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Summoner's Call (The Summoner Trilogy Book 1)

Page 29

by Sarah Anne Piddock

  ‘Here goes,’ taking a deep breath Seiya placed her free foot firmly on the neck ridge and pushed as hard as she could. Shooting forwards she dug her fingers into the cloth, using the momentum to swing her legs down and into the basket. The thud as she landed sent the whole wicker contraption swaying, throwing Amaran to one side as he spun to face her. Flowing with the basket’s motion Seiya lunged forward, her fingers wrapping round the bag strap hanging at Amaran’s side, with nothing else in the basket this had to be the book. Even falling off balance Amaran was quick, Seiya yelped as his fingers wrapped round her wrist in an iron grip, jigging painfully into the tendons. Instinctively she pulled back, wrenching her arm away.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Amaran demanded, planting his feet firmly once more as the basket stopped the pendulous swinging. Panting heavily and rubbing her sore arm Seiya feigned retreating backwards, her eyes desperately searching for an opening. Get the book, Seiya’s concentration narrowed down to a single point, blocking out all thoughts and plans of what would happen next. As she hoped Amaran came towards her; deliberately throwing her weight to one side to set the basket swaying again Seiya darted forward. Amaran was caught by surprise and threw out a hand to steady himself on the basket edge. It was all she needed, this time Seiya grabbed the book itself and dragged the satchel with her, only to be jerked up short when Amaran snatched the strap flying off his arm.


  ‘I need it!’ Seiya didn’t recognise the desperate person shrieking in Amaran’s face, through the tears suddenly obscuring her vision all she could see was Jarin in Youally’s arms, the knife at his throat. Pulling backwards she stumbled into the basket wall, clutching the book close to her chest she could feel Amaran trying to yank it away. There was nowhere left to run, wrenching to the side she felt the bag almost fly out her hands but Amaran was dragged around with her, crashing into the wicker wall.


  There was no time to think, pushing with all the strength left in her legs Seiya hurled herself head first over the basket’s side. Amaran didn’t stand a chance against both momentum and gravity, the bag ripped from his fingers and then she was free falling. The rushing in her ears was unlike anything she had experienced, the wind tearing at her clothes as if it wanted to rip the skin and flesh from her bones.

  ‘Look out!’

  Baltha. Seiya forced her streaming eyes to open against the rushing air, fixing on the demon diving alongside her. He had come to catch her, but… too late her eyes noted the basket gripped in the demons claws.

  ‘No!’ Even knowing no-one would hear her above the wind Seiya shouted anyway. If Amaran tried to catch her in mid air when she was falling this fast he could easily kill her, only a demon had any chance of succeeding.

  ‘Hold on!’ Craning her neck around Seiya finally saw Baltha streaking towards her.

  ‘Stop!’ Seiya refused to believe the tingling at the edge of her senses, what could Amaran possibly be summoning?

  ‘No!’ Tongues of flame licked round the edges of the bag, searing her fingers. Flinching away from the pain Seiya instinctively loosened her hold, the bag instantly hurtling away from her.

  ‘Catch it!’ Seiya held her breath as Baltha shot past, his claws reaching out to scoop up the bag, now utterly consumed by flames. The book was little more than a fireball heading earthward but Seiya had to believe some part would still survive, she only needed one bit. Suddenly Baltha pulled away, his claws snatching at empty air as the fireball exploded. Seiya watched hopelessly as charred pieces of paper were blown away.

  ‘Gah!’ the sudden impact as Baltha caught her forced the air from her lungs.

  ‘Hold-’ Baltha never finished his warning as Seiya felt something slam into the demon’s body. She was falling once more, trapped in Baltha’s claws Seiya could tell it wasn’t a controlled dive, the demon was tumbling. Finding a small gap in the demon’s grasp Seiya could see why, Baltha was fighting off Amaran’s demon, body writhing as he struggled to stay up. But the other demon had the advantage, having caught Baltha by surprise he was the one diving towards the ground, even with the basket gripped in the front two legs the rear pairs were more than capable of dragging Baltha along.

  ‘Let me go!’ Seiya pounded on the claw wall, ‘I can dismiss you and summon another!’

  ‘There’s no time!’ Baltha thundered in her mind, anger and panic making his voice painfully powerful. Seiya gasped as his claws split slightly and she saw the ground heading towards them at sickening speed, surely Amaran would let up?

