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Taking the Stage

Page 13

by Paige Parsons

  “Apparently the seamstress working on her gala dress was done, and it needed to be picked up.”

  “It couldn’t wait?” Joseph knew of Kat’s shenanigans, and the whole thing sounded suspicious to him.

  “I guess not. Kat had taken a drive up to Sedona and couldn’t get back down in time. It also cost me nine hundred dollars before the little Russian sewing dynamo would let me out of her shop.

  Joseph sat Robyn totally up and untangled their limbs. She slid away from him enough to turn around and watch his expressions as he stood to pace a small pattern near the coffee table. He was clearly pissed off and, boy, did she hope it was more at Katharine than her.

  “Let me get this straight. She demands you pick up her gown and pay for it. Did you tell her you had plans, therefore didn’t have time to play livery for her?”

  “What do you think? I said, sure, Kat, let me drop everything I’m doing on my one flipping day off and, instead, I’ll run around town doing your business. I was the one inconvenienced. Why the hell do you get to be the one who’s ticked off?”

  “Excuse me? Do we need to take a timeout for an attitude adjustment? You will not shout and swear at me, because I’m certainly not doing that to you.”

  “I apologize. I just don’t think this should be something I’m in trouble for, is all. It isn’t like I wanted to do it, but hasn’t the goal all along been to keep the peace? That’s what I was trying to do. For once, I wanted to handle her without bringing in you or Sean for reinforcement. Was that so wrong?”

  Joseph went back to the couch and pulled her into his arms. “No. That’s not so wrong at all. She pulled a Katharine on you, though, baby. There isn’t one outdoor nature bone in her body. If anything, she was busy at her favorite spa and didn’t want to be bothered. If getting you to do it screwed with your day, even better. She played you, costing you time and money.”

  “I’m an idiot.”

  “No, you were trying to do the right thing. I’m proud of you for that. I love you for that part of you, but next time, say no or check in with me.”

  “I tell you what. I want my money in hand at the start of rehearsal tomorrow. What a royal manipulative bitch! Now I wish I had gotten in a few more licks when we were rolling around on that floor a few weeks ago.”

  “Potty mouth, that’s two.”

  “You can’t tell me you’re proud of me and that you love me, then turn around and finger wag me for calling her exactly by the name she deserves.”

  “I can, and I will. Enough.”

  “She is really making me angry with these little mind wars she keeps playing. It’s like dealing with some of my former students—all manipulation, all the time. Did we slip up and say we were going to spend the day together or something? We probably set her off. I guess I’m lucky only a wild goose chase was her retaliation.”

  “You all done?”


  “Good. I wanted to know the truth, not because I wanted Kat to consume our evening, but because I won’t allow lies or secrets between us, not even the little ones. We clear?”


  “Come here. There’s something else I wanted to say to you tonight.”

  Joseph pulled her down onto his lap facing him. He started kissing her immediately, his hands wandering all along her back and front. Her black, low riding sweatpants and fitted tank top were little barrier to his motivated hands. Straddling his lap, she could feel his arousal, and just as enthusiastically her own hands begin to roam.

  His massaging her breast over the tank top and bra was already doing magnificent things to her body. Roby could feel how wet she was getting, and pressed herself into his hands. Her own hands were running through his hair and moving across his back. The wool of his sweater was abrasive on her hands. Pulling away from his bruising kisses and catching her breath at the same time she asked, “Really?”

  His answer came in the movement it took to divest her of the yellow tank top and push up the cups of her black lace bra with yellow accents. She reminded him of a very sexy bumblebee.


  Typical backstage buzz surrounded her. It was, of course, Roby’s job to tune it all out and to focus on the moment happening on stage, as well as the next, which would immediately follow. The hardest parts were executed flawlessly, and Roby was at the point where she could catch her breath and enjoy the fruits of her labor. She’d be loath to admit it to anyone out loud, but watching the psycho-diva was mesmerizing. You could hear air moving across the theater, it was so silent, yet charged with palpable energy. Kat was nearing the end of her three-page monologue.

  “There was no way I was leaving him there. I just couldn’t! I was willing to face anything—”

  Roby brought the microphone on her headset down and hit the talk button.

  “Standby light cue three-sixty. Standby sound cue hh and media thirty-seven. Lights, sound, and media go!”

  As the lights settled into darkness, a wave of bodies moved through the theater. It had been the same all through previews, and tonight would be no exception. They had a bona fide hit on their hands. The curtain call lights went on, and from the wings, Roby could see all two hundred seventy-five people in the house on their feet. The applause was thunderous and deafening. Sean and Jerry were front row center, being embraced by everyone around them. There would be plenty of congratulations to go around for everyone involved, but Roby wouldn’t be able to get caught up in it all for at least another half hour.

