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Crimson Ties

Page 18

by V L Moon

  “Get your mind on your work, vampire,” he chastised himself aloud. For the fifth, or maybe the sixth time, he started at the top of the pack chain of command and again, Tobias’s name skewed his thoughts.

  After their first tentative forays into unknown territory, Roman had grown bolder. The unfamiliar feel of a cock thrusting deep into his ass had been painful at first, but was quickly overshadowed by the pleasure. Tobias took it slow and careful with him until Roman responded to his touch. As Roman grew more comfortable, he’d taken the initiative.

  Though he’d never expected to take a male lover, Tobias’s hard body affected a gut deep reaction within him. Firm flesh and ridged angles were unfamiliar beneath his fingers and mouth, but he appreciated the beauty of the wolf’s body. The musky male scent in no way resembled the light fragrance of a female, and surprisingly, Roman found himself more drawn to the darker, earthier aroma. Or, was it only because it was Tobias?

  The male had no inhibitions and opened himself up to Roman and his exploration. He met Roman thrust for thrust, growl for growl. The wolf lurked beneath the surface and Roman sensed the dominance and aggression. It ramped up his lust and fired his blood hotter than he’d ever experienced. But, it wasn’t just Tobias’s perfectly proportioned body that drew Roman to him. The flirty, devil may care attitude, the zest for life; so opposite to Roman’s analytical and logical approach touched a part of him he never thought existed.

  Raised without a father, he’d watched his mother’s lonely struggle to make a life for him. Too early, he’d realized that though the world was full of fantastic beings and love; it was also a cruel world rife with brutality and hatred. Survival demanded determination and strength. The dreamers and the romantics, like his mother, suffered the worst when nastiness came to call. Not that Tobias was flighty. The wolf obviously wielded authority and responsibility in his pack, or he wouldn’t have been sent to Denali’s court. But the whimsical side was there, flashing in his eyes and smile just enough to intrigue Roman.

  It was just a couple of hours before dawn when they’d succumbed to exhaustion and wrapped themselves around each other. It seemed they’d only been asleep a few minutes when the captain alerted them it was time to land. They’d taken their seats, strapped in and ridden out the smooth landing with eyes at half-mast. The Sole Dormire tugged at Roman. Knowing the wolf pack would be sleeping and unwilling to risk his life with the members of the pack while in the sun sleep, he’d suggested they return to bed. He’d wanted another taste of the wolf, his blood and his cock. He’d been greedy and as a result, Tobias slept deeply as his wolf regenerated the blood he’d lost.

  Juiced on Tobias’s blood and unable to sleep, Roman had risen and moved to the seat he still occupied. He hoped the backlog of information from the enclave and the dossiers of the wolf pack would keep him occupied, but no such luck. His mind whirled.

  His rebellious cock twitched in his pants. Tobias continued to fill his mind. With a curse, he thrust his wayward ramblings away and focused again on the screen. Denali hadn’t sent him to get his rocks off. He had a job to do. He dropped the screen featuring the wolves and pulled up his email. A message from Ms. Stroner caught his eye and he tumbled right back into the maelstrom of his thoughts.

  Was she okay? Did she regret the night spent with him and Tobias? Had she recognized their attraction to each other even before he acknowledged it and bowed out of the situation? They had both pursued her relentlessly treating her as a prize instead of the wonderfully giving female she was. Had she wanted more from him? From Tobias? He didn’t believe for one minute the missive in his briefcase was actually from Denali. She’d wanted out of the trip to the US, but why? One way to find out. He clicked the button.

  “As I’m sure you’ve guessed or confirmed by now, the King did not give me permission to stay here. However, it was best for me. He and I will deal with my disobedience, and I will ensure he knows it was not your fault. I cannot guarantee he will listen, but I will endeavor to try. I hope you are successful in making inroads with the wolves. A renewed alliance will be beneficial to both races.

