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Taking the Stage

Page 6

by Paige Parsons

  “I thought you said she was cheating, too. Not that it makes it better, but—”

  “She was, with the man she had on her arm that night. It doesn’t matter. Her wrong did not make me right. We still had another six weeks on the show we were doing, and in true Sean style, he called us both into his office the next morning. The man knew about it all, and told us to grow up and get our shit together, because there was money at stake, and the show must go on. He basically told us we could kill one another off stage, but if he even saw a hint of our bullshit on stage, he’d destroy us both, and do it with a smile on his face.”

  God she loved that man. Robyn could only imagine what that little tirade sounded like, all those years ago. She couldn’t help the laughter that came out. Sean could turn a phrase like no one else she knew, and, like Joseph, she’d learn to take him at his word.

  “So I’m guessing you both were on your best behavior, at least during show hours. I mean he brought you all the way out here to do this, and is willing to risk bloodshed to have her join the cast.”

  “We swept all the local awards, and the show put Sean and Jerry’s theatre on the hot list. People wanted to work there. Donations and sponsors started rolling in. I got a call to assistant direct a show in New York, and Kath got a role in LA. My guess is Sean called in some favors for the both of us. Forced separation made the split quick and easy, and before the show even closed, I was gone.”

  “Wow!” Roby couldn’t think of what else to say. He kept staring, so she added, “I’m speechless.”

  “So, that’s how I do it.”

  Finally, some of the chill left his voice, and he turned to look at the woman he was growing so fond of over the last couple of months. He was mortified when he looked back at his choices, and extremely ashamed, but he wouldn’t live with lies. He’d made up for his dog years, and had lived a passionate, but honest, bachelor’s life since. Robyn was the first woman who made him even think settling down was the right thing to do at this point in his life.

  “Very funny,” she said. The silent current passing through them had her nerve endings tingling.

  “Come closer. I need to—”

  “Need to what? I was crazy early today. We have nothing to discuss.”

  She sandwiched the words in air quotes, because when he wanted to discuss things, it usually meant she’d missed the mark getting somewhere on his timetable. Recently, it could also mean she’d been a little too snarky without her caffeine dose for the day.

  “Yes, you were funny, girl. Come closer. Because I’m asking you to.”

  Never leaving the couch, she scoot-crawled until she was right next to him. Using his ridiculously long arm, he pulled her close and snuggled her beneath his chin. He inhaled her, taking in her essence of vanilla and musk. He was certain this was what he wanted, but he couldn’t mess up the way he had before. What would it mean to even the possibilities if they brought Katharine Dresden into their world?

  “Relax,” he told her.

  “You can boss me around to do a great many things, but not even you can command my body to just relax on cue.”

  “It wasn’t a command, sweetheart.”

  He kissed the top of her head, and her body, if it was at all possible, went even more rigid. Pushing against his chest with both hands, she felt him release his arms. She slid back far enough to have a clear look into his eyes.

  “Staying in that position was getting too comfortable, and I can’t do it. There’s something happening here, but until we get clear, I can’t be that comfortable in your arms, no matter how much I want to be there. I can’t be your comfort or ease your guilt until you do this one thing for me.”

  “I know I’m keeping you at arm's length, but after everything I just told you, can’t you understand why?”

  “Only somewhat. It’s been a decade. You said yourself you’ve grown. Besides, I’m not Katharine. Well, I don’t actually know her, so who knows? Maybe I’m just like her.” Roby chuckled.

  “You aren’t, and I have changed. If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t be sitting on your sofa, we’d be lying in my bed.”

  “Someone thinks mighty high of himself.”

  “This isn’t just lust for me, Robyn. Yes, I’m extremely attracted to you. I’d like nothing more than to pin you to this couch and have you scream my name repeatedly.”

  She was squirming to shake her own lust and to pull her focus away from her nether regions and, frankly, from his. Being pinned under the weight of his body was a scenario that played in her dreams at least once a night, and he was now putting into words what she’d been holding onto as a lustful fantasy.

