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The Wayfinder's Apprentice (Shadows of the Umbra Book 1)

Page 34

by K Dezendorf

A thunderous roar cut through the air as Granger morphed into his tiger form and rushed at Hadwin. Jerome hurled a fireball at Granger, however, Billy raised his hand and the fireball dispersed before it could reach its mark. Rose focused on hasting herself just as Jenkto flung out her hand and several fist sized rocks came hurling through the air. While the stones were bigger than anything Edward threw at her, they slowed, and Rose was able to bob and weave her way around the granite projectiles.

  While Jenkto’s brothers were keeping Granger and Billy busy, she pulled out a knife and with surprising speed rushed at Rose. Carefully watching Jenkto’s movement and the swing of the blade, Rose dodged out of the way, the tip nicking the fabric of her shirt.

  Jenkto’s foot kicked out, tripping Rose and sending her stumbling to the ground. Before she could get back up, a kick connected with Rose’s side, sending a flash of pain. She tried to roll out of the way but Jenkto viciously kicked her again in the stomach, knocking her onto her back. Everything snapped back into real time.

  Rose’s eyes watered from the pain, as Jenkto straddled Rose and tried for another stab. She managed to catch Jenkto’s wrist and had to use both hands to hold her off. It was difficult since Jenkto had the advantage of using her own weight to press down.

  Another large flux of energy rolled over them like a wave, reminding Rose that a much bigger fight was happening just a few yards away. She could hear yelling but wasn’t certain from whom.

  As she fought for her life, Rose remembered Billy’s words: ‘Magic is a contract, a joint effort between mage and manifester to take mana and bring change to the world.’ And then Edward: ‘You need to be more forceful. Exert your will into the universe and make it obey your command, the way a general commands their troops.’

  She knew she wasn’t capable of anything big, but maybe, in this instance, she didn’t need to be.

  ‘Manifesters, I need your help,’ Rose implored, visualizing what she wanted, willing it to be reality. ‘Carry out my will.’

  Desperately, Rose focused on the blade of the knife as she let the magic loose. Hands, dozens of tiny phantasmal hands scraped over the blade of the knife, leaving behind cracks and signs of deterioration which rapidly spread along the blade. Soon the metal could no longer take the strain and the blade broke apart like glass into small iron shards, leaving only the handle behind. The phantom hands vanished as quickly as they appeared.

  “What the-” Jenkto exclaimed, momentarily caught off guard as she looked at what was left of her knife.

  Rose used the momentary distraction to reach into her shirt, grab a handful of the sticky goop still coating her stomach, and then smeared it across Jenkto’s face. The other female gave a yell of disgust, recoiling enough to where Rose started to squirm out from underneath her.

  Jenkto backhanded Rose so hard she saw spots of lights. Jenkto hit her again, though with less force this time. She was coughing and gagging, probably from the horrid stench of the goop.

  As Rose’s vision was clearing, she caught sight of Granger, having finished off his opponent, charge at Jenkto in his tiger form. Jenkto saw him just in time and rolled off of Rose before Granger could catch her jugular between his teeth. He glanced down at Rose, a quick check, probably to make sure she was still alive, before refocusing on Jenkto.

  Transparent energy curled around her hand and she thrust it out. Rose both felt and saw the wisps of mind magic fly through the air and hit Granger, momentarily stunning him. Then Jenkto pulled out another dagger and flung it at him. Granger was able to collect himself enough to move, the dagger hitting his bicep, sinking in an inch or so. He pulled it out, tossing it to the ground, then went for her again.

  Rose slowly picked herself up, feeling dazed, her skull feeling like someone was still hammering away at it. As she stumbled up to her feet, she noticed Granger was slowing. Horror struck as she remembered Jenkto once telling her she preferred coating her daggers with poison.

  Granger’s tiger form gave away, and he shrank down to his normal form, looking sickly and unsteady on his feet. Jenkto flung a large rock at his face, and it was enough to knock him to the ground. He tried to get back up, but his movements were sluggish.


