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Violent Circle Comedy Series Box Set

Page 18

by S. M. Shade

  “Or maybe.” I stand up and take a step back away from him. “Payback is a bitch.”

  His mouth drops open and he takes a step toward me. “What?”

  “When you least expect it, remember?” I unlock the door and grin back at him. “It’s voice activated. Just tell it to come.” With a wink, I step out the door and close it behind me.

  Jani and Noble are snooping around the kitchen when I enter. “Where’s Wyatt?” Noble asks.

  “Pulling himself together,” I reply with a grin.

  Jani looks at me and her lips tilt up. She knows me. “What did you do?”

  “I told you about the time he made me think he drowned?”


  “And when he made me talk to his toaster?”

  “Oh my god. You finally got him back? What did you do?”

  Hopping up to sit on the counter, I shrug. “Nothing bad. I just gave him the penguin.”

  Jani bursts out laughing, especially when Noble asks, “What the hell is the penguin?”

  “When you blow a guy, but stop before he comes. He’ll try to chase you with his pants around his ankles.” Jani wipes her eyes. “Looks like a penguin.”

  I look up just in time to realize Wyatt is standing in the doorway, his arms crossed, fighting back a smile.

  “Truce?” I offer, sliding off the counter.

  He stalks over, making me walk backwards until I’m against the wall. His hot breath is in my ear. “You don’t want to tell them what else you were getting revenge for?” he murmurs, and my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

  The paddle. He’d better never tell them. “Don’t you dare.”

  Chuckling, he steps back. “You can get reacquainted when we get home.”

  I throw my arms around his neck. “You still love me?”

  “Always, baby.” His lips find mine in a long, intense kiss, eventually broken by Noble’s voice.

  “Why the hell were you talking to a toaster?”


  This is the first romantic comedy I’ve written without a co-author. After hearing stories about my crazy neighborhood, C.M. Owens talked me into it. So ultimately, this book is her fault. On the condition that it isn’t universally despised, she has my heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

  To my betas, Veronica Ashley, Amanda Munson, Theresa O’Reilly, Bridget McEvoy, Lissa Jay, Chantal Baxendale, and Melissa Teo. Thank you so much for pointing out the embarrassing plot holes, mistakes, and typos, and keeping me from getting too ridiculous. I realize it was a full-time job.

  The cover was created by Ally Hastings, who never fails to deliver no matter how picky I get. Thanks again, Ally.

  I need to address all the ladies in the S.M. Shade Book Group. Watching you argue over my characters and claim them as book boyfriends (I’m looking at you, Colette) never fails to make me laugh. Thanks for making the group such a fun, drama free place to hang out. I love you filthy minded bitches.

  Last, but certainly not least, thanks to all the book bloggers, page owners, and group owners who work tirelessly to help me and so many other authors get their stories out there. We couldn’t do any of this without you.

  Frat Hell

  Violent Circle: Book Two

  Copyright © 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Chapter One


  I swear this place always smells like a bar threw up in a locker room. It’s one of the few reasons I’ll be happy to move back home next year. One of the neighbors dubbed our place Frat Hell a few years ago and it isn’t far off. Probably why the name stuck.

  Denton pokes his head into my room. “Dude? Are you playing with your meat today?”

  “At eleven,” I mumble, rolling over and pulling a pillow over my head. “What time is it?”

  “Nine. The chick Kenny was banging last night didn’t leave quietly.”

  “They never do.” Kenny is the biggest man whore I’ve seen. He brings home a different woman three nights a week and isn’t all that respectful when he asks them to leave. Being awakened by a cursing, pissed off woman isn’t out of the ordinary.

  “I dragged Trey and Kenny out of bed to clean house. It’s their turn. Do you want to grab some donuts before work?”

  A loud bang shakes the apartment, followed by laughter from Kenny and Trey. Decision made. “Absolutely. Give me five minutes.”

  Denton nods and leaves me to get dressed.

  Ugh, another day arguing with customers over pork chops and ground beef. I’ve been working at the meat department of the local supercenter for over three years. Yeah, insert witty pun about handling my meat here. I swear I’ve heard them all.

  It’s not a bad job on some days. It could be worse. Trey works fast food and from the stories he tells, I’m happy to stay right where I am, at least until school ends. This was supposed to be my last year, but I’ve been offered a scholarship which will pay for me to pursue a master’s degree. It means two more years of school, but I’ve decided to do it.

  Knowing I have a future ahead of me that doesn’t include mopping up blood and tossing out rotted meat keeps me from partying as hard as the other guys, especially now, when I have to keep my GPA up to hang onto the scholarship.

  Trey and Kenny have managed to make it from their beds to the couch and recliner in the living room. “Don’t you assholes have to work?” I gripe.

  “Tonight,” Trey replies. “Kenny got fired.”

  “Again?” I laugh. “What did you do this time?” Since I’ve known him, Kenny has worked at a burger joint, the supercenter, and a car wash. His current job is—or was—as a clerk for the local drugstore.

  Kenny raises his shoulders. “Not a damn thing!”