  “What makes you think you’d be able to get me to do either?” She wasn’t sure if she was being coy or flirtatious. It was the first thing that came to mind, and she had just blurted it out.

  “I’m feeling exceptionally confident. Look, I’m not that guy anymore. I’m not willing to risk either of our reputations on a fling, when I want so much more from you.”

  “What do you want?”

  “First, you back in my arms, please.” He was glad her hesitation was brief. A physical barrier wasn’t what they needed in this moment. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Trusting me. I worked hard to become the man that I am and to build the career that I have. I’ve tried relationships in many ways, but none of them worked in practice as well as they had in my head. I always knew what I wanted, but finding it in the theatre world proved to be harder than I could’ve imagined. It seemed like everyone said one thing and meant something else. I didn’t talk so much when we met. I was myself, and you were accepting. Thank you for that, too. I feared this talk, because with or without it, I know I’m not willing to change my mind about our being intimate right now.”

  It worked the last time, and she hoped it would again, but this time he was anything but cooperative as she tried to push away from his hold. He refused to release her from his arms.

  “Settle down and let me finish, Roby. I’ve met your family. We have so much in common. You hate my bossy nature, but something about it works for you, works for us. You are the best stage manager I’ve worked with, Equity or not. You were made for this job. I see you as a production manager, honestly. You are essentially production glue. I know what that takes out of you, personally, and still you give it. I admire the hell out of that. You make me laugh with your antics, when they aren’t scaring years off my life and making me pull my hair out. I want you for more than a show-mance, and if we take things too far too fast, that’s all it will be, and I think you know that, too. I just need you to trust me a little bit longer. Trust that I won’t hurt you for any reason, and no matter how crazy things get, you’ll keep trusting me.”

  He felt the breath she took go through his body. Finally, she was relaxing. She had only been partially right. He couldn’t command her to relax, but he could certainly get her there.

  “You really think it’s going to get that ugly?” she said.

  “If Katharine Dresden is even a little of the same woman she was, it could be down right hell getting her to take the stage.”

  “She sounds like a piece of work. Is she honestly that good? I mean it’s been years since you’ve seen her or her work, right? Maybe all the hype is for nothing. Maybe she won’t even want the role. If things ended as poorly as you’re telling me, then why would she?”

  “I honestly can’t answer any of those what ifs. That’s why I can only focus on controlling the variables I am sure about.”

  Instead of getting up, she actually snuggled in closer. “I’m one of those variables, aren’t I?”

  “The most important one to me. If Kathy thinks you’re important to me for any reason, she will go out of her way to make your life hell on earth. She’ll be brilliant on stage. The years could only have improved her craft. Plus, I trust Sean immensely on something like this. Even that old man wouldn’t torment us with her presence, if she couldn’t still deliver.”
r />   “Is it wrong that I’m praying for things to tank with Michelle and her baby daddy?”

  Joseph gave her upper thigh a squeeze and tightened his grip.

  Roby had the decency to at last look remorseful. “I kid. Mostly.”

  “Doesn’t matter if it works out or not. Sean is making that offer and releasing Michelle. He won’t risk her pregnancy with the physical demands of the role, and he doesn’t want me modifying it to make it work.”

  “What is that old man up to? I’m in no mood for his shenanigans.”

  “Don’t get worked up. You know Sean as well as I do, and he won’t tell us one thing before he’s ready. I know he wants this to happen, and he’s going to move mountains to make it happen, so don’t go getting in his face about it. I’ve already died on that hill. No need to waste any more energy on it. Speaking of energy, I think we’ve done enough for one day. Besides, one of us has an early meeting and doesn’t do well with limited sleep.”

  “Well, I keep telling you to stop hanging out all hours of the night.”

  Joseph did love her antics and her humor. He needed to bring this night to a close way before things went too far. He stood and brought her up with him.

