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Her Plus One: Stand-alone Friends to Lovers, Military, Boy Next Door, Home for the Holidays (Pine Haven Holiday Romance Book 1)

Page 12

by Jenn Sable

  A small smile rested at the corners of his lips, and he pulled me close for a quick hug. “We’re going to start a little tree farm.”

  I laughed, and Clay walked toward the delivery truck to handle the drop-off.

  I wandered back inside and pulled the cookies out of the oven, flipped on some Christmas music, and started spooning cookie dough onto the second baking sheet. It felt good to be getting ready for the holidays with Clay. It was getting more challenging for me to picture spending Christmas or any other holiday without him.

  I still couldn’t shake the worry that we were on borrowed time. It had been two weeks since the interview with Lyons Medical. We delighted in the time it was taking for the company to determine second-round candidates. But the tension was starting to ratchet up, and neither one of us knew what lay in the wait of the next few days.

  A thick packet of paperwork from the Department of Defense had arrived the other day, further putting me on edge. Clay started fielding phone calls from his hiring manager about why he inquired about yearly contract options instead of a four-year commitment. But mostly, his hiring manager wanted Clay’s contract signed and returned.

  Adding fuel to the fire, Clay's mother had started calling nightly. Robby Lennox, of all people, had made it known that he was flying to Scotland to see an old bandmate over the holidays and, in the process, wanted to meet up with Clay’s father. Robby’s inquiry instilled a new idea into his mother’s head—he should travel with Robby Lennox. Mrs. McCade worried that her son was missing out on precious family memories that he would never be able to get back.

  I took a deep breath. Am I selfish for wanting Clay to stay here while Lyons Medical decides on second-round interview candidates?

  Clay appeared in the kitchen, snapping me back to the present moment.

  “Hey, good looking,” Clay teased and walked to the sink to wash his hands. “You officially have two Christmas trees now. I have to dig holes in the yard before the ground gets any colder, so, sweetheart, you point where you want them, and I'll dig them a new home. But I have to have one of your cookies first." He wagged his brows.

  I laughed, but it sounded strained, and it was hard to meet his eye. Clay's smile fell, and within two steps, he'd picked me up and gently sat me onto the countertop. He rested his hands on either side of my thighs, enclosing me.

  "What's the matter, sweetheart?"

  I blinked and shook my head. "Sometimes, Christmas makes me emotional."

  His smile was sweet, and his eyes were soft and searching as he cupped my cheeks and looked into my eyes. "Is that it? Or does any of this have to do with me?"

  I sighed, and he chuckled.

  "I knew it." He pulled me closer to him, spreading my thighs farther apart so that he fit between them. Fingers from one large hand threaded through the back of my hair, and another rested on the swell of my hip. "Out with it. I want to know why my girl is upset."

  I lay my head in the cradle between his neck and chest and inhaled his intoxicating scent of lively greens mixed with the warm notes of his cologne. "I am worried that you're going to leave. I'm worried that you're going to get a phone call or an email, then vanish."

  Clay's hand smoothed up my spine, and he started to rub at the tension knots that had begun to form. “I am doing everything possible to avoid that from happening.”

  “Can’t you just say no? No matter what.”

  He chuckled. “I’m starting to think that you’re really into me.”

  Laughter bubbled through my fear. “Whatever gave you that impression?”

  The cookie timer buzzed, and Clay turned it off, slipped on an oven mitt, and pulled the second batch of cookies out of the oven. I watched him and loved the effortlessness of the way he moved, the way his eyes lit up over the cookies. This big, hulking man turned into a little kid over sweets. In a blinding flash of clarity, I realized that I could spend today sulking about something outside of our control, or I could enjoy the time for all it was worth.

  I hopped off the counter with a renewed outlook. "Okay, grab a cookie, and let's figure out where to plant our holiday family trees."

  Clay's cheek rounded in a half-smile. "Holiday family trees? I like the sound of that." He popped a cookie into his mouth from the first batch, grabbed two more, and followed me outside.

