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The Royal Nanny

Page 7

by V Vee

  “Right this way,” Persephone swung out an arm toward the door to the sitting room, walking her out of Leyah’s suite and down the hallway to another set of double doors. Leyah looked around surreptitiously as Persephone knocked on the door, speaking into the intercom and announcing their arrival. When the door opened to a disheveled man, the start of a beard on his cheeks and chin, his dark hair sticking up at all angles and dark circles beneath his eyes, Leyah found herself torn between wanting to laugh and compassion for the obviously exhausted new father. This was compounded by the fact that the prince was wearing a maroon t-shirt with dark stains trailing over the front, and a pair of yellow pyjama pants, his feet bare.

  Leyah was confused as she took in Prince Algerone’s appearance. The man had five other children besides the newborn twins, and yet his face showed that he was a bit out of sorts with the newborn twins. How was that possible? Was the prince so entitled that he got his wife pregnant then let her take care of all the children without any input or assistance from him at all?

  Giving herself a mental shake, determined not to judge the prince and his wife’s marriage and parenting until she knew them better, Leyah offered the man a small smile.

  “Mexoria Źeylήia, this is the nanny Prince Alastair hired. Her name is Leyah and she was recommended by Danorian,” Persephone introduced her.

  Leyah curtsied to the prince, gritting her teeth once again at needing to perform such an action.

  “Oh, thank God,” Prince Algerone breathed. “Come in, Leyah, please.” Prince Algerone reached out and grabbed Leyah’s wrist pulling her swiftly into the sitting room of his suite with his wife.

  Leyah swallowed the squeak of surprise, then the subsequent laughter as Prince Algerone took her into the bedroom. She barely caught a glimpse of an untidy sitting area cluttered with dirty clothes, trays of half-eaten food, toys, opened boxes of diapers, and an unpleasant smell that Leyah could only surmise was a dirty diaper or dirty baby spit-up cloth that had been lost in the mess. As she crossed the threshold of the bedroom, Leyah’s eyes widened. Where Prince Algerone looked unkempt and frightened, not to mention exhausted, his wife, Princess Valerie, sat up in the large king-sized bed, her black hair curled and hanging past her shoulders in loose waves. Her dark brown eyes gleamed with amusement, her lips pulled up into a small smile. She wore a light blue nightgown, which was opened as she breastfed one of the newborns. The other rested on a high, round pillow on the mattress beside her, Leyah didn’t know the name of it, but many of the mothers in Waldakan swore by them.

  Playing on the floor was another little girl, Leyah suspected she was around two or three, the toddler babbling and banging one toy against the other, giggling every time a tower of blocks fell over. Leyah’s eyebrows rose at the toddler’s apparent love of destruction, but her young eye and concentration to detail as she rebuilt the towers.

  “Miora ruĝa, Alastair has done us a great boon and hired this young woman, Leyah, to be the nanny for the twins and Dahni,” Prince Algerone informed his wife.

  Princess Valerie quirked an eyebrow. “He did, did he? I wonder why he would feel the need to do such a thing, Algie…” she stared at her husband who blushed and released Leyah’s wrist.

  Leyah intertwined her fingers and waited as Prince Algerone appealed to his wife. She was extremely surprised that the black, American woman, whose dark brown skin gleamed in the sunlight streaming through the curtains, had the ability to humble her obviously alpha husband. Prince Algerone sat next to his wife, placing his large hand on the back of their daughter’s head as she continued nursing.

  Feeling as if she were intruding on a private, personal family moment, Leyah turned away from the married couple and walked over to the little girl on the floor, she believed her name was Dahni—short for Dahnielle perhaps?

  “Hi there,” she said as she knelt on the floor in front of Dahni. “My name’s Leyah. Can I play with you?”

  Leyah watched as the little girl stared up at her with hazel brown eyes, her caramel skin looking soft to the touch, her light brown hair brushed and pulled up into a ponytail, her chubby cheeks pulling tight as the toddler assessed the strange woman in front of her. Leyah was certain she presented an unusual sight, dressed as she was in a black dress, her black braids pulled away from her face, trying as she was to be the picture of the perfect nanny. Everything hinged on her ability to pull this off, and to be hired by the prince and princess, even if Alastair—Prince Alastair, she corrected herself—had already done so.

  Leyah grinned widely when Dahni handed her a block. Clutching the block to her chest, Leyah bowed her head to the tiny princess.

  “Why thank you so much, Mexoria Źeylήia,” she said.