  Granger had shared with her his private collection of drawings. He’d carried her to the Lady of Light so she could be cured. He didn’t deserve to die, especially not like this.

  “Leave him alone,” Rose yelled at her.

  Jenkto just smirked, pulling out another knife. “Say goodbye to your friend, Rose.” She sauntered over towards Granger, intent to kill.

  The fear of losing Granger, of watching him die, surged through her, and Rose once more remembered Edward’s words. About focusing her fear and using it as a weapon. She took a deep breath and focused all of it, pouring every bit of it into the mana, shaping it, feeding it her intent. Then she let it all loose on Jenkto.

  The magic ripped through the air and stopped just short of Jenkto, as though hitting a wall. Rose pushed against it, feeling her mana steadily draining. Soon her stores would be depleted. She could feel the threat of the mana burn creeping in.

  “I love you, Jenkto,” Rose said loudly.

  Jenkto froze.

  “All I ever wanted was to impress you. I wanted to be a part of your family. Because you were the one…” Rose’s throat tightened. “You were the one who invited me in first. Even though you hated humans, you still let me hang around. You’re not evil. So I’m asking you, please… no more.”

  The hand gripping her blade trembled just a moment before tightening. “Inviting you in was a mistake.” Jenkto continued her advance.

  The words stung, but Rose found what she was looking for. An opening. A chink in the armor. Her magic funneled through and swirled into Jenkto’s mind. She felt and saw glimpses of anger, fear, and the fierce desire to protect her family. And pain. The raw pain of loss. Andros.

  Rose tugged on that feeling, amplifying it. Billy had taught her fear. Edward had taught her calm. But she knew there were things that could hurt far, far worse.

  Just as Jenkto was about to plunge her knife down, she stopped, her eyes going wide. Her entire body quaked and trembled. Tears welled from her eyes and she let loose a broken wail. Jenkto fell to her knees and began to cry, the knife falling from her hands.

  Her body dissolved, slowly, her skin and hair falling apart into dark wisps until her sobs disappeared and there was no trace left.

  Rose ran to Granger’s side, feelings of guilt and victory at war within her. There was another loud boom that shook the air so viciously she nearly fell over. She glanced over to see Dimitri and Markeos still locked in combat, with Edward aiding Dimitri. The land around them was devastated with the ground torn up and a few trees split apart and knocked over.

  Edward swung his sword around and brought it straight down at Markeos, but the Paragon brought up the hatchet and there was an explosion of sparks as Edward was flung away. Dimitri’s arm slashed forward, the air rippled, and blades of wind shot towards Markeos. Rose noticed Edward looked fatigued and was struggling to get back up from being tossed.

  “Child!” Billy called out, approaching them. Jerome and Hadwin were nowhere to be seen.

  “He needs help,” Rose said quickly, doing her best to help Granger up. “He’s been poisoned.”

  “Back to the portal,” Billy ordered.

  The two of them were able to get Granger to the portal. Rose resisted glancing back as the three of them passed through the portal into Dimitri’s room.

  "Holy shite," Billy swore.

  “Granger!” Rose went to his side as he collapsed onto the floor.

  “I’m fine,” he muttered through gritted teeth. “No big deal.”

  “I’ve got him," Billy said. “Curses are one thing. Poisons, a little more manageable.” His hands glowed white with magic as they hovered over Granger’s wound. "I am so glad we got out when we did. Things are gettin’ nasty."

  Rose looked over Granger, guilt we
lling up within her. Poor Granger... and then there was Edward and Dimitri. Were they going to be all right? Her concerns only grew when she looked over to the window and noticed it was nearly sunset. Kyan…

  “I’m almost out of time,” she murmured.

  "Right... back to the human world with you," Billy said. “I’ll be right behind you, child.”

  When Rose stepped through the portal into the warehouse, she noticed she was alone. No Billy, no Edward, nobody else. She cautiously looked around to make sure the warehouse was empty, making her way to the kitchen, then to the back bedroom.