  “You asked a woman who was buying condoms if they were for here or to go,” Trey snorts.

  “They have no sense of humor,” Kenny grumbles, grabbing the bong.

  “Seriously?” I slip on my jacket. “Already?”

  Kenny grins up at me. “Yes, dad. This is what’s known as a wake and bake. Try really hard to think back about three years and I’m sure the concept is still in there somewhere.”

  I grab the bong out of his hands and hand it to Trey. “Says the guy whose daddy pays for everything. Later, assholes.”

  Denton appears and follows me out the door, tossing back an order. “Those dishes better be fucking spotless!”

  We’re headed toward my car when Neal, my neighbor from two doors down, approaches with a red headed woman I’ve never seen before. If this is his girlfriend, he’s definitely chosen well.

  “Neal, how’s it going?” I pause on the sidewalk as they walk up to me.

  “Can’t complain. Glad the damned rain finally stopped.”

  It’s rained more in the last few days than it has for months. Neal works at the full-service car wash across town so rainy days means they close up and he doesn’t get paid.

  Smiling at the woman beside him, he continues, “I just wanted to introduce Veronica. She and her son, Aiden, just moved in to Cassidy’s old place.”

  Ah, fresh meat. The guys will be all over this poor girl. I reach and shake her hand. “I’m Noble. Welcome to the circle. Be ready for anything.”

  Her face lights up as she laughs. “Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Denton joins us and doesn’t bother to hide the way his gaze travels up and down her
body. At least he doesn’t throw out any skeevy pickup lines. “I’m Denton.” He gestures toward our apartment. “We live right there if you ever need anything.”

  Her eyes widen. “Oh, you live together?”

  I can’t help myself. And from the look on Denton’s face, he knows what’s coming. I wrap my arm around his waist and tilt my head to rest on his shoulder. “For over three years now.”

  Denton jerks away. “Don’t listen to him. He’s always—”

  I lay a finger across his lips. “Babe, shush, it’s okay. We’re in a safe place. Veronica isn’t going to judge you.” My gaze shifts to her as I say her name.

  “Of course not!” she replies brightly. “I think that’s fantastic. We’ll have to get together for dinner sometime. I don’t really know anyone here.”

  The struggle taking place on Denton’s face is priceless. Does he keep arguing and make it look like he’s in the closet, or take the opportunity to hang out with her again and then tell her the truth? Eventually, he chooses to stay quiet.

  Neal is having a hard time keeping a straight face, but she doesn’t seem to notice.

  “That sounds great. We look forward to it. It was nice meeting you, but we have to get going. Going to hit the gym before work.” I grin in Denton’s direction. “Not all of us are lucky enough to have naturally slim thighs.” Gesturing to my car, I call, “Door is unlocked, babe.”

  Veronica smiles, and she and Neal walk away while I climb into my car where my shoulder is met with Denton’s fist.

  “Asshole! She was hot!”

  “Yeah, she was.” I put the car in gear and start toward Foster’s Bakery.

  “Just because Jani keeps blowing you off doesn’t mean you have to cock block the rest of us,” he grumbles.

  “She’s not avoiding me!”

  She is. For over a month now, ever since she dared me, and I accepted. Never underestimate what a guy is willing to do to get the girl he wants. In my case, I walked a makeshift runway in bondage gear. It was cold. I don’t recommend it.

  “She lives four apartments away and you never see her,” he points out.

  “It just so happens, I’m going to her place after work today. And don’t be a sulky bitch. I’m sure Neal has already told Veronica the truth. You’d better work fast, though, before Kenny finds out there’s fresh meat in the neighborhood.”

  “Nah, he won’t fuck the ones who live too close, remember?”

  “That’s true.”

  We both order a couple of donuts and a coffee before taking a seat at a corner table. “We need to put a foot in Kenny’s ass,” Denton says. “He’s flunking out of college.”

  Sipping my lava disguised as coffee, I nod. “I heard. I’ve tried to talk to him. Everyone parties through college, but he’s taking it too far. He barely scraped through freshman year. I told him he has to find a balance, make sure his grades are a priority.”

  “Do you think you got through his thick ass skull?”

  Sighing, I shake my head. “I doubt it. All I managed to do was earn the nickname ‘Dad’.”

  Denton scoffs. “That’s half the problem. His parents pay for everything. He’s never had to worry about where his next meal is coming from. If the day comes when he’s on his own, he’ll be screwed. He’ll never find a job. He’s burned every bridge in town.”

  Kenny is a good guy. He’s always quick to help someone when they need it, but he doesn’t seem to give one shit about his future. “His parents are coming to visit next week. Maybe they can straighten him out.” I scarf down my second donut and wipe the crumbs from my mouth. “What happened with you and that chick you were seeing? You going to introduce her to the guys?”

  Denton shakes his head and groans. “Uh…no. That’s over. You know, I never put much stock in the whole blondes are stupid stereotype, but that girl was living proof.”

  “Fuck off,” I snort, running my hand through my blond hair.

