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Incubus Inc.: Book 2

Page 4

by Randi Darren

  Breaking the kiss, Sam eased Aster’s face to one side with his own, trailing kisses down along her cheek toward her ear. Aster’s fingers caressed his hair and then slid down to sink into his shoulders, her finger-nails digging at him.

  When he reached the hilt, he pressed himself up into her, and laid his mouth to her ear.

  “Worry not, Aster Thais Penthia Cosima Stavra,” Sam said as softly as he could. “I’ll not cast you aside. And I’m not sure four hundred years is enough. Could we renegotiate for this to be for all time? I’d be willing to negotiate.”

  Aster let out a rough exhalation of breath as he said her full true name.

  “Sameerixis?” Aster whimpered, shivering under him.

  “I want you all to myself, Aster,” Sam murmured against her ear, nuzzling the side of her face. He wasn’t lying either. Having Aster permanently in his harem would be a master-stroke as far as his personal Essence needs. The amount he’d generate from a few nights with her would be equivalent to a month of work with anyone else.

  Going limp beneath him, Aster melted into the bed. The soft hum of the current that was always around her diminished as well. Her fingers began to gently slide back and forth across his back, rather than clawing at him.

  “Okay,” Aster mumbled. “We can negotiate later, Sameerixis. For… for all time. When you’re not in my slit, or in my head.”

  Of course, she’d know I was inside her. She was just as strong as I was.

  She didn’t say no, though.

  “We’re going to have a very fun time together, Aster. For as many years as you’ll let me have,” Sam said and then kissed her ear. Slowly, he began to pull his hips back from her. His shaft sliding free of her tight depths.

  Letting out a slow breath, Aster nodded fractionally. He could tell she was panicked that he’d plucked her true name out of her, and that he wanted her permanently. She was also excited, happy, and feeling quite secure suddenly.

  “Fuck, that feels so good,” Aster said in a moan when he reached the tip.

  Turning his head, Sam began to kiss and nibble at Aster’s neck and shoulder as he plunged back into her with his manhood.

  When he bottomed out, he adjusted his angle slightly, bringing himself up higher to hit at her clit.

  “Wear my brand, give me yourself for all time, and I promise you’ll never want for anything, Aster,” Sam whispered as he drew himself back again.

  Working back and forth, he began to rock himself against Aster.

  “Wear your brand? For all time?” Aster asked in a pant followed by a breathy moan. “Will you wear my brand?”

  There was a panicky freak-out bubbling up in Aster at her own question. She was horrified she’d even asked it. More so, that he was going to say no.

  Terrifying her above all of that, though, was if he said yes.

  He’d been expecting that question from her. It was essentially how one planar lord could marry another. Wearing one’s brand made things permanent.

  They’d known each other for a long time. Worked together.

  Had spent quite a bit of time around one another, but hadn’t really ever pursued each another. They’d always been in relationships with others at any given time. It’d just never really lined up timing-wise.

  However, Sam had always been interested in her. She was a planar lord with strength, determination, and a mind that was sharp.

  “Of course, Aster,” Sam said grinding himself down against her as he thrust into her once more. He didn’t mind binding her to him at all.

  “Oh heavens, no,” Aster mumbled, her mind shrieking at her as she heard his response. “Later, Sameerixis. Later, please. Not right now.”

  Her hands pressed tight to his back, trying to pull him in.

  Accepting her wish, Sam said no more but instead concentrated on building Aster’s orgasm ever higher.

  Pushing down on her hips, he kept thrusting into her with ever increasing speed and force. Trying to match his movements with what he interpreted Aster as wanting.

  All the while, he was also tilting her sensitivity towards a peak. Pushing her body further and further towards a massive orgasm.

  For her part, Aster was rolling her hips with him, clutching at him, and squeezing him with her slick walls. When he hit the hilt, she’d grind into him and squeeze for all her worth. Her mouth never stopped in its attack on his neck and shoulders, kissing at every inch of skin she could reach.

  Often meeting his own lips, while her tongue darted in to touch his own.