  As for the night spent with you and Tobias, it was something that won’t happen again. I’d like to blame the alcohol, but that wouldn’t be fair. I wanted what happened and enjoyed myself while in the moment. But that female, that’s not me. I hope you understand. I hope the interlude does not interfere with our working relationship. Given your Elder status, we will be required to work together quite often, if Denali doesn’t release me for my defiance. I would very much like for us to be friends. My earlier treatment of you was most unfair. You are not in any way like your father. Have a safe trip. K”

  Warm hands landed on his shoulders and slid down to splay over his chest. A shiver of arousal worked through him, and his cock bucked beneath the laptop. “Looks like we don’t have to worry about upsetting the female. I was afraid we were going to hurt her.” Tobias’s sleepy voice sounded just above him. Roman tilted his head to the side and looked up to meet hooded eyes full of invitation. Even tousled, the male was beautiful.

  “It still worries me, T. She went from one extreme to the other,” he said. “Do you think we scared her, or worse, did we hurt her?” His fingers rested on the keys, but he didn’t have any idea what to say to her in return. “She seemed okay at the airport didn’t she? She kissed us both good-bye.” Tobias circled around him and grabbed the laptop. Carefully, he set it on the seat beside him. Two hundred pounds of solid muscle and bare flesh landed in Roman’s lap and a familiar, mischievous smile wreathed Tobias’s face.

  “We both know she was well satisfied when all was said and done. She said herself she wanted it, so stop worrying. We’re all adults, Kimberly included.” Tobias leaned in close and kissed him, making his cock jump under the male’s ass. A husky laugh fanned against his cheek as Tobias’s mouth continued its exploration. “Are the captain and stewardess still on board?”

  It took Roman a few seconds to register the question, and he shook his head. But, the motion took his ear away from the hot temptation of Tobias’s mouth. “They’re gone, but your father’s waiting for us. We need to get go….ahh fuck, Toby.” He groaned as sharp teeth sank into his earlobe.

  “You know what they say, Romy. All work and no play…yada, yada, and I want to play,” Tobias purred. Creator help him, Roman wanted the same thing. Swiftly, he tumbled them both onto the floor and stretched out on top of the male.

  “We haven’t done any work, you crazy wolf. You’ve kept me in bed all of the damned flight. Denali sent me here to work, and he expects results. In case you missed it, he doesn’t have a lot of patience,” Roman started, but Tobias’s hand dipped beneath his waistband and grasped his aching dick. His thoughts scattered, and he lowered his mouth to Tobias’s smirking lips. When he drew back, he licked his own lips and shrugged.

  “What the hell. We’ve got plenty of time to play; all day, in fact. You slept so long the sun’s up, and I’m not risking a fried ass even if it means I get to meet your father and tell him what a spoiled pup he has.” Roman quipped.

  “He already knows, and you’re talking too much. I have better uses for your mouth.” Putting action to words, he lifted up and caught Roman’s mouth again.


  Nerves fluttered in his stomach. Roman stood outside a set of massive double doors. Constructed of wood and highly polished, they gleamed in the recessed overhead light. Both panels were beautifully carved with various crests and depictions of wolves. Each animal was so magnificently detailed Roman easily distinguished individual shifters without the need for color.

  Behind the closed doors, voices rose and fell in strident argument. Roman chose to ignore the insults and curses, and instead, concentrated on the information Tobias had plied him with on the plane and on the ride over to the compound. Somewhere inside the room, Tobias conferred with his father. He’d left Roman outside with a promise to return shortly. Roman tried to pinpoint his voice in the onslaught of noise, but
it proved impossible. However, his scent burned into Roman’s nose. Or did he smell the wolf on his skin?

  The knob in front of him twisted. Immediate silence blanketed the assembly room beyond. Roman slammed the lid on his thoughts until Tobias stepped through the small opening and closed the door. A welcoming smile curved Roman’s lips.

  “Sounds like I have quite the audience,” he joked. A flush stole up Tobias’s neck and concern shone in his beautiful golden eyes. “What’s wrong, Toby?” Dread curled in Roman’s stomach.

  “It seems my father has called the Packs together. You won’t be addressing just him. You’ll be facing the entire Wolf Shifter ruling body and any who chose to accompany them. My father is the Summus, the Alpha Supreme…” Roman pressed a finger to his lips to stop him.

  “It’s okay, wolf. No matter who’s in there, they cannot be as intimidating as Malachi Denali,” he said. Tobias shook his head.

