Book Read Free


Page 7

by K. Webster

  I rubbed my stubbly face with my palms, which in fact did smell of sex. “Yeah, I am. I’ve got less than two weeks to figure this out before I owe the rest of the money. Do you have any contacts that you trust?”

  “I’ll shoot you an email with the contact info. The best in the biz is AJ Cox. He’s like a freaking hound dog. You can trust him.”

  I stood and gave him a hug, slapping him between the shoulders. “Thanks, buddy. I appreciate all you do. You’re a good friend.”

  After Trent left, I called Jackson. He was going to be so pissed.

  “Hey, Jordie, what’s up?” his unusually chipper voice belted out. Shit, I felt like an ass for having to ruin his weekend.

  “Trent and I went on a search for the money that Dad hid away. He was funneling money away in about a six-month time frame into my trust account. But, Jackson, you are not going to fucking believe this! Nadia signed every fucking check that went into the account!” I was shouting because it infuriated me that the bitch had jacked with everyone’s lives and gotten away with it.

  “Fucking bitch! What the fuck do we do about it? Are you going to give them the money since you found it? What’s our next play?” He was frantic with his questions.

  “Jackie, I’m going to hire a fraud examiner. We need to get to the bottom of this. If Nadia is involved in illegal activities, then she needs to pay. She has left a path of destruction in each of our lives, and I’m tired of her getting away with it.”

  “What happens if it’s bigger than you think? What happens to the company?”

  “Man, you need to be prepared for the worst. We might lose everything. I’m sorry, but it has to be done. I didn’t work my ass off at Princeton to go down for illegal activities I didn’t even commit. Are you with me?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Okay, well, the next course of ac—” I was interrupted by Jackson shouting on the other side of the phone.

  “What the fuck, Andi? I came in here to speak privately to Jordan. You’re being a fucking snoop!”

  What the hell? Did he seriously just talk to her like that?

  “Don’t be a dick,” I growled into the phone, hanging up on him. Jackson had better get his head out of his ass if he planned on keeping Andi. She was a catch, and his stupid ass could barely hold on to her.

  After Jordan left, I stayed in bed, basking in our after-sex glow. I couldn’t believe that I’d waited so long for such a fabulous thing, but I was glad I had. Jordan was worth the wait.

  My phone chimed from the bedside table.

  Jordan: Hey beautiful. I’m finishing up at the office and am going to swing by my apartment for a quick shower (since apparently I smell like sex according to Trent). I’ll pick you up at 5. I want to take you on a real date. When I get there, come to the car. If I come up there, I can assure you we’ll never leave. See you soon. ;)

  I smiled at his text. This was what I’d missed out on for the past four plus years because of that asshole Cole. Normal people were attracted to each other, had sex, and went on dates. Normal people texted one another cute wink faces and their hearts beat wildly in their chests at the sight of those texts. Finally, Jordan was helping me be one of those normal people. Now, if my father could find a way to get Cole completely out of the picture, I would be able to move on and embrace my newfound freedom.

  Me: I guess I’ll put the vibrator down and grab a shower myself. Are you sure you don’t want to come up?

  His response was almost immediate, and I grinned at the power my words had over him.

  Jordan: Dammit woman! I’m going to throw your vibrator out the window. At the very least, I’m stealing the batteries. I want to be the only one that gets the pleasure of touching you in your most sensitive place. We’re going on a date so the answer is no to me coming up there. Don’t worry though, I have plans for you later.

  Me: Kidding! It’s still buried under some old purses. I’ll meet you downstairs at 5. XO

  Jordan: I can assure you, your vibrator is no match for my tongue. XO

  Now his words were getting me hot and bothered.

  After showering, I decided on a pair of skinny jeans, a fitted sweater, and some flats. Normally I would just toss my hair in a bun, but today I wanted to be pretty for Jordan. I styled my naturally wavy hair to give it the beach wave look and left it down. I even applied a light coat of makeup, which I didn’t wear often. Once I spritzed on some of the perfume my parents had given me for my birthday, I headed into the living room to wait for Jordan.

