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Protecting Sasha

Page 13

by Natasha L. Black

  I looked at the stranger and tried to formulate words.

  She scowled. "I know, the sandy-blonde hair suits me more, but beggars can't be choosers. This was the only wig that was under a hundred bucks."

  "That's not what I was going to say," I said, as I pulled the car back onto the road, "I was going to say that you look hot."

  Sasha kissed my cheek. "Good answer."

  Our happiness was short-lived. Once we arrived at the hospital, we had a hard time finding which room Adrian was in. By the time we got there, my whole body was tensed in anticipation of what we’d see.

  Adrian had been well enough to tell Tatiana to text me, at least. But what was the extent of his injuries?

  One look inside his hospital room and my gut clenched. Aleksi will pay for this.

  Adrian had two black eyes, a split upper lip, and bruising on his chest and arms.

  "What? I’m not winning the beauty contest am I?" he wheezed.

  Sasha sat by his side, tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry we weren't there. What happened?"

  "I'm an idiot, is what happened," Adrian said. "I got piss drunk at some bar somewhere, drowning my sorrows. When I went out for some air, these guys came out of nowhere and beat the living shit out of me. Demanded to know where you were. I told them I didn't know and that made them even angrier."

  "Was Aleksi there?" I asked quietly.

  Adrian nodded. "He wasn't one of the ones beating me, though. And he told them to stop. Told them when enough was enough."

  Sasha's eyes closed, and she turned her head away. "I can't let him do this. I can't let him hurt the people I love. Adrian, I think I should just go back to him. It'll just be easier."

  "No!" Adrian and I shouted in unison.

  Adrian glared at Sasha and shouted, "Are you sure you're not the one who got their head kicked in? There are no circumstances under which you are going back to him. Otherwise, this will all have been for nothing. And Sasha, if he did this to me, what is he capable of doing to you?"

  Adrian's nostrils flared, then he said, "No, what you need is to go back in hiding. Go somewhere far away and stay there until the asshole is dealt with."

  "You don't know Aleksi like I do," Sasha said. "There’s no way of ‘dealing’ with him. And he’ll never stop coming for me."

  "There has to be another way," I said.

  Adrian’s eyes cut to Sasha as something suddenly dawned on him. “What are you even doing here? How did you find out I was here?” His gaze swung to me.

  "I want to talk to my sister alone," Adrian said carefully, looking away.

  "Of course," I said, walking out. “I'll wait outside."

  It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that now just might be the moment of truth.

  When Adrian decides if he's okay with us or not.



  "What is it?" I asked.

  "I’m not going to stand in your way," Adrian said.

  I squinted at him. It was hard to tell my brother’s facial expressions with his puffy face and black panda eyes. "Meaning?"

  He sighed. "Meaning, I won't stop you, if you two go for it." He waved a hand weakly. "Don't get me wrong; I'm not exactly giving you my blessing here. But I won’t disown you or Pierce. Frankly, I’ve never seen him happier than when he’s with you. Even when you two were trying to pretend to be on the down-low."

  "You knew?" I said.

  I always figured Adrian was the type who gave his cards all away, who would've spazzed and flipped his shit if he caught a whiff of Pierce and me. That was what he’d done after Pierce had told him, after all.

  "I had my suspicions," Adrian admitted. "But I kept pushing them aside with this whole fake marriage and Aleksi business. It was all just too much to deal with at once. Anyway, you can continue as you are if that’s what you really want."

  My eyes strayed to a giant bouquet of pink and purple glittery flowers. "Who are those from?"

  "Don't worry about it," Adrian said, his cheeks going a mottled red.

  I burst out laughing. "Those are from Tatiana, aren't they?"

  "Don't say a word," Adrian said darkly. "And don't ask me about it."

  I just smiled. I’d known Adrian long enough to see when something actually meant something to him. And Tatiana, for whatever reason, looked like she was winning his heart.

  "Thanks for finally understanding about Pierce," I said.

  "You two didn't give me much choice," Adrian countered.