  No. Even though she tried to brace herself Seiya was violently thrown as Baltha crashed into the ground. Seiya shrank back as another demon hand clamped over Baltha’s cupped claws, the other demon pinning them to the floor.

  ‘Sorry,’ Seiya’s heart wrenched at Baltha’s strained voice, the demon must have hurt himself badly trying to protect her and it had all been for nothing.

  ‘Seiya?’ Anger boiled up at Amaran’s voice, how could he have done this?

  ‘Are you okay?’ Concern. Damn him. Seiya felt the anger draining away, despair filling the emptiness left behind.

  ‘Seiya?’ there was no hiding the panicked undercurrent this time. Really she should reply, Seiya thought dully, curling up tightly and trying to block out the world around her. None of this was real, soon she would wake up to Jarin and Hamish yelling-

  ‘Let me in!’ Seiya stared uncomprehendingly at the growing swathe of light, lifting a hand to shield her eyes from the sudden brightness.

  ‘You’re all right,’ Amaran’s relief was palpable, even in her numbed state. If she squinted she could just make out his face in the space between the two claws. The gap widened even further and she was surprised as he stepped inside, arm reaching out towards her. This wasn’t normal, Amaran would never get so close to an unbound.

  ‘Come on,’ Amaran’s soft entreaty stopped her from pulling away as he gently but firmly lifted her up and out from Baltha’s claws. Seiya winced as her aching body protested, Amaran’s hands hurt her bruised arms as he held her upright, her legs far too shaky to support her properly.

  The book was gone.

  The tiny pieces of paper fluttering on the breeze brought reality crashing back. Seiya could feel herself losing control, Hamish and Jarin were going to die, it was all her fault-

  ‘Seiya!’ Amaran shook her hard before the hysteria could truly take hold. ‘Tell me what happened,’ he demanded fiercely, gripping her shoulders and forcing her to meet his gaze.

  ‘It’s gone,’ Seiya looked away, unable to cope with the concern in his eyes. Anger would have been easier, then she could have fought back. But to have him so worried when she’d been sent to kill him…

  ‘The book?’ Amaran asked, his expression bewildered.

  ‘He’s going to kill them,’ the sobs came from nowhere, making it impossible to speak. Still Amaran wouldn’t let her go, even as she flailed against him.

  ‘Who?’ Amaran shouted in her face, shaking her violently.

  ‘Youally!’ Seiya screamed at him as she finally broke free. ‘I told you not to leave me there!’ The surge of despair robbed her of what little strength was left, crumpling to the floor she curled up into a ball, burying her head in her arms, too exhausted to even cry.

  ‘Seiya,’ Amaran approached her cautiously, crouching down on her level though he made no move to touch her again. ‘You’ve got to calm down and explain everything from the beginning.’ Wrapped in the comforting darkness Seiya felt her breathing gradually returning to normal, ‘why don’t you dismiss your demon?’

  ‘I’ll need him to tell me when they find Hamish,’ to Seiya’s surprise her voice came out steadily, so long as she spoke slowly and didn’t think about what she was saying. Taking a deep breath she ruthlessly forced down her emotions, all of this was wasting time.

  ‘Help me up.’ Deliberately uncurling she forced herself to meet Amaran’s gaze as she held out her hand, ignoring his confusion at her change. This was just one m
ore challenge between them, she wasn’t going to let him see her weak.

  Back on her feet, Seiya dispassionately recited what had happened from Youally’s visit to her cell, to her relief Amaran didn’t ask any questions or try to offer sympathy; though his hands clenched so tightly when she described the threats against Jarin she thought he would draw blood.

  ‘You really do trust them,’ Amaran muttered when she finished, ‘I can’t believe even you would send demons to look for your brother.’

  ‘I didn’t have a choice,’ Seiya felt numb and hollow inside as she spoke. ‘If he’s been rescued then there’s nothing to stop me killing Youally.’

  ‘Not if I get there first.’ Seiya was taken aback by the barely contained fury in Amaran’s growl.

  ‘Hide!’ Baltha’s interruption made Seiya spin towards the demon, ‘someone’s flying this way.’

