The Darkest Days of the War- the Battles of Iuka and Corinth
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6 Comte de Paris,Civil War, 2:405; Ulysses S. Grant,Memoirs, 381-82; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” inReport of the Joint Committee, 3:17; Lamers, Edgeof Glory, 92-93; Rosecrans, “Battle of Corinth,” 737; Dyer,Compendium, 1:476.
7 Lamers, Edge 0/G/orj/, 93; Warner,Generals in Blue, 198-99.
8 Basler,Collected Works of Lincoln, 5:312-13; Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln, 5:354-56; Ulysses S. Grant,Memoirs, 1:392 —93; McFeely,Grant, 119-20.
9 Ulysses S. Grant,Memoirs, 1:393-94; Comte de Paris,Civil War, 2:396.
10 McCord, “Battle of Corinth,” 569-70; Oi? 17(2): 142-44; Comte de Paris,Civil War, 2:396-97; Ulysses S. Grant,Memoirs, 1:394-97; Simon, GrawfPapers, 5:255-56, 278; Shanks,Recollections, 122; Lamers, Edge°f Glory, 95-96; Rosecrans, “Battle of Corinth,” 740; Stanley,Memoirs, 107-8.
11 Rosecrans, “Battle of Corinth,” 740; Comte de Paris,Civil War, 2 ^05; McCord, “Battle of Corinth,” 573; Stanley,Memoirs, 107-8; Payne, “Sixth Missouri,” 464-65; Alonzo L. Brown,Fourth Minnesota, 112-13; OR 17(1): 247; Charles H. Smith, Fuller’s Ohio Brigade, 75.
1 Snead, “With Price,” 725; Fauntleroy, “Elk Horn to Vicksburg,” 23-24; OR 17(2) 644-46; Castel,Price and the War, 92; Gottschalk,In Deadly Earnest, 117.
2 OR 17(1):382-83 and (2):683-85; Snead, “With Price,” 726.
3 Anderson,Memoirs, 114; Bevier,First and Second Missouri Brigades, 124, 333; Castel, “Little Diary,” 5, 41-45; Castel,Price and the War, 93; Maury, “Campaign against Grant,” 289.
4 Tunnard,Southern Record, 28-29.
5 Barron,Lone Star Defenders, 98-99; Tunnard,Southern Record, 28-29; Cater,As It Was, 137; Houston Tri-Weekly Telegraph, July 16, 1862; Anderson,Memoirs, 212-16.
6 Connelly, Army of the Heartland, 187-96.
7 Snead, “With Price,” 725-26; Archer Jones, Confederate Strategy, 63-64; William C. Davis, Jefferson Davis, 463; Connelly, Army of the Heartland, 207; Woodworth, Davis and His Generals, 136-37; Maury, “Campaign against Grant,” 286; OR i7(2):626-29, 637, 654, 656.
8 Snead, “With Price,” 727.
9 OR 17(2):663,665.
10 Snead, “With Price,” 727; Oi? 17(2):662.
11 Kenneth P. Williams, Lincoln Finds a General, 4:4-5,11-13; Fiske, Mississippi Valley, 137-40.
12 Castel, “Little Diary,” 44; OR 17(1): 120 and (2):663-64, 667, 675-77; Snead, “With Price,” 727; Hartje, Van Dorn, 209.
13 Maury, “Campaign against Grant,” 286; OR 17(1): 120 and (2):675-76, 681-82; Hartje, Van Dorn, 210-11; Snead, “With Price,” 728.
14 J. P. Young, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, 45; OR 17(1):47-48, 120, and (2): 682; Comte de Paris, Civil War, 2:399.
15 Simon, Grant Papers, 5:289-90, 308, 310-11, 327-28, and 6:4; Lamers, Edge of Glory, 99; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:17-18; William Starke Rosecrans to John Rawlins, August 12, 1862, Rosecrans Papers, UCLA.
16 OR i6(2):3I5 and 17(2): 176-79; Simon, Grant Papers, 5:289-98, 302-6; Ulysses S. Grant, Memoirs, 1:397; Rosecrans, “Battle of Corinth,” 738; Lamers, Edge of Glory, 98.
17 OR 17(1):65 and (2):189-95; Simon, Grant Papers, 6:5-10, 12-13; Ulysses S. Grant, Memoirs, 1:401.
18 Simon, Grant Papers, 6:10-11; J. P. Young, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, 47; Throne, Boyd Diary, 65-66.
