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Incubus Inc.: Book 2

Page 14

by Randi Darren

  Her thighs pressed to his hips and he felt her ankles suddenly resting on his lower back. She tightened her legs down on him, her hands clenched to his shoulders.

  Grinning, Sam realized he could take his time, drown Eugenia in lust and desire, and ride her for quite a while.

  Giving her an orgasm she’d never experience the likes of again, and then spiking her.

  Slowly, he began to glide back and forth. Having the Judge’s virginity as a main course was going to be the highlight of his decade.

  “Ooooh, more,” Eugenia murmured.

  “Soon,” Sam promised. “Soon, Eugenia.”

  He settled into a good rhythm and planned to really lay into her. The longer he took, the more succulent she’d be.

  And he wanted to make sure she enjoyed it as well.

  Such a luxurious meal to savor.

  Lovely. Simply lovely.

  Two hours later and Eugenia was a gasping, panting and very sweaty mess.

  She’d finally gotten rid of her dress between the first and second coupling. Having realized that it was very likely to get ruined if she kept it on.

  Between the fifth and sixth time, she’d stopped talking for the most part and just kept touching and patting at him until he got atop her again.

  With a moan, Eugenia turned to her side and curled up in the fetal position. Laying there for a minute as she got her breathing mostly under control.

  “It almost hurts,” she got out in a partial moan, talking for the first time in a while. “Let’s do it again.”

  Then she spread herself out to him and her legs parted once more. Her very seed-filled womb began to spill the excess down across her buttocks and taint.

  Laughing softly, Sam considered having the Judge once again. Having lost count of the number of times he’d had her.

  “Sure, if you want. But I think we should stop for the day. I’ve already kept you occupied for two hours or so,” Sam said.

  Eugenia frowned at that, her eyes looking contemplative.

  “I care not, they knew what I was going to be bartering away. Send one of your people to tell them to go home,” Eugenia said. With her left hand she reached up and began stroking Sam’s thigh. “Now come over here and give me another.”

  “Yes, another,” Jes said from the side. At some point, she’d joined them and had just been feeding on Sam’s orgasms without participating. She looked incredibly full and ready for a nap. “I can handle another.”

  Eugenia laughed at that and her hand climbed higher up Sam’s thigh toward his privates.

  “Come on, Torment. Torment me some more,” Eugenia said. Apparently he’d ignited something very different inside her that he hadn’t expected to find. “Or maybe it’s time for me to return that favor you gave me?”

  “Oh, we’ll save that for next time,” Jes said from her seat. “I’ll teach you how to do it. I bet you can make him pop as hard as I can.”

  “Hmm. Alright. Come, Torment. Hurry up,” Eugenia said, her hand gripping him around the hilt. “I can feel your seed draining from me. You must fill me up again.”


  Very demanding.

  And a little odd in the wording but… whatever.

  “Sure. Here I come, Judge,” Sam said with a grin and got back atop Eugenia. Plunging straight into her very sticky and sloppy entry.

  “Oh, heavens yes,” groaned the Judge her arms coming up to loop around Sam’s neck. “Have your Judge, Torment.”

  Thirteen - Working Lunch -

  Opening the portal to the arrival platform, Sam was mentally drained.

  His all day romp with the Judge, Eugenia, had definitely “charged his batteries” but it hadn’t done anything for his feeling of dread.

  That the entirety of the prime plane and every other plane—since they all connected to the prime in one way or another—was doomed to fail. The systems put in place by the Originator were failing and that didn’t bode well for anyone.

  Need to get as many Cambion as I can. Get them onto my plane and… and just… put together a bunker.

  A fallout bunker. Zombie bunker.

  However you want to call it, I need that.

  We need that.

  His eyes tracked to his tired and worn company shuffling through to this side of the portal. Their souls were worn, their minds laden with experience they should never have as a mortal, and their world view irrevocably changed.

  Because if the prime were to suddenly shut down, or fall apart, I’d need to get them all out. Every single one. From feed harem to my… wives.