  Her grin widened when Dahni laughed and went back to building her towers, handing Leyah blocks every so often so she could do the same. Leyah was aware of being watched by Prince Algerone and Princess Valerie, even as they talked about their need for a nanny, but she paid them no direct attention. Instead she focused it all on Dahni.

  When Dahni knocked over her towers again with a tiny hammer and accidentally hit her own knee, startling herself with the action and then the pain, Leyah didn’t hesitate and lifted the small princess into her arms. She rocked her gently and slowly, murmuring words of comfort. Dahni’s body trembled with sobs, but they began to quiet as Leyah talked.

  “Did you know that you remind me of the ancient story of a warrior from Waldakan? She was a mighty and fierce woman. A leader. She wasn’t afraid of anyone or anything. She would lead the warriors under her supervision through the cities protected by Waldakan to ensure the people were taken care of, and if she came across bad people, she would stop them. Sometimes by herself. Everyone was in awe of her, even the men, but she didn’t let it bother her. Even when she was hurt in battle. She would simply keep going until her mission was complete. There is even a song about her.” Leyah’s eyes closed as she recalled the words to the song, still rocking Dahni in her arms.

  “maharib alnaas. almuharib , alnaas almuharib. 'ana almuqawamat al'asliat al'aslia sa'ahtaj 'iilaa almusaeadat 'iidha kan hunak firaq aietadat 'an 'akun qaliqatan alan 'ana la hawadat fiha 'adris 'atfali aladhin tathiq bihim wakayfiat alaistimae hal 'ant tnst' hal 'ant tastamieu "hal 'ant tnst' hal 'ant tastamieu "hal 'ant tnst' hal 'ant tastamieu 'adris 'atfali aladhin tathiq bihim wakayfiat alaistimae ead 'iilaa alsama' ead alfahl alan 'ana takhlus min aleasifa aleasifat , aleasifat , aleasifat , aleasifa tahmiluni kayinat alraed bayti 'ana ghirab , 'ana jald , 'ana hawt qatal , 'ana 'asud , 'ana namur , 'ana dhyb 'ana mjrd 'iinsan fi rihlat 'ukhraa hsnaan , sa'ataealam kayf 'akun silmiatan likuniy 'ahtafiz biskini 'iilaa janibi sawf 'asli min ajl alshafqat walakun 'iidha wasalat alharb 'iilaa baby fa'ant taerif dhlk sawf 'akun tafjir eaqliat almaharib maswuwliati jalb 'iilaa shaebiin alan 'ana hindiin 'aqamat bibaye turathi hataa 'atamakan min alhusul ealaa hajz 'ana fi muhima hadhih al'awqat tatatalab bialtaakid anwaeana mueayanat min alsabr 'ana 'aghayr al'amr kl ma tafealuh fi alhayat hu bialtaakid dhu sila almaharib alnaas almuharib , almaharib alnaas almaharib alnaas almuharib , almaharib alnaas almaharib alnaas almuharib , almaharib alnaas sune alsalam mae quat alnasr sawf 'ataelam 'an 'akun silmiatan walakuna 'azal sakini fi janibi sawf 'asli min ajl alrahma walakuna 'iidha asalat alharb 'iilaa babi , fa'ant taerif dhlk sawf 'akun tafjir eaqliat almaharib maswuwliati jalb 'iilaa haebiin alan ladaya amman , ammhat jamilatan wahid minhum hu albaniu wawahid minhum 'abyad wahid minhum ealamani 'an 'akun silmiatan ealamani 'ahaduhum kayfiat alqital alan adae alaithnayn maeaan wa'aerif khataan min alyamin ladaya athnyn min alaba' athnyn min alaba' aljamila wahid minhum hu albaniu wawahid minhum 'abyad ealamani 'ahaduhum kayf yughni ealamani 'ahaduhum kayf 'aktab alan 'adae alaithnayn maeaan wa'aerif khataan min lyamin 'ana 'iimra hafazat baladay alhikmat alwataniat 'atabie taqalid baladiin 'adris 'atfali aladhin tathiq bihim wakayfiat alaistimae hal tastamie ", hal tstme" hal tastamie ", hal tastamieu hal tastamie ", hal tastamieu 'adris 'atfali aladhin tathiq bihim wakayfiat alaistimae,” Leyah sang so
ftly of the Waldakan warrior woman: Yaa’Amina. When the song was over, Leyah looked down and found Dahni sleeping softly against her chest, a thumb in her mouth. She smiled gently down at the little princess, before realizing the room was quiet and still around her. Looking up, her gaze landed first on Prince Alastair who stood just inside the bedroom doorway, his focus riveted on her, eyes dark with some unnamed emotion, his hands clenched at his side. Leyah turned toward Prince Algerone and Princess Valerie, both of them watched her with awe on their faces.