19 OR 17(1):51-52; J. P. Young, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, 47.
1 Hartje, Van Dorn, 210; OR (i):i2i and (2)1685, 687-88, 890.
2 Carlisle Diary, 2, NMMA; Castel, “Little Diary,” 45; OR 17(1): 376 and (2): 691-97; Tunnard, Southern Record, 181; Hartje, Van Dorn, 210-11.
3 Simon, Grant Papers-, “Rosecrans’s Testimony,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18; Lamers, Edge of Glory, 98-99; OR 17(2): 206.
4 OR 17(2): 694-98.
5 Mattox, “Chronicle,” 208; Hubbell, “Diary,” 97; Castel, “Little Diary,” 45; Wright Schaumburg to his wife, October 9, 1862, Schaumburg-Wright Family Papers, HNOC.
6 Tunnard, Southern Record, 181; Anderson, Memoirs, 217; Carlisle Diary, 2, NMMA; Hubbell, “Diary,” 98; Fauntleroy, “Elk Horn to Vicksburg,” 29; Frederick, “Porter Diary,” 302; Albert McCollom to his parents, September 24, 1862, McCollom Papers, ArU; Absalom F. Dantzler to his wife, September 18, 1862, Dantzler Letters, DU; Castel, “Little Diary,” 45.
7 j. Simon, Grant Papers, 6:27-28, 30-31; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” inReport of the Joint Committee, 3:18 ; OR 17(2): 34-35; Charles H. Smith,Fuller’s Ohio Brigade, 76; “Correspondence of Wisconsin Volunteers,” 4:115, 117, Quiner Papers, WiHS; Van Eman, “Iuka.”
8 OR 17(2): 702; Fauntleroy, “Elk Horn to Vicksburg,” 29-30; Tyler Diary, September 13, 1862, WiHS; Albert McCollom to his parents, September 24, 1862, McCollom Papers, ArU; Barron,Lone Star Defenders, 104; Tunnard,Southern Record, 181-82; Castel, “Little Diary,” 45-46.
9 Lamers, Edge of Glory, 45-46; Scott,Four Years’ Service, 13; Barron,Lone Star Defenders, 104; Albert McCollom to his parents, September 24, 1862, McCollom Papers, ArU; Banks, “Letters,” 143; Castel, “Little Diary,” 46.
10 Anderson, Memoirs, 219; Robert Kepner to his sister, September 22, 1862, Mead Family Papers, IaU; “Correspondence of Wisconsin Volunteers,” 4:117, Quiner Papers, WiHS.
11 Nabors,Old Tishomingo County, 39-40, 42; Griggs,Opening of the Mississippi, 105-6; Bevier, First and Second Missouri Brigades, 125; “Correspondence of Wisconsin Volunteers,” 4:117, Quiner Papers, WiHS; map of Iuka in Hamilton Papers, IU; Ingersoll, Iowa and the Rebellion, 101.
12“Correspondence of Wisconsin Volunteers,” 4:115-18, Quiner Papers, WiHS; Alonzo L. Brown,Fourth Minnesota, 76; Kitchens,Rosecrans Meets Price, 41-50.
13 OR 17(2):702; Scott,Four Years’ Service, 13; Solomon Scrapbook, 387, DU; Fauntleroy, “Elk Horn to Vicksburg,” 30; Bevier, First and Second Missouri Brigades, 332; Barron, Lone Star Defenders, 105; Tunnard, Southern Record, 181.
14 William B. McGrorty to his wife, September 16, 1862, McGrorty Papers, MnHS; Anderson, Memoirs, 218-19; Helm, “Close Fighting,” 171; Rawlins Diary, September 15, 1862, University of North Texas; Fay, This Infernal War, 158.
15 Jackson Mississippian, September 24, 1862; Simpson Diary, September 14, 1862, Mississippi Department of Archives and History; Fauntleroy, “Elk Horn to Vicksburg,” 30; Tunnard, Southern Record, 182; Carlisle Diary, 3, NMMA; Anderson, Memoirs, 219; Bevier, First and Second Missouri Brigades, 132.
16 Castel, “Little Diary,” 46; Barron,Lone Star Defenders, 104-5; Anderson,Memoirs, 219; Absalom F. Dantzler to his wife, September 18, 1862, Dantzler Letters, DU; Hubbell, “Diary,” 98.