  “You’ve never met an Alpha wolf, and there are seven of them in there.” The worry on his face and the obvious anxiety in his voice confused Roman. Where was the confidant flirty wolf who’d bowled him over?


  “Remember, don’t show fear; don’t address him until he speaks to you first. Don’t meet his eyes, it will be seen as a challenge. On his left is Pascal Servejo, Alpha of the Southwest region; Dmitri Bloodoff, Alpha of the Rocky Mountain region; and Trenton Stamos, Alpha of the Ojibwe Pack. On his right, Khurn Arin, Alpha of the…”

  “Am I walking into a trap?” he asked, interrupting the shifter.

  Tobias’s head shot up. “Hell no, I’d never let them hurt you.” Fiery determination flared in the wolf’s eyes. Roman smiled.

  “Ah, there he is. I wondered where my Tobias went.” He took a step in the wolf’s direction intent on one more kiss before he faced the wolves in their virtual den, but the male shoved a restraining hand against his chest.

  “Not here, Roman,” he protested. He looked decidedly uncomfortable. Rebuffed and unsure why, Roman straightened his shoulders and schooled his features.

  “As you wish,” he said quietly and turned back to face the doors. “If you will be so good as to introduce me, I’m ready.” He hated the stiff formality in his voice, but Tobias’s agitation and then his rejection unsettled him. Tobias caught the change in his voice and demeanor immediately. But, when he reached for his arm, Roman very carefully and deliberately evaded his touch and stared pointedly at the door.

  “Roman, you don’t understand,” he began. Roman wasn’t in the frame of mind to listen. Stepping to the door, he twisted the handle giving the wolf no choice but to enter. Tobias growled low in frustration before stepping over the threshold.

  He left the door ajar and strode to the center of the circular room. Directly across from the doors, Roman saw a raised dais with a chair similar, though not as large, to the one his own King occupied for court. A very large male sat stiff and straight, and by no way gave any indication he faced his son.

  Across the distance, the man resembled Tobias. The facial structure was the same although the hair was several shades darker. Lines etched their way through his forehead and around the eyes; signs the Summus very seldom wore any expression save the frown currently on his face. Broad shoulders were tense with stress and responsibility.

  Roman’s eyes swung to either side of the Alpha. Six men, three to either side sat in smaller chairs one step down. Various shades of hair and builds, but power emanated from each one. Hostile eyes surveyed him in return. He knew each of their names thanks to Tobias and the access to Denali’s connections. Other rustlings and murmurings told him the seats outside of his view were filled. He refused to squirm under their surveillance and stood tall and stoic. He was the representative of the King and he would not fail his race.

  “Jorn Chamberlin, esteemed Alphas, it is my privilege to introduce to you, Elder Roman De Sangue, personal envoy of His Royal Highness, King Malachi Denali, Sovereign of the Vampire Race.” Tobias turned at his approach, but Roman refused to meet his eyes. Instead, he held Jorn Chamberlin’s unwavering stare. The frown deepened. Growls erupted around the room.

  “Roman, drop your gaze,” Tobias whispered urgently. His scent changed slightly, and Roman realized that something about his father deeply affected Tobias. He filed the information away, and focused on the shifter rising to his feet.

  “It seems my Beta failed to ensure you knew the rules of etiquette when greeting an Alpha.” The deep voice boomed into the room. Indolent smiles appeared on a few faces, and growls of approval rang in the room.

  “Your son,” Roman enunciated the word carefully, “was very thorough in his explanations of your etiquette. It is my understanding that holding your gaze is considered a challenge. Only someone very brave or very stupid challenges an Alpha, especially the Summus. I believe those were his words.” Beside him, Tobias dropped his head. “It’s also my understanding from a study of your race and your culture that dropping one’s eyes is a show of submission.” Chamberlin’s eyes narrowed.

  “I can assure you that I am not stupid,” Roman stated. “What I am, is an emissary of my King, a fiercely savage and highly revered vampire without equal.” More growls vibrated into the room. Roman ignored them, keeping his attention solely focused on the wolf in front of him.

  “He is not, nor am I as his envoy, submissive. I will not give the appearance of being such. King Denali sends his regrets that he is not able to attend himself and has sent me, as Elder of the Court, in his stead.” Roman paused, but his stare never wavered. “My enclave was recently attacked and nearly decimated by enemies who now appear to have brought their war to your doorstep. I am here to verify their involvement and offer whatever assistance the vampire race may be able to provide.”