  ‘Youally?’ Dread flooded through her, if he was here-

  ‘No,’ Baltha quickly corrected her, ‘it’s coming from Carapel.’

  ‘Jamen,’ Amaran announced coldly as she passed on the message, instantly his demon vanished and Seiya blinked at Baltha lying on his own. ‘Just hope he doesn’t see us.’

  ‘You think he’s headed to meet up with Youally?’ Seiya glanced sideways at Amaran, his lips were pressed together in a hard angry line.

  ‘He claimed Youally said the orders were from me,’ reluctantly Amaran’s gaze met hers, ‘he didn’t deny killing those people.’

  ‘Did you believe him?’

  ‘Yes,’ but Amaran hesitated too long for Seiya to be convinced, ‘at least until now.’

  ‘He can’t get to Rhianwater ahead of us!’ Seiya grabbed Amaran’s arm in sudden panic. ‘Youally will know that I’ve not attacked you and taken the book!’

  ‘He won’t hurt Jarin,’ but Amaran’s assurance was half-hearted as he stared worriedly after the departing demon.

  ‘They’ve got him!’ Baltha’s triumphant voice echoed in her mind, ‘they found your brother.’

  ‘Is he alright?’ relief won over fear as Seiya turned to the demon.

  ‘Tired and scared but alive and well,’ Baltha’s thoughts almost glowed, ‘do you want them to take him home?’

  ‘I wouldn’t,’ Amaran cautioned, ‘Youally may have left others there to guard your parents.’

  ‘Have them check it out first, I know you don’t like hurting humans-’ Seiya left the statement hanging as Baltha relayed the message on.

  ‘If they think they can help then they will, otherwise they will keep him safe a short distance away and wait for you.’ Seiya watched sympathetically as Baltha got to his feet, the demon looked even more stiff and sore than she was. ‘What will you do now?’

  Seiya looked at Amaran, with Hamish safe Youally would have to use Jarin to stop her killing him rather than forcing her to fight Amaran.

  ‘We go to Rhianwater,’ Seiya flinched at the flinty gleam in Amaran’s eyes, ‘we’ll get your brother back and deal with Youally properly.’

  ‘I thought you said it was too evenly matched?’ she reminded him. ‘What if Youally has convinced all his supporters to fight you?’

  A cold smile spread across Amaran’s face and Seiya had to force herself not to back away. ‘I said that without you it was evenly matched,’ Seiya shivered at his grim expression, ‘with both of us he won’t stand a chance.’ He gestured towards Baltha, back on his feet and ready to take off once more. ‘Are you flying or shall I?’

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  ‘You never asked why I attacked you in the library.’

  ‘Hmm?’ Seiya turned to Amaran distractedly, busy conversing with Baltha she’d only caught the last part of the question. Despite being exhausted the demon had insisted on flying them, Seiya reluctantly conceding when he claimed it would make it easier for the others to continue relaying messages. To her dismay Jamen had managed to get so far ahead Baltha couldn’t even ask his demon to try and slow down.

  ‘The first time we met,’ this time Amaran was looking at her to ensure he had her full attention. ‘I’m sure you haven’t forgotten,’ he added with a bitter smile.

  Seiya shrugged philosophically, ‘I assume I interrupted you doing something you didn’t want discovered.’ It was strange how long ago and unimportant it now seemed.

  ‘Not quite,’ Amaran paused, his gaze wandering back out as he continued. ‘It was after the second Council session I attended, a couple of the Masters offered to give me extra lessons.’

  ‘Youally’s supporters?’ Seiya prompted as Amaran fell silent.

  ‘I didn’t know then or I never would have accepted, but I was desperate to become stronger,’ Amaran sighed resignedly. ‘Turns out instead of helping they wanted to make sure I wouldn’t ever summon again.’

  ‘The Kurlin-Ra?’

  ‘Hardly,’ Amaran had the same twisted smile as before. ‘They intended to make it look like a summoning accident; I was practising late at night, the demon broke free-’

  ‘-and they arrive in time to send the demon back before anyone else gets hurt but too late to save you.’ Even as she finished the sentence Seiya recalled Amaran’s own threats from that night. She wasn’t sure if made her feel better or not to know he hadn’t come up with the idea himself.

  ‘If it hadn’t been two of them,’ frustration lingered in Amaran’s voice.