  Moaning softly the entire time he rode her, Aster was a very active and affectionate partner.

  Her breathing was getting tighter though, the force of each exhalation coming out harder and harder.

  Sam had been keeping a close watch on her tipping point and pushed it just a bit further away each time she reached it.

  Edging her all along.

  “Sameerixis!” Aster grunted, followed by a moan. “Let me cum, damnit.”

  Grinning, Sam didn’t respond, but he pushed her orgasm further away than he had previously. Having an Incubus as a partner made it more fun. Especially since she knew what he was doing.

  “Shit, you—” Aster started and then moaned again. Reaching down, she grabbed his hips and pulled at him as he pumped himself into her. “Damnit. Give it to me. Sam, I—”

  Lifting his head up, he kissed her, silencing her. He kissed her with kindness, care, and love. Reaching up with his right hand, he cupped her face gently, his thumb sliding lightly over her cheek.

  Aster’s mind turned over itself, her heart skipped erratically, and she hit her orgasm full-on as Sam dropped her straight into it.

  Not wanting to wait, Sam allowed himself to climax at the same time, pushing even deeper as he began to pump seed into her.

  Holding her breath, Aster shuddered. She was locked in an orgasm that was putting out more Essence than Sam had ever seen before during sex.

  In his whole life, even.

  Devouring it, he continued to thrust into the Elemental as he unloaded into her depths. Kissing her all the while.

  Squeaking, Aster rode the peak, her hands and ankles holding tight to him.

  Then he Essence spiked her as deeply as he could.

  Spasming hard, Aster’s stomach clenched. She made a soft moan as Sam continued to fill her up, her orgasm spiraling wildly out of control.

  Coming down from his climax, Sam continued to work himself through Aster. She clearly wasn’t quite done yet and she tasted amazing.

  It was practically the taste of a virgin, since it’d been so long for her. On top of that, it was extremely potent because she was an Elemental planar lord.

  Aster coughed, breaking the kiss as she finally ran out of breath. Taking in a gasp of air, she opened her eyes and stared up at Sam, her electric orbs having become a completely static pattern.

  Several seconds after that, she started to slowly come down from her massive orgasm. Taking deep, hard breaths the entire time.

  Pushing into her one final time, he found that she was finally spent. Sam then pulled his hips back. Pulling out of her, remembering her previous request.

  There was a click from behind him after he settled down atop her. Followed by several more.

  “For all time, yes. We’ll negotiate now,” Aster said in a husky whisper. Lifting both her hands she laid them to his cheeks. “Wear my brand, and I’ll wear yours. Right now. I should have made a move on you thousands of years ago. Holy fuck.”

  Inside her mind, Sam could feel that Aster had undergone a massive shift in her mentality. An optimistic positivity was settling in place.

  It was fragile as glass, but it was there.

  The sounds of pictures being taken continued, though Sam didn’t care. He was just watching Aster beneath him and enjoying what he’d done to her.

  The camera kept clicking away.

  Four - Ugly -

  Sam leaned over Irene’s shoulder, studying the monitor.

tting a hand on the Witch’s back, he idly began to slide his fingertips back and forth across her shoulders.

  “Stop it,” Irene mumbled.

  “No. Because you like it. Your soul tells me so,” Sam disagreed, glancing away from the monitor to the soul in question.

  It was practically hanging on him. A translucent version of Irene.

  The Witch was five foot on a good day and could only be described as “small”.

  She had hair like polished copper and bright blue eyes which made her pale skin almost as translucent as her soul. To the credit of her genetics, she was pretty, with a figure that was just better than average despite her petite size.

  An undead Witch who was never honest with her wants and desires.

  Reaching out, Sam set his free arm around the soul’s hips and drew it as close to his side as he could.

  Ever since he’d started bedding Irene, her soul had become a near physical manifestation. Able to touch and interact with Sam and her body when and as it chose to. Often joining them in their sexual romps.

