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The Wayfinder's Apprentice (Shadows of the Umbra Book 1)

Page 31

by K Dezendorf

  “That was to teach you to be on guard. And also… for fun,” he admitted. Then he turned and walked away into the kitchen.

  Glowering after him, Rose had to take a few calming breaths before she could trust herself to go into the kitchen and not throttle him. Her clothes were completely soaked and she was dripping all over the floor. It's fine. It's fine. Better than dirt being hurled at me.

  A giant stack of fluffy pancakes, smothered in butter and syrup, were sitting on the table waiting for her. Edward and Billy were already eating. Billy was using his fork and knife like little shovels. Edward wasn't even bothering to use utensils, rolling the pancakes up like taquitos and eating them. Rose sat down and thanked Billy for breakfast before she dug in.

  Billy stopped eating when he noticed Rose’s dripping. He gave Edward a pointed look, which the latter ignored. "Right, you’re about due for some new clothes, child." With a flick of his fingers she felt a small pull all around her as the water soaking her slid away. Another flick, and the water spattered onto Edward, missing the pancakes. He made a squawk of indignation, glaring at Billy.

  "Don’t be givin’ me that look, you peeve of an elf.”

  Rose had to work hard to avoid coughing up her breakfast from suppressing her laughter. Even in the darkest of times, Billy always managed to bring a smile to her face. “Peeve? Like, pet peeve?”

  “I don’t know anyone who’d want a peeve for a pet.”

  Meanwhile, Edward had a very ‘harumph’ expression and didn’t even dry himself, as though he couldn’t be bothered with it.

  Once Billy was finished eating, he looked to Rose. "All right, is there any particular color you're wanting? And what size?"

  "Um…” Rose flushed. “Maybe I should just go with you.”

  Billy thought about it a moment, then his face fell and he was blushing too. “That’d probably be best. I don't know nothin’ about your underwear. And I don't want to know."

  Rose's already warm face started burning, as Billy got up and walked out. She slowly looked to Edward, feeling mortified. "Okay, well, ready for a field trip?"

  "Not like I have much choice." His clothes shimmered around him for a second, and moments later he was wearing a business suit, and he was dry. He pulled his hair back into a ponytail and as she watched his ears shrunk and rounded out. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought he was just an average business guy. Nothing outstanding about him, albeit he was clean cut.

  “Where did you learn that?” Rose asked him, amazed. “You look like an average human.”

  “Know your enemy.” He turned on his heels. “Let’s go.”

  The comment stung unexpectedly. She more than understood his sentiment, but then, how much of that applied to her?

  “Wait,” she called after him. He paused at the door. “The last time I was here, the police got involved. Shouldn’t I change my appearance too?”

  “Billy and I took care of it,” he said, turning to look at her. “You’re fine the way you are.” Then, as per usual, before she could press him for further details, he left.

  The door to the kitchen swung shut and Rose quickly chased after him. Once they were outside, Rose noted it was different from when she was with Vikhail. Then, it felt like Rose was babysitting. But with Billy and Edward, it was the opposite. It was nice they were looking out for her, but it was also awkward. This was the first time all three of them were doing something together, and it wasn’t a pleasant outing. It felt like being escorted through enemy territory in a town that used to be so familiar to her.

  After walking for about half an hour they came to an older strip mall. It wasn’t high end and there were some unsavory characters, plus a few homeless people, wandering around – but for some reason one look at Edward was all it took for them to keep their distance.

  They entered into a second hand clothing store. The clothes appeared to be in relatively good condition and they had a surprisingly large selection. While Edward hung around the front, Billy escorted her to the ladies' section and he stopped just shy and started looking around like he was lost.

  "Don't wait on me, lass. Whatever you need, go ahead."

  Rose picked through the clothes, until she found ones she liked. She stuck to simple and modest, loose and comfy, keeping to dark or neutral colors. Then she headed over to the unmentionables and picked out a couple sets of bras and underwear, trying not to think about how she had two guys with her who could potentially see them. That was when it occurred to her she should probably stock up on lady essentials, just in case.

