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Stars, Snow and Mistletoe: A Holiday Naughty List Collection

Page 33

by S. J. Sanders

  I gaped and covered my mouth with a trembling hand. There was a tree. It was so tall it curled into itself against the roof, and most of the pine needles were on the floor around it. But it was still green in some spots.

  I leaned around the tree, searching the cabin beyond it, but our lion was nowhere to be found.

  I picked up Riley and walked to the tree, running my fingers along the branches lovingly. “It’s our Christmas tree, baby,” I whispered in awe. He squealed and reached for the needles, ripping them off. “No, no, this poor guy needs all his needles. He’s already lost so many.”

  I walked to the window and looked out, but our friend was gone. I didn’t let it get me down, though. We had a tree. Suddenly, I was invigorated. “We have so much to do! We need to decorate it,” I sang into Riley’s ear. “And then Santa will come and bring you a present.”

  Riley squealed.

  “Then we need to start breakfast and then get supper simmering so the whole cabin can smell toasty all day!”

  I wasted no time pulling out our decorations and stringing them across the tree. Riley wobbled on his feet, pulling the decorations back down. But I didn’t mind; we just rehung them together, laughing and singing until both of our stomachs couldn’t wait a moment more.

  We cooked a breakfast of oats and canned beans, and then I started a bland soup of more beans and potatoes, imagining it was a hearty beef stew all the while.

  Afterward, I sat Riley down with a book and read him my favorite Christmas story. He pointed at the story’s Christmas tree and then giggled and stumbled to ours, tugging all the ornaments on the bottom row off.

  As I rehang them, the cabin porch shook with loud thumps.

  Three solid knocks sounded on our door, and I ran to open it. “Hi,” I breathed excitedly.

  Our lion ducked his head and walked into the cabin, looking over our decorated tree intently. Riley rambled, pointing out all the ornaments and tugging on his thick leather pant leg excitedly. Our lion couched in front of Riley and patted his rump, gruffly rambling back and pointing at the tree in his Christmas book.

  “You can understand us,” I murmured around a smile.

  He looked up at me and nodded, his golden eyes twinkling.

  I blushed and looked away, trying to remember everything I had rambled about in front of him.

  “What’s your name?” I asked when he looked like he didn’t plan on leaving Riley and his book anytime soon.

  He made a sound, and I shook my head, unable to make it out.

  A few more repeats––and a few rounds of charades––later and I finally got it. “Mak?”

  He nodded, grinning. His whole face lit up with his smile––also revealing very sharp teeth.

  I gaped at them, but Riley reached for his mouth, standing on his feet and holding onto Mak’s arms. Mak chuckled and snapped his teeth playfully, and Riley giggled, slapping his arm and reaching for his mouth again.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked nervously, twisting my fingers. I wanted him to stay, but I didn’t have much to offer.

  Mak looked at the wood stove and grimaced, shaking his head.

  “Okay.” I watched the two of them play, Riley tugging at the numerous leather and gemmed necklaces around Mak’s thick neck, until finally deciding to sit down beside them.

  Riley babbled incoherently, and Mak watched him, nodding and babbling back like he understood every word. I smiled, settling in for the show. Looking at my tree and them, I felt a small measure of peace for the first time in a long time, enjoying a genuinely happy morning and an amazing start to our first Christmas.



  “Are you sure you’re not hungry? We don’t have much, but I’m sure I can find something you like.”

  Mak made me so nervous I couldn’t seem to stop staring at him. Problem was, he stared too. And so we kept catching each other staring. I kept trying to distract myself which, in turn, made me offer him just about everything we had to eat in the cabin.

  As I pulled out all of our leftover jerky, Mak walked over and bent to catch my eyes. He took my hands from the cabinets gently and pulled them to his mouth, running his lips down my knuckles. He said something low to me and then smiled softly.

  I nodded, not really understanding, and then panicked when he walked to the door, opening it like he was about to leave. I ran up behind him. “Don’t go!”

