Book Read Free

Cascade Collection

Page 27

by Phil Maxey

  Michael sat back down in the Humvee. “Man, I should have stayed in better shape inside. Standing for hours in this thing isn’t as easy as I thought it would be.”

  Zach smiled to himself. “It’s okay to take a break, but not too long of one.”

  “Yes, boss, just need a few minutes.”

  Zach’s radio came to life with a voice he recognized.

  “It’s only been a week, but it feels a lot longer! You out there, Zach? Over.”

  “Brad!” Almost in unison, each person in the Humvee said his name.

  “We’re on our way too you, but will probably be an hour or two late, we ran into some trouble not long after we left the camp, lost one of our men and two vehicles. Over.” A few seconds passed.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Haven’t seen much of those furry fucks, since our run in with them, but stay alert anyway. Over.”

  “Will do, get the coffee ready. Over And Out.” Zach put the radio down and smiled as he drove.

  Abbey looked out across the new town they were moving through. Smart looking homes stood off in the distance, in start contrast to the cars and trucks sitting abandoned. A large advertising board on the side of the road proudly announced a new kind of skin cream, making Abbey touch her face. Her attention then turned to a large light colored building off in the distance, which the highway seemed to be taking them towards. It was the largest building they had seen since leaving the camp and stood out amongst the smaller homes and shops around it. As they approached the junction in front of it, Zach’s radio came to life.

  “Sir, there’s a sign on that building, eleven o’clock. Over,” said Bass.

  Zach could see the sign just as everyone else could, and swore under his breath. “Everyone stop a hundred yards ahead. Over.”

  Painted with red paint on the side of numerous white bed sheets was the message “Survivors here, please help!” The convoy came to an abrupt halt.

  “Sergeant, get on the radio, see if anyone is responding on any frequencies. Everyone else stay alert, we’re too exposed out here. Over,” said Zach. Michael stood back up and swept the Humvee’s gun around. Pulling down the Humvee’s window, Zach leaned his rifle on the seal and looked down the scope at the building. The sheets flapped in the winter gusts. He scanned across the windows for any sign of life, but there was none. Lower down in front of the building was a large sign with brass lettering. “Scottsfield Hospital.”

  “Nothing on the radio. Sir. Over,” replied Bass. Zach sighed, sliding his hand over his growing hair.

  “I know we’re way behind schedule, but we need to check this place out, there could be people in there,” said Abbey.

  “Could be creatures too,” replied Jacob.

  Zach looked around him. A wall ran around the front of the front of the building about two hundred yards from the front entrance. To his right a shopping mall sat off in the distance with a parking lot running a good distance alongside the road. “Fiona you up for a quick scouting mission. Over.”

  “Reckon I am. Over.”

  “Bass, I’m going to need two soldiers with me and Fiona. Cal, I’ll need you to keep an eye on the building if you see any movement, let us know inside. Everyone else park up in the lot on the right, be ready to leave quickly if needed. Over.”

  Zach, Fiona and the two soldiers ran and crouched beneath the small wall.

  “When we’re inside move quickly and quietly, don’t use the radio unless you have to,” said Zach to the two soldiers. “What’s your name’s?”

  “Private Davis. Sir,” said the female soldier.

  “Private Martinez. Sir.”

  They all hopped over the wall and quickly ran over the fading grass to a small parking lot in front of the hospital. The five-story building leaned over them and like a lost kite the blankets flapped above their heads. The entrance consisted of large glass panels, stretching meters to their left and right, with a large sliding open door in the middle. A rusting gurney sat up against a curb with bloody sheets on top of it. Slowly they entered a large lobby area with a static escalator to the right, and a counter built into the wall on the left. Ahead were rows of chairs many upturned, with the occasional potted plant sitting on a table in-between. More gurneys lined up against a far wall, alongside some closed double doors.

  “You two look upstairs, we’ll search this floor,” said Zach.

