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Summoner's Call (The Summoner Trilogy Book 1)

Page 21

by Sarah Anne Piddock

  ‘I’m not going to dignify that with a response,’ Amaran sounded insulted as he glared at Youally with a mixture of challenge and contempt, ‘do you really think she’s capable?’

  ‘You-’ with words failing the irate Master Seiya couldn’t help smiling as Youally’s expression turned thunderous and he stalked away. She felt the tension ease in Amaran’s body, the atmosphere instantly lightening with Youally’s departure.

  ‘We’d better hurry,’ Paudry was still looking questioningly in their direction but to Seiya’s relief he didn’t take it any further. ‘If he gets to the basket before us we may get stranded here.’

  ‘Thanks for covering for me,’ despite her legs insisting they were made of jelly Seiya clung determinedly to the side of the basket. She had no intention of missing the views on the flight, the setting sun was bathing everything in a golden light, calming after the hungry flames.

  ‘I didn’t do it for you,’ Amaran replied shortly, his eyes never moving from their focus on the far horizon.

  ‘Why then?’ Seiya looked up at his face expectantly. Amaran’s gaze unlocked and swept the inside of the basket, pausing on the two Masters. Paudry sat at the opposite end to where Youally stood controlling the demon, the other students rested against the basket walls and Seiya was fairly certain nearly all of them were asleep. She and Amaran stood apart, the wind rushing by made it hard enough for them to hear each other even when shouting by the person’s ear, there was no way they could be overheard.

  ‘It’s useful to let Youally think I’m able to summon high rankings,’ Amaran replied, obviously coming to same conclusion that eavesdropping was impossible.

  ‘You are,’ Seiya confirmed instantly, flashing a brief smile in his direction. ‘You just wouldn’t think of bending the rules.’

  ‘I may think it,’ Amaran conceded, acknowledging her appraisal of his abilities with a nod, ‘but what you do is flagrant breaking not bending.’ Seiya shrugged at his correction.

  ‘I do what’s necessary,’ she let her attention wander back to the scenery flowing beneath them. ‘What’s the problem between you and Youally anyway?’

  Again Amaran gave her a searching look, his eyes flicking over to where Youally was standing. ‘Youally fancies himself as the next headmaster,’ he bent down so he was speaking softly right by her ear. ‘There wasn’t really anyone suitable to challenge him on the Council so he was going to get everyone’s support. When the Headmaster saw my potential he started including me in on Council meetings.’

  ‘He picked you as his successor?’ Amaran’s nod was barely noticeable. ‘As an alternative to Youally?’ Amaran looked sharply at her and motioned for her to keep her voice down. Seiya waved the caution away, Youally was at the other end, there was no way he would hear.

  ‘To give those who didn’t like Youally or weren’t sure someone to rally round,’ Seiya was amazed by Amaran’s matter-of-fact tone.

  ‘Has it worked?’ she was struggling to picture Amaran as a headmaster, her mind imagining an old man with grey hair and scholarly reading glasses.

  ‘To a point,’ Amaran answered hesitantly, ‘it’s meant Youally doesn’t have enough support to openly challenge Keanwall, the current headmaster,’ he added when Seiya looked blank, ‘but he’s starting to try and discredit me, the nearer I get to becoming a Master the harder it will be for him.’

  ‘And you’re happy with this? I mean do you want to be headmaster?’ Seiya tried to explain when she saw Amaran’s uncomprehending expression.

  ‘Why wouldn’t I want to be?’ he asked, frowning at her. ‘I’d become the most powerful summoner.’

  ‘Really?’ Seiya leant towards him as she spoke, the wind was picking up and the words were getting blown away. ‘What about all the summoner families?’

  ‘All assignments come through Rhianwater, then they get forwarded on to the relevant party.’

  ‘And that’s enough for people to live off?’ Seiya looked at him unconvinced. ‘Before Youally dragged me here I’d never even heard of summoners.’ Maybe not strictly true, but it was close enough.

  ‘It’ll change soon,’ Amaran murmured, he was looking off into the distance again but his expression had hardened, hands imperceptibly tightening on the basket rim.