  Rose went into one of the empty changing rooms. She shut the door behind her and started to undress. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed someone behind her in the mirror. She turned around and there was no one there. Rose glanced back at the mirror.

  Jenkto was standing behind her in the mirror, staring fixedly at Rose. With a cruel smile, Jenkto lifted her hand, pointing two of her fingers at her eyes, before the hand swiveled around and pointed at Rose. Not sensing that familiar flux of power in the air, Rose couldn’t figure out how or what Jenkto was doing to make this possible. Then Jenkto took her index finger and drew it across her throat. A chill ran down Rose’s spine.

  Disturbed, Rose quickly gathered up the clothes and vacated the changing room, eager to find Billy. Or Edward. Either one would be great at the moment.

  Billy was still standing at the edge of the women's section looking uncomfortable. Edward was standing at the entrance like a security guard. Rose tucked the bras and underwear under the rest of the clothes as she approached Billy.

  "Okay, I'm ready to go now," she said hurriedly.

  "All right." He walked over to the register.

  Rose placed the clothes on the counter for the cashier to scan. As they were doing that, she leaned down towards Billy.

  "Billy, I should probably tell you something..."

  "Uh, no need. It's okay, child. I'll be paying for the transaction."

  "No, Billy, it's not about that..."

  "Then it can wait, child."

  "I'm not sure this is something that can wait," Rose whispered urgently.

  Billy glanced up at the cashier who, Rose was certain, could not possibly be less invested in what the two of them were saying or doing. She had a glazed look in her eyes as she scanned the items.

  He looked back at Rose. "I'm pretty sure it can wait."

  After the cashier finished ringing them up, Billy took the bag of clothes, handed it to Rose, and led the way to the entrance where Edward was standing.

  "Billy, I saw Jenkto just now," Rose murmured to him. "In the dressing room, I saw her in the mirror."

  He frowned and looked around. "I don't feel any power though, child. Edward?"

  Edward shrugged. "We're clear."

  "I didn't imagine it," Rose insisted.

  "Child, you know magic is a bit difficult to do out here. And even if they did, they probably did some sort of simple trick. Probably just to mess with you. As far as I'm aware, there aren't any portals near here."

  Rose took a deep breath. Of course, Jenkto had mind magic, and no doubt she was somehow using it to mess with Rose’s head. But that meant she was somewhere nearby, watching them. Watching her. Another shiver rolled up Rose’s spine. Still, surely if she was too close, Billy or Edward would feel her.

  "The only way they can get to you right now, is by showing up in the flesh,” Billy reassured her. “We've been keeping an eye out, and although there are individuals who aren't exactly stand up types, they're not Markeos' type."

  Rose nodded, though she was still unconvinced. "Sorry, I'm probably still a little jumpy."

  "It's okay, child. Not many have direct run-ins with Paragons. I can only imagine."

  As they got outside she spotted a drug store across the street. "Okay, so there's one more thing I need to get before we head back."

  "What would that be?" Billy asked.

  "It's... a lady thing," she vaguely answered.

  "I'll leave it at that. I don't know, I don't need to know," Billy said quickly. "Just tell me where we need to go."

  Rose pointed across the street. "Right there. They should carry it."

  They got over to the street and as they were about to cross, the opposing light turned yellow, and a big semi went rolling by. As it passed, Rose glanced and saw the back door was open, and Jenkto was hanging on the back. Rose only saw her for a second as she shut the door.

  The crosswalk sign turned green and started beeping for people to walk. Billy and Edward headed across. Rose followed them, feeling uneasy. They went inside the store and Billy hesitated.

  "Do you need me to follow you, or...?"

  "You probably won't want to," Rose said. This whole situation was awkward. Edward was ignoring them, keeping an eye out.

  "I'm just asking because you were a little worried before."

  "I'll be fine... I shouldn't... if I'm not back in a minute then something's wrong." She took a quick glance around until she spotted the medical section. She went over and there was the pharmacy counter in the back corner, and then the aisle with sanitary products. She saw what she needed and grabbed a box. As she turned around, behind the pharmacy counter was Jenkto again, staring at her.