17 Kitchens,Rosecrans Meets Price, 60-61; Snead, “With Price,” 731; Castel,Price and the War, 97-98; OR 17(2):702-3.
18 OR 17(2):696-98.
19 Woodworth, Davis and His Generals, 152-54; OR 17(2): 698, 707; Castel, Price and the War, 98.
20 OR 17(2):214, 224; Lamers, Edge of Glory, 99-100.
21 OR 17(1):65; Edward A. Webb to his sister, September 16, 1862, Webb Papers, WRHS; Simon, Grant Papers, 6:38-42.
22 Simon, Grant Papers, 6:38, 44, 63; OR 17(1):65 and (2):214; William B. McGrorty to his wife, September 16, 1862, McGrorty Papers, MnHS.
23 “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18; Throne, Boyd Diary, 66-68; Clark, Downing’s Diary, 60, 68; OR 17(2): 221.
24 Warner, Generals in Blue, 338; Cromwell Memoirs, 2, ISHL; John W. Fuller to David Sloane Stanley, August 23, 1887, West-Stanley-Wright Family Papers, USAMHI.
25 Warner, Generals in Blue, 338; John W. Fuller to David Sloane Stanley, August 23, 1887, West-Stanley-Wright Family Papers, USAMHI; Cromwell Memoirs, 2, ISHL; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18; Joseph A. Mower to William Starke Rosecrans, September 16, 1862, Rosecrans Papers, UCLA; Bryner, Bugle Echoes, 51; Tyler Diary, September 16, 1862, WiHS; Hubbell, “Diary,” 98.
26 Anderson, Memoirs, 220; Tunnard, Southern Record, 182; OR 17(1): 136.
27 OR 17(1): 136, 223-24; Hubbell, “Di
ary,” 98; Throne, Boyd Diary, 66; Chance, Second Texas, 58; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18.
28 “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18; OR 17(1): 117 and (2): 224; Lamers, Edge of Glory, 101.
29 Simon, Grant Papers, 6:51; OR 17(1):65, 117-18; Comte de Paris, Civil War, 2:401; Ulysses S. Grant, Memoirs, 1:408.
30 “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18; Lamers, Edge of Glory, 104; OR 17(1): 66; Charles S. Hamilton to William Starke Rosecrans, September 18,1862, Rosecrans Papers, UCLA; Simon, Grant Papers, 6:58; Ulysses S. Grant, Memoirs, 1 :408-10; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 734.
31 Lamers, Edge of Glory, 103; Comte de Paris, Civil War, 2:401; Simon, Grant Papers, 6:56; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18.
32 Throne, Boyd Diary, 66. Boyd incorrectly dates this entry as September 16. See also Clark, Downing s Diary, 69, and Tyler Diary, September 17, 1862, WiHS.
1 OR 17(1):376—77, 441, 453, and (2):70i, 703-4; Hartje, Van Dorn, 212-13; Snead, “With Price,” 732.
2 OR 17(2): 707; Stirman, In Fine Spirits, 48; Hubbell, “Diary,” 98; Castel, “Little Diary,” 46.
3 OR 17(1): 121 and (2)1708; John Tyler to William L. Yancey, October 15, 1862, WHMC-Columbia.
4 OR 17(1): 66; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18.
5 Simon, Grant Papers, 6:64-65; OR 17(1):66, 118.
6 “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18; OR 17(1): 66; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 8.
7 Ulysses S. Grant, Memoirs, 1:411; OR 17(1): 67; Lamers, Edge of Glory, 106-7; Simon, Grant Papers, 6:65-66.
8 Albert McCollom to his parents, September 24, 1862, McCollom Papers, ArU; Castel, “Little Diary,” 46; OR 17(1) : 121-22; Jackson Mississippian, undated clipping in Solomon Scrapbook, 387, DU; Griscom, Fighting with Ross’ Texas Cavalry, 43.
9 Milwaukee Sentinel, September 26, 1862; Charles H. Smith, Fuller’s Ohio Brigade, 76-77; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18; Byers, “Men in Battle,” 11-12; ORJohn R. R Martin to his mother, September 21, 1862, Historical Files, Vicksburg National Military Park Library.
10 Milwaukee Sentinel, September 26, 1862; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18; OR 17(1):69, 94, 105, 116.