  ‘What do you mean?’ she called over but he pretended not to hear. Realising the conversation was over Seiya gave in and rested her chin on the basket edge, she was too tired to bother chasing things now.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  ‘Amaran, can I ask you a question?’ Seiya called across as they dismissed their demons, the pair of them had decided they’d done enough for today.

  ‘Sure.’ Seiya grinned as Amaran answered her cautiously, his eyes wary.

  ‘Relax will you?’ she patted him on the shoulder. After the fire they had been paired for every training session and Seiya was actually starting to enjoy herself. As much as she hated to admit it finding a way to pay off the ridiculous fees and return home hadn’t been at the front of her mind. Paudry had all but pleaded with her to stay and achieve Master status, dangling in front of her the notion that once named “Master” no-one at Rhianwater, or any summoner, would be able to bother her again. That was still an excuse though, mainly it was the lessons themselves. Accepting her reluctance to hurt the demons, even if not understanding it, Amaran had modified the training format. Rather than one-on-one fighting they challenged each other to increasingly difficult techniques. With the demons Seiya summoned only too happy to devise their own impossible tests the pair were rapidly racing ahead of the rest of the class. Amaran didn’t even seem that bothered when she explained the demons were the ones setting the tasks, at least he then knew they wouldn’t be helping her when she attempted it.

  ‘What did you want to know?’

  ‘You were on the Council when I had the level four exam?’ Instantly Amaran’s expression became guarded.

  ‘Yes,’ he looked at her suspiciously, ‘but I didn’t have a say in your punishment.’

  ‘You said you spoke out against me joining your class.’

  ‘But I wasn’t listened to. As it turns out I was wrong,’ Seiya smiled gratefully at the rare compliment.

  ‘Do you know why they wanted to kill the students?’

  ‘You don’t have proof of that,’ Amaran wouldn’t meet her gaze. ‘You just interfered when it wasn’t-’

  ‘They were going to let Kirinya’s demon kill her,’ Seiya cut him off angrily, ‘the only reason she survived with just a cut arm is because my demon grabbed it in time.’ She glared at him rebelliously, ‘the Masters had no demon nearby and the level seven wouldn’t have stood a chance.’

  ‘You could have misunderstood,’ Amaran insisted stubbornly.

  ‘You’ve been in there,’ becoming increasingly frustrated with Amaran’s reticence Seiya waved her arm towards the arena, even though the stone walls were invisible from school. ‘Why not hold the exams in the normal hall, or even out here?’ Her arm swept the training ground they currently occupied, ‘with others standing by with demons to restrain any that come loose?’

  ‘A summoner in fear of their life or in a desperate situation will usually discover they are stronger than they thought.’ Amaran explained, but he didn’t sound convinced. ‘The arena is meant to be intimidating.’

  ‘They tried that load of rubbish on me at the time,’ Seiya was annoyed as she took in Amaran’s uncertain expression, he wasn’t stupid. ‘I didn’t believe it then and you don’t believe it now.’

  ‘What do you want me to say?’ Amaran demanded defensively.

  ‘Did the Council mention anything that sounded strange after I stopped the killings?’ she motioned for silence, seeing the denial forming on Amaran’s lips. ‘Please think carefully, why for that one exam do the Council test us and not the Masters?’

  ‘The Council are Masters,’ Amaran corrected her, his brow furrowed as he tried to recall what had happened weeks ago.

  ‘Yes but why not have Gorbacov
present? I assume Paudry wasn’t there either?’ Seiya carried on as Amaran nodded slowly, ‘it’s because they care about their students. The Council didn’t want anyone who might stop the weaker ones being killed.’

  ‘None of us were killed,’ Amaran responded irritably. Seiya’s hackles rose as his tone implied she was simply paranoid.

  ‘Were there no others in your class then?’

  ‘A couple of girls,’ Amaran’s face screwed up in contempt, ‘they were pathetic, always hanging round me, I almost expected them to start drooling.’ His eyes narrowed as he thought back, ‘I swear the exams they took were easier as well.’

  Seiya’s ears pricked up, ‘then at the level four? What happened?’

  ‘They failed obviously,’ Amaran looked at her with a disgusted expression, ‘it was nice to finally be rid of them.’