  "Hey, you’re the one that forced me to marry him," I chided him.

  "Fine, fine," he said, assuming a magnanimous expression. "I am a great brother, and a stellar human being, after all."

  I patted his shoulder gently. "You are."

  As I walked to the door, he called after me, "Where are you going?"

  "A lot has happened in a short time," I admitted. "I just need some time to think. I'm sure Pierce wants to talk to you, anyway."

  "Okay, okay, send that motherfucker in here.”.

  Outside the hospital room, Pierce approached me. "How is he?"

  "Well, he’s still cracking jokes, though he looks bad," I said. "Anyway, I'm just heading to the cafeteria. I think he's ready to talk to you if you are."

  Pierce nodded and walked into the room. I headed down to the cafeteria. It took a bit of navigating to get there, but by the time I arrived, I'd worked up quite an appetite. I got some food and sat down at one of the salmon-colored tables.

  Adrian had finally given his semi-blessing to Pierce and me, and I still didn't know how to feel about it. Was it because the whole Aleksi thing was still looming? Or because of how our relationship started? After all, Pierce and I were married. What were we going to do, get a divorce and then start dating?

  Did that mean the whole dating process was going to be skewed?

  My phone buzzed.

  It was Pierce: Where are you?

  I slid my phone back in my pocket and continued eating.

  I needed to figure out how I felt about all of it. Not because of the Aleksi situation. Not because my brother had finally given us his blessing. Not because things were getting more serious between Pierce and I, but I needed to figure out what I, Sasha, really wanted.

  When my phone started ringing, I sighed, preparing to hang it up. But it wasn't Pierce.

  “Oh so now you answer my calls,” a rattled voice demanded.

  "Tatiana, hey," I said. "What's up?"

  “Where are you?” she asked suspiciously.

  “At the hospital, I just saw Adrian.”

  "Is he okay? Is he awake?" she asked in a voice laced with concern.

  "Yeah," I said, "He just woke up a few minutes ago. He's got a few broken bones and two black eyes, but he's cracking jokes. He'll be fine."

  She exhaled a gust of relief. "Oh, thank God. There was no one here to take over the shop, and I had a top client coming in, so I had no choice but to go in. But I'm coming back at lunchtime, first thing. Did he get my flowers?"

  I swallowed back the amusement in my voice. "Oh yeah, he got them."

  "Oh great," she said. "I'm so relieved. The only person he felt he could text was Pierce since he didn't know where you were. But we're glad you're back now."

  "So am I," I said. "Although, I don’t feel fully relieved just yet. Aleksi and those guys who beat him up could be anywhere."

  "You're right," Tatiana said. "Of course. Just don't go anywhere without someone with you, and you should be fine. That Adrian…"

  She sighed. "I'd been working late last night, so we had plans to meet, just much later. If he could've just waited to go out. The hospital is well guarded, correct?" she suddenly asked sharply.

  "If the mob wanted to kill my brother, they could've," I told her. "He’ll be fine."

  After we said our goodbyes, I couldn't help but wonder if I would be.

  By the time I packed up my stuff and got back to Adrian's hospital room, Pierce was gone.


; Pierce

  As I drove home, I tried to brainstorm. The talk with Adrian had gone well, at least. He said something along the lines of, I’m still majorly pissed at you, and borderline despise you, but I forgive you, which was good enough for me, for now.

  He even said that if I continued to date Sasha, he wouldn't stab me in my sleep. It wasn't a blessing but was as close to one as I'd get from Adrian.

  The whole Aleksi situation was a way bigger problem now anyway. Not only were they in town, but they were definitely closing in. After attacking Adrian, what would be next?

  Kidnapping Sasha?

  I clenched my hands onto the steering wheel. The only way I'd ever rest was once Aleksi, and those goons of his were behind bars where they belonged.

  I should've stayed back at the hospital with Sasha, demanded she go home with me. But I had a feeling she wanted to stick around for her brother, and I didn't want to get in the way of that.

