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Arrogant Arrival: A Hero Club Novel

Page 1

by Gail Haris

  This book contains adult / mature situations.

  Arrogant Arrival © 2020 by Gail Haris and Gail Haris LLC

  Copyright Cocky Hero Club, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  The scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the author’s permission is piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission by the author, except for the use of brief passage for review purposes only.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, businesses, places, and events are all used in fictitious manner or of the author’s imagination. Any resemble to any person alive or dead, or any events or occurrences, is solely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created by the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

  Editor: Elaine York,

  Formatting: Allusions Graphics,

  Cover Design: Letitia Hasser,

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Cocky Hero Club


  About the Author

  Contact Gail

  Arrogant Arrival is a standalone story inspired by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s Mr. Moneybags and Playboy Pilot. It’s published as part of the Cocky Hero Club world, a series of original works, written by various authors, and inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling series. “


  Dear Journal,

  I did it again. And again. And fucking again. When will I ever learn? I spent my layover in New York City. Bright lights, big city, and the pilots here are shitty. I fell for it again. At first, I was so excited to share a night out with Daniel. He’s a native of the Big Apple and offered for me to stay at his place instead of one of the hotels the airline puts us in. He did take me to the most amazing hot dog stand on the corner of 5th and 37th. Quite frankly, that was the best wiener I got last night. Pun intended. Bigger and more satisfying. This morning we rode to the airport together, and he kept his hand on my lower back the entire time we walked to the terminal. However, his hand fell from my back so fast when he saw the new and younger woman waiting at the gate. With a wink and a nod, Daniel walked away from me. He left me standing there to watch as he used the same charm on her that he’d used on me the past couple of flights. I thought I could handle it. My mask of false bravado remained firmly in place until our flight. I underestimated how fast he moves and how little I must’ve meant to him. He winked at me when I opened the door to the cockpit. That fucking wink again. I’ve finally come to terms with it. After years of denial and chasing after the idea that I could find romance in the sky, I’ve come to the conclusion that all pilots are the same: arrogant assholes.

  The ink smears as a tear drop lands on the paper. Shit. I can’t believe I’m actually going to cry over that prick. I didn’t even like him that much. Shoving my journal into my oversized purse, I stand and rush to the restroom so I can clean myself up before my next flight.

  “Jolene! Wait up!” My two crew members and best friends rush over and follow me into the women’s restroom.

  “This is bullshit. They’re all pigs.” I grab a makeup remover wipe from my purse and dab away the smeared eyeliner from under my eyes.

  “Dogs,” Lana throws out.

  “Rats,” Renee adds.

  I smile at the reflection of my two colleagues behind me. Their hands are on their hips, ready to tackle any problem I have. They’ve become my family in the sky. We could all three easily pass for sisters, and passengers often ask us if we’re triplets. All three of us are dressed in navy International Airlines’ stewardess uniforms, black hair pulled up high in neat buns, and our makeup applied the same, neat and clean. Well…mine was the same until I started crying.

  I brought this upon my foolish self. Three months spent being a glorified booty call for Captain Dickhead. Okay, that wasn’t really his name. It is now as far as I’m concerned. He tossed me aside, pretending like there’d never been anything between us as soon as he met his new co-pilot. God, that was a terrible flight. I can’t believe I opened the door to her assisting him with his joystick. The way he looked at me. There was no regret in his eyes at all. He just calmly told me to please close the door. Then, after the flight, he actually had the balls to say, “You can’t be serious? I didn’t cheat on you. We’d have to be in a relationship for that to happen. We were having some fun. That’s all there was between us. Two co-workers having fun and killing time on layovers.”

  Then he walked off with her, his new favorite co-worker. This keeps happening to me. Because I fall for it every time. Because I’m a fool. But not anymore. “Thanks, girls. But I mean it. I’m done. I will never, ever, ever sleep with another pilot.”

  “We’ve all said that and meant it at one time or another.” Lana sighs.

  “Until the next long layover.” Renee giggles. “I think it’s that sexy-as-hell uniform and how well they fill it out that does it,” she says thoughtfully. Lana nods in agreement.

  “Well, there won’t be another uniform next to mine on a hotel room floor anytime in the near future. I’ve gotten my heart broken by a pilot too many times. They’ll have to find something else to lay on their overnight trips.” I toss the wipe in the trash, fluff my hair, and straighten my uniform.

  “That’s right!”

  Lana turns her head to stare at Renee’s enthusiasm. “Are you calling off pilots, too?”

  “Oh, God, no. I prefer my uniform to be spread eagle next to theirs on that hotel room floor any given day of the week. I’m just being supportive. Each to their own, I say.”

  I try to smile but it comes off weak. I’m too aggravated with myself. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t do my fair share of seduction. It’s just that I end up falling for them and that’s the danger zone. Then I’d think after a month or two, I’d changed them. With my womanly wiles, I would be the one to tame him. But I was never that girl. I was never that special someone. Is it so wrong to want to be her? To be the one for someone? That’s not asking a lot, is it?

