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Arrogant Arrival: A Hero Club Novel

Page 10

by Gail Haris

  Pamela. I really don’t want to deal with her again. The nerve. We just announced we were engaged. I’m going to have to up my game to help Jimmy, or they’ll try to have those two married by the end of this trip. There’s a buzz from the doorbell and Martha claps. “That’s them!”

  I hear a round of “Yia sas” and “Yia.” At least eight Greek people walk in the room. Counting us, with Bianca, Georgina, and Dex, the room is full. Martha offers drinks while everyone chats. Everyone is very friendly and sweet. Jimmy translates for most, but a few know English. After a while, Dex offers to order gyros and souvlaki for everyone. There’s a buzz again at the door a little later, and I’m excited, expecting food. Instead, my stomach turns sour when in walks Pamela with the same two women from church. Her olive skin practically glows from kisses from the sun. Her wavy, chestnut-colored hair hangs down past her shoulders, her eyebrows are a perfect thick curve, the smoky eye shadow and long black eyelashes accents her honey-colored eyes, and her lips are fire engine red. But…I am not intimated by this ridiculously gorgeous woman. Nope. So what if everyone in this room would rather Jimmy be with her instead of me? So what if she’s a Greek goddess come to life who’s so gorgeous I almost want to date her? I don’t care. Jimmy chose me.

  She doesn’t even hesitate when she goes to sit on the other side of Jimmy. Despite knowing English, she speaks only in Greek to him. It’s her way of deliberately excluding me from the conversation. Would it be wrong to teach Georgina to say Greek bitch and have her go tell Pamela her new word?

  The food arrives and Martha sets up a little buffet for everyone to fix a plate and then sit wherever they can find a spot. Everyone laughs and speaks animatedly. Despite Pamela’s presence, the entire evening so far has been really nice.

  Wait. I’m not going to let her ruin my vacation, especially when I’m here on false pretenses.

  I stand to go throw away my paper plate. When I enter the kitchen, Bianca is there. She beams at me with flushed cheeks and holds up a bottle of wine. “Would you like a glass?”

  “Yes, please!”

  She laughs at my enthusiasm and begins to pour a glass. She hands it to me, and I take a sip. “This is delicious. You know, I always thought the best wine I’ve ever had was from Italy but this,” I examine my glass, “is pretty darn good.”

  “Thanks. It’s from Theo Vasili’s vineyard.”

  “Oh, have I met him?”

  “Maybe. Not sure if I’ve met him.” We both giggle. “I don’t know who anyone is. He could be out there for all I know. Jimmy could tell you.”

  “He does seem to know everyone.” Especially all the women. “Is Greece everything you were hoping for?”

  “And more. We’re hoping to do more of the touristy stuff the next couple of days. Then back to work.”

  “Yeah, you work at a magazine. That must be fun. I majored in journalism in college.” Bianca’s eyes widen in surprise, so I continue. “True story. I worked at a newspaper but hated it. I got restless. I was still so young and wanted to see the world. I still write some, just in my journal. I love to write about all my trips.” I sigh and take another sip of wine. “I love to travel. You know that’s the best part about my job, but I hate that it’s always go-go-go. That doesn’t make sense. I love to go, but I wish I had a little more freedom and not such a chaotic schedule. Like now, I’m so grateful that I’m able to just enjoy Greece instead of just a quick layover.”

  “You should start a travel blog or work for a magazine. Some places will pay for your travel experiences in exchange for promotion and reviews.”

  “I wouldn’t even know the first thing about starting something like that.”

  Bianca tilts her head to study me a moment. “I could see about getting you a job at the magazine I work for.”


  “Yeah. You could even write some articles for our website.”

  “That would be amazing but, Bianca,” I take a deep breath. “What if Jim and I break up? You’re doing this now while I’m his girlfriend and you’re drinking wine…I mean, let’s say we’re no longer a couple.” And you’re sober. “Then what?”

  Bianca slides down the counter closer to me and whispers. “You mean break up like next week? As soon as you board the plane, this little fake relationship is over?”

  “You know?”