  Rose threw the box at her and she ducked down. The box just missed her and landed inside the pharmacy. As she stood up, it was no longer Jenkto but a very bewildered looking pharmacist.

  "What was that?" he demanded.

  "Sorry," Rose apologized. "I lost my grip on it." She grabbed another box and headed back to Billy.

  Yes, there was definitely mind magic of some sort at work. Not that knowing that did her much good.

  As she passed one of the isles, she noticed boxes of tea stacked on one of the shelves and thought of Dimitri. She grabbed a box of Earl Grey; it would make a nice ‘thank you’ gift. Speaking of… there was someone else she could get a gift for. She went to the check-out counter and paid for her item, grabbing a bar of chocolate from one of the displays and adding it to her purchase. She used the money she’d lifted the other day, mentally apologizing to skateboard dude. Once finished, she rejoined Billy and Edward.

  As they were walking back towards the warehouse, Rose was feeling very paranoid. She noticed in one of the buildings, in the second story, Jenkto was sitting in the window looking down at her. Feeling fed up, Rose flipped her the bird causing Billy and Edward to both stare at her and start looking around.

  "What are you doing, lass?" Billy softly asked.

  "Look, I'm seeing her everywhere and I know I'm not going crazy. Although you guys probably think I am. I saw her in the dressing room, I saw her on a passing truck, and in the pharmacy, and I saw her in the window of that building. It has to be mind magic or something, but I am seeing her."

  Billy looked up at Edward. "Have you felt anything?"

  "Not yet." Edward appeared unsettled as he looked at Rose. "I'm trying to listen very carefully. Bone dry."

  "Is it possible that they... did something to me while I was there?" she asked them.

  "At any point were you unconscious?" Billy asked.

  Rose shook her head. "N-No... I don't think so..."

  "I'm not sure... if they were doing magic we would feel it. At least, I would assume so. I don’t know of any magic that can hide magic."

  Rose tugged at her hair, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. When they got to the warehouse, Edward stepped in front of them.

  "I'm gonna go in first." He opened the door and took a quick look around and stepped in.

  "Whatever it is, you put him on edge now," Billy commented.

  Rose tugged on her hair harder. Could she just be imagining it all? Maybe she was just paranoid after the whole thing with Markeos. She crept inside the warehouse and Edward stepped out of the kitchen.

  "I think we're clear."

  Billy came inside. "We all good?"

  "I think so. I don't see anything, or feel anything." He looked back at Rose. "Maybe you should rest before we resume training. Go change, relax, feel better, and let me know when you're ready."

  Rose didn't feel tired in the slightest. She felt keyed up and on edge.

  "I'm gonna do a patrol around the area, just to check things out." Edward went over to the door and walked out.

  "He'll be a bit antsy for a while," Billy commented, watching him go.

  "I think that's the most concerned I've ever seen him," Rose murmured.

  "You got both of us worried, child. You’re seeing an enemy that we can't see."

  Rose sighed, wondering how long she was going to spend looking over her shoulder and being haunted by apparitions. And not the fun kind, like Kyan. She went to the bathroom to get changed, putting the new clothes on. She looked up and in the mirror, written in blood, were the words: GONNA GET YOU.

  "Billy!" Rose shouted, not taking her eyes off the mirror.

  "Child? You okay?"

  She reached over to unlock the door and opened it, and as she did the message on the mirror faded, as though being wiped away. She cursed loudly as Billy pulled the door open.

  "Everything all right?"

  "I don't know anymore."

  He peeked his head in and looked around. "Was she in here too?"

  "Not her exactly, but she left a message in the mirror."

  Billy walked over to the mirror. He took in a deep breath and fogged it up. "Sorry, child. But I can't see nothing."

  Rose muttered a curse at Jenkto. If only she could speak with Macklass. Surely he would be on her side with this. There was no way he could know this was happening. He wouldn’t let it.

  "I don't want to leave your side," Billy said. "I don't know what to expect. I feel a bit disadvantaged."

  "Yeah, I'm feeling that too. But you and Edward can't keep your sights on me all the time."