  We exit the women’s restroom and dodge travelers moving quickly through JFK airport. We’d just gotten back to the US from an overseas flight, and now we are working a connecting flight to Miami. At first, life in the sky was exciting and I loved traveling to all the airport hub hops. But I’m not twenty-three anymore. Now at twenty-nine, I’m ready to have something more solid. I’d like to be a little more grounded, if you will. Pun totally intended.

  Almost as if she can hear my thoughts, Lana places a hand on my shoulder and says, “Your Mr. Right will arrive, Jolene, I can feel it.”

  I place my hand on top of hers and give a gentle squeeze. “Thanks, Lana. I know he will. The only difference is that I know that his cock won’t be from the cockpit of the plane.”

  Lana and Renee both burst out laughing.

  “No, but you still might find him in the clouds. Maybe a handsome, lonely passenger who wants the
same as you do. Both of you searching for the ultimate soulmate while soaring across the sky. Traveling the world in search of your one true love.” Lana’s eyes are bright with excitement.

  I roll my eyes, “You need to get your own head out of the clouds.”

  Renee ignores my remark and nudges me. “Yeah, you might just find him in 16B”

  We all three giggle. I shake my head, “As long as he isn’t flying the plane. Now, let’s all go see who’s occupying 16B on our flight to Miami.”

  My chest tightens as I spot Captain Carter Clynes, or as we all call him, Trip, boarding the plane. I hate how my heart still skips a beat at the sight of him. He’s another one of the pilots I, at one time, thought I could share more with. It’s been two years since we had a thing. It only lasted two months, but that was a record for him. We weren’t exclusive, and he had made that clear. We had a lot of fun, but my stupid heart had to start getting involved. I, for sure, thought he was going to fall for me as well, he just needed time. But then we had a layover and he entered the hotel with a passenger, Kendall Sparks. Now they’re married and she’s pregnant. If he hadn’t met her—could it have been me? Most likely not and I’ve accepted that fact. Besides, I’m honestly happy Trip found love. Kendall turned him into an even better man.

  Lana’s hand on my arm draws my attention away from the gorgeous captain. Her wide smile has me smiling before I even know what she’s going to say.

  “Did you see him?”

  “See who?”


  She’s gotta be messing with me. 16B is probably some eighty-five-year-old man wearing flip flops and socks like the typical tourists in Florida wear. I can’t help it, though. I look around her, and there in seat 16B is most definitely not a geriatric tourist, instead it’s a striking man. A little older than me, but not enough to be a deal breaker. Could this be fate? No. But what are the odds? I can’t stop myself from getting a little excited. We’d just been joking around about my Mr. Right being in 16B, and lo and behold—there he sits.

  “Do you want to go through and do the seatbelt checks? Give a little extra yank on 16B’s strap?” Lana asks me with an arched brow.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” I straighten my shoulders and perk the girls up as I look down at my well-endowed bosom. When I get to 16B, I smile and tilt my head. He has sandy blond hair styled neat and clean, bright blue eyes, a strong jaw line, and perfect, pouty, kissable lips.

  He gives me a panty-dropping crooked smile and says, “Hi. I can already tell this is going to be an enjoyable flight.” Not wanting to make my interest in him too obvious, I smile and keep going, looking back over my shoulder as I brush past him. When I make it to the back of the plane, there’s a few passengers still standing. Some putting luggage in the overhead bin and a few exiting the restrooms. One is an attractive blond in a short, bright yellow dress who lightly bumps into me as she exits.

  “Excuse me.” She giggles.

  “Not a problem, ma’am.”

  I get a whiff of overpowering perfume, but it still doesn’t cover the evident alcohol on her breath. Great. It’s not uncommon for some people to drink a little to ease their nerves before a flight. It’s when they go past the point of easing their nerves that problems happen. Let’s hope this little ray of sunshine stays in her seat.

  I tell her and other stray passengers to please find their seats because the plane is about to taxi.

  After we go through safety precautions and are in air, Trip’s soothing voice comes over the intercom. “Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman, this is your Supreme Commander, otherwise known as Captain Clynes.”

  I close my eyes and sigh. Captain Clynes goes through our cruising altitude and travel time. I wait for what Beatles song he will choose to sing. It used to only be “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” but ever since Kendall, his someone, he’s been changing it up.

  “Again, welcome aboard International Airlines.” Then he begins singing today’s chosen Beatles’ song…“ I Feel Fine.”

  Of course. As I listen to the lyrics I can easily tell why he chose that one. He bought her a diamond ring, they’re in love and they feel fine. Would I feel fine if I was in love? I wouldn’t know. I don’t think I’ve ever truly been in love since I keep falling for these restless pilots. When we settle at a safe, cruising point Lana comes to me and smirks.

  “Come on, Jo. Go through again and see how Mr. Hottie in 16B is doing.”