11 OR 17(1): 138; Pierce, Second Iowa Cavalry, 30.
12 OR 17(1):94, 116; John Miller Diary, September 19, 1862, Miller Family Papers, Michigan State University; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 8-9.
13 Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 9; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 734; OR 17(1)169.
14 Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 80; OR 17(1): 69; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:18-19; Theophilus S. Dickey to his wife, September 21, 1862, Wallace-Dickey Papers, ISHL.
15 Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 9; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 80; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 734; OR 17(1) :69, 90, 94.
16 William Starke Rosecrans to John W. Fuller, September 19, 1878, Rosecrans Papers, UCLA; “Rosecrans’s Campaigns,” in Report of the Joint Committee, 3:19.
1 Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 80-81; OR 17(1): 113, 116; McDonald, luka’s History, 11, 15.
2 OR 17(1):90, 94, 116; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 80-81; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 735; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 9.
3 Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, 131; Warner, Generals in Blue, 315.
4 Byers, “Men in Battle,” 12; Campbell Diary, September 19, 1862, WRHS; OR 17(1): 90, 94, 99; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 81; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 9; McDonald, Iuka’s History, 15.
5 McDonald, luka’s History, 15; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 81-82; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 9; Stark County Democrat, October 8, 1862; William D. Evans to Caroline, September 26, 1862, Evans Papers, WRHS; Stirman, In Fine Spirits, 48; OR 17(1) 190, 99, 103-4; Moore, Rebellion Record, 4:484; Dean, Twenty-sixth Missouri, 3; Van Eman, “Iuka.”
6 Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 82; OR 17(1) ’.90; Moore, Rebellion Record, 5:484; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 734.
7 Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 82; Comte de Paris, Civil War, 2:402; J. H. Greene, Reminiscences, 29; OR 17(1)-.90, 97, 104; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 734; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 9; Helm, “Close Fighting,” 171.
8 OR 17(1): 122, 124; Wright Schaumburg to his wife, October 9, 1862, Schaumburg-Wright Family Papers, HNOC; Snead, “With Price,” 732; McDonald, Iuka’s History, 15.
9 OR 17(1): 124; Carlisle Diary, 2, NMMA.
10 Jackson Mississippian, September 24, 1862.
11 OR 17(1): 124, 130; Tunnard, Southern Record, 182; Rose, Ross’ Texas Brigade, 70.
12 Helm, “Close Fighting,” 171; Rose, Ross’ Texas Brigade, 72, 97; Anderson, Memoirs, 222.
13 OR 17(1): 130; McDonald, luka’s History, 15; Bearss, Decision in Mississippi, 42; Anderson, Memoirs, 222.
14 Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 9-10; OR 17(1) 190, 104; Dean, Twenty-sixth Missouri, 3; Stone, Boomer Memoir, 235; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 735.
15 Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 82-83; Campbell Diary, September 19, 1862, WRHS; OR 17(1)195; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 735.
16 Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 19; Neil, Battery at Close Quarters, 8-9; Sears, Eleventh Ohio Battery, 1; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 83.
17 OR 17(1): 97; Kitchens, Rosecrans Meets Price, 100.
18 OR 17(i):90, 101; Dyer, Compendium, 3:1, 297; McDonald, Iukas History, 16; Reeves Diary, September 19, 1862, Reeves Papers, MnHS; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 84-86, 98-100, and “Fourth Minnesota at Iuka”; William M. Davis, “Iuka.”
19 OR 17(1):90, 97, 102, 130; Dean, Twenty-sixth Missouri, 3; Moore, Rebellion Record, 5:484.
20 OR 17(1)97; Campbell Diary, September 19, 1862, WRHS; Allen, “Iuka”; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 735.
21 OR 17(1)173, 99, 105, 113; Campbell Diary, September 19, 1862, WRHS; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 10; Bearss, Decision in Mississippi, 39.
22 Leonard Brown, American Patriotism, 178; OR 17(1)173, 105; Kibbe, “Iuka and Corinth”; Kenderdinn, “Fired on Friends.”
23 Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, 215,220; Members of the Twelfth Wisconsin Battery to Brigadier General Charles Hamilton, October 26, 1862, and M. H. Watson to Hamilton, July 18, 1862, both in Hamilton Papers, IU; Immell, “Iuka and Corinth”; OR 17(1):80 107, 130; William M. Davis, “Iuka.”