  Reaching out, Sam laid a hand on Wren’s shoulder as she passed by him. She’d been the last in line.

  “Hey, hang back a sec?” Sam asked.

  Wren nodded and stepped over to the side of the portal.

  “Sure. Can we find a bed though? My shoulders are pretty sore and doing it here on the ground doesn’t sound great,” Wren said, starting to work at removing her body armor.

  Putting her rifle and SMG down next to the nightstand she was able to use both hands to get her pack off.

  “Oh, uh, that wasn’t what I wanted to talk to you about, but we could definitely do that afterward,” Sam said. Wren was always willing to jump straight to sex with him. Closing the portal everyone else had walked through, Sam opened a portal to his old apartment’s bedroom. “I wanted to talk to you about your race.”

  “Huh. Okay,” Wren said. She hadn’t stopped working at her body armor but she did walk through the portal. “What about it?”

  “I want to get as many Cambion onto my plane as possible,” Sam said, following Wren into the bedroom. “I haven’t seen any other than you, though. Do you perhaps know if there’s a Cambion collective or a county or a… well… country?”

  “No?” Wren said sounding rather confused. Shucking off her armor, she set it to one side next to the rest of her gear. “My parents were in the army as long as I could remember. They only retired because they didn’t look their age anymore. Moved out to Europe to re-enlist. Still there.”

  “Hm. This might not be as easy as I wished then,” Sam murmured. Then he flicked a hand out and dismissed everything on his person to pile up nearby.

  “That’s okay, I’ll always be easy for you,” Wren said sitting down on the bed and working at her boots. “And I’m really enjoying getting laid after every mission.”

  Her breath was starting to turn into a red mist, her eyes starting to shift already.

  Wren was more than willing and ready to be conquered.

  “Bite me up good this time,” Wren said, standing up to step out of her pants. Every breath was already quite red in color. And dense. “Bite me up really good. Mark me. I want the left side of my neck to be teeth marks and the right side hickeys.”

  “Certainly,” Sam said with a smile. Wren wasn’t a masochist, she just really enjoyed being ‘owned’.

  An hour later and Sam walked into the bedroom he shared with Irma.

  Sighing, he sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned back into it.

  Wren had been fun and spunky, but his mind kept wandering back to the problem.

  Over and over.

  There was a clack as a door opened.

  “Sammy?” Irma asked.

  “In here, dear,” he replied with a smile.

  “Oh good. Just gimmie a second to change,” Irma said. Then she passed by him and waved a hand at him, moving to the bathroom. She was beautifully dressed in corporate clothes. The picture of a CEO, he thought. “Did it go alright?”

  “I mean, well enough,” Sam said. “We retrieved the Log. No losses. Even ended up with some new equipment.”

  Apparently Carissa had forgotten to drop the sword from “The End” and had taken it with her. Thankfully once it cleared the plane it was on, there’d be no way to track it.

  Which meant Seville hadn’t noticed it and no one would be coming for it.

  They’d also taken some a number of things from Retribution’s Holdout.

  “That’s wonderful,” Irma said from the bathroom. “In fact, that sounds so good, I have to wonder why you look so forlorn. Do you need a pick-me-up?”

  “Mmm. I’d never say no to bedding my lovely Imp, but to answer the question, no, I’m not lacking in Essence,” Sam said. “It’s… more of a problem with what we saw. Where we went. Where we shouldn’t have gone.”

  “Tell me about it then. I’ve been sending out our secondary teams to handle any nice PMC jobs while you’ve been gone,” Irma said. There was the light clatter and swish of things happening in the bathroom.

  “We weren’t gone that long,” Sam said argued.

  “But you were. Three weeks,” Irma replied quickly. “Given what you’ve said though… maybe there was a time differential where you went?”

  “I… three weeks? I guess. Yeah,” Sam muttered. He hadn’t noticed a change in the pace of time, but then again he’d lost access to his plane repeatedly. Without access to the plane he’d never know if there was a loss of time. “As to where we went, that’s a story all in itself.”