  He stopped and said something low again, but I just shook my head, tearing up in frustration. He just got here. I didn’t want him to go. “Please don’t leave.”

  He sighed in frustration and fisted his hand. Then he pointed to the woods and dragged his finger back, stopping and tapping my chest with a sharp claw.

  Then he held his finger and thumb about an inch apart.

  “You’re going to the woods?” I guessed. “Then coming back?”

  He nodded, touching my lips again, pushing them up from their frown. “For a little bit? But then you’ll be right back?”

  He nodded again, and showed me his thumb and finger again, letting me know he would only be gone a short time. I nodded, relieved, and wrapped my arms around his waist just in case he changed his mind and I didn’t get another chance to thank him. “Thank you for our tree. It’s beautiful.”

  He chucked my chin with his knuckle and then babbled to Riley, waving and closing the door behind him. Riley went back to his books without a peep, like he totally got whatever Mak was saying and he was cool with it. I was the mess.

  I put Riley down for a nap and spent all my anxious energy by finishing the knitted sailboats. They were a little lopsided because I had never been as good as Mee-maw with the knitting needles. But I was proud of myself.

  I didn’t have wrapping paper, so I had to use brown paper bags. Thankfully, my grandfather had an old tin can of crayons hidden away that I used to decorate the wrapping as best I could. Then I sat the lonely gift under the tree and forced myself to look away. It would only ruin the day if I dwelled on just how little I had for him.

  Riley was still sleeping when Mak came back, and it was like he knew Riley was asleep because I didn’t hear his heavy footfalls this time, and his knocks were light. But I could see the edge of his bulky body in the window.

  I tiptoed to the door and swung it open, grinning so wide my cheeks hurt.

  Mak’s eyes roamed me just as frantically, and I got the impression he may have even felt the separation like I had.

  The situation was strange. We couldn’t communicate properly, and we barely knew each other, but I felt like I’d known him for far longer than I had. Maybe it was because, in part, I had known of him for so long. He had been there for me without physically being there, and now that I could see him and feel him, I didn’t ever want to let go of him.

  That was until I saw what he dragged behind him––the bloody carcass of a deer.



  I cursed myself again as she retched over the sink. I knew that humans seared their food, but it had not occurred to me that she would not be used to seeing where her meat came from.

  I left the carcass outside and rubbed along her thin spine in soothing motions until she stood up, sighing.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “I swear I’m not always this dramatic. It’s just, I have a thing about blood.”

  I wanted to tell her not to apologize to me––it was I who had caused it. I should have taken more care. But she had been so desperate to feed me, all I could think of was giving her something we both could enjoy. She needed more to eat than roots and shrubs, and I didn’t think I could hide my aversion to her cooking. And I was loath to put any of my discomfort on her.

  Unable to comfort her with my words, I pulled her into my chest, and she burrowed there, rubbing her cheek along the thin pelt of my chest.

  She purred contentedly, and I thickened immediately. My groin hanging heavy and aching. I kept my hips away from her curved belly as not to frighten her.

  “Thank you f
or the deer,” she said quietly. Her stomach rumbled, and she hid her reddening face further into my chest.

  I could not stand to hear her hunger. I should have stepped forward long ago. Had I known she was suffering in this way, I would have hunted for her every morn.

  “I am going to prepare the meat,” I told her, pointing first at the door and then at the dagger at my side.

  She paled and swallowed, nodding. “Yeah, I’d offer to help, but—”

  I touched her lips, chuckling. She did not need to say so.

  She laughed quietly, blushing once more.

  Reluctantly, I set her away from me and left to strip the meat. I left the mess in the mounds of ice behind the dwelling and covered it in a loose heap of frosted soil. She was cleaning the cub in the sink when I entered and set several hunks of meat on the counter. I watched her warily to see if this, too, would sicken her, but she must have been familiar with raw meat in this form, for she thanked me profusely.

