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Stars, Snow and Mistletoe: A Holiday Naughty List Collection

Page 16

by S. J. Sanders




  One month later…

  Delta-5 in the Xedan Galaxy

  Jiran watched the five moons rising to the blue evening sky. Sarai would be getting home soon, but Jiran didn’t think he wanted to wait that long. As he often did, he walked the short distance to meet her at work.

  She wasn’t a paid employee yet—she was just an intern—but that didn’t matter. They didn’t need the money, but Sarai had seen the posting for a research assistant and had jumped at it. She still had a lot to learn, but she loved learning, so that was hardly a problem.

  Deseer rolled her eyes and reminded him to get groceries. Living on Delta-5 in the Xedan Galaxy had taken some getting used to. Jiran had bribed them onto the settlement ship, figuring this was the one place no one would look for them.

  He’d contacted home, just to let his family know what had happened. But Deseer was right, and they had to limit their contact with the planet. Still, they had enough money to get by for now.

  Most of the people on Delta-5 were farmers or builders, but there were doctors, teachers, and city planners too. Colonizing a planet was hard. The pre-colonization drones had already made the atmosphere suitable for both plant and animal life, but the planet had almost nothing in terms of infrastructure.

  Every day, robots were working at building things up, but the people here did just as much of the work. This wasn’t a high budget project, which meant that they’d be doing a lot of the legwork themselves rather than have it all done automatically by machines.

  It was difficult, having to do things manually that had previously all been managed by bots, but Jiran thought it was worth it.

  They were safe here.

  He smiled as he turned the corner to Sarai’s building. She was just coming out, holding something bright with stripes on it.

  Jiran’s heart swelled to see her. He had known for some weeks now that he was in love with her. By the way his hands were itching and his tail was swishing, he knew that she was his true mate.

  What he didn’t know was how Sarai felt about him. He’d left the matter in her hands, and she hadn’t made a move since that first time when she’d offered herself to him, which led him to believe she’d decided she didn’t want anything more than friendship with him.

  The thought just about broke his heart, but if being her friend was all he could ever have, then he’d take it and be grateful to have that much.

  “Hey!” Sarai hurried over to him, a smile breaking out over her face.

  “How was work?”

  “It was great! The team researching the tectonic plates has sent in more data. Haria was showing me how to enter it into the new system that arrived yesterday. This one will compare the data to a number of other planets, giving us warnings and advice based on other people’s experiences.”

  “That’s great.” Jiran smiled. He liked Haria. The human researcher had been very patient with Sarai, never once questioning why she didn’t have even the barest hint of general knowledge. “What do you have there?”

  Sarai held up the box-shaped stripy thing with a grin. “I got this for you. Happy birthday. That’s what humans say, apparently.”

  She was learning fast, both about human culture from Haria and about Zaratan customs from Jiran and Deseer. Zaratans didn’t put any particular emphasis on birthdays, but to humans, they were apparently a big deal.

  “Thank you.” Jiran took the gift, smiling as Sarai practically vibrated with excitement. He pulled off the bright wrapping and stared. “Where did you get this?”

  Jiran missed Zaratan food, but what he missed the most were the desserts. He’d told Sarai in detail about his favorite one—a frozen mixture of creamy and sweet ingredients called yavra. His mouth watered as he stared down at the yavra in the box.

  “Requests for imports went out two weeks ago.” Sarai grinned, clearly pleased with herself. “Haria said I could put in a request if there was anything I wanted.”

  It wasn’t easy to get something imported here. You had to know someone to get any kind of luxury. Most of the imports were reserved for essential products. And Sarai had put in a special request just to get him some dessert.

  It was so sweet and thoughtful that Jiran completely forgot his self-control. Before he could stop himself, he was doing what he’d been dreaming about for weeks—he took Sarai’s face in his hands and kissed her.

  Warmth flooded him immediately, and he could feel the skin on his hands start to burn as the golden, circular tattoos of mating appeared on his skin. He’d avoided touching Sarai for the past weeks, worried that this might happen, worried about influencing her, worried that she wouldn’t want him when she knew better…

  But now, he couldn’t fight the attraction any more.




  Sarai had never felt anything like this. She knew what kissing was, of course, but she’d never imagined it would feel so good. She moaned into the kiss as their tongues entwined, pressing herself tightly against Jiran.

  He groaned against her lips, then broke away, panting. His eyes sparkled, but there was an uncertainty in his gaze too. “Sarai? Do you want this?”

  She smiled, tiptoeing closer to him—eager to close the distance he’d put between them. “I want this. I want you. I’m heart over heels in love with you, Jiran.”

  Jiran chuckled softly, his eyes glittering with happiness. “Head over heels, I hear is the correct human expression. And I feel the same way about you—I have for a while.” He glanced at his hands—at the golden tattoos Sarai was sure hadn’t been there a moment ago.

  “These tattoos are the mark of finding a true mate. You. Mine.” He caressed her cheek with his hand, brushing a lock of her hair from her face. “Were you Zaratan, you would have them too.”