  Olive was sitting, perched on the arm of the sofa like a cat, reading her book. The short shorts she was wearing revealed her extremely long milk-chocolate legs. Those legs would get her in trouble if she ever left the house. Men would line up just to have her wrap those beautiful things around them.

  “What’s up, Pepper?” she asked, looking at me over her book.

  My lips involuntarily curved up into a grin. Damn Jordan for making me this way! Olive smiled back in wonder.

  I heard Andi’s door open before I could answer Olive, and she padded over to us.

  “Not much,” I told Olive, trying to suppress the cheesy look on my face.

  “Wait a second,” Andi declared, coming around to stand in front of me. Her hands went to her hips as she narrowed her eyes at me.

  I bit my lip to stop any more damn grins that tried to give me away.

  “No fucking way. I can’t believe this!” Her voice was full of awe. “Pepper got laid!” she announced to Olive like I wasn’t even there.

  “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I screeched as I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Olive was watching me, her mouth wide open.

  “Pepper, don’t lie to me. You have that look that says, ‘I just got fucked and I’m about to do it again.’ Please tell me it was Jordan! Did he take your virginity? I knew you still had your v-card!”

  “Andi, you are such a bitch. I don’t have that face, but if you must know, yes, he took my v-card. Jordan took my virginity and it was fucking amazing!”

  Like two schoolgirls, Olive and Andi shrieked at the same time. Andi made it to me first and enveloped me in a big hug. Olive wasn’t far behind. I was grinning once again because it felt good to talk to someone about it.

  “Oh my God, Pepper, this is the best news I’ve heard in a long time!” Andi squealed, hugging me tighter. I finally pushed her and Olive off of me.

  “We need to know details. Tell me every last bit,” Olive ordered.

  “One thing led to another last night and he gave me my first orgasm with his tongue. And dammit, Andi, you never explained to me how fucking good those things were!”

  “Pepper, you are so full of shit! Why do you think I bought you the vibrator? I knew you weren’t getting any, so at least you could get a little pleasure somewhere!”

  I laughed at the conversation we were having. Normal girls talked about their sexual experiences, and I was finally one of them. Even timid, damaged Olive wasn’t a virgin.

  “All I’m saying, Andi, is that you never told me about the earth-shattering intensity of them. You also didn’t tell me that your body could just keep having them. And Jordan is hung like a horse. Not that I have anything to compare it to. Does it run in the family?” I asked, winking at her.

  “Does what run in the family?” asked Jackson as he walked out of Andi’s room. My face blazed crimson while my two bitchy best friends cackled.

  “Nosy assholes,” I replied snootily to him.

  Rolling his eyes at me, he walked back into the room.

  “God, Pepper, you don’t have to be such a bitch.” Andi stuck her tongue out at me and stormed after Jackson.

  Whatever. My phone chimed with a text from Jordan. I hugged Olive goodbye and hurried downstairs.

  Once outside, I scanned the street, searching for Jordan’s car. “Hey, beautiful.” Smiling, I turned around towards Jordan’s voice.

  He looked sexy as always, but this time I had a claim to i
t. His hair was styled in its usual messy way. He’d shaved the stubble from his face, giving him a sleek look. When he smiled, my lower belly ached. God, he was so good-looking.

  “You clean up well,” I teased. He cleaned up really well. And now that he’d stepped closer to me, I could smell him too. It took everything in me not to grab a handful of his shirt and inhale him like some kind of animal in heat. His smile was infectious, and I was having a hard time keeping my own in check around him.

  “I missed you, babe.” His hand touched my cheek, his thumb gently rubbing close to my nose. I closed my eyes, enjoying the simple gesture.

  “I missed you too, Jordan.” I felt his lips softly brush against mine before pressing harder into them. My mouth parted, wanting to taste him.

  He understood my invitation, his tongue slipping in, tasting of toothpaste. Our kiss was deep but not hurried. My fingers reached up to his chest and slid down the contours of his muscles through his shirt. I felt his hands grip my hips and dig his fingers into me as he dragged me closer to him. Now that my breasts were pressed against him, my nipples hardened at the touch. A moan escaped my mouth before I could stop it, and Jordan jerked away.