  The two soldiers slowly ascended the metallic stairs, while Zach and Fiona moved through the lobby towards the double doors. Fiona looked through the small windows into a gloomy corridor beyond. Cables hung down from the ceiling and a wheelchair lay on its side in the middle of the corridor. Blood smeared the wall and the once glossy floor. Zach slowly pushed the left door open a few inches and listened into the gap. Only silence could be heard in the hallway ahead. They both moved into the corridor and looked into the first room. Its door was open and contained a bed with a rotting corpse. At the bottom of the bed was a suitcase and a pair of shoes neatly arranged. They moved along the corridor checking each room until they arrived at more closed double doors marked “Cafeteria” and some stairs leading upwards.

  “Martinez, Davis, any sign of life up there? Over,” said Zach. Only static emanated from his radio. “Martinez, Davis, come in. Over.” More static.

  “Maybe we’re in a dead zone,” said Fiona.

  “Let’s head upstairs.”

  They both ascended to the first floor. Another corridor stretched out ahead of them, this one gloomier than the ground floor due to most of the doors being closed.

  “Martinez, Davis, come in. Over!” This time Zach raised his voice, sending it echoing around the hallway. “Sergeant Bass, you out there. Over.” More static. “Dead zone. Great. We need to split up, go back out to the front, tell them there’s no signal in here, then meet me back in the lobby in ten minutes.” Fiona ran back down the stairs.

  Zach looked down the hallway, and up the stairwell. The blankets were hanging from the fourth floor windows, so slowly he climbed the stairs, straining his ears for the slightest sound. Arriving on the fourth floor, furniture, trays, bottles and bedding lay strewn everywhere. The rustling of wind swept through the hallway, and a door twenty or so feet away banged against its frame. Zach raised his gun and walked forward.

  “Captain Felton, you there. Over.” The voice of private Martinez bounced off the walls. Zach reached for the radio and instinctively turned the volume down and continued walking towards the banging door. The sound of wind was stronger now. Zach pushed the door open slowly. Inside was a large room, probably some kind of communal eating room for doctors and nurses. Over the floor pools of dark red goo lay scattered around paint cans and brushes. In one corner a sofa sat with a corpse laying on it. A blonde-haired woman. Zach walked over and kneeled down next to her. She looked like she would have been in her forties but it was hard to tell. She was wearing a white doctor’s jacket, and clasped in her hand was a small locket with a young girl’s face in it. The door behind him opened and Martinez and Davis entered the room.

  “We have checked the other floors, there’s a few corpses but no sign of life anywhere,” said Martinez. “Dr. Tanner has been trying to reach you on the radio. Sir.”

  Zach stood and turned up the volume on his radio. “What can I do for you doctor?”

  “If you can get to the dispensary, there are a few things that would come in useful.”

  “Sure. What are they?”

  After ten or so minutes, they were leaving the lobby with arms full of the medicines the doctor had requested, or as close to them as they could find. Before they left the fourth floor Zach got the soldiers to pull the blankets in from the windows. When he climbed back into the Humvee, the sun was now a few degrees above the horizon. He clicked on his radio as he pulled out of the parking lot. “No more stops until Roswell. Over.”


  Cal woke with a fright, his hands lashing out at the seat in front of him. His head burned and throbbed, touching it jus
t made it worse. He looked out through the coach’s window to his right at miles and miles of desert. The coach had stopped.

  “Are we in Roswell? Why have we stopped?” No answer came. He leaned to his left and looked along the aisle but there was no one. Something’s wrong. Standing up uneasily he reached for the headrest to steady himself. “Hello?” Where the fuck is everyone. He bent down and looked out the left side windows at an endless sea of desert. It was then that he released that his coach was alone, there were no vehicles behind him, and none in front. He started to feel hot. Being inside the coach wasn’t helping, wasn’t cooling him down, so he walked to the front and got off, almost falling down the last step. His head was hurting him, a constant drumming between his ears that made it hard to focus. He stood and looked skywards towards an intense blue that seemed to invade his mind. Looking back down, a figure was standing in front of him. At first he thought it was one of his friends, but he couldn’t quite see clearly who it was. A bright light twinkled behind them blurring their shape. His eyes started to water trying to keep focus on them.