  Sarai traced a finger on the circles on his hands. “A true mate…”

  She had an idea of what that meant. Krakians had true mates too, but they were incredibly rare. They were the only females who could live outside of harems on the planet, and they were revered beyond all. But because true mates were so rare, the harem culture had risen. She’d read all about that after arriving on Delta-5.

  “Come,” Jiran said, pulling her hand. “Let’s get home.”

  They uttered a hurried greeting to Deseer before locking themselves in Jiran’s bedroom. Sarai’s training kicked in. She remembered her lessons on how to please a man, and she had never wanted to please anyone as much as she wanted to please Jiran right now.

  She knelt down in front of him, her fingers quickly working his pants loose. His cock sprung out—large and purple with a pink head and a few ridges along it—and Sarai licked her lips at the sight. She had almost managed to pull his pants down to his knees when Jiran suddenly stopped her.

  “Sarai, wait.” He grabbed her hand. “I don’t want you like this. I know how you’ve been trained, but that’s not what I want from you.”

  Sarai blinked. “What would you like then?”

  “Not your submission, so you can get up from off your knees. I want to make you feel good. Tell me what you want. Where should I touch you?”

  It wasn’t a difficult question. If anything, it was the easiest decision she’d made in her life.

  “Here,” Sarai whispered, gesturing to her throbbing clit. “And here. And here.” Her lips, her breasts. She wanted to feel Jiran’s touch all over her body.

  Jiran took her words as orders and laid her back on the bed. He kissed her deeply, his long, silvery-white hair flowing down onto the bed and blending with her dark strands. His hands came to circle her breasts and heat engulfed her wherever he touched.

  Sarai gasped as his fingers brushed over her nipples. They hardened instantly, and she could think of little else but having them touched again.

  “More,” she panted.

  To her great surprise, Jiran followed the order. He was turning everything over in her head—submitting to
her, pleasuring her, rather than the other way around—and she loved it. Sarai had never imagined that something like this would be possible, that it would happen for her, but she was beyond grateful that it was.

  Jiran’s hands covered her breasts and he squeezed them as he gently pinched her nipples between finger and thumb. He took her mouth in another kiss, and her whole body was throbbing with pleasure. Sarai’s training was fast fading from her mind. She turned her head away from the kiss and drew in a breath.

  “Down. Further down.”

  Jiran started kissing his way down her stomach, slowly, until his lips finally landed on the curls covering her core.

  “Clit,” she murmured.

  Jiran obeyed eagerly. His tongue on her clit had her thighs clenching tightly as heat suffused her body, and she gasped. It felt so incredibly good she could hardly believe it possible. His tongue twirled her clit, and her breath came out in short pants.

  “Jiran! I—There’s something—I can’t—”

  “They didn’t teach you about orgasms on Krakia?” As he spoke, he replaced his tongue with his fingers, working her clit in steady circles that drove her even higher on a peak that she was sure she would topple over at any moment.

  Sarai struggled for breath. “Men—Ejaculation—”

  “Women have orgasms too, and I think you’re about to have your first one.”

  He increased the speed of his fingers, moving his mouth to suck on her breasts. The combined pleasure of it was too much. Sarai screamed, her thighs drawing up and her eyes squeezing shut as wave after wave of intense pleasure wracked through her body. It coursed through her entire being, from head to toe, and her hips bucked against Jiran’s fingers.

  When she was next aware, she was lying on her back, panting like she had just been track training, her body limp, boneless and sated.

  “That was…”

  “An orgasm,” Jiran finished for her, looking pleased with himself.

  She saw that his cock was still hard and leaking, and she reached for it, but Jiran stopped her. “Not this time. This time, I want to pleasure you.”

  He kissed her hard. Sarai returned it lazily, but her body quickly caught up. She was soon a panting mess once again, and she spread her legs wide in invitation.

  “Your cock. Inside me. Now.”

  Jiran grinned. “I like it when you’re bossy.” He positioned himself above her, the head of his cock brushing against her opening. “This may hurt since it’s your first time. Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  Sarai nodded—she was incapable of speech.

  Jiran slowly edged inside her, and initially, it did hurt. But at the same time, it filled her in the most delicious way that her body craved for. The pain quickly faded once he started to move, and Sarai gasped when he thrust all the way to the hilt.

  She found her hips bucking up to meet his as he took on a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of her core. His cock filled her completely and the ridges along his shaft massaged her insides. It quickly brought her to the edge of her second release.

  Jiran leaned down and kissed her. His thrusts started to increase in speed, and Sarai moaned in pleasure. Her insides throbbed and a moment later, the pressure erupted inside her. She reached her second peak with a scream, and Jiran wasn’t far behind. He grunted as he came, his cock pulsing inside her. Their voices mingled in a cry of pure ecstasy.

  They lay in each other’s arms afterward, catching their breath. Sarai nestled into Jiran’s side, feeling like she could stay there forever.