  Once the curtain came down on the final bows and the last call was given, Roby snatched her headset off, pulled out her scrunchie and ran her fingers through her braids. Holding on to the lectern she used as her station backstage, the exhaustion drained from her body like water from a bathtub. She could almost visualize her stress slipping away, and hear the last bit of suction as the final drop emptied. A silent and reverent prayer was sent up to the Theatre Gods for guiding her through another one. Sure, she did the work, but, silly superstition or not, failing to acknowledge them wasn’t a chance she was willing to take. They had to return tomorrow and do it all over again.

  It had been an overwhelming journey, but even her skin felt electrified and awake in a way it never was when doing anything else. There was a good chance, when the adrenaline wore off, that she would just collapse, but at the moment, she was acutely aware of every sound and sight. She hadn’t felt this way since her last show, more than two years ago. Alive in a way that she could hardly put into words, Roby gathered her things to take back to the office, where she would change out of her blacks into something else black and slightly more feminine. Smiling to herself, she knew her sisters would be shocked and proud of her wardrobe efforts and party participation. Normally, she would just shut a show down and meet the crew at a bar near the space. A costume change certainly wasn’t required for that, but, apparently, being the director’s girlfriend came with a different set of rules. That thought brought on another smile, one more ruminative than humorous. It seemed like the word rules was taking over her life. Recently, that thought no longer riled, but comforted her. On her way, she thanked everyone on her crew. No matter how daunting a task they’d been charged with, or the abuse some of them took, they pulled it off with a smile, and she was forever in their debt. A good stage manager was nothing without her crew.

  Turning down the hallway toward Joseph’s office, she caught him at Kat’s dressing room door. Well, there was zero way to pretend she hadn’t seen them, so she waved and walked confidently in their direction. No better time than the present to show she was capable of dealing with her temperamental lead actress and take the wheel of this ship. After tonight, Joseph wouldn’t be her buffer, and she had to get through the rest of the run.

  Their relationship was no longer top secret, but they were always professional and discreet. He had an expectation that Robyn Renée would be, too. Antagonizing the lead and former girlfriend wasn’t the best way to do that, even if it did make her feel better t
o do it every once in awhile.

  Turning his back on his ex, Joseph opened his arms to Roby. Her hesitation was only temporary. They’d earned this moment.

  “Congratulations, love. You called a beautiful show.” He whispered the words for her ears only.

  “Thank you, Joseph. Kat, your performance was magnificent,” Roby said without leaving her man’s arms. “The audience was with you every step of the way.”

  “Thank you, dear, but opening nights are always filled to the brim with theatre savvy folks. You’ll learn that with a few more years of experience. Let’s see what the locals have to say at the end of the weekend. Oh, and darling, I don’t know if it’s your call or operator error, but is there any chance we could get the curtain down before I pass out or tip over? I’m wearing a corset and a heavy wig. Being bent at the waist for a full minute isn’t ideal.”

  With a flawless smile, Roby gave a stage worthy performance. Kat’s tone and numerous requests were less irritating and more amusing at this point. She and the crew would tally mark all the snarky comments and requests, and whoever had taken the most abuse got drinks on the crew all night.

  “I’ll make the note and we’ll adjust and run it before we open the house.”

  “You aren’t expecting me to stand around while you figure it out, are you?”

  With her chest pressed against his, Joseph felt Roby’s deep breath ripple through his body.

  “Absolutely not! Once we work out the kink, I’ll have you step through the change so you’ll know what it looks like.”

  “Great! Well, I’ll see you two out there.” She closed the door in their faces without another look or word.

  Joseph and Roby looked at each other, then fled her door as their laughter bubbled over. Once they were safely on the other side of their shared space, Roby couldn’t hold it in any longer, and her giggles burst forth. Joseph had been right all those weeks ago. Nothing got Kat more agitated than a calm Robyn.

  “Well, gorgeous, like everything else tonight, you handled that beautifully. I’m so proud of you.”

  “I’m pretty proud of me, too. I honestly didn’t think we’d get her together, after that first meeting in your office and our little blow-ups. She threatened to walk a lot.”

  “If I remember correctly, so did you.”

  “Fair enough!” She spluttered over her giggles. “I’m betting you didn’t change her mind the same way you changed mine.”

  “No, I did not.” He kissed temple. “I left her to Sean, and I can only guess what methods he employed.”

  “Knowing Sean, I can guarantee the sting lasted longer than a spanking. That man can lecture like no one’s business. Hard to believe he never had kids of his own.”