  “God, I’m about two seconds away from tossing you over my shoulder and hauling you back upstairs,” he declared, breathing heavily. At least I knew I had the same effect on him that he had on me.

  “Okay, let’s go before I decide to encourage your inner caveman.” Smiling saucily at him, I headed to his car. He opened the car door and helped me inside. Once he got in, his hand reached over and laced with mine, resting in my lap. The whole dating thing was so easy with him.

  “Why does Jackson have a driver but you drive your own car?” I’d been going crazy wondering about this.

  “Well, there’s a back story behind it. When Mom was pregnant with Jackson and I was just a baby myself, she and my dad were having an argument while he was driving. A cab ran a red light right in front of my parents. Had he been paying proper attention, he could have stopped in time. Instead, they t-boned the cab. The driver was severely injured. My mom started bleeding, and they thought she was losing the baby. Turns out Jackson was okay but she’d had a partial placental abruption. Since she was close to term, they kept her hospitalized until his birth. Dad and I were unharmed. After the accident, Dad hired George. Growing up, neither of my parents ever drove. It wasn’t until my dad’s death that my mother started driving again. When Dad died, Jackson couldn’t bear the idea of George being without a job. He’d been there our whole lives, driving us everywhere. So Jackson left him on the payroll and George started carting him around everywhere. Jackson’s a shitty driver anyway, so it works.”

  “Wow. Jordan, I had no idea. I just thought he was an arrogant, entitled asshole,” I joked.

  “Oh, he’s definitely still an arrogant, entitled asshole.”

  We both laughed as he pulled into a parking spot at a trendy little restaurant not far from my apartment.

  The restaurant had an eclectic, bohemian feel to it. Every wall was littered with old records, unused instruments, pictures of local celebrities, and other oddities. It was charming in a hipster kind of way. The server—Glenda, according to her tag—was sporting dreadlocks and wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt and cut-off shorts.

  “Hiya. The special of the day is Thai curry chicken with potatoes. Can I get you two something to drink?” she asked once we sat down.

  “I’ll take a Corona,” Jordan told her.

  “I’ll have one too,” I agreed.

  The waitress nodded and sauntered off to get them.

  “What kind of restaurant is this?” I asked Jordan. The name “Billie’s” on the outside gave no clue as to what kind of food they served.

  “I have no fucking idea but it’s the best food around. Every time I come here, the special is different. I always just order what they’re cooking up that day. We can ask for a menu if that doesn’t sound good to you, but I promise that every single thing I’ve tasted here is awesome.”

  “No, that sounds wonderful.”

  After the server took our orders, we chatted about our day. I personally had a lazy day, but his was a lot more productive. He told me about how he and Trent had discovered some interesting information regarding his dad.

  “I’m calling a fraud examiner tomorrow. Trent is worried it could open a whole can of worms, but I am not one to do shady business. My dad was an idiot to get involved in all of this. I want to find out the degree to how far this has gone and take measures to correct it. This company is mine and Jackson’s now. Fraud isn’t something we deal in.”

  “Jordan, that sucks. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with it. What does the other guy think about you doing all of this?”

  “Lou? He’s given me two weeks to pay the other half of the money. I don’t want to until I have the examiner look over everything. If he can’t get it uncovered by then, I’ll have to stall Lou. It won’t be pretty.”

  I frowned, knowing that things could get ugly for him. I thought that maybe I could ask Daddy if he could help Jordan.

  Glenda arrived with our food and we dug right in. It was pretty spicy, so we downed several more beers each. After dinner, we walked outside.

  “What are we going to do now? Is our date over?” I asked, winking at him.

  His mouth drew into a huge smile. “You are quite the minx. Don’t worry, babe. I’ll take good care of you later. There’s a piano bar on the corner. I thought we could go have some cocktails and enjoy some music.”

