips down over the broad delicious crown of Roman’s cock. He suckled the delicate tip, devouring its salty taste and laved playfully around the plum colored head before sliding down the smooth hard length.

  His eyes fluttered up to catch sight of an open mouthed, wide eyed Roman watching him. Tobias moaned in delight at the feel of the male filling his mouth. Roman’s hips bucked and the tip of his cock bumped the back of Tobias’s throat. Roman’s hands tangled in his hair and the male threw back his head. His hips thrust up, forcing Tobias to open his throat and take more. Which he did. Again and again, Roman impaled that hard shaft of flesh in and out of his throat until Roman’s tormented cries filled the air. But, Tobias wanted more and so did his wolf.

  Just as Roman’s cock swelled and his impending release drew his balls up tight, Tobias purposely released him and grinned wickedly, showing the points of his wolf’s sharp white teeth. He crawled up along Roman’s body, teasing the vampire with his mouth until he silenced Roman’s moans with a long languid kiss. It fueled the need roaring through his veins. Their body’s met and ground together flesh against flesh. Tobias growled and moved his hand between them to grasp his own and Roman’s cock tightly. He stroked them both. The friction of their hard lengths moving against each other mixed with the seductive sound of Roman pleading for more was enough to drive him wild. Roman surged up grinding himself hard against Tobias and yanked him down to take possession of his mouth.

  “Fuck I want you,” Roman panted. “I tried not to but…”

  Tobias cut short Roman’s words with a feral growl. It slipped from his lips as the buildup of his orgasm rushed up to take him over the edge. Tobias shoved it back. Not yet. He wanted Roman at his neck, taking his blood; wanted the heightened sense of euphoria he craved from Roman and the climatic rush the vampire’s bite would ultimately give him.

  Roman’s moan, as Tobias released him, quickly resumed its deep pitch when Tobias pushed back his legs and lowered himself to where Roman’s ass lay open before him. Tension stiffened Roman’s legs, lust turned to apprehension. A wicked smile turned up the corners of Tobias’s lips. Slowly, he lowered his face and guided the glistening tip of his tongue around the tightly clenched flesh of Roman’s hole. Roman shuddered, and then he openly gasped when Tobias gently rimmed and stroked over the puckered opening with his tongue. Tobias knew when Roam began to relax; he moaned again when Tobias began to tongue fuck his hole.

  Roman’s hands slid under him and grasped his ass. Invitingly, he opened himself wider for Tobias,
who brought his fingers into play. Tenderly, he opened the vampire up, slowly using one then two fingers to spread him wide. Roman writhed, and Tobias loved the soft pining sounds escaping the male’s lips. His face was flushed and his body went rigid like a tightly coiled spring. Roman’s cock leaked a steady stream of pre cum over the hard expanse of abs that twitched and flexed. Tobias knew Roman was close to the edge. He wanted so badly to take him over it and watch as Roman reached his peak.

  Grasping his cock in his fist, Tobias inched closer on his knees. ”So need to be in you right now,” he growled. He aligned himself at Roman’s entrance and glanced up to lock eyes with the vampire. Roman gave an imperceptible nod while his hands reached out to stroke Tobias’s skin. Tobias pressed forward. His breath caught in his throat as his cock slid past the initial tight ring of muscle and entered the welcoming heat of Roman’s ass.

  Beneath him, Roman trembled. Tobias loved the smooth glide of his cock as it slid in deeper and stretched Roman wide. Tobias leaned in and slipped an arm around Roman. He brought the vampire up to press against his chest. He moaned as he ground his shaft down to the root. “Christ your tight,” Tobias growled as Roman’s heated channel closed around his cock.

  “Hmm,” Roman whimpered, and then gasped loudly, shredding Tobias’s back with his nails when Tobias’s cock bumped against his prostate. Chest to chest, Tobias rocked his hips, pushing in and out of Roman with a feral need to claim what was his.


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