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Spirit Warrior

Page 11

by S. E. Smith

  “Jacob would,” Indy said.

  “Not for me,” Allie replied, standing up. “I don’t want anyone to want me like that. I don’t want to love someone like that again.”

  “Why not?” Indy asked with a frown.

  “It hurts too much to lose them,” Allie answered after a moment. “It would kill me to love someone like Jacob. He isn’t a man who would let a woman give just a part of her heart. He’s the kind of man who would want all of it.”

  “Is that so bad?” Indy asked, standing up to face Allie. “To love and be loved like that is an amazing thing.”

  “Not when you lose it,” Allie replied with a shake of her head. “That’s why I don’t want to give any man the false hope that I’ll care about him. I know Jacob is interested in me. He needs to just forget about me and go back to his merry widows.”

  “Allie, I want you to come back with me,” Indy said in a rush as Allie shook her head. “I need you.”

  “Indy, I don’t think it is a good idea,” Allie started to argue before she stopped when Indy’s face turned mutinous.

  “Perry Wiseman,” Indy said, folding her arms.

  Allie’s mouth dropped open. She started to shake her head in disbelief. Indy wouldn’t really stoop so low, would she?

  “You aren’t calling that in now?!” Allie demanded in disbelief. “That was our Freshman year of high school, for crying out loud.”

  “You were the one that locked him in the girl’s bathroom over night,” Indy pointed out. “I was the one who took the fall so you wouldn’t miss the State Wrestling finals. You owe me.”

  Allie raised her hands and ran them through her hair. She shook her head again. How could Indy bring up a promise made when they were just kids now?

  “He was driving me nuts! Indy, this is ridiculous,” Allie retorted as she turned and walked over to her bedroom window. She gazed down out over the buildings. Several delivery trucks were dropping off supplies that Indy, Jonathan, and Jacob had ordered. Why they didn’t just have the shit delivered to their place, she didn’t know. “We were kids.”

  “You pinky promised,” Indy replied in a stubborn tone. “I spent a week in in-school detention and Gramps grounded me for a month.”

  Allie lowered her head and shook it again. It was true. Indy had also had to put up with Perry’s unwanted attention for the rest of the year. The stupid jerk decided Indy must have liked him to get in so much trouble.

  “Okay,” Allie finally murmured as she turned to glare back at Indy. “But, only for two weeks. I’ll come, but two weeks only.”

  Indy squealed and rushed forward to give Allie a huge hug. ”I love you, you know that, don’t you?”

  Allie hugged Indy back before she stepped back and nodded her head. “I love you, too. Just, please don’t try any matchmaking between me and Jacob, Indy. I… I’m not ready for another relationship right now,” Allie responded in a soft voice. “I need to discover who I am first.”

  “I’ll stay out of it,” Indy promised as she reached up and ran her hand over Allie’s cheek. “You’ve forgotten how to look in the mirror, Allie. If you did, you’d see the same thing everyone else does.”

  Allie watched as Indy turned and walked to the door. She bit her lip before she called out in a soft voice. She stared back at Indy with a wary expression.

  “Indy, what does everyone see?” Allie asked hesitantly.

  “That you have the spirit of a warrior,” Indy replied with a smile.

  Chapter 16

  The next several days sped by so fast, Allie felt like her head, and her life, was spinning quickly out of control. She had done everything she could to avoid Jacob, which hadn’t been as difficult as she thought it would be with everything going on. She loaded the last horse into the horse trailer before stepping out and closing the back and securing it.

  The yard was buzzing with activity. She shook her head as she looked at the dozen of trailers filled with horses and supplies. She couldn’t believe it as package after package arrived to the house.

  “That looks like it,” Sam said as he glanced over everything with a deep sigh. “I think we are ready.”

  “I still don’t understand why you couldn’t have just had this stuff delivered to your place, Indy. Surely there has to be a road to it? How on earth do you get to the grocery store, for crying out loud?” Allie asked as she wiped her hands on her pant leg.