  The earlier chaos of noise erupted around him. Growls, questions and insults flew. A flash of power surged through the room. Whines and yips replaced the negativity, and the crowd of males and females subsided into their seats. If possible, Tobias’s head dropped even lower as his father started down the steps. The large shifter stopped an arm’s length from Roman.

  “You are an interesting one, De Sangue. Malachi chose well. How do you intend to verify if the ones attacking us are the same as your enemies?” Up close, Jorn Chamberlin reminded Roman of Denali. Power and authority rolled off of him. The show of power could only have come from him, though he’d never so much as flicked an eyelash.

  “I need to visit the scenes. Smell will be one clue. Tobias has partially confirmed that aspect. I have scene photos of the destruction of my enclave. There are a few other tells, but they will require on site investigation,” he spoke clearly and precisely so everyone could hear.

  “You can visit anywhere and everywhere you need to if it means we stop losing our pack members. Tobias can arrange transportation.” He held up a hand when Roman started to speak. “Yes, I know you vampires can teleport, but we can’t. If you get hurt or killed, Denali will be breathing down my neck. We don’t need a fight with the vampires.”

  “Speaking of vampires, what does Denali expect in return for your assistance?” The voice came from the left.

  Roman flicked his gaze to the Ojibwe Alpha. “My King is not so uncouth as to expect payment if that’s what you are implying, wolf.” The male’s lip curled in anger, but he held his seat when Jorn slashed a hand into the air.

  “We are wolves, fighters,” Trenton Stamos sneered. “We do not need the assistance of bloodsuckers.” Grunts of agreement rang around the room.

  Roman stepped around Chamberlin. “If the enemy turns out to be one and the same, your arrogance will be detrimental to your pack and your race. Yes, wolves are notorious for the fighting skills and their aggressive defense of their pack. But, what if your enemy has capabilities you do not possess, and they are trained from birth to kill? Their hatred knows no bounds. They kill without mercy.”

  “Pack does not have any natural enemies. We can take all comers,” the shifter sneered. Roman’
s lips firmed. He unfastened the two buttons of his jacket and let it slide down off of his arms. It floated toward his feet. And, as the wolves watched it puddle on the floor, he ported to Trenton’s chair, dumped the male on his ass and was back at Chamberlin’s side before one wolf could move. Calmly, he picked up his coat and draped it over his arm.

  Jorn Chamberlin’s bark of laughter cracked the silence. “Well, I do believe the vampire made his point, Trenton.” He sobered and faced the extremely pissed off wolf. “I’ve warned you about your overconfidence before. We don’t know what we’re up against, and until we do, we can’t defend ourselves.” He swiveled back to face Roman. “Who or what do you think is attacking us and why?”

  “Nephilim, the half breed offspring of Fallen angels.” Stunned silence met his announcement. Chamberlin swung his gaze to Tobias. “And you confirmed this?” Tobias nodded once without meeting his father’s eyes.

  “We thought they were a myth, used to frighten vampire children,” Chamberlin addressed Roman.

  “I can assure you, Alpha Chamberlin, the Nephilim are very real and exceptionally vicious. As I said, my enclave was attacked. Women and children were slaughtered indiscriminately. The enclave itself was nearly destroyed beyond repair. Mendeeto was killed trying to defend his son, a male child barely into his third year.”

  Pain raced across Chamberlin’s face. “Yes, Tobias informed me of this.” He clapped once, loud enough to echo in the spacious chamber. “Everyone is dismissed. Transportation will be arranged.”

  “Not yet, Jorn. The packs cannot agree until we know what Denali expects in return.” The second demand came from Khurn Arin. When Chamberlin remained silent, Roman faced the shifter.

  “As I’ve explained, he does not expect anything in return. He would, however, like to forge an alliance between our races; a renewal of the treaties,” Roman said.

  “Accepted,” Chamberlin stated and eyed every wolf on the panel. Six nods were returned, some rather reluctantly. “Pascal, ready the Jeeps, we will be with you shortly. We have time to visit the first site before daybreak.”


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