  Starting to undress, Roby got down to her black and white polka dot bra and panty set before she realized the man, who was quickly becoming the love of her life, was leaning on his desk, just staring. He, too, was a vision she wanted to drink in. All six foot five inches of him was decked out from head to toe in a Bianco Brioni black suit, the white shirt sexily opened to the second button.


  His smiled to let her know that whatever was on his mind wasn’t bad. “I could definitely get used to watching you make a costume change.”

  Sliding into her little black dress with dropped waist, flowing mini skirt that stopped right above her knees, and lace-capped sleeves, she turned her back to him, indicating the need for help with the zipper.

  “I couldn’t very well wear my Chucks and Respect the Tech t-shirt. Jerry would’ve died, then Sean would’ve killed me.”

  After feasting his eyes on her silky chocolate skin a moment more, Joseph took the two steps his extra long legs allowed, and held her perfectly shaped ass in his hands as he ran kisses down her spine. He was being breathtakingly distracting.

  “Unless we plan on spending opening night in this office, you really need to zip me up.”

  “I’m going to have a one track mind all night, with you walking around in this. I don’t want you bending down to pick up anything.”


  When she turned her appalled, gaping look on him he pulled her in for a kiss that made her willing to risk Sean and Jerry’s wrath.

  “We need to go.”

  “Yes, we do. Home. The show is officially open. Our work is done.”

  “So, now you want to work me over?”

  “Oh, yeah! In so, so many ways.” He looked at her wolfishly. Picking her up, Joseph was smacked with her free flowing braids as she tossed her head back laughing.

  Through her giggles, she said, “I think we still have some terms to negotiate.”

  “Nope! I think I’ll keep you on your toes by making up the rules as we go.”

  “I want to negotiate!”

  He smacked her bottom playfully as he leaned in for another kiss. Placing her feet on the floor again, he helped fasten her bracelet. She had opted for no necklace and wearing her hair down. She enjoyed his playing with her braids when they were standing close, as much as he enjoyed playing with them.

  The party was magnificent. Jerry could plan an event like no one Roby knew. She was likely the most uncomfortable the entire night. The cast, Kat, Joseph, and Sean were all in their element. Most of the crew had departed after a few drinks. She would have loved being with them for the post show debrief. Then she would look across and catch Joseph’s eye, and thoughts of being anywhere else would disappear.

  Sean took the center of the room and whistled to get everyone’s attention. “Ladies and gentleman, I cannot thank you enough for all of the support you’ve given us over the years. It is also so good to have my family here with me, and knowing they put this hit together. Katharine, Joseph, Robyn, please join me. This wouldn’t have been possible without the outstanding talent on the stage, the brilliant direction, and flawless leadership. I thank you all. Now, it’s time for my announcement. I am stepping down as artistic director of the theatre, and will be turning the job over to very capable hands.”

  The crowd was stunned, and Roby could hardly catch her breath. A new AD could mean anything, but her immediate concern was that it would mean she was out of a job after the show closed.

  “Our new artistic director is Mr. Joseph James Davis!”

  The gasp and applause seemed distant as Roby began to sway. In seconds, she felt Joseph’s long arm circle her waist.

  “The plan was to make you swoon, Roby, but certainly not in public.”

  “You’re staying? You’re staying. Oh, my God, Joseph! You’re staying!” Her voice rose enough for the people nearest to hear, and he bent down to kiss her.

  “I’m staying, my love. I couldn’t imagine being back in New York without you, and how would I ever get through another show without my right hand? This isn’t the end of the news, either.”

  “I’m not sure I can handle more.”

  “Oh, I think you’ll be able to deal with this one. You are officially going full-time, baby, as the company’s production manager and resident stage manager. Welcome to the rest of your life, Robyn Renée Rose. You’ve earned it.”

  The End.

  Paige Parsons

  Paige Parsons is a creative Joan of all Trades, who has spent 25 years working in theatre as an actress and stage manager. A native New Yorker, she now resides in Japan. Paige has always loved the world of make believe and was a voracious reader growing up. Some of her favorite authors included Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, Jackie Collins, Erma Bombeck, Toni Morrison, Dan Brown and a host of others. Her writing began with stories for her Barbie, Ken, and Skipper dolls and progressed with poetry, modern retellings of classics, and her own spicy romances, kept in a locked journal.

  She graduated with a degree in Communication/English-Creative Writing and has worked as a journalist, teacher, stage manager, and production manager. Paige loves to tell stories, read stories, and put stories up on the stage.

  Visit her on Facebook: Paige Parsons

: @authorpparsons1

  Instagram: authorpaigeparsons

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Paige Parsons and Blushing Books!

  Taking The Stage

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