  From there, she passed me the naked cub and drained the soapy water from the tub. His slick body soaked my pelt, and she giggled as she dried his back.

  The cub played with the braids of my mane, his undeveloped words filling my ears and heart. I spoke back, engaging him though we could not understand one another.

  He had much to say and did not mind that he could not understand me.

  I settled with him by the fire as her stew simmered and filled the dwelling with a far better––but still foul––aroma.

  She presented me with a seared slab of meat and I nearly could not hide my wince. I could tell she was hesitant about the meal, and though I wanted nothing more than to toss the foul thing, I could not bring myself to push it away. So reluctantly, I choked it down, watching her flush of happiness to embolden myself through it. This female.

  I finished my plate, a true feat, and she smiled beautifully, humming and dancing as she fixed her meal. As she went to serve me more I gently steered her to her own and settled her beside the fire, there was much I could do for this female. But consuming another bite so soon would take far more strength than I had at the moment.

  While she ate, we silently regarded one another while the cub climbed over each of us and nibbled from his mother’s plate, giggling as I flicked my tail in the air and at his small fingers.

  After, she sighed contentedly and relaxed, rubbing her belly with a satisfied hum. I gritted my teeth and used the plate to cover the effect she had on me.

  But this female was trying to kill me. The cub whined, and she lifted him, baring her breast to the open air and allowing him to latch onto it for nourishment. The sight tore a groan from my throat, and she looked at me with startled eyes.

  I flushed, wincing, but was unable to tear my eyes away from her full breasts. “My apologies, beautiful, but you cannot show a starving Xixin a sight such as this and not expect a reaction.”

  She giggled softly, covering her mouth.



  I had no idea my bare breasts would cause that reaction. In my defense, I had been alone for a very long time. It was second nature just to whip them out when Riley needed them.

  Still, I would be more mindful in the future. I hadn’t understood a word he’d said, but I got the gist by his tortured expression and the thick pipe growing between his legs.

  It was thrilling. But I would take more care from now on so I wouldn’t make him uncomfortable.

  He helped me clean up, and then we sat back down in front of the tree. I showed Mak the present I’d made Riley, talking all about Christmas and how much I wanted this for Riley and how he had made it happen. He listened to every word and then curled his palm around my neck and pulled me to his side as we watched Riley push his boats along the floor.

  “Will you stay with us tonight?” I asked shyly.

  Mak squeezed my nape and pressed a kiss to my hair, nodding.

  I sighed happily.

  With full stomachs and full hearts, Riley and I curled up into my father’s recliner and watched the fire as we read more Christmas stories. Mak watched us as he leaned against the wall, and after Riley closed his eyes, it was Mak who took him from me and laid him down in his crib.

  I shyly went about getting ready for bed, washing up in the shower with warm water from the stove and digging through my clothes for something pretty and feminine. I settled on a pale lavender chemise and matching shorts and then braided my long hair down my back.

  He was sitting on the bed when I came out with his elbow on his bulky thighs and his head in his hands.

  “Do you want to clean up?” I asked tentatively.

  He nodded and jumped up, his eyes roaming my bare legs and arms.

  He smacked his head on the door to the bathroom and groaned low, watching the crib with wide eyes. I snickered, and he huffed a laugh, growling playfully.

  Once he was tucked away in the tiny bathroom, I pulled the bedding back and climbed in, pulling the covers up to my chin. I couldn’t remember ever feeling this nervous in my life. I could hear him bumping into everything in there and would have been worried about Riley waking up, but he had had a pretty exciting day today and would most likely sleep until morning.

  Mak came out bare-chested––like usual––but without all of his weapons and boots. He walked around the cabin, checking the locks, and then walked to the fire to add more wood.

  I turned my back on him so he wouldn’t catch me staring at his ass and the little sensual flicks of his tail, and I felt the bed depress.