  Bianca gives me an are-you-kidding-me look, “Jolene, you were our flight attendant and he never once said you were his girlfriend until baggage claim. You two barely spoke on the plane, and when you did, there were death glares coming from you. There’s definitely sexual tension, but Jimmy freaked out when I mentioned Thea Martha trying to set him up. Then, all of a sudden—oh look! His girlfriend arrives. But wait—now you’re engaged.” She snickers and pats my shoulder as she steps away. “The job offer is there regardless of whether or not you and Jimmy are together.”

  Bianca takes the wine and a few glasses to the living room. Jimmy enters the kitchen and his face lights up when his eyes land on me. “Hey, I wondered where you wandered off to.”

  When we go back to the living room, everyone is laughing and drinking wine. Jimmy groans and I nudge him. “What’s up?”

  “One of my cousins knows a couple of tsigganos. He called them to come over and play music.”

  “Like gypsies? Like fortune tellers and–”

  “Not exactly – calling them that is an insult. Gypsy is more of a racist term.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. So, ts-tsigganos?”

  Jim nods and smiles when there’s a buzz and in walks four men wearing beige pants, and nice black button ups. They’re skin is very tan from the sun, full, wavy short black hair, and dark eyes. Three take a seat together while the one holding a lyra stands. The music begins, and at first I’m not sure what to think. It’s a far cry from the hypnotic, upbeat pop music. It’s more a mix of ancient tunes and similar to Middle Eastern sounding music. A few of the ladies stand and form a broken circle. With their arms thrown over each other’s shoulders, they begin dancing. I clap along with everyone else in the room. A few more people arrive, and everyone is shoulder to shoulder. The melody changes, and then everyone kneels in a circle. One of the guys stands in the center and begins dancing. He slaps his hand on the floor and then jumps in the air. He snaps his fingers and moves to the beat of the music. This isn’t typically any music I would listen to just to enjoy the melody, but I can’t help but enjoy the dancing and feeling the rhythm. Another gentleman walks in carrying a small looking guitar, maybe some type of a mandolin?

  “Jim, who is that and what is that?”

  “That’s my uncle Vasili. He plays the bouzouki”

  Oh, where is Bianca? I found her uncle who has the vineyard. He stands next to the other men and everyone in the room cheers as he begins to play and sing. A woman from the crowd stands up and goes over to join him in the song. The song changes again, and as if on cue, everyone turns toward Jimmy. I don’t understand what they’re saying, but clearly they want him to stand. He waves his hand and shakes his head, politely declining. I nudge him and smile, “Go on.”

  “You really want me to?”

  “Yeah. Or are you too much of a chicken?”

  “Oh, really? I’ll show you who’s a chicken.”

  Jimmy stands and takes his place in the center of the circle. The music begins, but there’s no vocals, just a catchy beat. Jimmy sways and moves his body all over the circle. He motions for me to scoot forward. I shake my head but notice Pamela easing her way forward. Oh, hell no. So when Jimmy motions for me to move forward again, I slide right up. He whispers for me to dip my head down. I continue to clap with the rest of the group, and then see his foot coming toward me. Quickly, I dip my head and laugh as he swings his leg over me and then twirls around. He drops to his knees, and then leans so far back that he is able to kiss me before he shoots forward. His palm slaps the floor as he yells, “OPA!” He stands and moves again in tune with the music, swaying his arms as his
fingers snap. Martha brings a shot glass filled with a clear liquid that holds a strong liquorish smell and places it in the circle. Jimmy dances around the glass before dropping to his knees in front of it. With his hands behind his back, he leans forward and grabs the rim of the glass with his mouth. Turning the glass upwards and drinking the contents and using his hand, he takes the glass and with one knee down, he shouts, “OPA,” and throws the glass to the ground, shattering it. Everyone cheers as he stands and goes back to dancing as his shoes crunch on the glass. The song comes to an end and everyone erupts in cheers. Before Jimmy walks out of the circle, he does a quick chicken dance and winks at me as I burst out laughing. Martha comes out with a broom and quickly sweeps up the glass before the music begins again.

  “Show off.” I tease him.

  “You asked for it. Begged me to, in fact.”