  “We didn’t get much work done,” she said.

  “We worked on the important stuff.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do. Lock up behind me and get in the bed. No reading or watching shows on your laptop, either. You need to sleep. Do not be late to meet Sean, and I don’t want to see dark circles under your eyes when you come in.”

  “Anything else, sir?” She said it facetiously, but his barely there smile and eye twinkle let her know he liked the title.


  Taking her around the waist, he lifted her part way and bent to cover the rest of the way. Her arms were around his neck in seconds. It took a few more seconds for the rest of her brain to engage before she wrapped her legs around his waist. It was like hugging a tree when she was a kid, but the hardness she felt was scented with aftershave, covered with the smoothest skin, and it hugged her back. It was a toe-curling kiss that she would replay many times before the next morning. His lips were so satiny she was envious, and as he invaded her mouth with his tongue, she gave as good as she was getting nibbling on those luscious lips to get her fill of him. They were making up for time wasted not kissing like this.

  When air finally became necessary, she was resting her arms around his neck, her head on his shoulder, and his hands had a hold on her ass like they’d been super glued in place. She didn’t know how he was holding her up without looking the slightest bit strained, but in that moment she felt perfect sized and unfazed by the heft of her butt.

  “I know you think of this place like a dollhouse, with nothing but miniature furniture, but I can promise you there is a very king size bed in that other room. You could just stay.”

  The bottom squeeze became a smack. “Temptress. I want to, believe me I do, but no. We are both sleeping alone tonight. I can feel you pouting.” He released her bottom and went to peeling her arms away and forcing her legs to drop.

  “That was just cruel. It’s like taking a fat kid into a donut shop and only letting her get a free sample instead her own whole one.”

  “Am I the donut, or the guy torturing the fat kid?”

  “You’ve turned my brain to mush. I don’t even know.”

  They both laughed as he grabbed his bag and headed for the door. Standing in the open space, he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Lock up. Bed.”

  “Got it!” she managed to get out, with her hands still caressing her lips as she pushed the door closed. As she drifted, his voice brought her back to full focus.

  “And—” he managed to bark as the door connected to the frame.

  “Don’t be late!” Roby yelled, putting the chain on.

  Chapter Seven

  It had been easy for her to wake up and get ready to take on rush hour traffic to deal with Sean, mostly because she’d hardly slept. Tossing and turning all night, she’d had disjointed dreams that didn’t seem to resolve themselves before morphing into new ones. For half of them, Sean had the starring role. He was always in the room with a dark figure that, moments before being seen, would fade to black. Then Joseph would appear, all loving and romantic. They would be laughing and talking and be all heads together before some energy without shape would shove them apart, then another morph. Finally, with sweat dampened sheets and pajamas, a growling stomach, and a dull headache, she gave up and took a hot shower. Invigorating peppermint shower gel made her body tingle and sharpened her senses. She had nicknamed it her kick in the pants gel, and used it when she had an especially rough start. Drying off, she wrapped her robe around herself. Robyn loved feeling swaddled when she was fresh out of the shower. Resisting the urge to burrow beneath her covers, she went into the kitchen to make the dark roast that would be responsible for clearing the remainder of her fog.

  It wasn’t exactly a movie reel replay, but over a bowl of cereal, she thought about everything Joseph shared with her. Mostly she thought about that kiss they shared. In her fantasies, he was an amazing kisser, but when reality hit, the fantasy couldn’t even compete. It was a hundred times better. It made her want more and more. Obviously, relationships weren’t built on lust alone, but she decided it was a damn good place to start. Robyn poured and drank another cup of liquid wake up, and put the cup in the sink. Looking at the dishes, she decided that leaving them until whenever was another perk of living alone. A glance at the clock confirmed the fact that she’d be sporting the ponytail again today. What was hard to confirm was what Joseph saw in her daily wardrobe of all black and her many variations of the ponytail. He’d only seen her dressed up with her braids styled once since they’d met. She didn’t have much time to contemplate any of it anymore. How the heck did she go from up early to running behind so easily?