  “She… she doesn’t get a… a say… in it,” Irene said in a breathy voice. Whenever he got his hands on her soul, it always made her body respond in a fun way. “Stop. I’m trying to focus. We can play later.”

  Irene’s soul shook its head firmly and then wrapped its arms around Sam. Leaning its face into his neck, it began to nuzzle and kiss at his throat.

  “Making me dizzy,” Irene complained, lifting a hand up to her brow.

  “Sorry, sorry. Your soul is just very honest about its needs,” Sam said and carefully eased Irene’s translucent self away from him with a gentle pat to its shoulder.

  Pouting, and looking rather angry, the soul jumped into Irene’s body, clearly determined to punish herself.

  “Uuun,” Irene moaned, her head dipping down to the keyboard in front of her. Her hands went down between her legs underneath the desk. “I hate it when she does… I… do that. Damnit. This was a lot easier when she and I couldn’t interact.”

  Laughing, Sam leaned down and kissed the side of Irene’s head.

  “Be nice to yourself or I won’t play with you later. You’re just trying to do your job,” Sam murmured in her ear.

  Leaning back up, Sam looked at the monitor again.

  Hillary was wearing a hidden camera on her person. She and Inese were on a reconnaissance mission to review the security for the Essence distribution center.

  Inese had practically worshiped Sam when she woke up from her Essence hangover in the hotel two days ago. He got the impression that she would become a very devoted Imp if he allowed it to happen.

  The problem was, he wasn’t sure he really wanted to let that happen. He already had more than enough women he was emotionally attached to, and his feed harem was quite large.

  He’d bumped the whole issue over to Abigail and Irma. They were more or less his pimps anymore and arranged everyone who lived in the building.

  “Still can’t believe she talked her boss into it,” Sam muttered.

  “I put together a draft for Inese to send over,” Irene murmured, her head still down on the desk. “Her boss is probably a little panicky over getting hit again. I can’t imagine Jena is a forgiving mistress.”

  “No. I imagine not,” Sam agreed.

  Hillary and Inese were being frisked by three men and checked over for anything that’d be a problem.

  Sam had a momentary worry for Hillary and the camera.

  No matter how many times Irma and Abigail promised him it wouldn’t be noticed, magic or not, he still couldn’t quite believe it.

  Technology was a wonder, but sometimes it still felt like too much to him.

  Moments later, they were ushered into a hallway exit from the lobby.

  “And we’re in,” Irene said, lifting her head up from the desk. Her hands came up from below as well, and she grabbed the mouse and keyboard.

  “Remind me to doubt Irma and Abigail less about technology,” said Sam.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t go that far. I put a few cantrips on it, at their request,” Irene said with a laugh. “Abby and Irma were both very paranoid about this working. Neither wanted to have to be responsible for telling you the plan failed and people got hurt. Especially Inese. I get the impression they both think she’ll turn into a new favorite toy for you.”

  Sam shrugged his shoulders. He couldn’t deny he wanted to turn Inese inside out for a few hours. That would have to wait until after this little mission, though. Inese couldn’t be away for too long or it’d be noticed.

  “Did they really? Ha. The little sneaky cheaters,” said Sam with a chuckle. It amused him when those two put their heads together. They were getting closer all the time, he’d noticed.

  “And who is a cheater, Husband?” demanded a voice from behind him.

  Turning his head, Sam found Decima Vera standing in the doorway. The one-time Witch-hunter and church Templar.

  Formed from magic, she was now an immortal flesh golem, made by Sam’s hand. However, her new form matched her old in every way.

  She had bright green eyes that had once been full of anger, but which now held determination and purpose. They were set in a pretty face with a curtain of black hair which did a lovely job of framing her attractive features.

  Kitted out in body armor, a rifle slung over her shoulder, a sword at her hip, and a belt and vest full of gear, she had clearly just returned from her own mission.

  “Oh, just people playing tricks on me,” Sam said with a grin. He straightened up completely and turned to face Decima.

  Lady Decimation always demanded a certain amount of attention and respect.