  Rose closed the door to Billy's room, then went over to the bed. She took several deep, painful breaths -yeah, she was pretty certain she had a bruised rib or two- as she mentally prepared herself for what was to come. Jentko and her brothers were still after her. Meanwhile, Edward and Dimitri were fighting against their father, and there was nothing she could do to help them. Nothing except…

  She remembered the discussion she had with Billy earlier about prayer, however, a part of her hesitated. It couldn’t possibly be that easy. Asking someone for help, there was always a catch. That was just how the world worked. Give and take. Could she… should she really be asking Paragons, of all things, for help? Especially when she already had a debt to pay?

  But… Edward had helped her. And Billy. Dimitri, Vikhail, Granger… they had all helped her, asking little or nothing in return.

  Rose dithered on this for several moments. If it was just her, then she wouldn’t even consider it. But it wasn’t. Edward was currently facing down one of those Paragons. Along with Dimitri. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe they could handle themselves, but after what she’d experienced, she didn’t want to chance either of them getting hurt. Especially not when she was the reason they were in that mess in the first place.

  Dammit… Well, what can it hurt to try?

  Awkwardly, Rose knelt down beside the bed, having not done this in many years. She closed her eyes, and she started praying to Lore. It was all she focused on, just wanting her prayer to be heard.

  Please, if there's a way it can be done, please, let Edward be okay. Let Granger be okay, and Dimitri... please, just... I know I messed up... but if you can hear this, please...

  "Hello, Rose," a stern, male voice said from behind her.

  Rose lifted her head, feeling dread pool in her stomach. She took a breath, stood up and turned to face Hadwin. Jerome was with him, but Jenkto was absent.

  “How is Jenkto?” she asked. “And Macklass?”

  “After what you did to her, she was in no condition to come,” Jerome said, his tone accusing.

  “Do you really think after that, we would let you near Macklass?” Hadwin asked her seriously.

  “She was going to kill one of my friends,” Rose said in her defense. “She tried to kill me. Besides, I thought those were just shadow clones.”

  “Everything the clones feel, we feel it,” Jerome said, his hands curled to fists. “Do you think Hadwin enjoyed getting stabbed through the chest?”

  “I never wanted any of you to get hurt. I swear it,” she said desperately.

  “Then why did you refuse?” Jerome demanded loudly. “You didn’t just upset father, but you hurt Macklass. And then you hurt our sister! If you’d have just said ‘yes’-”

  “No!” Rose shouted. “I won’t live in a home ruled by pain and fear again. You shouldn’t either. None of you deserve that.”

  “We don’t expect you to understand, Rose,” Hadwin murmured softly. “We don’t wish to hurt you. But if you continue to force our hand…”

  “Don’t be stupid, Rose,” Jerome piped up. “Just come with us, and this’ll all be over.”

  “No, it won’t.” They would still be after Edward, and Rose doubted someone like Markeos would ever allow her to live after what she’d done. “You don’t have to follow him. Please, come with me. All of you, and Macklass. You can be free.”

  Hadwin and Jerome both lowered their heads. “It’s not that simple, Rose,” Hadwin said. “For any of us.”

  “Enough talk,” Jerome said impatiently. “You’re coming with us, conscious or not.”

  Rose’s jaw clenched, her hands curling to fists at her sides. “I don’t want to fight you. But I’m not going with you.”

  “By force then,” Hadwin declared, a finality in his tone.

  As reluctant as Hadwin and Jerome seemed, there was a somber resignation to their expressions as they advanced.

  They got about three steps when there was a sudden rush of energy in front of her. Rose blinked as three cloaked figures stood between her and the brothers.

  Hadwin and Jerome exchanged silent glances, looking completely bewildered by the turn of events. They nodded to one another, and the two started fading away into dark smoke. Shadow clones, just like before. In seconds the shadows faded into wisps which dissipated into nothing.

  The three strange figures turned towards her. They all appeared to be unarmed, fully cloaked, with the hoods pulled down over their faces. The color scheme was similar to what Xevero had worn and they bore the same symbol.

  The center one spoke to her. "Yes, your prayers be answered. We apologize for our tardiness."

  Rose was momentarily lost for words. Sure, she had prayed, but… it was still shocking to have been answered so immediately and directly. "No apologies necessary."

