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The Leavenworth Case

Page 24

by Anna Katharine Green


  “Oft expectation fails, and most oft there Where most it promises; and oft it hits Where Hope is coldest, and Despair most sits.” --All’s Well that Ends Well.

  WHEN I told Mr. Gryce I only waited for the determination of one fact,to feel justified in throwing the case unreservedly into his hands,I alluded to the proving or disproving of the supposition that HenryClavering had been a guest at the same watering-place with EleanoreLeavenworth the summer before.

  When, therefore, I found myself the next morning with the Visitor Bookof the Hotel Union at R---- in my hands, it was only by the strongesteffort of will I could restrain my impatience. The suspense, however,was short. Almost immediately I encountered his name, written not halfa page below those of Mr. Leavenworth and his nieces, and, whatevermay have been my emotion at finding my suspicions thus confirmed, Irecognized the fact that I was in the possession of a clue which wouldyet lead to the solving of the fearful problem which had been imposedupon me.

  Hastening to the telegraph office, I sent a message for the man promisedme by Mr. Gryce, and receiving for an answer that he could not be withme before three o’clock, started for the house of Mr. Monell, a clientof ours, living in R----. I found him at home and, during our interviewof two hours, suffered the ordeal of appearing at ease and interestedin what he had to say, while my heart was heavy with its firstdisappointment and my brain on fire with the excitement of the work thenon my hands.

  I arrived at the depot just as the train came in.

  There was but one passenger for R----, a brisk young man, whose wholeappearance differed so from the description which had been given me ofQ that I at once made up my mind he could not be the man I was lookingfor, and was turning away disappointed, when he approached, and handedme a card on which was inscribed the single character “?” Even then Icould not bring myself to believe that the slyest and most successfulagent in Mr. Gryce’s employ was before me, till, catching his eye, I sawsuch a keen, enjoyable twinkle sparkling in its depths that all doubtfled, and, returning his bow with a show of satisfaction, I remarked:

  “You are very punctual. I like that.”

  He gave another short, quick nod. “Glad, sir, to please you. Punctualityis too cheap a virtue not to be practised by a man on the lookout fora rise. But what orders, sir? Down train due in ten minutes; no time tospare.”

  “Down train? What have we to do with that?”

  “I thought you might wish to take it, sir. Mr. Brown”--winkingexpressively at the name, “always checks his carpet-bag for home when hesees me coming. But that is your affair; I am not particular.”

  “I wish to do what is wisest under the circumstances.”

  “Go home, then, as speedily as possible.” And he gave a third sharp nodexceedingly business-like and determined.

  “If I leave you, it is with the understanding that you bring yourinformation first to me; that you are in my employ, and in that of noone else for the time being; and that _mum_ is the word till I give youliberty to speak.”

  “Yes, sir. When I work for Brown & Co. I do not work for Smith & Jones.That you can count on.”

  “Very well then, here are your instructions.”

  He looked at the paper I handed him with a certain degree of care, thenstepped into the waiting-room and threw it into the stove, saying ina low tone: “So much in case I should meet with some accident: have anapoplectic fit, or anything of that sort.”


  “Oh, don’t worry; I sha’n’t forget. I’ve a memory, sir. No need ofanybody using pen and paper with me.”

  And laughing in the short, quick way one would expect from a person ofhis appearance and conversation, he added: “You will probably hear fromme in a day or so,” and bowing, took his brisk, free way down the streetjust as the train came rushing in from the West.

  My instructions to Q were as follows:

  1. To find out on what day, and in whose company, the Misses Leavenwortharrived at R---- the year before. What their movements had been whilethere, and in whose society they were oftenest to be seen. Also the dateof their departure, and such facts as could be gathered in regard totheir habits, etc.

  2. Ditto in respect to a Mr. Henry Clavering, fellow-guest and probablefriend of said ladies.

  3. Name of individual fulfilling the following requirements: Clergyman,Methodist, deceased since last December or thereabouts, who in July ofSeventy-five was located in some town not over twenty miles from R----.

  4. Also name and present whereabouts of a man at that time in service ofthe above.

  To say that the interval of time necessary to a proper inquiry intothese matters was passed by me in any reasonable frame of mind, would beto give myself credit for an equanimity of temper which I unfortunatelydo not possess. Never have days seemed so long as the two whichinterposed between my return from R---- and the receipt of the followingletter:


  “Individuals mentioned arrived in R---- July 3, 1875. Party consistedof four; the two ladies, their uncle, and the girl named Hannah.Uncle remained three days, and then left for a short tour throughMassachusetts. Gone two weeks, during which ladies were seen moreor less with the gentleman named between us, but not to an extentsufficient to excite gossip or occasion remark, when said gentlemanleft R---- abruptly, two days after uncle’s return. Date July 19. As tohabits of ladies, more or less social. They were always to be seenat picnics, rides, etc., and in the ballroom. M---- liked best.E----considered grave, and, towards the last of her stay, moody. It isremembered now that her manner was always peculiar, and that she wasmore or less shunned by her cousin.