  “Good thing I’m your wife, and I have the time to hear it,” said Irma with a smile in her voice.

  A good point.

  “We ended up going to the Higher Planes. Where the custodians, watchers, whatever you want to call them, dwelt,” Sam said. “Talked to… someone… who was quite frightening. She apparently murdered everyone up there and left their corpses where they fell.

  “Then we somehow ended up going to the place where everyone ends up when they die. Good, evil, baby, murderer, everyone. The Judge wasn’t at her post. No souls had been judged in quite a while.”

  “That doesn’t sound very good. Now I’m rather glad mother stuck around. Hear that, Mom? Don’t cross over,” said Irma.

  Ah. Yeah. She never did cross over.

  Still around, too.

  Good thing, I suppose.

  “It’s not good. Then we also went to the battlefield where the Originator and the Silent One fought their last battle. Aster called it ‘The End’ which is oddly appropriate.

  “We also ran into what could only be described as the right-hand of the Silent One. Who just… let us go. Without even a concern or a worry. In fact, it almost seemed like he did us a favor,” Sam said.

  “The Silent One. You’ve mentioned him before. He’s… uhm… the ultimate evil, basically?” Irma asked.

  “Kind of. More like an absent dead-beat dad who doesn’t want anything to do with us,” Sam said. “From there… we ended up in the Angel of Retribution’s plane.”

  “Who?” Irma inquired. Her question was followed immediately by a toilet flushing.

  Ah the joys of married life. When you can literally have your partner taking a shit in the other room while having a conversation.

  And it’s normal.

  “Angel of Retribution. A child of the Originator. An Archangel. His domain was Retribution and Justice,” Sam said, staring at the ceiling.

  “That’s neat. Was he nice? I can’t imagine him being friendly,” Irma said. The lights in the bathroom turned out and Irma walked back into the bedroom in a black nightie that came down to her knees.

  It wasn’t meant to be sexy, but anything she wore was immediately made so by simply being on her person.

  “He wasn’t there. Looked like he hadn’t been there in years actually,” Sam said, his eyes tracking the woman he’d tear asunder the plane for. The longer he spent around her, the more he knew it was absolutely true.

  That he was deeply in love with Irma and she’d changed his entire outlook on life.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Irma said with a smile. She waved one hand at him and got in on her side of the bed. “You’re supposed to be telling a story, not making my engine rev into the red-zone by staring at me.”

  Snickering at that, Sam once more dismissed his clothes and got onto his side of the bed. He slept next to Irma for the sake of being with her, but he did do it naked.

  “Go on. You’re story’s not over,” Irma urged.

  “Well, Retribution wasn’t there. Then the Judge showed up. So did the first Were of all time. And the Greek pantheon,” Sam murmured. “It was a real who’s who. Apparently they’re all trying to contact the Originator.”

  “I… see,” Irma said after a pause. “Then-then I suppose we’re likely going to be in the End Times soon. Aren’t we?”

  Sam blinked and felt like someone had struck him with those words.

  That was the problem lurking in the back of his mind. The moment she said it, he realized that’d been his concern from the get go.

  He’d just been unable to conceptualize it.

  “Yeah,” Sam said, nodding his head. “Yeah. Because if the Originator comes back, the Silent One could follow through with his threat. To end our entire existence simply because.”

  “Hm. Well, sounds like I need to move our plans up then,” Irma mumbled and then snuggled up to his side. “Because if we’re going to hit our expiration date, I really need to hit off all those checkboxes I haven’t filled in yet.

  “And you should probably go talk to Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel. If anyone can help, it’s them. And if anyone should know about this… it’s them.”

  Once again, it was like being struck. Sam’s mind snapped into place and he realized his next course of action. It was indeed going to talk to Miles, the Curator, Uncle Dave, the oldest living creature in all of existence.

  First amongst all.

  Before the Angels, the Elements, Death, the Judge, before existence.

  There was the Originator and Miles.

  “It’s a very good thing I married a woman with brains,” Sam said, turning to look at Irma who was running her hand up and down his chest.