  Indy glanced at Sam. Her eyes clouded with worry before they cleared. Sam had thought it best if Allie didn’t know what would happen until after they had traveled through Spirit Pass.

  “We are pretty isolated,” Indy responded. “It is beautiful, though, Allie. You’ll love it. At night, the sky is filled with so many stars it will take your breath away.”

  Allie sighed as her own eyes clouded for a moment. “It sounds like just the type of place I need right now,” she admitted.

  “Great,” Indy replied, giving Allie a quick hug before she turned away. “I’ll let Jonathan know we are ready to go.”

  Allie watched as Indy turned and hurried over to where Jonathan and Jacob were talking to Taylor. Her eyes locked with Jacob’s for a brief moment before he looked back to answer something her brother had asked him. Just that brief look was enough to make Allie’s stomach flip over with nervousness.

  Two weeks, she thought. I can handle two weeks.

  “Allie,” Sam murmured.

  “Yes, Papa,” Allie responded, absently, forcing her attention back to him.


  Sam glanced at Claire. He nodded to her as she stood standing on the porch watching them. This had been one of the most difficult decisions that either one of them had ever made. How did a parent send one of their children off into a world that they knew was dangerous? Not only was the past a difficult life for a woman, it was deadly for an Indian. Allie was used to walking in both worlds. Where she was going, life would be very different than what she was used to.

  His eyes moved over to Jacob Tucker. Jacob had approached him and Claire last night. He thought of the man who had asked them for one of the most precious gifts a parent could give… Jacob had asked them for Allie’s hand in marriage. His mind drifted to the conversation that might well change all their lives forever.


  Jacob stood in the doorway to Sam’s office. Sam and Claire were sitting on the couch off to the side, talking quietly. He hated to interrupt them, but what he needed to ask was too important not to do it. He knocked lightly to draw their attention.

  “Jacob,” Sam greeted, rising out of his seat.

  “Sam,” Jacob returned with a nod of his head. “Claire.”

  “Hi, Jacob,” Claire said with a smile.

  “I’d like a moment of your time, if you don’t mind,” Jacob stated, looking at Sam with a serious expression.

  “Of course,” Sam responded with a wave of his hand to the chair next to the couch. He sat back down next to Claire. “What is it?”

  Jacob smiled his thanks as he walked across and sat down on the edge of the chair. Folding his hands together, he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. He looked back and forth between Sam, with his proud Lakota features, and Claire, with her delicate, pale coloring. What he was about to ask was going to be difficult for them to accept, but he knew what he wanted and it was worth fighting for.

  “I want to ask for your permission and blessings to take Allie as my wife,” Jacob stated bluntly.

  Sam’s frowned as he studied Jacob in surprise. “I thought you were returning tomorrow to your home,” Sam replied.

  “I am,” Jacob said. “Allie is going with us, as you know.”

  “For a short period of time,” Sam acknowledged.

  Jacob sat back and stared intently at Sam. “Not if I have anything say about it,” he replied. “I am asking for your permission to marry Allie.”

  “And if I say no?” Sam asked, staring back at Jacob with a narrow gaze.

  “Then, I’ll take her as my
wife without it,” Jacob responded quietly. “I would prefer to have your and Claire’s permission and blessings, but either way, I plan on keeping Allie by my side.”

  “Your time is a hard life for anyone,” Sam pointed out. “It is even more so for a woman. Have you thought of what life would be like for a woman such as Allie? She has not only been raised in an era when a woman is used to being equal to a man, but she is half Lakota. Even now, it is not always easy for one born to the white man and Indian to walk between the two worlds. You would take her to a time when it would be almost impossible for her to be accepted.”

  Jacob refused to look away from Sam. Yes, he had thought of the difficulties. He had gone over and over in his head the dangers that belonged to his world. Yet, there were just as many dangers here. He had watched the picture box with its ‘World News’. This world could be just as dangerous.