  ‘What, you’d have taken on a Master when you were level five? Or was it four?’ Seiya shook her head, ‘even if you did summon a strong enough demon they’d chuck you out for breaking the rules…’ her words trailed off, something wasn’t right. The wind had died, she and Amaran were conversing normally with no need to shout.

  ‘Baltha?’ running to the front of the basket Seiya struggled to see the demon’s face, they were barely moving. The ripples that she had always assumed kept them moving were non-existent, his body seemed lifeless. Momentarily they were suspended in the air, hanging completely motionless.


  Seiya screamed as the demon fell towards them, crumpling as if unconscious the claws stayed firmly locked around the basket handle. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion; Amaran leapt over and crushed her to the wicker as the basket tipped over, white-knuckled fingers gripping the rim either side, pinning her in place. Baltha’s serpentine body plunged past, barely avoiding colliding with the basket and smashing it to pieces. Suddenly they were plummeting towards the ground, Amaran’s grim hold assisted by the dive itself, forcing them upwards towards the floor of the upside-down basket.

  As her body acclimatised to the familiar sensation of falling Seiya’s initial terror started to recede. Reaching out her mind she could still sense only silence from Baltha and cursed using a request summoning. With no physical bindings she couldn’t haul the unconscious demon through the air, not that she was even certain such a thing was possible. Glancing at Amaran she gave up all hope of help, his hands were locked to the basket, eyes staring at the ground rushing towards them. After his initial brave leap he now seemed frozen in place, all thoughts of summoning gone. Not that he’d have the time, Seiya added to herself as her power surged to form a gateway below, concentrating on trying to estimate not only their speed but how quickly a demon could appear. Forcing her panicking mind to form coherent pictures she sent across her plea for help, never doubting the demons would respond instantly. Her only concern was if they would be able to help; would another flying demon be strong enough to stop Baltha’s fall?

  ‘Hold your breath!’ Seiya searched madly for the demon speaking to her but could see nothing as the gateway faded.

  ‘Now!’ It wasn’t the command that shocked Seiya into obeying but the overwhelming blaze of magical power that enveloped them. Air elemental, her mind made the connection just as she started to struggle to breathe. Amaran was gasping as well, his chest heaving desperately as he tried to suck air into his lungs. Except it wasn’t air anymore, first it was like trying to breathe water, then Seiya began to believe she was a
ttempting to inhale syrup.

  ‘I’m making the air thick enough to slow your fall,’ the demon’s voice barely managed to cut through Seiya’s growing hysteria. ‘You MUST stop trying to breathe!’

  Nodding helplessly Seiya instinctively went to take a deep breath before holding it; and instantly found there was nothing to draw into her lungs. Panic swept through her as she saw Amaran’s grip start to loosen, his mouth gaping like a fish left on the shore, but there was no air left in her lungs to speak.

  ‘Nearly there!’ Dimly Seiya noted that the demon had given up trying to explain, all she knew was her lungs were burning. Desperately she pounded on Amaran’s chest, blindly trying to escape from where she was pinioned, completely oblivious to the fact wind no longer rushed past her, that they were no longer pinned to the basket. If only she could find air…

  ‘Done,’ Seiya felt the demon’s relief as the basket bumped into something solid, the air reverting to normal. Both she and Amaran tumbled out on their hands and knees, gulping greedily as if the precious atmosphere might once more solidify around them.

  ‘Baltha!’ as soon as she could stand Seiya rushed to the demon’s side, working her way along the unmoving form until she reached his enormous head. The huge eyes were closed, black lids instead of amber orbs, but she was relieved to feel warm air brush softly past her arm, Baltha was still breathing.

  ‘He is only tired,’ the elemental assured her. Searching around Seiya felt rather than saw the demon hovering beside her, though she could sense its aura was that of a high rank it had almost no physical presence, a strange lump of disembodied mist. There were no discernible features, though somehow she knew it was smiling at her.

  ‘Even if you could have bound him it would have done you no good,’ the demon reprimanded her firmly, Seiya wasn’t even aware she’d broadcast her earlier thoughts. ‘They fly by using the same technique to thicken the air, once unconscious their power stops flowing. Besides,’ the demon could obviously sense her uncertainty, ‘if you’d had a full summoning you wouldn’t have been able to call me.’


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