  “Isn’t this spot magical?” I spread my arms and made a slow, complete circle. “I’m not sure if it would be the most fantastic spot for the holiday pines, but isn’t the sunlight through the trees incredible?

  Clay slowly nodded, carefully eying the spot. “It’s beautiful, but I think the holiday pines would fare better in the side or front yard near the dip. Pines love to grow where the water flows naturally.

  I pushed on his chest. “You’re so smart. I love that.”

  He smirked. “Oh yeah, what else do you love about me?”

  I tapped my finger to my lips. “Hmm, I guess that’s it.”

  He growled and started to stalk me. I squealed when he began chasing me and took off through the yard, running toward the front. He caught me around the waist in the front yard, and we made a slow, humorous descent to the ground.

  He rolled to the side and propped up on his elbow while I lay on the ground, trying to catch my breath through my laughter. Clay pulled a leaf from my hair and traced my face with his bright eyes. “Do you know what I love about you?” His voice was gravelly, and chills danced along my arms and legs.

  I silently shook my head.

  “I love your beautiful heart. I love how you care for your aunts and your friends. I love how talented and devoted you are to photography. And I’m going to have to mention that I love your honey-brown eyes and your rocking curves.”

  I laughed. “Oh yeah? My rocking curves love your rock-hard bod.”

  He growled and bent down and gently bit my neck. “But, most of all, I love when I’m with you, I feel like I’m home.”

  I chewed at the corner of my lips. “Clay?”


  “I want the pines planted right here, where we’re lying.”

  He nodded. “You got it, babe.”

  “And, Clay?”


  “Take me inside and make love to me.”

  His eyes darkened with desire. “Yes, ma’am.”

  We didn’t wait to get inside to start shedding our clothes. I dropped my coat onto the front porch along with one of Clay’s boots. Our clothes littered the hallway. I was only in my bra and panties and Clay in his boxer briefs when we reached the master bedroom.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever undressed on the move like that.” I laughed and flopped onto the bed, but Clay stood, silently staring at the delivery from this morning.

  He turned. His eyes showed his shock. “You got me a dresser?”

  I bit my bottom lip, worried that it was a bit of an overstep. “Yeah, I got it in case you wanted to put some of your things in it.” It was a complete understatement. The dresser was massive.

  “You’re making room for me in your home.”

  I bit the undersides of my lips. “I mean, only if you want it. Lord knows I have enough clothes that I could probably fill them.”

  Clay walked to the side of the bed and sat down beside me, smoothing his hand up and down the valley of my breasts to my belly button. “Thank you, Mel. It means a lot, and I want to fill it very badly.”

  He bent and rubbed his soft lips over mine and worked his fingers around my back to unclasp my bra. I pulled away long enough to slide the straps down my arms, and as soon as my breasts swung free, Clay’s mouth descended on them. He lavished each mound with open-mouthed kisses. My nipples made stiff peaks that pleasantly ached under the sweet torture of his tongue.

  I squirmed and contorted under his slow seduction and murmured pleas of mercy for him to touch me when he’d only slide his hand to the waistband of my panties and trace the edge without dipping beneath it. “Clay, please, I am on edge, and you haven’t even touched me t
here yet.”

  His eyes flashed, and he gave me a wicked smile. “Where haven’t I touched you yet?”

  I groaned and gritted my teeth when he once again slid his fingers over the waistband. “You know.”

  “Here?” Clay smoothed his open palm up one of my thighs and then the other.


  He slid his hand under one thigh and lifted it so that he could lounge between my legs, effectively spreading me and giving himself a good view of my panty-covered mound. “How about here?” He bent and pressed a kiss right below my belly button.

  I bucked my hips off the bed as high as he’d let me. “You’re getting closer.”

  “Tell me when I find it.” He whispered the words down my navel and trailed kisses past the waistband of my panties and kissed me through the silken fabric.

  The sensation of his hot mouth over the silk caused me to groan and ball my fists in the sheets. “Clay!”

  He sat up and looked down at me with his wicked grin, pulled at my waistband, and slid my underwear over my thighs and down my legs before he tossed them aside. He stood and slid his boxer briefs down his hips, over his protruding erection, and dropped them to the floor. Clay kicked them to meet my panties.