  ‘And what happened when they failed?’ Seiya pressed, ignoring his growing impatience. ‘Did the Masters lift them up?’

  ‘How should I know?’ Amaran brushed away her question angrily, ‘it’s not like I stayed to watch.’

  ‘And have you seen them again,’ Seiya could feel her heart rate increasing the more she probed, she was still in two minds over whether she wanted to be proved right or not.

  ‘Of course not,’ Amaran no longer made any attempt to hide his annoyance, ‘they’re probably working as servants somewhere to pay the fees.’

  ‘So two girls went into the level four exam, were never seen or heard of again and you don’t think there’s anything suspicious?’ This time it was her tone that was contemptuous. ‘Tell me, why at every other level can the students resit the exam three times but no-one resits level four?’

  ‘That’s just the way it is,’ her mocking tone only served to rile Amaran further, ‘if you were from a summoner background you’d understand.’

  ‘Give me a break,’ Seiya stared at him in disgust, furious he would resort to the kind of tactics she’d expect from Jamen. ‘If that’s the best you can come up with then you’re the pathetic one.’ She didn’t care as Amaran bridled at her scornful voice. ‘If I’m right then the Council is deliberately setting easy exams to allow weaker students to proceed to level four and then letting them get killed by wild demons. There must be a reason.’ Her eyes searched his face for some small sign of understanding but all she got was an insulted glare.

  Am I the only one that sees it?

  The sudden and unexpected surge of loneliness left Seiya stunned, all the fight draining out of her. Sitting on the ground she curled up, hugging her knees. Tears threatened at the corners of her eyes as she locked her gaze on the others still practising. Anything to avoid looking at Amaran.

  ‘I give up,’ dashing the tears away she hated the way her voice caught in her throat and cursed herself for being so weak. She’d been an idiot to think Amaran would believe her, but she had been so sure he would hold the key, or at least have some idea what was going on. A part of her had clung to the possibility that the Council may have even confided in him. Why was she crying? Angrily Seiya pressed the heel of hands into her eyes, trying to stem the flow. Why should she care what happened here, once she left she would never have to think about this place ever again or the stupid arrogant summoners. She desperately held onto her anger as a wave of homesickness crashed over her.

  As Seiya started sobbing she felt Amaran place a hand awkwardly on her shoulder, patting her as if she were some upset animal.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ even through her tears Seiya had a small smile at his hesitant apology. He was utterly thrown by her change of attitude and had no idea what to do with her in an emotional state.

  ‘Can you stop crying?’ Seiya heard the worry in his voice and looked up as the others finished their practising.

  ‘I’m just homesick,’ she reassured him, trying to catch her breath between sobs. This was utterly ridiculous, there was no way she could let the others see her like this.

  ‘Come on,’ Amaran stretched out a hand in front of her, his gaze still on the approaching class. Seiya had an absurd urge to giggle when she realised he must be concerned about Havir telling him off for making her cry. None of the others would dare, Jamen would probably congratulate him.

  ‘Look, I may have heard something,’ Seiya looked up as Amaran spoke in a rush, waving his arm insistently, ‘but please get up.’ Giving in to the pleading in his voice Seiya let him pull her up.

  ‘Well?’ she used her sleeve to dry her eyes and hoped her face wasn’t too blotchy.

  ‘One of the Council asked Keanwall if they would have to find another way to meet the blood price,’ Amaran answered reluctantly.

  ‘And?’ Seiya demanded, her attention firmly on Amaran.

  ‘I may have heard it wrong,’ he shifted uncomfortably, ‘but I think he said the incantations would remain strong until the next exam.’

  ‘So there were two in your class who were helped along,’ Seiya mused, ‘and it was obvious both Kirinya and Freiden would struggle in mine.’ Amaran was staring at her lack of reaction, clearly he had expected her to pounce on his admission.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ he asked cautiously as the rest of the class were almost in earshot. Seiya followed his gaze and dropped her voice accordingly.

  ‘That for the summonings and bindings that use the incantations to work they need to sacrifice two summoners,’ in her mind she quickly ran through the numbers, ‘that’s about two a month, but it sounds as if there’s some lee-way in the numbers,’ Seiya chewed her lip thoughtfully, ‘there’d have to be in case the students did suddenly discover more power when fighting for their lives.’