  Still, there had to be some way of finding out where those guys were, what they're doing.

  As I sped down the highway and spotted a cop's car on the shoulder, it jolted me.

  Yeah, that would do it.

  Once I got home, I made a phone call.

  "Hello?" the slightly nasally voice said. "This is Officer Holt speaking."

  "Hey Ryan, it's Pierce."

  Immediately the professional voice dropped. "Pierce! How long has it been, buddy? Damn, I really need to get back to climbing."

  "Your yearly climbing pass expired about two years ago, so I'd have to agree," I said with a chuckle. "Although that's not why I'm calling. Do you know anything about members of the Russian mob being in town?"

  "Not much," he said. "A bit of chatter is all. There's been a few beatings, extra muggings, some suspicious and violent circumstances in areas where there's a bigger Russian population. But nothing definite. Why?"

  "They’re after my… best friend’s sister," I said. I wasn’t really sure what to call her. Even if she was legally my wife, I didn’t want to get into that whole situation over the phone with Ryan. "She used to date one of the head guys, and now he's stalking her. Beat Adrian up over it."

  "Shit," Ryan said. "You want me to see if I can pick these guys up on anything?"

  "That would be great," I said. "But just a warning. You're going to want back up. These guys also have some major connections, so you're going to need something good that'll stick."

  "Got it," Ryan said. "How are you doing, anyway?"

  "Good," I said. "Business is booming at the gym. What about you?"

  "Just got married last month," Ryan said, and I could hear the pride vibrating in his voice. "A real sweetie from Alabama. She makes the meanest apple pie, and swears like a sailor."

  We laughed.

  "You still living the bachelor life?" He asked.

  "Not exactly," I said. "It's complicated."

  Ryan chuckled appreciatively. "That doesn't surprise me one bit.”

  "Yeah, yeah," I said. "But thanks for your help. You call me if anything comes up?"

  "Yeah, definitely," Ryan said. "And maybe I'll bring Sue to your gym one of these days."

  "You bet," I said. "Both of you can have as many free climbs as you want."

  "Thanks, buddy," Ryan said.

  Afterward, I sat on one of my kitchen chairs, noticing suddenly, how empty my apartment was. Yeah, the design was minimalist. But wasn’t minimalist just a fancy word for empty, if it wasn't done right?

  I’d never realized just how much I’d let my parents rule my life; at least in the relationship department. I’d always known there was a deeper reason for my instinctive avoidance of anything too serious, but now, it was all coming out in the open.

  And I hated it. They made my childhood a living hell. And I was gonna let them ruin the rest of my life too?

  I picked up my phone to call Sasha.



  I stayed with Adrian until Tatiana showed up. They clearly wanted time for themselves, so I gave them some space. It turned out Tatiana was going to stay the night too.

  I knew I should've called Pierce, but I just headed over to Adrian's. I didn't have the energy to talk to him, to continue our conversation from before. I just wanted to sleep.

  Although I did call up one of the security guards Adrian had given me a number for, just in case. As much as I hated not being able to be by myself, at least for now, it was better to be on the safe side.

  The bald guy came over, picked me up, and by the time we got to Adrian's, I felt perfectly safe.

  The guard stationed himself by the door, and I collapsed in bed.

  I woke up to a crash. Scrambling out of bed and to the crack in the door, I could see the guard, on the ground, unconscious.

  Oh shit. This was really, really bad.

  I tried to lock my bedroom door before remembering it didn’t have a lock. Luckily, the bathroom was the next room, so I raced there as the dark shapes crept closer.

  I had just locked the door when rapping started on the other side.

  "Sasha!" Aleksi's voice boomed, victoriously. "My little mysh’. I know you're in there!"

  I raced to the window. Outside was a thirty-foot drop to the ground. No ledges. There was no escape.

  Nothing I could do except call for help.

  As the phone rang, the door began to buckle and cave under the force of Aleksi’s kicks.

  "Sasha," Aleksi said in a reasonable tone. "Don't make me kick this perfectly fine door down."