  Leyah cleared her throat, then licked her lips. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me for inserting myself in such a way,” she apologized, for the first time since she entered the palace of Malvidence, feeling shy and humbled. “It’s just that when children cry, I feel compelled to sing to them and comfort them, often without asking for the parents’ permission. I will try to not do such a thing here at the palace, as I am not sure how you want your children handled.” Leyah did not let them know that in Waldakan most parents thought it an honor if the princess deigned to comfort their children. As a matter of fact, she’d heard tales that some mothers would pinch their children to make them cry when they were around her just, so she would sing to their children and they could have a picture to show off to family and friends. Leyah couldn’t be sure that such stories were true, but just before she left there had been a number of crying children and babies brought to her to comfort just before she departed.

  “No, no, no. You misunderstand our silence,” Princess Valerie stated. She gestured to the newborn twins. “Your singing was so comforting and relaxing that it also put the twins to sleep, something we’ve been having issues with doing as easily as you did, since they were born.” She laughed softly. “Hell, I almost went to sleep myself. You have a very beautiful voice Leyah…” she paused.

  “Z… Meer,” Leyah offered her last name, stumbling slightly. For some reason she didn’t understand, she wanted to tell Princess Valerie her real last name. To perhaps even share her story with the older woman. Leyah knew it could never happen and it was in fact futile to wish differently, but the desire was there regardless.

  Princess Valerie narrowed her eyes for just a moment as if taking in the truth of Leyah’s words. Leyah’s heart pounded in her chest as she waited for the verdict, or to be found out—on her first day in the palace—by Princess Valerie. When the older woman merely smiled and nodded her head, Leyah released the breath she hadn’t even been aware that she’d been holding. Leyah’s palms were damp with sweat, and she could feel some collecting beneath her breasts. That had been entirely too close and way too tense. She smiled back at Princess Valerie and waited for the other woman to speak.

  “Well, Ms. Meer, I would say—and I believe Prince Algerone would agree with me—you are definitely hired. The very fact that you were able to put all three of our girls to sleep with just a song?” Princess Valerie shook her head. “Well, that is just short of miraculous.”

  Leyah looked over at Prince Algerone when the man nodded his head emphatically. She covered her mouth to stifle the laughter that wanted to spill forth. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed with true amusement. Her life had been filled with ruling, laws, plans, vengeance, and taking care of her people almost since the moment she could walk. More so now that her parents had passed away. She was amazed that she even knew how to laugh anymore, and here it was, in just a few short hours, she’d been moved to the lighthearted feeling more than once.

  “Thank you very much, Your Highnesses,” Leyah said with a nod in their direction. She cut her eyes over towards Prince Alastair who still stood in the bedroom doorway, silent, watchful, unmoving. She cleared her throat. “If you will tell me where this little angel goes, I will go and place her in her bed now, then come back for the twins.”

  “Yes, of co—” Prince Algerone began.

  “I will take her,” Prince Alastair spoke up finally. Leyah stared at him and noticed the other two do the same. Prince Alastair shrugged his shoulders. “It’s fine, I’m already standing.”

  Leyah couldn’t understand the disappointment that streaked through her, causing her heart to clench with upset. She shook it off and offered Prince Alastair what she hoped passed as a smile of apathy. She didn’t care if he only offered to show her out of convenience, if he wasn’t as affected by her presence, her proximity to him, as she was by his own. She had to keep her eyes on the prize, her focus on the mission. That was all that was important. Nothing else.


  “Thank you very much, Mexoria Źeylήia,” Leyah said with a nod.

  She shivered as Prince Alastair’s gaze rested on her. His eyes darkened with an unexplainable emotion and Leyah found herself squirming where she still knelt on the floor. Her panties grew damp and she widened her eyes at her arousal. Her cheeks heated, and she looked down, hoping no one noticed or worse could smell her desire. How embarrassing would that be?

  “Well thank you for the offer, bruthrar,” Prince Algerone said. “You really don’t have to.”