  Amusement seeps into his voice as he explains. “I’m serious. The girl called nine-one-one to ask if a tablespoon is the big spoon or the little one. A cop showed up at the door to lecture her on the improper use of an emergency line. I never get embarrassed, but that shit was embarrassing.”

  Laughing, we toss our trash and head out the door. “Dodged a bullet there, it sounds like.”

  “Damn right.”

  When we return to the apartment, it’s full of pot smoke, but Trey and Kenny are busy cleaning the kitchen. I grab my name badge and head off to work.

  Kori, my manager and the biggest bitch I’ve ever met in my life, glares at me as I enter the breakroom. “The truck didn’t get put away last night,” she snaps. “The cooler is full of pallets.”

  “Good morning to you, too,” I reply cheerfully, grabbing a cup of coffee from the machine.

  I’ve learned this is the best way to get under her skin. It kills her that she can’t make me mad or upset like she can the other employees doomed to work under her. She hates me for some reason, and I know she’d love to get me fired. Fortunately, that isn’t in her power, and Niall, the manager who works above her, likes me. In fact, we play video games together online on our nights off.

  Fuming, she continues to glare at me when I take a seat across the room beside one of the cashiers. “That truck is going to put us behind!”

  “I’m not on the clock for another twenty minutes.”

  One of the general managers, Jimmy, walks in and greets me with a smile. “Noble, how are you doing?”

  “Can’t complain. I just won a scholarship to pay for two more years at college. So, it appears I won’t be putting in my notice before graduation after all.” Smiling, I take a sip of coffee and glance at Kori. “Looks like you’re stuck with me.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Jimmy sits across from me with his lunch. The shifts here are so crazy, there are employees eating lunch or hanging out in the breakroom at all hours.

  Jimmy turns to Kori. “The fresh wall is wiped out. Didn’t you get a truck last night?”

  “Yes, but apparently Noble didn’t bother to put it away.”

  Chuckling, I shrug. “It might be because I had yesterday off.”

  If Kori’s lips press together any harder, she’ll swallow herself. Jimmy’s next remark doesn’t help. “I know your closer called in, but you came in at five, didn’t you?”

  Kori, stoop so low as to actually work instead of barking orders and complaining? Never.

  “Well, I’m on at eleven, so I’d better get moving,” I announce, turning to Jimmy. “I’ll start with the fresh wall.”

  “If you ever want to make the jump over to the pharmacy, I need someone to replace Charlene,” he offers.

  Kori’s face is getting redder by the second.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’m good where I am.”

  Nothing can wipe the smile from my face as I leave the room, listening to Kori try to excuse her laziness. I can’t wait to tell the others. Three other employees work with me in the meat department, and none of us can stand Kori. She’s the definition of an awful manager. It’s no secret she fucks up every department she runs. She was front line manager, but it was a catastrophe. They promoted her to section manager and stuck her in the meat department to get rid of her, which pretty much tells you how screwed up this place is.

  Unlike my coworkers, I don’t let it get to me. This is all temporary. I’m headed for better things, and a miserable bitch who’s facing a lifetime of this place isn’t going to ruin my day. Humming, I clock in, throw on my white coat that always makes me want to play doctor, and get to work restocking the wall of fresh meat.

  Another day. Another dollar.

  Jani’s mother, Aubrey, answers the door when I knock, and lets me in with a wide smile. “Noble, Jani’s in the shower. Have a seat.”

  A reality show blares from the television as I sit on the couch across from Aubrey. “Do you two have a date?”

  “Yep. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

ey chuckles as the bathroom door pops open. “This should be interesting.”

  Jani walks into the room, wearing nothing but a towel, with another wrapped around her head in that magic way women seem to know. It looks like she walks into an invisible wall when she sees me, and her towel slips a bit at her abrupt stop.

  Aubrey steps out of the room as Jani demands, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “We have a date.”

  Huffing, she shakes her head. “No, we don’t.”

  “Think back really hard, and try to remember a magical day in October when I wore leather gear and a ball gag just for you.”

  Despite her attitude, she bites back a smile. “It was quite a sight.”

  Yeah, to the whole town. When the adult store Jani works at was throwing a fundraiser to keep them from getting tossed out of town, Jani dared me to join the lingerie show wearing bondage gear. I did it, and now she owes me a date.

  My gaze sweeps over her, and I’m glad I wore loose jeans. “So are you. Now, about that date. I have no objection to us spending it naked, but I do have another idea.”

  “Does it include finding another woman to harass endlessly?”

  Laying my palm on my heart, I get to my feet. “Harass?”

  “Yes, you know…badger, annoy, pester.”

  Sighing, I cross my arms. “I did not come here to be insulted by a giant Q-tip. Now, Cassidy told me you have the weekend off, so I’ll pick you up at ten tomorrow morning. Dress warm, it’s going to be cold where I’m taking you.”

  “You’re never going to give up, are you?”

  “One date. If you still don’t like me, I promise I’ll never bother you again.”

  Jani unfurls the towel on her head, letting her dark hair fall to her shoulders. “I like you, Noble. You just aren’t my type.”


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