  However, in the opinion of one girl still to be found at the hotel, shewas the sweetest lady that ever breathed. No particular reason for thisopinion. Uncle, ladies, and servants left R---- for New York, August 7,1875.

  “2. H. C. arrived at the hotel in R----July 6, 1875, in-company with Mr.and Mrs. Vandervort, friends of the above. Left July 19, two weeks fromday of arrival. Little to be learned in regard to him. Remembered as thehandsome gentleman who was in the party with the L. girls, and that isall.

  “3. F----, a small town, some sixteen or seventeen miles from R----, hadfor its Methodist minister, in July of last year, a man who has sincedied, Samuel Stebbins by name. Date of decease, Jan. 7 of this year.

  “4. Name of man in employ of S. S. at that time is Timothy Cook. Hehas been absent, but returned to P---- two days ago. Can be seen ifrequired.”

  “Ah, ha!” I cried aloud at this point, in my sudden surprise andsatisfaction; “now we have something to work upon!” And sitting down Ipenned the following reply:

  “T. C. wanted by all means. Also any evidence going to prove that H.C. and E. L. were married at the house of Mr. S. on any day of July orAugust last.”

  Next morning came the following telegram:

  “T. C. on the road. Remembers a marriage. Will be with you by 2 p.m.”

  At three o’clock of that same day, I stood before Mr. Gryce. “I am hereto make my report,” I announced.

  The flicker of a smile passed over his face, and he gazed for the firsttime at his bound-up finger-ends with a softening aspect which must havedone them good. “I’m ready,” said he.

  “Mr. Gryce,” I began, “do you remember the conclusion we came to at ourfirst interview in this house?”

  “I remember the _one you_ came to.”

  “Well, well,” I acknowledged a little peevishly, “the one I came to,then. It was this: that if we could find to whom Eleanore Leavenworthfelt she owed her best duty and love, we should discover the man whomurdered her uncle.”

  “And do you imagine you have done this?”

  “I do.”

  His eyes stole a little nearer my face. “Well! that is good; go on.”

  “When I undertook this business of clearing Eleanore Leavenworth fromsuspicion,” I resumed, “it was with the premonition that this personwould prove to be her lov
er; but I had no idea he would prove to be herhusband.”

  Mr. Gryce’s gaze flashed like lightning to the ceiling.

  “What!” he ejaculated with a frown.

  “The lover of Eleanore Leavenworth is likewise her husband,” I repeated.“Mr. Clavering holds no lesser connection to her than that.”

  “How have you found that out?” demanded Mr. Gryce, in a harsh tone thatargued disappointment or displeasure.

  “That I will not take time to state. The question is not how I becameacquainted with a certain thing, but is what I assert in regard to ittrue. If you will cast your eye over this summary of events gleaned byme from the lives of these two persons, I think you will agree with methat it is.” And I held up before his eyes the following:

  “During the two weeks commencing July 6, of the year 1875, and endingJuly 19, of the same year, Henry R. Clavering, of London, and EleanoreLeavenworth, of New York, were guests of the same hotel. _ Fact provedby Visitor Book of the Hotel Union at R_----, _New York._

  “They were not only guests of the same hotel, but are known to haveheld more or less communication with each other. _Fact proved by suchservants now employed in R---- as were in the hotel at that time._

  “July 19. Mr. Clavering left R---- abruptly, a circumstance that wouldnot be considered remarkable if Mr. Leavenworth, whose violent antipathyto Englishmen as husbands is publicly known, had not just returned froma journey.

  “July 30. Mr. Clavering was seen in the parlor of Mr. Stebbins, theMethodist minister at F----, a town about sixteen miles from R----,where he was married to a lady of great beauty. _Proved by Timothy Cook,a man in the employ of Mr. Stebbins, who was called in from the gardento witness the ceremony and sign a paper supposed to be a certificate._

  “July 31. Mr. Clavering takes steamer for Liverpool. _Proved bynewspapers of that date._

  “September. Eleanore Leavenworth in her uncle’s house in New York,conducting herself as usual, but pale of face and preoccupied in manner._Proved by servants then in her service._ Mr. Clavering in London;watches the United States mails with eagerness, but receives no letters.Fits up room elegantly, as for a lady. _Proved by secret communicationfrom London._

  “November. Miss Leavenworth still in uncle’s house. No publicationof her marriage ever made. Mr. Clavering in London; shows signs ofuneasiness; the room prepared for lady closed. _Proved as above._

  “January 17, 1876. Mr. Clavering, having returned to America, engagesroom at Hoffman House, New York.