  “You definitely married up, Sammy, my love,” teased Irma with a grin. Then she patted him just above his privates. “And we’re moving our plans up. If the end of the world is coming, we need to start trying to have a child. Maybe it sounds selfish, but I really do want to try being a mother before I die you know.”

  What? No!

  No, no, no, no—

  “Okay. You might not need to move your plans up though, dear,” Sam said, turning toward Irma and wrapping an arm around her hips. “I’m going to get us all over to my plane if anything happens. Even if the prime collapsed, we could still hold out there for a very long time.”

  “How long is a long time?” Irma asked, her fingernails sliding along Sam’s inner thigh.

  “Well, not as long as I’d like, to be honest. Probably a couple million years,” Sam said with a shrug of his shoulders even as his skin prickled at Irma’s touch.

  She had a way to make him feel aroused that few others could.

  “Oh. Oh, I see. Alright. I’ll keep my plans how they were for now then. You can go see Uncle Dave tomorrow and Reixhitz as well. I’m sure he’ll want his item back,” Irma said. Then she slid a leg over his middle and sat her bottom down on his lap, his quite stiff manhood sliding up the front of her pubic mound. “Now, show your wife some affection. I missed you.”


  Knocking gently on the door twice, Sam waited. He’d hopped a portal to Allison’s home and then went straight to Miles. Just as Irma had suggested to him yesterday.

  Though he’d taken a little extra time to have a fun hour with Allison.

  She was definitely willing to “tip” him every time he visited and if she was home alone.

  Otherwise, he was just “Uncle Sam” to her children, if they were home.

  The door jerked open and Sam found Miles standing there in front of him.

  A middle-aged man, perhaps in his mid-thirties. Light brown hair and brown eyes with a bright blue ring around the pupils.

  Now that he knew what to look for, he could see some of the man’s features in Melody’s.

  “Afternoon,” Sam said waving a hand at him. “I just finished a job for Reix. Learned some information. Thought I’d share it with you. Irma a
lso asked me to bring you this.”

  Turning slightly, Sam took the pie that Hillary was holding in her hands and offered it to Miles.

  “Sam made the filling,” Hillary offered.

  Irene, on the other side of Sam, nodded her head.

  Miles looked stunned, staring at the pie. Then he looked at Sam, then Hillary, and then Irene.

  “Uh,” Miles said then took the pie. “Come-come on in then.”

  “Thank you. We brought lunch as well,” said Irene. “I checked with Irma to make sure we got something you’d like.”

  “Thanks,” Miles said, stepping to one side of the door and holding it open.

  The Curator, Guardian of the entire universe, had the look of someone who found something he didn’t expect at all.

  Checking his smirk at the door, Sam entered the home.

  “A mission for Reix, huh?” Miles asked after closing the door.

  “Indeed. He sent me off to fetch the Log,” Sam said moving into Mile’s living room.

  Hillary and Irene were already in the middle of pulling everything out of the bags they’d brought in.

  “We got it successfully, of course. Though I had a run in with the Judge, Seville, the Fates, Romulus, and the Scales of Justice,” Sam said, moving over to help the two women.

  “That’s— that’s quite a list of people,” Miles murmured.

  “Indeed. Aster, Elemental Aster, thought it was especially strange to speak with Seville at The End,” Sam said as he pulled containers from bags. “Though no less strange that we spoke with the Judge in Retribution’s empty fort. Where she wasn’t doing her job. And hadn’t done her job for a long time.

  “Next to Scales that were very dusty, and very unused.”

  Sam looked at Miles as he spoke. He wanted to see if the man had any reaction to any of this.

  Except what he got was exactly what he didn’t want to see.

  Miles looked shocked and dismayed.

  “I’d wondered,” mumbled Miles, shaking his head. Slowly his eyes fell to the ground. “I’d wondered for quite a while. The Tenders weren’t anywhere to be seen. I hadn’t heard from The Judge in a while—”

  “Eugenia says hi,” Sam said with a grin.


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