  “Fiona? Why we here? I don’t feel too well.”

  “Tell the Arclight we accepted.”

  “Arclight, what?” The pain in his head was excruciating, he fell to his knees clutching his burning skull. “I don’t understand.”

  “We are almost there.”


  “Cal, we’re almost there, wake up. ”Fiona shook Cal by the shoulder. Cal woke with a fright, making Fiona pull back her hand quickly.

  “Hey you okay? Do you need the doctor?” Cal looked at her bleary eyed, then frowned and held his head. “Those pain killers the doctor gave you not working?”

  “Are we still moving?” said Cal his voice gravelly.

  “Yeah, we’re about twenty minutes out, you were mumbling something in your sleep.”

  Cal sat up in his seat and breathed heavily, puffing out his flushed cheeks. “Those pills she gave me really did a number on me.” Fiona smiled and put her hand on his shoulder.

  By time they reached the outskirts of Roswell, the sun was well below the horizon, and only blue hues from the day before were left in the sky.

  “I sure do hope that’s you I’m picking up on my furthest mike. Over,” said Brad.

  Zach was lost in thought when Brad’s voice came through on the radio. Abbey replied instead. “Hey Brad, we’re maybe twenty minutes out, should be with you soon, got a few more vehicles with us than what we left with. Over.”

  “So I’ve heard. Okay coffee’s hot, see you soon. Over.”

  Abbey looked over at Zach, his face looked drawn in the glow of the lights from the radios and dashboard. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, looking forward to that coffee.” He then picked up his radio. “When we arrive in Brad’s street, try parking in two rows, so we can keep the vehicles closer to the house. Over. Oh and if you see anything resembling a werewolf let me know. Over.” Bass and the other drivers acknowledged.

  Within minutes they were passing over railway lines and moving across Main Street towards Brads. The office building they stayed in a week before stood out as a dark monolith against the night sky.

  “Feels strange being back here,” said Abbey. Zach smiled and put his hand on hers. “Like it was a lifetime ago.”

  As the convoy pulled up in front of Brad’s house, he appeared holding a torch from the side entrance and helped direct some of the vehicles. Zach pulled the Humvee up on the grass.

  “Only been a week, but sure…” Brad wasn’t able to finish before Abbey hugged him. “Hey missy, it’s good to have you all back. Best we all get inside though.”

  Zach shook his hand smiling. “Hope there’s room in that house of yours for all my people.”

  Brad laughed. “We’re going to find out!”

  Zach, his team, the soldiers and everyone else filed one by one through the basement and up into the hallway of the old house.

  “Welcome everyone, there’s hot coffee in the pot, when you want to rest please find any spot in any room.” The soldiers looked tired and most headed for the upstairs where they collapsed on anything with bedding or cushions. “Whoa what happened to you two?” said Brad looking at Fiona and Cal.

  “Long story, short version it involved a centipede the size of a truck,” said Fiona who then looked down. “We lost a young guy who was in the Humvee with us.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, I think you could both do with something stronger than coffee.”

  “Sounds good,” said Fiona.

  Dr. Tanner stepped forward. “I’m afraid it’s not a good idea to mix drink with the meds you’re both on.”

  Fiona sighed.

  “Coffee it is then!” said Brad. Fiona and Cal disappeared down the hallway to the kitchen. Jacob walked heavily up the stairs from the basement and nodded to Brad as he continued walking up to the next level, Michael and Jacks followed shortly after.

  “This is Morgan Tanner she’s our doctor,” said Zach. Dr. Tanner shook Brad’s hand. “And this is Sergeant Bass, he’s pretty much keeping this show on the road.” Bass stepped forward and shook Brads hand with his good hand but still winced a little.

  “I’ve heard good things about you, sir. Keeping the light burning out here,” said Bass.

  “Please, call me Brad. Ha, well trying to do my best for the cause.”

  “Think I’ll grab some of the coffee. Nice meeting you,” said Dr. Tanner, Bass also followed into the kitchen.

  Brad held out his hand to Rob. “And who’s this big guy?”