  He probably wanted to do this at his house, in order to avoid the scene she was likely to serve up with the meal. She wasn’t sure what this thing with Joseph was, or it’s true potential, but she knew that sticking a meddling old man in the middle of it was bound to have it turn out disastrous. When she opened the sliding doors that led into their open kitchen great room, her favorite of the three inhabitants greeted her.

  “Hey, Sweeney!” Getting on her knees, she received puppy licks and kisses until Jerry entered the room and called him off.

  “Why’d you do that? It’s the most action I’ve had—” Stopping herself, she realized that statement wasn’t exactly true anymore, at least not since last night.

  “Since?” Picking up his little Velcro dog, Jerry sat him on his special couch pillow and pulled her into an embrace.

  “Not important. It’s like talking about my love life with my dad. Too much ick factor to contend with there.”

  “I missed you, kiddo. You know you could’ve stayed with us when things went south. I would’ve spoiled you rotten.”

  “I know, and I love you for the offer, but the commute would’ve killed me, and being late everyday would’ve have gotten me fired before I was ready to leave. Speaking of spoiling, what’s the old man up to? He sends me a message to come through the back, Sweeney smothers me in kisses, and the entire place smells of cinnamon and vanilla, which means you’ve been baking my favorite muffins. What’s going on?”

  Sean came around the corner just in time. He was the epitome of a dashing, silver haired fox. Distinguished and authoritative, his clothes were designer without being ostentatious, and the round-rim spectacles seemed to magnify his green eyes. He’d always been easy on the eyes. His hair had been this glossy silver grey since they met, but it never seemed to make him look older than he was. The first time she walked into his class, years ago, the man had her riveted, and little had changed in the last decade. He was a surrogate father/older brother/uncle all rolled into one. He had walked her down the aisle when she married the cheating bastard, and had even given her the requi
site speech about bailing out the back of the church right before she practically dragged him down the aisle. He hadn’t been a Kyle fan.

  “When did you become so suspicious, my girl?” He folded her in his arms and wouldn’t release her. As he spoke, he kept one arm around her waist and her plastered to his side.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to take off. You pretty much guaranteed that with the muffins. Now spill it!”

  “Settle down. It’s been too long since the three of us had any quality time together, and Jerry has been dying to cook for you and pamper you for weeks. Since we needed to work, anyway, I thought I’d combine the tasks.”

  They both stood at the island in the their enormous kitchen while Jerry put the finishing touches on brunch. There were his to-die-for cinnamon streusel muffins, a spinach quiche, thick cut maple-glazed bacon, fruit salad, fresh squeezed orange juice, and mini bottles of champagne to make mimosas. Roby was immediately jealous, knowing she wouldn’t be able to have any, since she needed to work. Snagging a strawberry at least three fingers wide, she turned on Sean with a hard, serious look.

  “So, this woman. She’s Satan’s sister, isn’t she?”

  He didn’t even answer. He simply plucked the half bitten berry from her hand and stuck it into his own mouth. Once he swallowed, he continued to deflect by jumping up and grabbing the platter of fruit.

  “Well, don’t just sit there. Carry this stuff inside, and you help with the clean up.”

  “Come on. I’m an invited guest.” Roby pouted as she picked up the two-tier muffin holder.

  “Funny. You’re a guest when it comes to dishes, but family at Christmas and your birthday. You’re the closest thing we have to a daughter, so behave like it.”

  Her response was to give him a low growl and a kiss on the cheek.

  By the time she was too stuffed to move and had been prodded to help set the kitchen to rights, Robyn knew all about their last vacation to Mexico, the new dog Jerry was thinking of getting, the name he had picked out for it, and how he planned to redo the guest bedroom and bathroom, and still nothing about Katharine Dresden.


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