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Never Love a Hitman (The Carlotta Family Book 1)

Page 12

by Eden Rose

  “How I treated Amanda has haunted me ever since. I’m the reason why she’s gone missing. She’s probably running from me.”

  Calista slides over closer to me. “You were pretty rough on her. That’s the last time anyone has seen her?”

  I nod my head. “Yeah. No one can even place her anywhere.”

  “It’s not your fault,” she whispers to me while rubbing my arm. “None of this is your fault.”

  “How could you say that?” I yell. “I’m the reason why she would want to leave and I should have been there to protect her but I was on a job.”

  She smiles at me and climbs into my nap. “I know it's not your fault because you are so protective of me.You love me. ”

  I've never said it to her even though I think it's true. The minute I say it out loud to her, the minute I have to admit I'm going to kill her father. I can't tell her that I'm doing it to find out what happened to Amanda because she will leave me.


  I can’t even begin to describe the level of confused I am at this moment. Victor is at my crappy apartment sharing his deepest darkest secret but yet, I can’t even begin to express how I feel.

  So, instead of telling him how I feel, I decide to show him how I feel.

  Sliding off his lap, I hold out my hand for him to grab. He does it without hesitation. I then lead him through my apartment towards my room. He’s balking a little but I turn to wink at him.

  “Pussycat, you don’t have to do this,” he murmurs to me.

  Hearing him call me that makes me mushy inside but I can’t help but wonder if that’s what he called her. Amanda. The woman he’s probably still in love with but is settling with me.

  I get down on my knees to begin pulling down his pants. They come off easily and I lick my lips. Once his big dick pops out of its confines, I bring my head down. Within a second, I have him swallowed whole.

  With Josh, I never gave head so I’m hoping I don’t completely suck at it.

  I use my palm to hold him steady and begin to bob my head up and down with my hand rubbing him, too. He moans out loud and I’m hoping that’s a good thing. It's not long before his fingers sift into my hair and he’s holding my face still.

  He begins to use my mouth for his pleasure and I allow him to do so. It's hot knowing he’s losing control from me.

  “That’s it, pussycat. That’s my girl!” He praises me. I suck the tip of his dick a little harder than before and he groans. “Damn! Your mouth should come with a warning label.”

  I giggle making his thrust deeper into my throat. “Baby, if you do that, I’m going to come!”

  I’ve never been one to swallow before and I’m a little nervous but I think I can do it. How can someone swallow wrong? Is there such a thing?

  Squeezing his huge shaft, I lick around the tip of his dick. I moan knowing how turned on he is by me.

  “For fuck sakes! I’m going to come,” he warns me but I don’t stop. I keep sucking until he’s shooting ropes of come into my mouth.

  I continue to suck until the last drop is in in my mouth and he begins to deflate a little. My jaw hurts a little from sucking his big dick- however, I’m not going to complain.

  For those ten minutes I sucked his dick, I’m hoping he was thinking of me and not Amanda.

  As I looked into his eyes with me still on my knees, I knew without a shadow of a doubt I’m in love with him. Head over feet in love with him and I hope he feels the same way about me too. If not, I don’t think I would be able to survive it.

  This is the kind of love I feel like my parents have. They are always kissing, touching, whispering how they love each other. Plus, every time my dad calls my mom vixen, she melts the same way I do.

  For some sick and known but unspoken reason, I’m jealous over Amanda. I’m jealous over a dead girl who had Victor’s heart and who will probably always have it.


  The stubborn woman standing in front of me wouldn’t let me buy her a new car. Which leads us to this moment.

  “My car just needs a new trans. Stop overreacting!” She shrieks at me as we stand inside the auto repair shop. Calista is giving me her evil eye but it's not working the way she wants it to.

  She drove over to my house after work and the rusted out piece of shit car she drove stalled in my driveway. That loser fiance of hers let her drive this death trap around? I wouldn’t let someone I’m about to whack drive it!

  Needless to say, I think she’s more mad at the fact her car wouldn’t start and now she has to get rid of it. She’s pouting in a cute way.

  I wanted her to move it because it stalled right in my driveway behind one of my cars. The woman had the choice to pick one of my cars but she wants to be resistant to accepting help.

  While part of me is thrilled to be a woman who handles her own business, the other part of me is frustrated as fuck. How am I supposed to provide for her when she doesn’t want to accept help? Like at all. She makes it almost impossible.

  “Baby,” I try to placate her with my arms across my chest. “Come on, let me buy you a car. It's no big deal. Plus, this guy owes me a favor.”

  I’m not going to tell her the reason why he owes me a favor. Oh fuck no! I’ve never come out and told her I kill people for money or that I’m a made member of The Carlotta Family. I’m pretty sure it's self explanatory, though. Talking about it won’t make me not a hitman and to be frank- I don’t ever want to quit.