  “I would do everything in my power to protect her,” Jacob finally said. “I know it will be difficult at times, but I’ll be there for Allie. I’ll always be there for her.”

  “You love her,” Claire stated in a soft voice.

  Jacob turned his gaze to Claire. He saw understanding and something else in her eyes, an acknowledgement that he meant what he said. A smile curved his lips as he nodded.

  “Yes,” he admitted, surprising himself with how true it was. “Yes, I love your daughter. She is…”

  “Stubborn, passionate, loving,” Claire finished for him.

  “Yes, and more,” Jacob agreed.

  “Allie needs someone who will be by her side,” Claire murmured. “She needs to be needed and accepted for who she is.”

  “I promise, she will always be by my side,” Jacob assured her. “She is too proud to be anywhere else.”

  “You will protect her?” Sam asked.

  Jacob looked Sam in the eye. This was a man who was asking him if he would give his life to protect his daughter. He was asking Jacob if he was willing to be the man who could not only protect Allie physically, but her heart as well.

  “With my life, for as long as I live,” Jacob vowed.

  Sam reached over and clasped Claire’s hand in his. He squeezed it when he felt it tremble. Drawing in a deep breath, he turned his gaze from his wife’s beautiful blue ones back to Jacob.

  “Then, we give you our permission and our blessing, Jacob Tucker,” Sam said in a low voice. “But… The real challenge will be getting Allie’s,” he added with a small, wry grin. “I don’t envy you that challenge.”


  Now, Sam looked at his daughter with a feeling of pride and sorrow. He was proud of her. She knew as much about the ranch as he did. The way of the land was in her blood. He had no doubt that she would thrive back in Jacob’s time.

  The sorrow he felt was for the journey she would have to make to discover who and what she truly was capable of being. He feared he would never see her again. That thought almost made him gather her to him and refuse to let her go. If it hadn’t been for the unknowing looks of longing in her eyes whenever she looked at Jacob, he would have.

  “Allie,” Sam said, drawing her attention back to him.

  “Yes, Papa?” Allie asked.

  “I want you to know I love you,” Sam said in a gruff voice.

  “We both love you,” Claire said, coming up to stand next to Sam and Allie. “I made you this.”

  Allie frowned as her mom stepped forward and carefully attached a gold chain around her neck. She fingered the pendant. It was the symbol of the Whitewater ranch, flowing waves with two swirling forms rising out of it. The forms symbolized the two worlds, white and Indian, rising together out of the waters in harmony.

  “Never forget who you are in here,” her mom said, touching Allie above her heart. “Be proud of who you are and where you come from and you will always be alright.”

  “I will,” Allie promised, gazing at her parents with a smile. “I learned from the best.”

  Sam pulled Allie into his arms and hugged her against him. Memories of holding her when she was just a baby swept through his mind. Tears burned his eyes as he held her tightly against him. It was hard for a man to give his daughter into the keeping of another man.

  His eyes rose and he stared at Jacob who was watching them. He knew he was warning Jacob that he better fulfill his promise to love and protect Allie. His head bent when he saw Jacob’s responding nod of acknowledgement and the look of promise in his eyes.

  “Let’s go,” Sam said in a gruff voice. “Daylight is burning.”

  “I love you, Allie,” Claire whispered as she gave Allie a hug. “Be careful.”

  Allie hugged her mom back. “I will,” she said.

  She glanced back and forth between her parents with a puzzled frown. They were acting like she was going away somewhere far away. Hell, even if it was on the other side of the world, she could always call or email them. It wasn’t like she was going into outer space, or worse, into the past where there was no technology.

  Chapter 17

  “Make sure the lead ropes are tied,” Jonathan yelled as the last of the convoy of horses and pack mules were loaded with supplies.

  “Aw, dad,” Taylor was complaining. “Why can’t I go? I’m twenty!”

  “Because you weren’t invited,” Sam replied as he checked the straps holding on some supplies. “Besides, you have a rodeo in two days. You’d never make it.”

