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Incubus Inc.: Book 2

Page 28

by Randi Darren

  Sam was watching the exchange, somewhat shocked.

  “Okay,” Aster said, coming over swiftly to Jes and laying her hand in hers.

  “No, no. Not, ‘okay’. It’s, ‘yes, Mistress’. Do you understand, my Elemental?” Jes said, taking Aster’s hand in her own. Pulling her up into the bed, she laid her other hand to Aster’s jaw.

  “Yes, Mistress,” Aster murmured, gazing into Jes’ eyes.

  Sam didn’t need to be deep into Aster’s psyche to know she was beyond into being treated like this. If anything, he’d bet on her going after Jes more earnestly than him going forward.

  “Good girl,” Jes said, and then pulled Aster in for a kiss.

  A few hours later, and feeling considerably better after being buoyed with Succubus and Elemental Essence, Sam finally made it back to his home with Irma.

  “Sammy?” called Irma as he closed the door behind himself.

  “Yeah. It’s me,” Sam said, moving into the apartment. “Everything’s done. We’re all settled. Mission complete.”

  “Good job! I talked to Uncle Dave a little bit ago. He gave me some of the details. Sounds like it really went bad,” Irma continued, the sound of a keyboard clacking away as she clearly worked on something.

  Grinning, Sam headed to where he expected to find Irma.

  “It really did,” Sam said, finding her at her desk. Walking over to her, he laid his hands on her shoulders. “And I missed you. I love you, Irma.”

  Leaning down, he kissed her cheek, then her ear, and without realizing he was doing it, took a deep whiff of her hair.

  “Oooh, Sammy, don’t do that. You’ll get my motor going,” Irma said with a laugh, her fingers flying across the keyboard. On the monitor she was working on, he could see she was writing an email.

  “I want your motor going,” Sam said, nibbling at her ear. “I’m desperate to make love to you, Irma, my love, my wife. Without feeding from you. I need to feel you against my skin. Let me love you.”

  Irma’s fingers froze above the keyboard.

  Slowly, she turned her head to face him, her eyes searching his face.

  “Yeah?” she asked, her hands moving into her lap. “You sound almost desperate.”

  “I am desperate. Desperate for you, Irma Fidenis,” Sam affirmed. “And when we’re done with each other, hours from now, or before that if you prefer, I want to talk about children, and my personal plane. We should make plans. Then everything else that’s been going on while I’ve been away.”

  Taking her giving up on typing as a yes, Sam wrapped his arms around Irma’s middle and lifted her up. Holding her against himself, Sam leaned his head into her shoulder, looking up at her.

  “Okay,” Irma murmured, staring at him with a small smile on her mouth. Reaching up she lightly trailed a hand through his hair. “Off to our bed then, my suddenly romantic husband. Where we’ll talk and… we’ll make love.”

  “Perfect,” Sam said, carrying her off.

  He knew what his goals were now. What his motivation was.

  It’d taken the pure love of a Succubus to awaken him to it. The love of a creature that shouldn’t be capable of such a thing. A demoness from the underworld who gave herself to him unconditionally.

  Just as he’d learned love, when he shouldn’t have been able to.

  Twenty-Six - Set-Up -

  Leaning into Irma, Sam exhaled slowly, resting his head on her bare upper chest.

  “Wow,” Irma murmured a bit breathlessly, running her fingers through Sam’s hair. “That was ah… a bit more like it used to be.”

  “Mmm,” Sam responded, closing his eyes.

  He wasn’t going to disagree with her. But the way it used to be was actually considerably different.

  Most of the reason he didn’t pummel Irma’s insides for hours on end anymore was he didn’t feed from her that often. Nine times out of ten, he just made love to her.

  He’d fed from her once this time, but the rest of the three hours were just fooling around and seeing how much he could love Irma.

  “I missed you,” Sam explained. He felt like that’d be more than enough. Especially since he was fairly new to all these emotions.

  New to being more Human than he’d ever expected.