  The man pulled back his hood and he looked relatively human except one eye was silver and the other was green. His head was shaved and he had several piercings across one ear. "Salutations."

  "Salutations," Rose repeated nervously. "Um, my name is Rose."

  "We are aware. We have been sent to ensure your safety."

  "It's not exactly my safety I'm worried about right now."

  "We are aware," he said again. "The situation is being dealt with. The Lore wishes knowledge upon you, and the safety of you and your friends. He expects nothing in return, but he would put forward a humble request for your assistance."

  "Assistance?" she repeated. "What could I possibly help him with?”

  "You have a close tie with one of his sublores. He wishes this individual to be brought home."

  Rose stared at him for several moments. "You're talking about Edward."

  He inclined his head once more. "Yes. We understand there is a difference of opinion, and in your case, of power. We understand that it cannot be by force, through your means.”

  Her heart beat rapidly as she considered what he was telling her. “So, what you’re asking of me...”

  “Not a demand, but a mere request.” His next words caused her breath to catch. “We ask that you bring Edward home.”

  Rose felt Lore and his people were vastly overestimating her ties with Edward. Especially considering his distaste for humans.

  "You may not be aware of this, but the Lore has been observing your travels, and you have captured His interest. You have a thirst for knowledge and the desire to learn, traits which the Lore holds in very high regard.”

  "I see,” Rose said, feeling overwhelmed. “Um… sorry, just… a lot’s been happening.”

  He inclined his head. "Yes. We understand there has been a significant amount of hardships. And we offer to you the safety of you and your friends, not with the expectation of you joining, but as a mere invitation. If you so choose to follow the path of the Lore, we gladly welcome you."

  Rose honestly wasn't sure what to say to this. Another Paragon wanted her to join their following? Well, at least this offer wasn’t coming with the threat of death upon refusal.

  "We understand this is a confusing time for you," the man continued. "And respect your space." He reached inside of his cloak and pulled out a small book, then placed it on the ground. "This is written in Tradespeak. We understand it is the best means of communication with you. You need not read it. It is all optional. We merely provide access to the knowledge. We will not force you to come to any decision that we have."

  Rose no
dded. "Thank you."

  "We shall bless this place, this house of being. To prevent further intervention. You may consider here safe."

  The other two turned and left the room. She could hear them chanting something in the other room. She could sense the magic, but the words were beyond her.

  "Have you any questions before we leave?" the man asked.

  Rose let loose a nervous laugh. “Too many to count right now.”

  The corners of the man’s mouth lifted just enough to be noticed. “Questions are always welcome, especially when there are answers to be sought.”

  "So, absolutely nothing’s expected of me? Or my friends? No compensation fee or anything?” After her previous encounters, she couldn’t be too sure.

  “Nothing is required of you. You need not offer gold, nor anything else for the protections and boons that Lore offers. You now have a sanctuary, and your friends are saved."

  "Thank you," Rose said, bowing her head. “Really, I.... thank you so much. And if you could let Xevero know, I’m grateful to him too.”

  He inclined his head. "Your prayers be answered. Farewell, Rose."

  The man faded out of existence, leaving Rose alone in the room once more. Only this time, the solitude wasn’t daunting. It was peaceful.

  Chapter 26

  The feeling of easiness and comfort was at odds with all the chaos Rose had just experienced. While she still had her reservations, she decided to give the stranger the benefit of the doubt and trust her friends would be all right.

  She bent down and picked up the book they left behind. It was a decently sized leather bound book, with a symbol imprinted into the cover. The same symbol she’d seen stitched into the sublores’ clothes. Opening it up, it had a very bible-like feel. Rose sat down on the bed and began to peruse. It cited the Lore as the god of all knowledge; present and past. He helped protect the future. He was there for all life, regardless of race, gender, or person. Any who sought enlightenment would not only receive sanctuary, but the boons of knowledge.

  It talked about the devotees, how the Lore was the only one able to give the boon of immortality. How he had powers that no one else could utilize, and all other Paragons could not contest.


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