  "Hello?" Pierce said.

  "Aleksi is here, at Adrian's. They've come," I told him as calmly as possible, through my massive underlying fear.

  The sound of the door splintering off the hinges blocked his reply.




  That was my only thought as my car ripped through traffic. Cars were just obstacles, traffic lights just a signal, to slow down and check.

  I couldn’t get into an accident. I had to get there on time.

  Inside Adrian’s condo, the building manager was unconscious, which made things both easier and more ominous.

  As soon as I got to Adrian's apartment, I knew I was too late.

  The guard laid on the floor, blood seeping from his ear and a large knot on his head. The door was open, and no noises were coming from inside.

  I raced to Sasha’s bedroom looking for signs of where they’d taken her, what they’d done to her, frantically dialing her number but getting no response.

  In the bathroom, the smashed remains of her phone were on the floor.

  I steadied myself on the wall. "No."

  Then I stormed out.

  I knew what I had to do.



  "Aleksi, please," I said, my voice cracking. "I haven't talked to anyone. I won't. I’ve just been trying to start over."

  He said nothing at first; then, a cold chuckle escaped from him.

  We were in a car, and one of his men was driving us God knew where.

  "I know you haven't talked to anyone," he said. "You betrayed me in an even worse way, Sasha."

  God, he couldn't know, could he?

  "What?" I asked tentatively.

  His hand clenched down on my wrist bone. "Don't play dumb with me. I know about your husband."

  "It's fake," I said quickly. "All fake. Just to get in the US and stay here. He doesn't mean anything to me,” I lied, trying to calm Aleksi down.

  His hand squeezed harder, and it felt like my bones were breaking. "Just how dumb do you think I am? But don't worry, I'm going to get this taken care of."

  "No!" I said. My heart felt like it was in my head, hammering away. "Please, just think this through. If you commit murder here, they're going to come looking for you. You just take me and leave; they’ll probably just let you go. I’m still a Russian citizen. They have no reason to come after me; no jurisdiction."

  "She's right," another, low rumbling voice spoke up from the
front seat. "The NYC cops are no pushovers. And we don't have more than two men on the inside. It's risky."

  "What is riskier," Aleksi said in a voice laced with bite. "Is letting ourselves be disrespected and for this to go unpunished. People have to see what happens when you try to escape your destiny."

  "Aleksi," I pleaded. "Don't do this. You don't have to do this. We can just go back to Moscow, and have things be the way they were before."

  Even as my whole body cringed at the thought, I knew it was the only way to protect Pierce.

  "But how can I trust you," he asked slowly. "After what you did?"

  "I’m sorry," I said hollowly, trying another tactic. "I never meant to hurt you. Aleksi, you’re so powerful now, you could have any woman you want. Why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you? You deserve better than me." How I said those last words without choking on them, I’d never know.

  I could see Aleksi consider this, scratching at his neck.

  But then another voice spoke up. "She knows too much. You know she does, Aleksi."

  "I have too much at stake too," I argued. "You think I don't know what you’d do to my family and me if I ever talked? Aleksi, trust me."

  He laughed sardonically. "Trust you. I trusted you not to run away and betray me."

  "I didn't betray you," I said. "I just wanted a new life. You aren't even in love with me anymore. You know you’re not."

  Aleksi made a sound. "Love? What is love anyway? It takes work. Work you’ve been unwilling to put in, Sasha."

  "I don't love you anymore," I said. "But if you want to take me back to Moscow, then take me back. But please, leave everyone else out of this."

  Aleksi stroked a finger down my forearm, a shiver following in its wake. "And how can I do that, my little mysh’, when you've involved them so intrinsically?"

  His hand clasped mine, like a vice. "Now tell me where your dear husband is, and this will be easier for everyone."

  "Why would I tell you that?" I asked in a shaking voice.

  "Because the longer I look for him, the angrier I will become," Aleksi said. "And the angrier I become, there's no telling what I’ll do."


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