  The thrill of the hunt has got to be the most exciting feeling in the world.

  Well, until I met Calista. When I met her, finding Vincent Moretti lost its appeal. I know that finding him will give me the answers I need to know what happened to my wife but Calista means more than that to me.

  I honestly think she could be something more than a comare.

  Calista shakes her head vehemently. “No, no, no! I don’t need my… uh, whatever you call yourself, buy me a fucking car!”

  Now she’s pissing me off. I take the two steps and cage her against one of the cars the auto repair shop is selling. I have her pinned with my hands grabbing her fleshy hips. Since it's August in Arizona, it's fucking hot and she’s wearing a pair of short shorts with a tank. The woman is hot. I will give her that.

  “Whatever I am, huh?” I bark at her. “So, I’m just some random guy you fuck?” I’m baiting her to get her exasperated to give in to me. I hope it works.

  She rolls her eyes. “I have my own money!” She argues and tries to push me away.

  “I know you do, pussycat,” I murmur against the column of her neck. I know this is her spot because she’s gets all giggly when I kiss it. “It's really no big deal. I take care of what is mine and you are mine.” I suck on her pulse beating in her neck.

  She whimpers. “I don’t need you to buy me a car,” she counters just to be argumentative. “Don’t think I don’t know what you are doing, Bruno!”

  “Call me Mr. Bruno, pussycat,” I croon sucking on her neck.

  “You’re not playing fair.” My fingers knead her hips more.

  “It's really no big deal.”


  Not even separating myself from Calista, I turn to look at the mechanic. “Yes?” I bark while raising my eyebrow. I’m not happy about being interrupted. My dick is harder than fucking cement and I had every intention on at least getting to second base with my woman.


  The mechanic is everything Victor isn’t. He’s overly muscular with tattoos from (what it looks like) his head to his feet. He’s dark, dirty and dangerous looking.

  My eyes bulge a little in my skull.

  “Stop checking out the fucking mechanic before I kill him,” Victor whispers in my ear with malice. “I will fucking kill him right here and I won’t think twice about it.”

  I gulp. What the fuck is wrong with me for being turned on by his threat of ending someone’s life? My thighs clench together to help ease the ache between my legs.

  “What?” Vi
ctor asks the mechanic again.

  “You need to get a new car,” the mechanic states in a sultry voice.

  Jesus! I need to get a hold of myself!

  “No!” I almost shriek. “My car is fine and it's not my fault you people don’t know how to do proper maintenance on an older vehicle.”

  He walks over to me a report in his hand as if I could read it and know what I’m looking for. “Ma’am. If I had a wife as beautiful as you, I wouldn’t allow you to drive this car.”

  My mouth opens then shuts. Wife! He thought I was Victor’s wife? How crazy. We’ve only been seeing each other a short time. Granted, I have feelings for this man which are borderline obsessive… But still!

  Victor smirks then his dimple in the side of his mouth comes out to play. “If you think she’s my wife, you better stop looking at her as if you want to fuck her.”

  “Victor!” I shout.

  The mechanic throws his hands up in the air. “Sorry, man. No disrespect.”

  “What’s wrong with her car?”

  “The engine is shot, so is the trans and she needs new brakes… I would highly recommend you scrap this car and get a new one.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and push Victor away a little. Fuck this shit. My car is fine.

  I’m about to do the one thing that pisses men off. I’m about to pull the daddy card. My dad didn’t say anything about this car before. I don’t get why it all of a sudden is falling apart.

  “Key, please,” I demand and hold out my hand. I’m getting out of here as soon as I can. I don’t want to scrap my car. Without having payments on it, I’m going to be able to buy a house quicker. I don’t want to live in an apartment for the rest of my life.

  The mechanic reluctantly hands over my keys. “I need you to sign a waiver that states I explained the risks to you before you leave.”

  He holds the key in one hand and the waiver in the other. I’m more than mortified about my car. This is not something I needed to worry about. “Fine, give me a pen.” I quickly sign the waiver and it hand it back to him.

  Once the key is in my hand, I spin on my heels and walk towards my car. I crank it over and it starts automatically. Without looking behind me to see if Victor is there, I back out of the spot and drive towards the hospital. I need to check on my patient.

  Plus, I want to see how things are going with her. If she’s awake yet and if she can tell me anything she remembers.

  As I’m driving, I call my parents to bitch and complain about my car. Which is running perfectly right now. “Hey, mom!” I chirp.

  “Hey, sweetie. How’s everything going?”

  I take a deep breath and pull into the hospital. Just as I go to park my car, it stalls! Again! This time it makes a plonking noise so loud that even my mom had something to say.

  “Honey, what the fuck was that?”