  “I can miss one,” Taylor said.

  “Taylor,” Sam finally growled in frustration. “You need time to grow up before you go through the Pass.”

  “Why does Allie get to go?” Taylor complained, glancing at where Allie was talking with Indy.

  “Because she is ready,” Sam replied in exasperation.

  Taylor scowled at his dad. “That doesn’t make any sense at all.”

  “I thought going on the rodeo circuit would help you grow up,” Sam muttered. “I think it is time you started working at the ranch. It is time to learn what it means to really work for your living.”

  “I’ve been trying to tell you that for the past year,” Taylor replied with a grin. “So, when do I start?”

  “Four o’clock tomorrow morning,” Sam announced.

  “Four… Shit,” Taylor grumbled.


  Jacob pulled back on the reins and turned his horse around to go back down the line as they neared the entrance to Spirit Pass. Sam, Taylor, and Aleaha rode up toward him. This is where they would part. A sense of being watched washed over him and he glanced around with a frown. He shook his head, dismissing the feeling when Sam called out to him.

  "Jacob, this is as far as we go," Sam said, riding up to him. "Will you be alright from here?"

  Jacob nodded. "Yes. Jonathan and I've herded more on our own. With Indy, Allie, and the two dogs, we'll be fine."

  Sam looked down the long line of horses and mules. Chester and Tweed were running back and forth, making sure the line stayed straight. Both dogs had gone crazy when Indy returned home, and even now continued to stop every few minutes to look for her. Sam nodded his head to Jacob to follow him.

  "You are sure about this?" Sam asked in a quiet voice so he wouldn't be overheard. "I love my daughter very much, Jacob. I don't want to see her hurt."

  "I'm sure, Sam," Jacob replied, staring up the line where Allie was laughing at something Indy was telling her. "I'm very, very sure."

  Sam drew in a deep breath and nodded. "If there is any way possible, Claire and I will come visit. I can't guarantee anything. I refuse to endanger Claire's life."

  "Thank you for having Taylor share some of what is to happen with us," Jacob said.

  "I am not sure how this will affect the future. Nothing like this has ever happened as far as I am aware. My people believe that everything happens for a reason. As a Lakota, I understand and accept that. As a father, I will do whatever I can to protect my daughter. I wanted you to know what will happen. Life will not be easy for my people during your time."

e will walk by my side," Jacob promised. "If others don't accept that, they will have to deal with me."

  Sam's mouth quirked and he chuckled. "If there is anything left of them after Allie gets done with them," he said with a shake of his head. "I have to remember she might be my little girl, but she has always been good at protecting herself physically. It is her heart that I worry the most about. Chris's injury and death has hurt her. She sees loving someone else as making her vulnerable. She'll try everything she can to push you away from her."

  "Yeah, well first I have to get close enough for her to do that," Jacob muttered under his breath.

  Allie had done everything in her power to put a distance between them. Hell, it was so bad that if he came in the front door of the house, she went out the back. Once they were close to the ranch that was going to end. It was time to show her that he wasn’t going to be ‘pushed’ away anymore. He was there to stay.

  “Jacob,” Jonathan called out. “We’re ready.”

  Jacob tipped his hat to Sam and moved to the back of the line. He turned to watch as Sam rode up to Allie and Indy. Both women leaned over and gave him a hug and kiss. His eyes caught Allie’s when she turned to look back at him when her dad said something. She turned her head to her dad and nodded once before turning away from him as Sam rode back past him.

  “Safe travels,” Sam called as he rode by.

  “You too, Sam,” Jacob and Jonathan called in return.

  Now, Jacob thought a few minutes later as he entered the Pass, now we are on my turf as Taylor would say.


  Allie glanced around the high rock walls on each side of the narrow cut. She thought calling it a ‘pass’ was a bit of a push. A shiver raced through her as a chilled wind blew by her.

  Whatever in the hell it was, it was spooky, she thought as she patted the neck of her horse when it whinnied.


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