  “So you say, sir, so you say.” I have a few more glasses of wine and end up joining the half-circle dances. Even though I have no clue what I’m doing, I don’t have to worry about what to do with my hands because they’re holding on to the shoulders of the people around me. As for my feet, I doubt most people are paying that close of attention to them, anyway. I just bounce and try to follow along the best I can. Jimmy catches my eyes and laughs at me, so I do the only thing I can think of doing…I stick my tongue out. Just then, the song changes and everyone kneels. Except me. I didn’t get that memo. So there I am, standing there, towering over everyone with my tongue stuck out. Awkward, to say the least. Before I can join the others by kneeling, a lady who’s been in the circle with me urges me to stay and dance. I shake my head no, but she takes my hands and begins to show me some moves that look a lot like belly dancing. Then, she says, “Feel. Feel. Music. Feel.” When I continue to stare, she sighs and says. “No look. Hear and feel music.”

  I nod and try to continue to do what she’s doing. She shakes her head and places her hands over my eyes. “No look. Keep closed. No see music. Feel.”

  She removes her hand and I open. When she starts to bring her hand back over my eyes with a ‘tsk’, I hurry and close them. I feel my face become hot then, and not from the wine. I can feel that all eyes are on me right now and I’m slightly embarrassed. But then… I allow myself to listen to the beat. I begin to move and sway, doing what I’d seen her do, but putting my own spin on it. I finally begin to just let myself feel the music. I hear cheers and Greek words of what I assume are encouragement because they sound familiar to what I heard earlier with the other dancers. That’s better than the scowls and whispered words I’ve heard said about me up until this point, I guess.

  The woman next to me claps and says, “Bravo koritsi!”I open my eyes as I continue to dance. The woman smiles and nods as she claps. I look over at Jimmy who is biting his bottom lip, his eyes have become heated while watching me. I dance toward him and add an extra pop to my hips. My dance takes on a more seductive tone as I stare only into his blue eyes. The others are just white noise in the background.

  The green in his blue eyes glow as they follow the motions of my hips. I lift my hands to the ceiling and slowly make circular motions with my hands. I ease closer toward Jim. My fingertips from my right hand begins to leisurely trail down my extended left arm. When I reach the crook of my elbow, I move my hand to my jaw and slide it down to my neck. The flare from Jim’s nostrils and sight of his hands tightening into fists gives me a rush of satisfaction. I’m affecting him this much and we haven’t even touched.

  Our trance is broken when everyone yells and claps. I turn to see Pamela dancing next to me. She smiles at Jimmy, but he never looks her way. His eyes remain on me, so I go back to dancing. It doesn’t matter what she or anyone else does at this point, I’m only dancing for one man. And he is watching only me.

  The song transitions into another upbeat melody, sending more dancers to the floor. A hand with sharp nails digs into my arm and pulls me away. Shit, it’s Pamela. She drags me out to the balcony. She slides the glass door shut and turns to face me. “You’re nothing but an American whore.”

  “And you’re a universal whore.” I charge toward her. “What was that? You were trying to dance for my fiancé.”

  Her chin rises in defiance. I narrow my eyes, and the superiority rolling off of her. “What’s the matter? Feel threatened?”

  I scoff. “I feel embarrassed…for you. His eyes never left my body. No matter how hard you tried to throw yourself at him in front of all those people, he never even noticed you. If it’s any comfort, at least you have that. He didn’t see what a spectacle you made of yourself.”

  “The joke is you being here as his fiancée. You being here at all must be some kind of charity from Dimitrios. That, or he is trying to play some silly game.”

  “Jimmy mou begged me to come with him. He has begged for my attention while doing everything possible to avoid even speaking to you.”

  “We’ll see.” Pamela places her hands on her narrow hips. “I’m bored now.”

  She turns her back and opens the balcony door. I stand there and watch as she steps inside and closes the balcony door, effectively ending the conversation.

  Ridiculous. I can’t believe the balls on her. No wonder Jimmy was so desperate to have me be his fake fiancée. They just won’t quit.