  “Oh, that’s been very well confirmed by this point, Sammy. I can definitely feel I was missed,” Irma said with a soft laugh. “And I missed you, too. I love you. Though I’m afraid the next couple days are going to be busy for you. Wren has been almost humorously mopey since you’ve been gone. You’ll need to go treat her like a dirty sex-toy for a while. Then take Stacia and Tiffany off for a day. Did you know they’re kinda seeing each other now, by the way?”

  “I knew they were thinking about it. Can’t say it’s a bad idea with how often I take them together,” Sam murmured. It wasn’t surprising to him at all. He’d been the one to suggest it to them after all, and Jes had agreed.

  “Abigail will also need some of your time. You know how self-conscious she is,” Irma said with a soft sigh. “And then there’s everyone else. So many… err, well I was going to say so many mouths to feed, but that’s not quite right.”

  Laughing at that, Sam patted Irma’s pubic mound lightly.

  “Close enough. Now, talk to me about what’s going on? I’ve been gone a while,” Sam said.

  “Three months. Three months, as of four days ago,” Irma confirmed. “As to what’s going on… well, not a whole lot. We’ve been working the contractor angle pretty hard for Jena’s facility.

  “Whoever’s in charge of making such a decision finally got in touch with the ghost company we set up for this one. They want to have a sales meeting and go over what we offered.”

  “And what exactly did we offer?” Sam asked, rubbing his cheek against Irma’s soft, warm skin.

  “Honestly, just a complete security overhaul. Their entire system is state of the art. But state of the art from about ten years ago. They haven’t really updated it at all,” said Irma. “What I’m thinking of doing is— well, actually. Do you want to hear it? You normally don’t listen to plans other than to tell me to talk to Stacia. Which I have, by the way. Before she left for that meet-up, she and I had been working on this.”

  “Sure, tell me your plan, my beautiful Imp,” Sam said softly, snuggling in closer to Irma’s side. He could feel his avatar was going to need to sleep tonight. He planned on doing that next to, on top of, or underneath, Irma.

  One way or another.

  Grunting, Irma shifted around in the bed until she was lying flat in it. Having moved Sam with her, but not pushing him away.

  “We’re going to end up getting paid to convert their security over to a newer system. Before we can finish,” Irma began, “I’ve already hired up all the necessary people to do the job and the hardware. If all we were doing was the job, we’d barely make any money at all. But it’s all above board.

  “Proposal, receipts, inventory, people. Everything is correct and will be exactly as if it were the job.”

  “Okay,” Sam whispered, laying his arm around Irma’s middle. His other arm was splayed out on the bed. “And?”

  “Everyone involved in that side of the business is going to be operating for the ghost company. They’ll never meet anyone in our actual company. The only two people who’ve ever been seen up to this point is Hillary or Stacia. Both under heavy disguises of course.

  “Inese was removed from the entire situation months ago, so she’s clear. She’s mostly in limbo. Her entire building was shut down in the end and everyone’s been sent to other locations or waiting for new positions to open.

  “They’ve got her running a small office and more or less being a contact point for everyone else. And speaking of… I’m going to take Alexis and Inese and convert a number of Imps one by one. I’m going to brand them to you.”

  “Go nuts. Your brand, too,” Sam said with a yawn. “Branded Aster and Jes. Wearing their brand.”

  “I know. I felt it when you did it. I
didn’t expect my control over your brand to extend to their brands, too,” admitted Irma.

  “They knew they’d be giving you their brand. You’re my Imp. I’m your Incubus. They chose it. Though they’re going to want to have a lot of four-ways with us,” Sam remarked.

  “I figured,” Irma said with a sigh. “I’m just not into women though. I’ll use Aster as I’ve been using Jes. Is that okay?”

  “Course it is. Just make sure you use her through Jes, she’s her pet. Now, you were saying? Inese and the facility?” Sam prompted.

  “Oh. Oh, yes. We’ll be meeting with them in a few days to go over the paperwork and settle up numbers and the like,” Irma continued. “Later on, in the middle of the security crossover, we’re going to vanish a few of their people. If they don’t report it to us as a security company, we can blame it on them. If they do, we can cite it as an extreme concern on our part and ask them how they’re going to handle that.