  “You’re right. I do need to go check on the passengers. See if I can be of some assistance.” Instead of worrying about hunky pilots who are not available. Not that I really want a relationship with Trip anymore. I just can’t help but look at the idea longingly and want exactly what I don’t have. Love.

  When I’m almost to 16B, an elderly lady in 15B gets my attention. “I’m sorry, dear, but do you have blankets for purchase? I get cold very easily. I had a blanket, but I guess I forgot it. Ha. I can’t keep up with anything anymore.”

  I smile. “Not a problem. I’ll be right back.”

  Right as I’m turning to go retrieve a blanket, I hear a woman’s voice speak. “Good thing I have you to keep me warm.”

  Still smiling, I turn back around to find 16B being cuddled next to the woman I saw earlier exiting the restrooms. Sunshine. Or make that – Slutty Sunshine. Her dress is riding dangerously high up her thigh. He doesn’t meet my eyes, but she looks at me with an embarrassed giggle. Forcing my smile to remain in place, I spin on my heels to go retrieve the lady’s blanket.

  As I’m pushing the drink cart down the aisle, I come face to face with 16B and he’s smirking at me. The giggly woman next to him is now sleeping, and I can’t help but notice they are both wearing gold bands on their left hands.

  “Can I offer you a beverage, sir?”

  He raises his eyebrows, “Did you know the human body is seventy-five percent water?”

  “That’s very interesting. Is there anything I can get you?”

  “Well, I’m looking at a tall glass of water right now, and I’m very thirsty.” Then he winks.

  Oh God. He can’t be serious. 16B just became Mr. Sleazy. Inwardly I cringe at how I actually thought this guy was hot not too long ago. “Would you like to wake your wife to see if she’d like a beverage?”

  Both his eyebrows rise at that. I think I’ve put him in his place, but he shocks me further. “I’ve not known her to ever turn down a drink. Especially one that looks so fresh and sweet. We’re open to trying anything.” Is he saying what I think he is? “O-kay.” I quickly open the bottle of water and pour two cups. Instead of handing them to him directly, I place them on the tray out of fear of accidently touching this guy and sending him the wrong signal. I’m so flustered, I almost don’t realize I still have many more rows of passengers to service. Quickly, I finish offering drinks—actual drinks—to the rest of the plane and then rush to the back of the plane to Lana and Renee.

  “16B is definitely not Mr. Right,” I tell Lana and Renee. “Ugh…I’m so ready for this flight to be over.”

  “Don’t give up hope, Jo. He’ll come when you least expect it,” Lana offers.

  “Yeah. Think of it as he’s experiencing a delay.” Renee smiles.

  “Hardy-har-har, ladies.”

  My life is experiencing a delay. I’m twenty-nine years old, and I feel like despite constantly being on the go, my life has gone nowhere. This is the last year of my twenties. I should be living it up. Instead, I’m sitting on standby just waiting for something to happen.

  Looking back, I’ve traveled to places most people only dream of going, been around the world more times than I can count, but what’s the point of the adventure when you’re completely alone?


  “Jimmy! How was your flight?” Bianca’s cheerful voice comes through the speaker.

  “Great. The plane handled really well.”

  “Thank you so much for flying the plane down for Dex’s friend. I’m sorry to have called you on such short notic

  “Short notice? You gave me a week. I don’t think you understand that my job is usually on the same schedule as fly by the seat of my pants is. Pun intended.”

  “Well, Dex and I both appreciate it. Thank you.”

  “Thank you for getting me a first-class ticket back. I usually fly economy when I go commercial, so that was a pleasant surprise.”

  “Dex offered to have someone come get you. You could’ve flown private, ya know.”

  “Nah. It’ll be nice to have some company for a change. Besides, I’m taking a moment to eat. Chocolate shake and cheeseburger heading my way any minute.”

  “Chocolate shake and cheeseburger?”

  “Yup. My favorites.”

  “Hey, I’ll have to call you back. Georgina is in my makeup again.”

  “Awe. Let her have it.”

  “Says the man who doesn’t have to clean her and it up. Bye, Jim.” Bianca laughs.

  “Bye, Bianca.” I end the call and place my phone face down on the table in the airport restaurant. I have about three hours until my flight from Miami takes me back to New York, so I’ve got time to kill and people to watch.

  “And then the asshole had the nerve to wink.” My ears perk up at hearing the angry woman’s voice. Out of my peripheral vision, I can see three dark-haired ladies, all in flight attendant attire sitting at the table next to mine. Geez, they almost look like triplets.

  “So what did you say?” one of the women asks.

  “What could I say? I wanted to run my cart over his foot. Instead, I smiled and asked if he wanted to wake his wife up to see if she would like anything to drink.”

  “Just goes to show you.” The one across from her shakes her head.

  “Yeah, that all men are assholes.” The angry one grumbles.



  Not able to stop myself, I mumble under my own breath. “Bastards.” I notice the table next to me has gone silent. Biting my bottom lip, I turn my head and sure enough, they heard me. Throwing a hand up, I smile. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Couldn’t help but agree with all of your… assessments.”


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