  After that damn sexy dance, the rest of the night went on with everyone grabbing Jolene to dance with them. And I had a freakin’ boner for half the night. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do anything about it because it was three in the morning by the time everyone left. I helped Ma clean up, and then found Jolene passed out in her bed still wearing her clothes. I cover her up and then go to my room. Still too worked up to go to sleep no matter the time, I sit in my chair and pull my dick out. I close my eyes and see her. I see her black silky hair hanging past her shoulders as her body sways as fluid as a snake slithers. I see her delicate arms extended out as her gorgeous chest bounces slightly as she dances around me. Her deep, honey-colored eyes burn with desire as she stares at me—only me. I’m the luckiest man in the room because I know she’s dancing just for me. I grip myself tighter as she dances closer. I pump faster as she comes closer, and closer. She kneels before me and takes me. She takes me in her hand, and it’s her hand working me now. Her sweet lips touch my tip, and that’s it. I’m finished. What the ever-loving fuck? I open my eyes and look down at where I’ve come all over my hand. This doesn’t bode well that I just experienced premature ejaculation simply in my fantasy of Jolene. I clean off my shame and then fall on to the bed. My last thought is I’ve got it so damn bad for this girl.

  Now what am I going to do about it?

  We’re on our way to the island of Kefalonia—alone. I loaded the car onto the ferry boat, and then go to the upper deck to find Jolene. I don’t see her sitting anywhere, so I check around the lounge and restaurant. She’s not there, either. I go to the top-most deck and find her leaning on the rail at the front of the boat, her jet black hair blowing in the wind, and her strapless blue dress showing off her sun-kissed skin. She’s a vision even from behind. If only she didn’t already say I’m off limits. There’s no way for me to prove I’m not everything she fears, because I am like most of the pilots she’s described. I can’t settle down and commit. That’s why I’m here with a fake fiancée. That’s why I chose this career. My life has even less commitment than the men she’s used to. I’m not tied to a major airline. I make my own schedule and live by my terms. In fact, this is the most commitment I’ve shown in years toward any woman. It’s somewhat alarming how much I haven’t hated it. Regardless, I have her to myself for two days, in paradise, and I plan to make the most of it. Even if it will hurt like hell when she runs as far away from me as possible as soon as this is over.


  The ferry boat moves forward and I marvel at how incredibly beautiful the water is. I’ve never seen water so blue in my life. I wonder if the people who live here realize how amazing their country is? Beauty everywhere you loo
k, fun music, amazing food, gorgeous Greek men—why am I leaving in a couple of days again? I’m not Greek, but I’m definitely considering it if this was my life every day. I’m doing it for Jimmy, so why shouldn’t I do this for myself? I laugh to myself and shake my head at how silly I’m being. The sun is making me crazy, so I turn around to go back inside the boat. I come to an abrupt stop when I see Jimmy.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  His hands are in his khaki shorts pockets, and his thin white button up is unbuttoned at the top. “Watching you.”

  “Creeper…I knew you were a closet stalker,” I say and try to fight back a smile. “I’m going to go find some water.”

  “We’re surrounded by it. Shouldn’t be too difficult.”

  “To drink, smart ass.” I take a step, and he jumps in front of me. Raising his hand, he puts a strand of loose hair behind my ear. He’s wearing sunglasses, so I can’t get a read on what he’s thinking.

  “Jolene,” he whispers. “I want you to still pretend to be mine. Even though nobody is around. Be mine these next two days, even if it’s only pretend. Be mine.”

  I can’t speak because I’d love nothing more than to be his. I hate that he uses the word ‘pretend’ because I’m not sure how much I’m pretending anymore. He’s so sweet, spontaneous, crazy, and childish at times, but it’s all part of his charm. He’s a grown man running from commitment, but I’m a woman who is searching for it. We’re literally running in two different directions, yet still colliding into each other. I’m terrified that he’s going to take my heart and keep running. The sun shines on him as I take in his gorgeous face and sincere eyes that match the Mediterranean Sea behind him. He really believes we can share two days together and come out of it unscathed. I barely survived a passionate night in a hotel room with him on a rainy night. How am I going to survive this real-life fantasy for forty-eight hours? I’m not foolish enough to think he’ll fall in love with me. That he’s going to magically be ready to settle, especially for me when there’s beautiful women throwing themselves at him? That and he has a life of adventure ahead of him. This is the best I’m going to get. But hey, it’s more than most get. I nod, even though I’m both elated and crushed at the same time.


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