  “I think I should move my things into your room.”

  He kissed her on the nose, grinning. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  Sarai looked into his eyes and saw the love she felt for him mirrored back at her.

  “Heart over heels,” she whispered.

  Jiran’s whole body shook with his laughter, and soon she joined in. They didn’t stop laughing—or smiling, for that matter—for a very long time.

  She’d never thought she was missing anything in her life, but now she knew that she had.

  Laughter. Love. Friends.

  She had everything now.

  The End

  Other Works By Sonia Nova

  Mate of the Beast

  Book 1 – Mate of the Beast

  Book 2 – Fate of the Beast

  Book 2.5 – Miracle of the Beast

  Book 3 – Heart of the Beast

  Book 4 – COMING SOON!

  Warriors of Rae

  Book 1 – Kraev

  Book 2 – COMING SOON!


  The Alien Reindeer’s Joy

  Snowed in with the Alien Dragon

  Alien Valentine


  About Sonia Nova

  Sonia Nova is an author of Science Fiction Romance. She loves writing about sexy, dominant alien men and the women who melt their hearts. When she is not writing, she can be found watching sci-fi movies, reading books, and dreaming of her very own alien hunk!

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  Clara’s Christmas Wish

  Julie. L. Vance

  After the end of a long and bloody war fighting for Earth’s freedom, Commander Malekith Ska’arzal is looking forward to celebrating the winter holidays in peace and quiet. When he protects Clara Darling, his mate, from her abusive ex, Malekith learns what the true meaning of the holiday is all about.


  You’ve always believed in me.

  You’ve always encouraged me.

  You’ve always been there for me.

  With all the love a daughter can give, this book is for you, Mom.



  He loved the snow.

  The cold air sliced through his nostrils and burned the back of his throat, numbing his lungs, as he inhaled deeply; his teeth actually ached with the bitter cold. He tilted his head back, closing his eyes, and spread his arms wide in a childish gesture of innocent delight; snowflakes clung to his lashes and froze as they brushed against his cheeks. Opening his eyes, he lowered his arms to his sides and gazed around the world in wonder. Snow swirled around him in a flurry of colour – sparkling silvers, opalescent whites, frigid blues but fiery reds and emerald greens mingled with them until they combined into a whirling vortex of colours.

  He found the city to be incredibly beautiful at this time of year; he loved the way that the light would reflect in the glass windows of the downtown shops. Light flooded the streets and chased shadows up the lengths of the buildings that stood tall and erect; the gray cement and steel of these skyscrapers would seem bleak to any such as he but for the brilliant luminescence of the electricity that powered the city.

  Ice frosted many of the department store windows; just subtly blurring the items on display within so that a curious shopper would lean in for a closer look. He watched a child press her face against the cold glass, her warm breath fogging the smooth surface in front of her until she wiped it away with a gloved hand, and tug at her mother’s hand while she emphatically pointed at the toy she desperately wanted. He saw a young couple walking hand-in-hand across the street and the man stopped when his female focused her attention on the diamond rings sparkling and twinkling in the glass display case inside. Melancholy filled his heart as the man turned to her and pressed a tender kiss to her nose before the two of them continued on their way.

  They passed a group of carolers singing a sweet song of joy and peace and he found himself humming softly along with the quiet melody. Passers-by paused long enough to listen to several verses as the songs reminded them of the spirit of the season; beyond them, people young and old skated at their leisure on the world’s largest skating
rink. Lights illuminated the great canal in a golden glow that contrasted with the pearlescent ice and opalescent snow; the shadows of the skaters lengthened and multiplied, shifting in between shades of black and gray, stretching across the smooth surface of the rink and the surrounding buildings.

  He continued to hum along with the carolers as he listened to the subtler sounds of the world that surrounded him. Hundreds of voices rose and fell together, like an incoming tide, each melting in to the other until they faded completely into the background. Their heartbeats echoed in his head, sounded a tempo in his eardrums, until he could hear nothing but the very pulse, the very heart of the city.

  How very different Earth is, he thought, offering a smile to an elderly couple that passed him, walking arm-in-arm with each other. The elderly female returned his smile, offering him a cheerful, “Happy Solstice, Commander Ska’arzal.”

  A blast of frigid air swept down the street from the towering skyscrapers above; it stole the breath from his lungs.

  With graceful movements of his fingers, he tightened his cloak, the loose material billowing behind him, refastening the garment with a silver brooch in the shape of an eight-pointed star; the metal clasp shone underneath the golden light from the street lamps that lined the sidewalk. The breastpin represented the Interstellar Alliance and his status as a high-ranking member of its military.

  He had joined the military as a young, impetuous male, enraged with the knowledge that he would spend his life at the mercy of females that would never treat him with respect or see him as anything more than a slave. The consequences for his rash actions, running away, refusing to perform his duties as a Maleorack, a sex slave, meant that he could never return to his home planet, Malnor. The females that ruled there would demand his death.


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