  I smiled, relieved. My body was vibrating with need, and I reached into the nightstand and handed Clay a condom. He took my hand, pressed a kiss to it but laid the condom on the bed beside me. I arched a brow, and he smiled.

  “I want to take my time, sweetheart. I want to cherish you.” He spread my legs and pressed kisses against my hip bones and my thighs before his face dipped between them. He kissed my core with the same hot and heavy, open-mouthed kisses he had burned across my breasts.

  The build-up was too much for me. My sensitivity had reached new heights, and I orgasmed immediately. A smiling Clay took his time and slowed his searing kisses down to gentle brushes of his lips until I began breathing normally again. Only then did he reach for the condom and settle himself between my thighs and find his release.

  We laid in one another’s arms all afternoon. We stayed naked except when Clay donned pajama bottoms just long enough to call for pizza delivery and to bring in a plate heaped with chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of milk.

  I giggled. “We’re not eating very healthy today.”

  Clay smiled mischievously. “It’s Christmas decorating day. We can forgive some cookies and pizza.”

  His cell buzzed.

  “Hmm, I bet the pizza guy is lost.” His brows lifted when he looked down at his phone, and he answered it immediately with a sober tone. “Hello, Mr. Simm.” Clay walked out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen, where we had the best cell reception.

  I sat up, wide-eyed, and my chest pounded with excitement. This is it! This is the moment we’ve been waiting for!

  I hurried out of bed and threw on an oversized shirt, sweats, and socks in time to hear the doorbell. Shit, that’s the pizza guy. I scrambled for my purse and bounded down the hall to pay for the delivery.

  The pizza boy stared at my chest, and I immediately crossed my arms. “How much?”

  “Huh? Oh, oh, yeah. It’s, ah, eighteen-fifty.”

  I handed the teen a twenty and a five and grabbed the pizza box. “Keep the change, thanks.”

  “Oh, cool, thanks. Have a great night.”

  I smiled and closed the door. Clay walked into the foyer, took hold of the pizza box, placed it on the side, cupped my cheeks, and kissed me lightly.

  I pulled away, my heart beating fast. I searched Clay’s face for clues. “Did you get a second-round interview?”

  Clay wrapped his arms around my shoulders and whispered, “No.”

  Chapter 12 - Clay

  I nursed my whiskey while I waited for my flight and sneered at the holiday music that continued to play throughout the Glasgow airport, even though Christmas was over. I sat with tense shoulders and two empty scotch glasses on the bar as I drained another one.

  I wanted silence. I wanted a dark room and another bottle of whiskey. I wanted to punch the airport's stereo system if it played “Blue Christmas” one more damn time.

  Mostly, I wanted to dull the pain of leaving Melissa, or, more accurately, the pain of Melissa telling me to go if I wasn’t planning on staying.


  I looked over my shoulder to see Robby Lennox slide into the barstool beside me. Just wonderful. I don’t need another reminder of Pine Haven.

  “Hey, Robby.

  He slapped a friendly hand on my back. “I thought that was you. Your father called me this morning and said you were flying out early. It seems a shame to leave right before New Year’s Eve.”

  I shrugged my brows. “Well then, why are you?”

  Robby flagged down the bartender. “I’ll have a Manhattan and another of whatever my friend is having.”

  I shot the last of the scotch and slid all three glasses toward the bartender.

  Robby huffed out a laugh. “You sure you don’t want to keep the glasses on the bar to help keep tally?”

  I glared at him. “Sorry, Robby. I’m not fit for company today. I appreciate you ordering me a drink, but it’s probably in your best interest to enjoy yours elsewhere.”

  Robby nodded and rubbed a hand over his jaw. “Yeah, well, I’ll just risk it. I’m leaving Scotland early because I realized that I actually wanted to be somewhere else.”

  “Oh.” You and me both.

  “Where are you headed, Clay?”

  I sighed. “I’m flying to Anchorage and then out to my base.”