  “Then we just act on it with our actual strike before they can properly get things in place.”

  “In other words… we’re playing both sides. We’ll be the security to keep… ourselves out?” Sam asked.

  “Exactly. And if we do it just right. We can get in, decimate the entire facility, and get out without ever alerting them to the fact that we did it. And I know we can do it. We’re an amazing PMC,” Irma boasted. “Our ghost company might end up eating some costs when they suddenly pull the plug on the project after that, but it’s obviously worth it. We’ll just pick up that entire side of the operation and incorporate it to Inc-Suc after that as a buyout and start offering security that way, too.”

  “Uh huh. Got it,” Sam said and then yawned uncontrollably. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Go with the sales group. See if you can’t glamour who they send and get some info. You’re actually really tired aren’t you?” Irma asked.

  “Very. Think I’ve been awake for a while now with a lot of activity,” Sam answered. “Easier for me to push through it than a mortal.”

  “Time for bed then, my sweet Incubus,” Irma said and then patted his side with one hand. “Goodnight, dear.”

  “G’night,” mumbled Sam.

  And instantly fell asleep.


  “Kinda nervous,” Stacia said, adjusting her coat.

  “You look beautiful,” Sam said, leaning back in his seat.

  “Very,” Irene said softly, her pen moving slowly across the pad of paper in her lap. She didn’t look up from whatever notes she was taking.

  “Thank you. I’m not nervous about that, though. We need to get this signed so we can start moving,” Stacia said. “Without this, we’ll end up having to assault it directly and that’ll require a lot more hiring.”

  “Admittedly. Stop worrying about it, though,” Irene said. “It’ll work out. You’re one of the strongest blood-mages I’ve ever met. I’m a Witch-Lich, who can use both power aspects. And Sam is literally the Torment of Lust.

  “If we can’t talk them into signing on the dotted line, then we seriously did something wrong.”

  Stacia grimaced at that, then nodded.

  Ah… maybe she’s only nervous about going in headfirst like she said.

  A direct assault really would be a problem. More than likely, we’d take losses or suffer injuries.

  And she’s dating Tiff now, right? What if they’re much closer than I suspect? What if she’s actually falling in love with Tiff?

  What if that’s why she’s nervous?

  Leaning in close to Stacia’s side, he laid his lips to Stacia’s ear.

  “I love Tiff, too,” Sam whispered. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure our girlfriend gets through this one way or the other. Okay? And speaking of, can we three go to dinner tonight then spend a little time in a bed?”

  Stacia turned a deep and blazing crimson color.

  She nodded her head fractionally and let out a soft breath. Finally, she turned her head and pressed her mouth to Sam’s ear.

  “Okay. Tiff really misses you by the way. She wanted me to invite you over tonight. Having dinner first would be really nice,” Stacia said as softly as she could. “She’s rather possessive of you but works hard to not show it.”

  Chuckling at having gotten it right, Sam kissed Stacia on the lips and then patted her cheek.

  “I understand. I’ll take care of it,” Sam said, then moved back into his original position.

  Coming face to face with Caer’s head.

  The soul was staring hard at him, while Irene’s head seemed to be more concerned with watching what Irene was writing.

  The arm on Caer’s side of the body, which Sam was still positive Caer had no control over, pointed to Caer’s mouth.

  Raising her eyebrows, Caer waited.

  Sam nodded his head once.

  Now that Irene could hear what her soul said, and see it, it’d become extremely coy with Sam. Seeking him out when Irene wasn’t around to coil around his arm or snuggle with him.

  Caer’s head had clearly been against it at first but had given up quickly.

  Likely because she didn’t have a choice.

  “Grab our core later,” Caer mouthed.

  The head of Irene’s soul whipped around at that, staring at Caer.

  “Make us cum,” mouthed the Lich. “Horny.”

  Blinking, Sam didn’t quite know how to respond.

  Then he realized what was happening when the Irene-head looked at Sam and then began motioning to their shared core with the other arm. All the while nodding her head as well.