  “March 1 or 2. Mr. Leavenworth receives a letter signed by HenryClavering, in which he complains of having been ill-used by one of thatgentleman’s nieces. A manifest shade falls over the family at this time.

  “March 4. Mr. Clavering under a false name inquires at the door of Mr.Leavenworth’s house for Miss Eleanore Leavenworth. _Proved by Thomas.’”_

  “March 4th?” exclaimed Mr. Gryce at this point. “That was the night ofthe murder.-”

  “Yes; the Mr. Le Roy Robbins said to have called that evening was noneother than Mr. Clavering.”

  “March 19. Miss Mary Leavenworth, in a conversation with me,acknowledges that there is a secret in the family, and is just upon thepoint of revealing its nature, when Mr. Clavering enters the house. Uponhis departure she declares her unwillingness ever to mention the subjectagain.”

  Mr. Gryce slowly waved the paper aside. “And from these facts you drawthe inference that Eleanore Leavenworth is the wife of Mr. Clavering?”

  “I do.”

  “And that, being his wife----”

  “It would be natural for her to conceal anything she knew likely tocriminate him.”

  “Always supposing Clavering himself had done anything criminal!”

  “Of course.”

  “Which latter supposition you now propose to justify!”

  “Which latter supposition it is left for _us_ to justify.”

  A peculiar gleam shot over Mr. Gryce’s somewhat abstracted countenance.“Then you have no new evidence against Mr. Clavering?”

  “I should think the fact just given, of his standing in the relation ofunacknowledged husband to the suspected party was something.”

  “No positive evidence as to his being the assassin of Mr. Leavenworth, Imean?”

  I was obliged to admit I had none which he would consider positive. “ButI can show the existence of motive; and I can likewise show it was notonly possible, but probable, he was in the house at the time of themurder.”

  “Ah, you can!” cried Mr. Gryce, rousing a little from his abstraction.

  “The motive was the usual one of self-interest. Mr. Leavenworth stoodin the way of Eleanore’s acknowledging him as a husband, and he musttherefore be put out of the way.”


  “Motives for murders are sometimes weak.”

  “The motive for this was not. Too much calculation was shown for the armto have been nerved by anything short of the most deliberate intention,founded upon the deadliest necessity of passion or avarice.”


  “One should never deliberate upon the causes which have led to thedestruction of a rich man without taking into account that most commonpassion of the human race.”


  “Let us hear what you have to say of Mr. Clavering’s presence in thehouse at the time of the murder.”

  I related what Thomas the butler had told me in regard to Mr.Clavering’s call upon Miss Leavenworth that night, and the lack of proofwhich existed as to his having left the house when supposed to do so.

  “That is worth remembering,” said Mr. Gryce at the conclusion.“Valueless as direct evidence, it might prove of great value ascorroborative.” Then, in a graver tone, he went on to say: “Mr. Raymond,are you aware that in all this you have been strengthening the caseagainst Eleanore Leavenworth instead of weakening it?”

  I could only ejaculate, in my sudden wonder and dismay.

  “You have shown her to be secret, sly, and unprincipled; capable ofwronging those to whom she was most bound, her uncle and her husband.”

  “You put it very strongly,” said I, conscious of a shocking discrepancybetween this description of Eleanore’s character and all that I hadpreconceived in regard to it.

  “No more so than your own conclusions from this story warrant me indoing.” Then, as I sat silent, murmured low, and as if to himself:“If the case was dark against her before, it is doubly so with thissupposition established of her being the woman secretly married to Mr.Clavering.”

  “And yet,” I protested, unable to give up my hope without a struggle;“you do not, cannot, believe the noble-looking Eleanore guilty of thishorrible crime?”

  “No,” he slowly said; “you might as well know right here what I thinkabout that. I believe Eleanore Leavenworth to be an innocent woman.”

  “You do? Then what,” I cried, swaying between joy at this admission anddoubt as to the meaning of his former expressions, “remains to be done?”

  Mr. Gryce quietly responded: “Why, nothing but to prove your suppositiona false one.”


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