  Robby looked surprised. “I thought your dad said you didn’t need to report until a few days into the new year.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Yeah, well, I’m anxious to start my new job.”

  Robby threw his head back and laughed. My scowl deepened. “I’m going to have to call bullshit on that one."

  I sat back on my barstool and cracked my neck. "You caught me. I want to go back to Alaska about as much as I want to get a root canal."

  Robby grinned. "I fucking hate going to the dentist. It sounds like you don't want to go back to Alaska, and yet you're going there earlier than you have to. Interesting."

  I rubbed a hand down over my face, “Yeah, interesting, sad, awful. There are all kinds of ways to describe it.”

  Robby nodded and slid me the scotch from the bartender. “I was telling your dad it was so fun to see you over Thanksgiving. Do you remember the look on Leona's face when Sherm and I showed up? I thought she had shit her pants.”

  I huffed out a laugh despite feeling miserable. "I don't think Leona ever shit her pants, even when she was a baby. She seems like the definition of a person who has her shit together."

  Robby nodded. “She does. Eve and Leona did an excellent job raising Melissa. You're a lucky man to have caught the interest of a beauty like Melissa.

  I frowned. "Yeah."

  Robby took a deep breath and smiled. “And, I'm a lucky man to have caught the interest of Eve. She's cute, has a great sense of humor, and likes to go out, all-around nice gal. She’s why I'm going back to Pine Haven. She’s worth the change in plans."

  I clenched and unclenched my fists. “Oh yeah, good for you, man. I'm envious.”

  Robby smirked. “I was trying to talk my old bandmate into joining me on the trip back to Pine Haven to show him my new cabin, but he's just got too much family shit going on. So, I’m riding back by myself.

  I held up my new scotch. "Well, tell everyone that I said Happy New Year."

  Robby eyed me curiously. “Why don't you tell them yourself?”

  I looked at Robby and briefly wondered if all the sex, drugs, and rock ’n roll had messed up his memory. "I'm going to catch a flight to Alaska, remember?"

  He chuckled. "Yeah, but why aren't you in Pine Haven when you don’t have to be in Alaska for over a week?"

  I set down my scotch on the bar and crossed my arms. "Look, no offense, but I need to get tanked before my flight,
so I don't think about Pine Haven. Having a heart-to-heart about the place isn't going to help me."

  Robby nodded. "Kid, can I give you some advice?"

  "Sure, but I'm going to need another scotch."

  Robby laughed and flagged down the bartender. "If we can get another round whenever you get a minute, that'd be great. Thanks."

  I arched my brow. "Okay, and I did not think you were going to take me up on that offer, but here we are."

  “And the question is, where are we going?" Robby thumped me on the back just as I was about to take a sip of scotch, and it sloshed over my wrist.

  I gritted my teeth. “You know this is a twenty-dollar glass of scotch, right?”

  Robby's brows rose. “Well, thank God I'm a rich rockstar."

  I shook my head but couldn't hide the smile that started to form. "You're crazy, man."

  “I agree with you. However, I am the man who is getting on a flight to see a woman that he'd like to continue to spend time with. Whereas, you're sitting here getting tanked to force yourself to get on a flight to start a job that you don't want. Which one of us is crazier?”

  I slammed my scotch down on the bar. “Then what do you propose I do, Robbie? Huh? I'm not a rockstar. I’m an engineer with a military background.’

  Robby smiled. “That sounds pretty rockstar to me.”

  I shook my head.

  "Listen, kid. Things are not as bad as you think they are as long as you don't allow them to get worse."

  I took a deep breath. “I don't know how to do that, Robby. I have no job, and the prospects are slim in Pine Haven. I can't go back and leech off of Melissa while I hope another position becomes available. That would crush my manhood.”

  "Did you tell Melissa that?"

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “And what did she say?”

  I closed my eyes for a moment. “Melissa said that she didn't see it that way and that she thought I was giving up on something amazing.”

  Robby slowly shook his head and stared at his drink. “And are you?

  Anger exploded behind my eyes. “Look, I can't just not have a job! I can't just change my entire life around within a few weeks.”


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