  “My car!” I cry out. “God damned assholes were right and I need a new car but I don’t want to make payments but my car is dying and I’m pissed because I love this car and I don’t know what to do,” I babble on.

  My mom hushs me. “Let me tell your dad to come take a look at your car and we will go from there. Your dad is on his way to the grocery store and I will let him know.”

  Tears spring out of my eyes. “I really don’t need to add another bill to my pile, mom. I think my car is dead.”

  “Well, shit happens. You drove that car hard and it lived a great life with you. Plus, you know your dad and I would help you anyway we can.”

  “It’s not the same! How am I supposed to become a big shot doctor and cure cancer or some shit when my car doesn’t even run,” I beg turning the key again. “Come on, come on, come on, come on!” I chant until it clicks over allowing me to park my car.

  Calling Victor to admit he was right is not something I’m looking forward to doing. He’s going to be all smug and all “I told you so!” I don’t want to deal with that. This is already hard enough on me and I don’t need anything more.


  “Thank God you are here!” Dr. Jacobs yells as soon as he sees me walking into the emergency wing.

  I giggle. “Uh, good thing or bad thing?” I question as I plug in my cell phone behind the nurses’ station. “What’s going on?”

  Dr. Emil Jacobs happens to be one of my favorite doctors who I work with. He’s one of the nicest men I have ever met besides of course, my dad.

  He’s also a good looking guy. He’s older and has the worst crush on my mother. Every time she comes over here, he gets all stupid and tries to show off. Little does he realize, she’s one hundred percent in love with my dad.

  And he hates Kyle just about as much as I do.

  Jacobs hands me a cup of coffee and points towards the room where I last saw my patient at. “She’s awake.”

  “Shit! Why didn’t anyone call me?” I demand and run towards her room, spilling my coffee on my jacket as I go.

  He’s running after me. “She’s nonverbal but she winces every time someone touches her.”

  “What else can you tell me?” I ask as I throw open the door to her room.

  The woman is pale with blue eyes blinking at me while I look her over. They have put light casts on her broken arm and leg to help set it before re-breaking it. The re-breaking is the hardest part because we have to break it in a way that it will heal correctly.

  “Hello,” I croon to my patient. She’s been cleaned up enough where her eyes watch your every move. I can tell she’s going to have a hard road in front of her, especially to gain the weight she has lost back. “Blink once if you can hear me.”


  “Can you speak?” I question as I take a seat next to her.

  I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket telling me I have a text message. It’s probably from my dad letting me know he’s on his way to look at my car. Sheila would have a field day if she knew he was coming to the hospital. The woman has a big crush on him and calls him a D.I.L.F. meaning “Dad I Like To Fuck.” My friends at the hospital make me feel so loved.

  Jacobs takes a seat next to me with a pad of paper out ready to take notes. I can tell he’s taking the notes because he doesn’t want Kyle taking over my patient. Hell, I don’t want Kyle anywhere near her because he would only care about the notoriety of saving her.

  Even though he doesn’t give two fucks about her.

  “Yes,” the woman says.

  “What is your name?” I ask her. I don’t want to draw attention to the fact I didn’t think she would be able to talk because I don’t want her to freak out once she sees how bad she looks.


  “Amanda, do you know where you came from?”

  “Here. My husband… Victor Bruno. Where is he?”

  Ever heard the saying “I felt the ground give out below me”? I know what it means.


  “So, after this, we are square, right?” Louigi asks me while handing me a key to the new Ford Fiesta parked outside of his shop.

  The man owes me a favor from taking care of some kids who were trying to steal his cars from his car lot. I sat outside all night until they showed up trying to steal one of the cars. One look at me, they went running the other direction. Or maybe it was my gun that freaked them out.

  Who knows. They got the memo.

  “Yeah, Lou. We are square after this.”

  I grab the key to her new car and call one of the associates to come get mine. After they’ve come to pick up my car, I drive my happy ass to the hospital where I know Calista is at. That woman is a serious workaholic and needs to stop doing these long ass days.

  Plus, now that she’s officially mine, I’m hoping she will stop working all together. I want a woman at home.

  I scratch my beard as I drive this bright blue car to the hospital and listen to some music. This can go one or two ways. One, Calista flips the fuck out and knees me in the balls. Two, she says thank you and takes my gift.

  It should go without saying I
’m hoping for the latter.

  My phone rings in my pocket of my suit coat. I don’t have to check the caller ID because I already know it's the assholes who set me up for a mission that I don’t want to complete anymore. Now that I have Calista, I feel as if I can put Amanda behind me. I feel as if I have a future with Calista.

  Amanda was never going to be my future even though I wanted her to for the baby.

  “Yeah?” I answer the phone.

  “You complete your job?” The dumbass asks.


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