  I waited for his arms to come around me, but they never did. The bed was tiny, though, and he was a huge guy. I could feel him just inches from me but didn’t know how to ask him to hold me. Mak was so sweet, though, and I knew he would hold me if I asked. I wanted that so badly that I scooted back to him, and his arms immediately curled around me. His nose went into my shoulder, and one hand went flat on my belly while the other wedged under my neck.

  “I had the best day today,” I said into the dark. “You made it so special, Mak, and I just want to thank you so much.”

  He nodded and pulled me closer, growling into my ear.

  “I wish I knew what you were saying,” I mumbled sleepily.



  I woke up hot and sweaty and squirming.

  Hands held my hips tight, and someone was panting into my ear. I looked around bleary-eyed and noticed the fire was still going, casting a glow on everything.

  It was then I realized I was laying on top of Mak, and he was struggling with it. A lot.

  I looked down at my hips, straddling his lap, and I shivered as I instinctively undulated into him. He groaned and buried his face into my neck. He curled his upper chest up to reach my neck and bent his legs to cradle my bottom.

  “Did I do this?” I asked breathlessly. A furry tail curled around my thigh and spread it wider. I gasped and dug my fingers into the fur of his chest.

  He nodded and squeezed my hips when they shifted again.

  “Oh, I’m—” I squeezed my eyes tight. “I should apologize.” He narrowed his eyes on me. “I mean, I practically mauled you in my sleep, but—” My breath hitched as I squirmed against him. “I’m not sorry.”

  He huffed a laugh.

  “Is this okay?” I asked worriedly, pushing up and sitting on him. He growled low and framed my breasts with his hands, accidentally pulling my top down just enough that a nipple popped free. He gritted his teeth and nodded, spitting out a stream of gruff words.

  “What?” I looked from his face to my legs spread over him. His pants were riding low, and the happy trail he was rocking was thick and coarse. I clenched my thighs around his waist, rocking again. “Should we stop? We should stop, right?”

  Mak looked like he was in physical pain at my words. His hands flexed tight back at my waist, and then he was rocking me. His tail tickled the crease of my thigh and I watched it in awe as it roamed from high on my thigh and up my chest to flick at my nipple.

/>   “I don’t want to stop,” I breathed, pressing my hands into his chest. I rocked myself and swallowed a high whimper. “I mean, can we even—with me being human and you—,” I looked at him helplessly. “We can, right?”

  Mak nodded fast, rocking me again and pulling me down harder. He growled more words and huffed a breath out of his nose in a furious heave. Then he sat up, leaning me back a little, and tore my shirt from my body. He looked at my breasts and groaned, cupping them.

  “You know, I don’t really care about anything else right now,” I murmured. “I just want your mouth on mine.”

  He seared me with a hungry gaze and bent to my lips, nipping at them.

  Things got pretty out of control after that. He was ravenous with his mouth, and his hands were worse. He plucked and pinched, and my breasts couldn’t withstand the pressure. They leaked all over the place, and he lapped all of it up, moving down to my belly and tossing me onto my back so he could wedge his upper half between my thighs.

  He nosed between my legs and breathed me in, groaning and lapping at the silk there. I pushed against my shorts impatiently, and he ripped them free, looking back at Riley across the room. The tree was in the way, but whatever Mak saw must have been enough indication of Riley’s sleep because he dropped his face between my legs, covered my mouth with his hand, and went straight for where I ached the most.

  One suck of his mouth and I bowed off the bed, moaning into his hand and exploding into his mouth.

  He lapped at me and didn’t let up until every aftershock was wrung from my body.

  Then he rolled us again and kicked off his pants. I was kneeling over his thighs when he popped free, the sight of him so thick and hard and so very different from a normal penis worked me up so bad that I immediately wrapped my hand around him. He had a wedge-shaped head, and it was so pronounced my finger could easily get caught under it. He snarled behind his clenched teeth and took my hips, lining us up and pressing inside.


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