  Seiya looked towards Amaran and saw he was staring at her unconvinced.

  ‘Thanks for telling me,’ she smiled encouragingly, ‘don’t worry I won’t go spreading my theory.’

  ‘What are you going to do then?’ Amaran’s wary tone implied he didn’t really want to ask.

  ‘I’m going to ask someone about it tonight,’ Seiya kept her expression neutral as Amaran stared at her, ‘someone who can tell me the truth.’

  Amaran would probably consider Aleos a “something” rather than “someone” Seiya thought absently as the demon stood before her. It had been a long time since she’d last seen him and Aleos had demanded a thorough account of what had been happening.

  ‘Surely the other demons have kept you up to date?’ Seiya asked once she’d finished.

  ‘I wanted to hear it from you,’ Seiya thought Aleos sounded slightly put out. ‘I’m glad you’re doing okay,’ he added, the huffiness replaced by real warmth. Spontaneously Seiya enveloped the demon in a hug and grinned as she thought-sensed his amazement.

  ‘It’s nice to know someone cares about me,’ Aleos was still recovering his ability to speak as Seiya smiled even more. The demon’s body had not been that dissimilar to a human’s, if she ignored the wiry form, scaly hide and clawed hands she could have been embracing one of her younger brothers.

  ‘All the demons worry about you,’ Aleos definitely sounded embarrassed by her show of affection.

  ‘I have a question for you,’ Aleos looked as wary as Amaran earlier and Seiya wondered why she had that affect on people. Quickly she filled Aleos in on the theory she had told Amaran.

  ‘In that diary,’ she gestured at the book lying somewhere on her desk, ‘only request summonings are mentioned until suddenly incantations are being used.’ She looked at Aleos thoughtfully, ‘and just before the incantations start appearing there’s mentions of huge numbers of people being killed, whole villages wiped out.’ The connection had come to her over dinner, the niggling sensation that she was missing something had kept her quiet and distracted. She didn’t think Amaran had stopped looking at her anxiously once, no doubt he was worrying about who she was going to ask. He would probably assume it was Gorbacov, but she knew Gorbacov wasn’t on the Council and she refused to believe that he would have let them in that arena if he had known what was planned.

  ‘Your question?�
� Aleos had stayed silent throughout her explanation and she could sense the demon was retreating into himself.

  ‘None of that “you can’t be the one to tell me” nonsense,’ Seiya swiftly interjected. ‘I’ve found most of it out myself, I want you to confirm it and explain what’s going on!’ Flopping back she watched Aleos as the demon considered her request.

  ‘We don’t know-’

  ‘Rubbish!’ Seiya angrily cut across Aleos’s hesitant reply. ‘You demons have been bound against your will for over a hundred years and none of you have tried to find out why?’

  ‘It is not that simple.’

  ‘Yes it is!’ Aware that her raised voice would soon be waking the others in nearby rooms Seiya shouted with her mind alone. ‘I won’t believe you know nothing.’

  ‘No,’ Aleos’s eyes flashed as the stubborn refusal reverberated around her skull.

  ‘You aren’t going anywhere until you tell me,’ momentarily disorientated by the force in his command Seiya still managed to glare at the demon, the threat a vehement whisper.

  ‘You wouldn’t dare!’ Aleos’s mental voice hissed in outrage.

  ‘Try me,’ Seiya stared grimly back at the furious demon, ‘I can keep you bound here for days.’

  ‘You know we can’t survive in your world.’

  ‘You’ll be fine for a couple of days,’ Seiya shrugged, trying to maintain the heartless front, ‘after that I wouldn’t know.’

  ‘You won’t kill me,’ Aleos’s tone implied he was stating a fact.

  ‘If it stops more innocent people dying,’ Seiya let the sentence hang in the air. She could feel Aleos’s certainty wavering as it was suspended between them. The moment seemed to stretch forever, the silence in the room broken only by harsh rasping sounds; Seiya was shocked when she realised it was her own breathing.

  ‘Don’t,’ Aleos’s shoulders slumped forward, his plea more hurtful than she dared let on.


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