  “Name’s Rob, these are my two brothers, Earl and Tyler,” said Rob before Zach had a chance to reply. “If you don’t mind we’re going to get some rest.”

  “No, not at all, not sure if there will be any room upstairs but grab whatever bedding you can find in the cupboards and stairs and make a bed wherever you want,” said Brad. Rob forced a tired smile and led his two weary eyed brothers up the stairs.

  Raj stood looking awkward. “This is Dr. Joshi,” said Zach.

  “Please just Raj.

  “Ah, you’re the scientist I keep hearing about. Nice to meet you.” Brad shook Raj’s hand enthusiastically.

  “Do you mind if I find a corner to sleep in as well, it’s just it’s been a long day.”

  “No, please do, maybe we can have a chat tomorrow.”

  “That would be good.” Raj wasn’t sure about the request, but smiled and walked up the stairs, just leaving Zach, Abbey and Brad.

  “Let’s have a chat in here.” Brad led them into the living room. Abbey went to sit down but then sat in a different chair when she realized that’s where Ray sat last time. “Neither of you are on medication right?” Zach and Abbey both said no. “I was sorry to hear about Ray. He was a grumpy old so and so, but from what I heard he was also a hero,” said Brad pouring some golden brown spirit into two glasses.

  “Dee wouldn’t have made it, without Ray stepping up,” said Zach, Abbey looked sad.

  “Some kind of amphibian E.L.F?”

  “Yeah, hundreds of them, surrounded us, if it wasn’t for the chopper from Bravo we wouldn’t of made it out either, but they got Ray,” said Zach taking a mouthful of his drink.

  “What’s life like in the camp? When the General told me you had basically volunteered to form a unit to help find survivors, I told her there’s no better people for the job.”

  “I appreciate that,” Zach smiled. “It’s… have you been?”

  “Can’t say I have, but from the images the General has sent to me, it’s pretty impressive what they have pulled off there, keeping all those millions of people not only alive but fed and watered… especially as soon it’s going to be the last camp.”

  “We haven’t really been there long enough to say, but people are getting on with their lives and after everything that has happened…”

  “Yeah. And now you folks are going to travel across the country and rescue what’s left of the Portland cam
p...that’s umm not going to be an easy task. When I heard the plan from Trow I must admit I was surprised.”

  “She had no choice.”

  Brad took his glasses off and rubbed his face. “There’s a whole lot of bad news between here and Portland Zach.” He then put his glasses back on. “I’ve heard reports of the giant arthropods, they usually stick to water, almost impossible to kill.”

  “We killed one, although it took a rocket launcher and a shit ton of fire power. They can also move quick when they want too. Hopefully we won’t run into anymore. The General sent some supplies along for you as well, they are still in the truck.”

  “If you want I’ll take a look over your route, maybe I can help you avoid any areas you don’t want to be in?”

  “Sure” Zach opened his backpack and pulled the rolled up map out and handed it to Brad, it was then he realized that Abbey had fallen asleep with her head resting on the arm of the sofa next to him.

  “I’ll get some blankets, you’ll be sleeping here too?” Zach nodded.


  When Zach opened his eyes, light was streaming through tiny gaps in Brad’s wood defenses and Abbey was asleep on his shoulder. The sliding doors to the hallway were closed but he could hear voices in the rooms beyond. He closed his eyes. For a moment it was easy to believe that he and Abbey were in a Victorian bed and breakfast, lost in the wilds somewhere. The sunbeams warmed his legs and he smiled. Slowly and begrudgingly he reopened his eyes. Getting up slowly so not to wake Abbey, he stretched then moved out into the hallway closing the doors behind as quietly as he could. He walked into the kitchen, which was filled with soldiers and Dr. Tanner making breakfast.

  “Hey the doctor’s a real good cook,” said Martinez with his mouth full.

  “Do you want some?” Dr. Tanner lifted her pan in Zach’s direction.

  “I’m good thanks, anyone seen Brad?”

  “I believe he’s downstairs with Dr. Joshi.”

  As Zach was walking down the stairs to the basement he could already hear the excited voices.


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