  Irene was who she was before, but she didn’t know who she really was anymore. Not entirely.

  She’d distanced herself a bit from everyone and was clearly looking inward.

  All the while, her sex drive was still ramped to full as it always was. Just with no outlet.

  The two-headed soul was drowning in desire. Caer and Irene both.

  And they wanted to get off.

  Just outside the door to the meeting room, Sam could sense Inese bringing people over.

  “Okay,” Sam said, then stood up. Disguising the whole thing.

  He could get Irene’s soul off pretty easily on the car ride back. Wouldn’t even take him much.

  Irene and Stacia both looked at him with curious looks.

  “Inese is coming,” Sam said moving to one side of the doorway and waiting. Almost out of sight.

  Irene put her pen down and stood up, Stacia following her movement a second after.

  “—just in here,” Inese said, her voice coming into range.

  “You think this is worthwhile?” asked someone in a whisper. Sam doubted any normal person would have been able to hear it.

  “I do. But that’s not my place to say. I just run this office,” Inese replied.

  Both voices fell silent as the click and thump of shoes came closer.

  “Ah, and here we are,” Inese said, walking right by Sam and into the conference room. Two women and a man followed Inese into the room.

  Sam immediately identified that both of the women were Imps. The third man was a low level Elemental. Though he did seem rather puffed up, as if he were in charge of the other two.

  Both Imps were wearing Sam’s old brand.


  That’ll make this very easy and we can speed things up considerably. How delightful.

  Jena still doesn’t suspect that it’s her very own people that are the weakness right now.

  Reaching out, Sam laid a hand on each Imp’s shoulder, locking them within their brand. He stared hard at the man, waiting for him to turn around.

  Sam knew he would. Knew eventually, he’d make eye contact with him. Then he’d glamour him and they could move right along to forcing the contract.

  “I… huh?” said the Elemental man.

  Then he turned and found his companions standing oddly.

  “What are you two do—”

  The words died away as his eyes found Sam’s.
br />   With a heavy blow against the Elemental’s mind, Sam glamoured him to the point that he wouldn’t even remember his name if Sam didn’t release him after this.

  “Right,” Sam said, giving the shoulders of the Imps a squeeze. “I’m not going to bother learning your names. To me, you’re almost nothing. In fact, you’re Imp-One and Imp-Two.”

  Sam emphasized each name with a squeeze.

  “To confirm, you are?” Sam asked, pulling on the Imp on his right a bit, forcing her to face him.

  “I’m Imp-One,” said the tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed Asian supermodel-like beauty.

  “And you?” Sam asked, pulling on the second Imp, forcing her to face him.

  “Imp-Two,” squeaked the short, full-figured, blue-eyed, blonde Imp.

  They seemed to be cut from the same theme as most of the Imps he’d seen as of late.

  They tended to be pretty, but that wasn’t a guarantee.

  Every Imp he’d seen since returning had been on the weirdly overly beautiful side of the equation. Irma being the pinnacle of it and Inese right behind her.

  Then again, wasn’t Jes an Imp too? Which means that’s what she looked like as an Imp.

  Well, maybe not her bust and hip size. She did say she was smaller in those in life.

  I feel like Jena might have tinkered with their entire race.

  “Which one of you is in charge?” Sam asked.

  “He is,” they replied at the same time.

  “Why not either of you?” Irene asked. “Up until recently, it seemed everything was all Imps.”

  “Mistress Jena has been moving Elementals to positions of power,” said Imp-One.

  “I was a manager, and now I’m just an analyst,” said Imp-Two.

  “I see,” Stacia said, taking a seat. “Inese, is that what you’re seeing, too?”

  Everyone looked at the lovely Imp who ran the building.

  “I don’t know,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I’m mostly just processing paperwork and moving people around. Feel a lot like a staffing agency more than anything. I do report to an Elemental now, though.”

  “Well, that’d explain a few things,” Irene said with a chuckle, putting her hands on her hips. “Gives us a better way in, too. We just disguise the whole thing like an Elemental attack. Have a few Elementals vanish, including this little bucket of whatever. He looks like a jerk.”


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