  “Okay, fine. But you better make it up to me tonight. I can’t stop thinking about your naked body. When you talk, all I hear is, ‘Blah, blah, blah,’ but what I’m thinking about is your tongue.” Jordan burst into hysterical laughter, and I joined in.

  “God, you are crazy. Come here,” he responded, grabbing my hand and pulling me to him. He brought his hand to my chin and used his thumb to drag it down, causing my lips to part. His mouth descended upon mine and he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth between his teeth. When I whimpered with need, he unceremoniously wrenched himself away and started walking towards the bar. Asshole.

  She was doing everything in her power to make me want to fuck her on the damn sidewalk. When she came out of the apartment earlier, hips swaying in her tight jeans, I’d almost decided to can the whole date idea. She was worth more to me though. I wanted her to have a real date because she fucking deserved it.

  After paying for our entry, I led her to a booth that was along the side of the bar but still had a good view of the stage. I waited for her to slide in first and sat down beside her so we could both see the piano. She ordered a Peppermint Kiss and I got a Vodka Red Bull. Once our drinks arrived, we snuggled together, waiting for the pianist to come on.

  “This has been a nice date. I think I may get spoiled,” she spoke, rubbing her hand along my thigh. The delicate pattern she was tracing along the inside had my dick trying to rip through the denim of my jeans.

  “Babe, you really shouldn’t start something you can’t finish,” I groaned as her hand now cradled my cock through my pants.

  “I love that I have this control over your body,” she purred into my ear.

  The lights suddenly were eliminated except for the spotlight pointing to the stage. The pianist walked over and launched right into Sophisticated Lady. When I felt her hand undoing my pants, I jerked my head towards her.

  “What are you doing?” I whispered.

  She gave me the sexiest smile she could muster. “I’m satisfying my man. Nobody can see us. It’s too dark.”

  I felt her slide the zipper down and my dick bulged through my boxer briefs, begging to be let out. When she wrestled my cock free, I nervously looked around. Everyone was looking at the stage. Oh God! Her tongue darted out and tentatively licked the tip. When I felt her mouth capture my cock, I groaned and threaded my fingers through her hair. Taking my noises and body language as encouragement, she bobbed her head up and down while she licked and suck
ed me.

  Her teeth scraped me a few times, but it was hot as hell. A small hand slid underneath the shaft, gently stroking my balls, and I nearly came right then. I could tell she was testing how far she could take me because I felt my dick slide down the back of her throat momentarily before she pulled it back out.

  “You have to stop or I won’t be able to control it and you’ll get a mouthful before you know it.”

  I swallowed my words as she swallowed my length. Finally giving in to my orgasm, I felt my seed pump into her mouth. She gulped it all down and slipped her mouth off of me. I released her hair, and she efficiently put me back in my pants, refastening them.

  “Oh my God, babe. That was incredible.” I was still panting and in shock. For someone new to the whole sex scene, she was catching on quickly.

  “Was it now? I listened to enough of Andi’s blowjob stories to figure out what you might like.”

  I pulled her close to me and marveled at how I had this smart, sexy, vixen of a woman who had no problems giving her man head in public. Finally, I’d gone and found the perfect woman.

  We enjoyed the pianist and drank a few more rounds with our arms around each other. I hoped this would be a memorable first date for her. I wanted all of her firsts to be with me. She was a shiny diamond I’d found in a sea of rocks and I was going to treasure her.

  “Let’s get out of here, gorgeous. I want to spend some time with you. Alone.” My eyes met hers and we shared the same heated stare.

  Grabbing hold of her hand, I helped her out of the booth. The drive back to her apartment was short since we hadn’t ventured out too far, and I was eager to get her upstairs.

  After I parked just down the street from her place, we got out and walked hand in hand. The cool air whipped around us, but the heat that pulsed between us kept us both hot.

  As we were about to arrive at her building, someone stepped out of the alley in front of us. The shadows covered his features, but he held something in his hand, pointed at us, that glimmered with the reflection of the moonlight. Tensing at the sudden appearance, I halted, drawing Pepper close to me.


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