  Leyah looked back and forth between the two brothers, realizing they must be having some sort of private conversation, no doubt about her. But what about she had no idea. A feeling of unease overcame her. She hated being under scrutiny or talked about behind her back. Even if the princes were communicating silently and without words, she still knew that she was the topic and one was cautious, the other bold and uncaring. While her own innate sense of curiosity compelled her to ask questions, her sense of preservation and her sense of duty and honor to her mission, kept her mouth closed.

  “It is really no problem at all, bruthrar,” Prince Alastair responded. “Come, Leyah… I mean, Miss Meer. I will show you to the nursery.” He stepped forward and grasped Leyah’s elbow, sending a shiver down her spine. She glanced over at Prince Algerone and Princess Valerie, lowering her eyes when she realized they watched her and Prince Alastair closely.

  “I will be right back, Mexoria Źeylήiaes,” Leyah said softly.

  “Take your time, my dear. It’s not like we’re going anywhere,” Princess Valerie said with a smile. Leyah frowned at the older woman, before turning to follow along beside Prince Alastair to the nursery. As soon as they crossed the bedroom threshold, Leyah could hear Prince Algerone and Princess Valerie speaking in low, excited tones. Curiosity rode her hard again, but she kept her focus on where she and Prince Alastair were headed and less on what could have the eldest prince and his wife so excited.

  “So, if you open this door right off the sitting room, you will find the nursery,” Prince Alastair was saying. Leyah nodded, holding Dahni closer to her body. She took in the sight of the all pink, yellow, and white nursery. She swallowed back the bile that threatened to explode from her esophagus. What was with people and wanting to put baby girls in pink nurseries?

  A deep, male chuckle drew her attention and Leyah turned to look at Prince Alastair. He indicated the room with his head.

  “I reacted the same way when the decorators completed the room. All this pink? My vessrirs are supposed to spend the first few years of their lives in bubblegum?” Prince Alastair’s voice sounded amused as he swung his arm around the space. Leyah nodded in response to his words.

  “I would never say so, but yes, the room is extremely… pink,” Leyah stated diplomatically.

  Prince Alastair laughed loudly, startling Dahni where she lay sleeping in Leyah’s arms. When the young girl’s eyes widened, and she looked around in confusion, Leyah shushed her, bouncing the toddler in her arms. She paced the room, singing another lullaby softly.

  “Goodnight, bright star. The sun is gone. The moon has come, the day is done. Goodnight, my heart. No time to play. My love will guide you, to a bright new day. Goodnight, sweetheart. Nothing more to do. We’ll have tomorrow, for I’ll always love you,” Leyah sang in Waldakan.

  She placed Dahni into the crib with her name over it, spelled out in wooden letters on the wall, and rubbed a hand o
ver the young girl’s stomach, until she’d fallen back asleep. When she turned around Prince Alastair was staring at her, his eyes darkened again with an emotion she’d never before experienced. Leyah swallowed thickly and crossed her arms below her breasts, shifting from foot to foot.

  She raised her eyes and gasped at how close Prince Alastair had gotten to her in a few seconds. Her body trembled at his nearness and she dropped her arms, opening her mouth to ask him… something. She snapped her jaw shut when Prince Alastair raised his hand to her cheek. He stroked her skin softly and she watched him as his eyes moved over her face, his fingers caressing her jaw. She wondered what he was looking for as he continued to watch her, then she wondered if she wanted him to see it. What was he doing? What was she doing? This was wrong on so many levels, there were too many people counting on her, her mission was too important, the glory of Waldakan and the return of her people to their rightful land was too vital for her to allow herself to become… infatuated with one of the princes who were, in fact, her family’s sworn enemies.

  She lifted a foot to back away from the prince but was stopped by his arm wrapping around her like a steel band. She swallowed thickly and lifted her hands to his chest. To push him away—of course—not to feel the hardness and thickness of his pecs. Not at all.

  But when the heat of his body seeped into her palms, Leyah felt herself shudder. She gripped the fabric of his suit jacket as he pulled her body flush with his own. She gazed up into his eyes as he gripped her hair and tilted her head back.

  “What is it about you?” Prince Alastair asked in a rough voice. Leyah had no idea what he was talking about, so she remained quiet. “You don’t get it do you? I am a man who thrives on control, and yet, since the moment I saw you walking up the royal driveway I have felt decidedly out of control. I should stay away from you, keep my distance, in order to maintain myself, but I find myself thinking of you constantly since the moment we met. It’s why I sought you out here.” He shook his head. “What are you doing to me?”


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