  "Right, so... why would Dimitri send you here if he knew Markeos had access to you here?" Billy asked. "It doesn't make any sense. It's like he fed you to the wolves."

  Rose sighed. "A lot happened when you dropped me off at Dimitri's castle. I ended up meeting with a Shade ambassador. Dimitri told me my Guardian, Kyan, is from that realm. I hadn't heard from him or felt him at all. So, I made a deal with Galleon to seek Kyan out." She said it all in a rush, hoping it would sound less terrible if she got it out quickly.

  Billy rubbed his forehead. "I would warn you to be careful but... it sounds like you've already done it. Though I’m curious, this wouldn’t by chance be the reason why you offered a free ride to the celestial, would it?"

  Rose nodded guiltily. “Yeah, the first demand was the blood of a celestial. She offered to trade me her blood for a trip to the human world. After I gave the Shade the blood, they found Kyan. He’s alive, but they said the only way they would hand him over to me unharmed is if I fulfilled the last two promises, and they gave me a time limit. If I don't fulfill the deal by sundown, they're going to destroy Kyan. That's why Dimitri sent me here, to give me more time."

  "Okay, that makes sense then." He mused for a moment. "So, what are the last two conditions, then?”

  “The essence of a broken heart, and an unnamed favor.”

  His eyes bulged. “Oh, dear good gracious, child. An unnamed favor. It could be anything. Literally anything!”

  Rose rolled her eyes impatiently. “Yes, I gathered that. I’m a little more concerned about the broken heart thing. How does that even work?”

  Billy rubbed his chin, still looking greatly concerned. “Couldn’t say for sure. Don’t like dealing with Shades for… reasons. But it sounds like, you’ll need to find someone who has undergone a tragic loss.”

  “Any chance you know somebody fitting that description?” When Billy shook his head, Rose sighed. “Just another thing to puzzle though I guess.”

  “I suggest you figure out what you can while you can. Because from the sounds of it, you're not exactly safe here, and he's not exactly safe there." He rubbed a hand through his hair. “Though I’m glad
to know Dimitri hasn’t gone mad.”

  “Dimitri is a Paragon,” Rose said. “Do you follow him too?”

  Billy shook his head. “No, lass. I’m a one-Paragon man, and he is very different from Lore, or Markeos for that matter. Dimitri doesn't have any devotees. People come there and they worship him, because he's able to help protect them. He brings great things, so people stay with him. I believe in him as a person, but not as a Paragon. That's why I help him.”

  Rose was about to speak, when Billy’s eyes went wide in shock and she felt a hand on her shoulder. Then she saw an armored hand cold clock Billy before wisps of shadow engulfed her. Suddenly she was standing in a very dark, very cold place. The darkness stretched on forever, and she thought she could hear inhuman cries in the distance.

  Looking around, she found the hand on her shoulder was in fact, Macklass. A moment later, the darkness was sucked away and they were standing in the main warehouse area. The door to the bathroom had been barred with a solid stone wall. Jenkto was leaning with her hand against the stone wall, reinforcing it. Hadwin was there too, armored and ready for a fight.

  "They are on you like green on grass, aren't they?" Jenkto asked, smiling. Gone was the warmth they shared in her purple Cadillac. Her smile was icy, vindictive.

  Rose was too stunned to speak. She felt arms encircle her as Macklass embraced her tightly. “I’m so glad you’re all right. Quickly, there isn’t much time.”

  Rose pulled herself out of his grip, feeling panicked. “What did you do to me?” she asked, looking at Jenkto.

  Her glossed lips curved into a smirk. "I figured if I managed to throw them off by making you paranoid, they'd be paranoid and go out and search. And it worked."

  "So what was it then?" Rose demanded, her body tensing, ready to react at a moment’s notice. "Mind magic?"

  Jenkto shrugged. "Does it matter?"

  "I'd say it does."

  Jenkto's head tilted. "You’ll have to come with us if you want to know.”

  Irritation spiked to anger. At this point, she was so over people trying to scare her and push her around. "I don't have to do anything."

  "Ooh..." Jenkto looked amused.


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