  Considering what she’d accomplished during her career, Sam was more than willing to give her that respect. They may have been on opposite sides of the field for most of her life, but she was technically one of his wives now.

  “Are you well Lady Decima Vera Fidenis? Are you unhurt my wife?” Sam asked, turning his tone toward respect.

  Decima’s eyes widened a fraction, her lips pressing together a bit more firmly, and her cheeks flushing with a faint bit of color.

  Sam also noticed it when her heart rate sped up.

  “I am well, husband Sameerixis,” Decima said. Her steps as she began to move closer were somewhat stiff and wooden. “As befits a wife of my station, I’m greeting you as my lord and husband, as well as announcing my safe return. I only set foot in our home minutes ago.”

  When she got close enough, he knew that was the truth. She smelled of gunpowder, dirt, and blood. As far as he could tell, she likely had just stepped off the battlefield.

  Standing in front of him, Decima looked unsure of herself. As far as Sam knew, it was the first time he’d ever seen such an expression on her face.

  The Lady Decimation had led a long and bloody life without ever a backward step.

  Looking into her slightly upturned face now, he only saw a young woman who didn’t quite know how to greet a husband she had yet to consummate her marriage with.

  Leaning down, Sam pressed a warm and tender kiss to Decima’s lips, reaching up to lightly stroke her face with his fingertips.

  Lingering only seconds, he pulled away and gave her a smile as her green eyes slid open.

  “Welcome home, my lady and wife. I’m glad you’re well and safe. Is there any news I should know?” Sam asked, his index finger trailing along her cheekbone and toward her ear.

  Using a smidgen of Essence, he sunk a few hooks into her and pried off some of her very cold exterior and defenses. If he was going to firmly bring her into his plans, he needed her to be open to effection. To trust him.

  To be his wife.

  “I… I…” Decima stopped speaking, took in a short quick breath, and then nodded once. “Yes. The new recruit was killed in action. Jes already tried to call Roger back to his body but he failed to return. She’s still trying but… I don’t think it’s going to work.”

  “Ah, yes. The portal to the other side is
quite strong, as you yourself know,” Sam said. His hand cupped Decima’s jaw, his thumb coming up to edge the line of Decima’s lower lip. “A good reminder for everyone to be careful.”

  “Yes,” Decima said, clearly losing her train of thought in what Sam was doing to her. Staring up at him, it was obvious to him that she wanted to be kissed again.

  A soft clatter in the hallway outside announced someone else would be joining them shortly.

  Twitching, Decima grimaced, then took two steps to the side and began to work at her gear. As if she’d always been doing that.

  Trooping into the surveillance apartment were Tiffany, Stacia, Abigail, and Carissa. They were all dressed in a way similar to Decima.

  Abigail was a surprise, though. He hadn’t expected to see her geared up in that way. She was as untrained as one could be.

  Tiffany, the Were-wolverine, marched right up to him.

  She was only a few inches taller than Irene, with short brown hair in a pixie-style cut. Her eyes were a dark brown that was borderline black.

  She was pretty, lean, and had a feral edge to her. Her figure wasn’t very impressive when compared to some of his other women, but neither was she flat.

  Reaching him, she put her hands to the sides of his head, hauled him down, and kissed him hungrily.

  Tiffany had definitely hit a weird patch in her perceived relationship with him. She’d often wined, dined, and bedded him whenever she had the opportunity.

  Even expressing herself publicly.

  Then she broke the kiss and smiled up at him.

  “You only did that because I said I was going to,” Stacia said with a click of her tongue.

  Tiffany didn’t say anything, but walked over to Decima instead.

  Sighing, the beautiful Vampire came over to him.

  Stacia was medium height with an athletic figure. She had light green eyes and her curly blond hair was cut short.

  “I suppose it’s a good thing I like her, so I’m willing to take sloppy seconds,” She said, then came in close and kissed Sam as well.

  Seconds after, she stepped away to join the others in her team.

  For his part, Sam didn’t mind the attention at all. He liked it when his harem got along.


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