24 OR 17(1)186, 105, in; Frost, Tenth Missouri, 70, 76.
25 Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 10; OR 17(1)195, 97; “Correspondence of Wisconsin Volunteers,” 4:116, Quiner Papers, WiHS.
1 Also known as the Twenty-seventh Texas Cavalry.
2 Tunnard, Southern Record, 184; OR 17(1): 125, 127, 129; Campbell Diary, September 19, 20, 1862, WRHS.
3 OR 17(1): 122, 124, 131, and (2):708; Snead, “With Price,” 732; McDonald, Iuka’s History, 16.
4 OR 17(1): 127, 129, 131-32, 134—35; Jackson Mississippian, September 24, 1862; McDonald, Iuka’s History, 16; Tunnard, Southern Record, 183-84; Bearss, Decision in Mississippi, 42, places the entire brigade in a single line.
5 OR 17(1): 125, 127, 133; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 12; Smith and Smith, Colonel Gilbert, 172.
6 OR 17(1): 128; Barron, Lone Star Defenders, 106-7; Tunnard, Southern Record, 184-85; Helm, “Close Fighting,” 171; J. H. Greene, Reminiscences, 29.
7 Moore, Rebellion Record, 5:484; OR i7(i):i28-29; Barron, Lone Star Defenders, 107; Tunnard, Southern Record, 183.
8 OR 17(1): 97; Moore, Rebellion Record, 5:484; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 88-89; Barron, Lowe Star Defenders, 107; Helm, “Close Fighting,” 171; Sears, Eleventh Ohio Battery, 1.
9 John Risedorph to Lucy, September 26, 1862, Risedorph Papers, MnHS; OR 17(1):97, 128-29; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 89; McDonald, luka’s History, 16-17; Rose, Texa
s Brigade, 95-96; Helm, “Close Fighting,” 171; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 13.
10 OR 17(1): 100, 129; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 89, 91; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 13.
11 OR 17(1): 129; Helm, “Close Fighting,” 171.
12 Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, 134; Campbell Diary, September 19, 1862, WRHS; Dodge, “Man of Iuka”; OR 17(1)199; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 87-88; Byers, Iowa in War Times, 152; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 13; Tunnard, Southern Record, 185.
13 OR 17(1):99; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 88; Byers, Iowa in War Times, 154-55, and With Fire and Sword, 31-32; Sanborn, Descriptions of Battles, 13; Tunnard, Southern Record, 185; Moore, Rebellion Record, 5:484.
14 OR 17(1): 102-3; Moore, Rebellion Record, 5:484; Alonzo L. Brown, Fourth Minnesota, 91; Stone, Boomer Memoir, 236.
15 St. Paul Pioneer Press, January 14, 1884; Moore, Rebellion Record, 5:484; OR 17(1)195, 103; Dean, Twenty-sixth Missouri, 4-6.
16 Allen, “Iuka”; Moore, Rebellion Record, 5:484; OR 17(1): 103-4.
17 OR 17(1):95, 99, 127-28; Allen, “Hot Little Fight.”
18 Beyer and Keydel, Deeds of Valor, 1:92-93; Neil, Battery at Close Quarters, 10; Sears, “nth Ohio Battery at Iuka” and Eleventh Ohio Battery, 3; Rose, Ross’ Texas Brigade, 71.
19 Sears, “nth Ohio Battery at Iuka” and Eleventh Ohio Battery, 2-3; Neil, Battery at Close Quarters, 10-11; Rose, Ross’ Texas Brigade, 71.
20 Helm, “Close Fighting,” 171; Barron, Lone Star Defenders, 107; OR 17(1): 128-29.
21 Neil, Battery at Close Quarters, n, 14; Sears, “nth Ohio Battery at Iuka.”
1 OR 17(1): 123, 127, 129; Rose, Ross’ Texas Brigade, 71.
2 OR 17(1): 122, 125, 136; Hamilton, “Iuka,” 735; Von Phul, “Little’s Burial,” 213; Philip T. Tucker, Fighting Chaplain, 81-82; Bevier, First and Second Missouri Brigades, 333; Snead, “With Price,” 732; Rose, Ross’ Texas Brigade, 70; McDonald, luka’s History, 16; Jackson Mississippian, September 24, 1862; Castel, “Little Diary,” 46; Anderson, Memoirs, 222.