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Born in Blood Collection Volume 1: Collection of books 1-4

Page 61

by Cora Reilly

  When the door opened and Mother walked in, I exhaled. She didn’t smile and didn’t try to come closer. She was the image of a perfect Italian wife, always properly dressed, always submissive and polite, and incredibly skilled at hiding bruises whenever Father lost it and slapped her. She was everything I never wanted to become. If Matteo ever slapped me, I’d hit him back, no matter the consequences.

  “The priest is on his way. He’ll be here in fifteen minutes. We need to get you ready for the ceremony,” she said matter-of-factly.

  My eyes widened. “So soon?”

  Mother nodded. “The Vitiellos want to return to New York as soon as possible, which is probably for the best.”

  I rose from the bed, then slowly walked toward Mother. “Father will be glad to see me gone.”

  “What about you?” I wanted to ask but didn’t dare to.

  Mother lifted her hand and brushed my cheek for the barest moment before taking a step back. “You shouldn’t have run. You ruined your reputation.”

  “I don’t care about my reputation.”

  “But you should.” She turned to my wardrobe and opened it. “Now let’s see if there’s a dress you can wear for the ceremony. Of course I wish I could have seen you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding dress.” She sighed. Was she trying to make me feel guilty? Because it was working.

  Aria moved to my side and squeezed my shoulder before helping Mother look for a dress. Eventually she chose a backless cream-colored floor-length fitted gown that I’d worn for New Years. Aria helped me with my makeup, though it didn’t hide my fat lip.

  “I’ll see if the priest has arrived,” Mother said, before hesitating in the doorway with a wistful expression. She opened her mouth but then turned and closed the door.

  I tried not to take it to heart. I’d known my parents and most of the people in my world would condemn me for what I’d done, so why was it hurting so much?

  “Do you think Lily and Fabi will be allowed to watch the ceremony?” I asked in an embarrassingly hopeful voice.

  “Let me talk to Father. I’m sure I can convince him,” Aria said.

  I didn’t protest as she walked out. If someone could convince Father, then it was Aria. I faced the mirror. My eyes were sad and tired. I didn’t look like the blushing happy bride. Not that anyone expected me to. This wasn’t even a real wedding. Despite my best intentions, regret gripped me once again. How could my life have become such a mess? All I’d ever wanted was to be free to make my own decisions. Maybe I would have married Matteo if he’d ever bothered to ask me instead of ordering me to do it. And now I wouldn’t ever get a real wedding or a beautiful dress. I’d always thought I didn’t care about these things but now that they were lost to me I felt saddened.

  Aria returned. “It’s time. The priest is waiting in the living room. Fabi and Lily are there too.”

  I mustered a smile. “Then let’s get married.”


  Even without a wedding gown, Gianna was a fucking sight to behold. The dress hugged her curves; curves I’d take my time exploring when we were back in New York. I couldn’t wait to lay claim to every inch of her body. I’d make her forget everything that was before me.

  Gianna met my gaze as if she knew what I was thinking. And I really didn’t bother to hide my want for her. I’d fuck her tonight, no matter how tired and jet-lagged I was. I’d waited too long for this. Gianna stopped beside me and I took her hand. The priest was looking down his nose at her. I couldn’t wait to leave Chicago behind. Not that people in New York would look upon Gianna more kindly, but at least they were too scared of me to show their disdain openly.

  Gianna’s hand was cold in mine and she avoided my eyes as the priest spoke the wedding vows. When it was her turn to say “I do” I half expected her to say “no” and I really wasn’t sure what I would have done then but she didn’t. Gianna was a clever girl; she’d hide her hatred for our bond until she was a safe distance away from Chicago and her bastard of a father.

  When it was finally time to slip on the wedding ring, she actually shivered. Somehow that annoyed the crap out of me. She should be grateful I wanted her as much as I did. Her stupid actions could have cost her everything. She could at least pretend to be grateful.

  “You may kiss the bride,” the priest intoned.

  I didn’t hesitate. I cupped her face and pressed my lips against hers. Gianna stiffened, making my blood boil even more. When I pulled back, she met my gaze head-on. She was really intent on provoking me. If she liked to play with fire, fine. I didn’t mind getting burned. I’d walk through flames for her.

  * * *

  Less than sixty minutes later we were back in the air on our way to New York. My body was humming with desire as I watched Gianna in her sexy dress. She and Aria huddled together in the last row on the plane.

  Luca sank down beside me and handed me a glass of Scotch. I swallowed it in one gulp. “An espresso would be better. I need to be awake.”

  Luca followed my gaze toward the girls. “You intend to have your wedding night once you’re home.”

  “Damn right.”

  “From what I know about Gianna, she probably won’t make it easy for you. What are you going to do if she fights you?”

  I hadn’t considered that. In every fantasy I’d had about Gianna, she’d been a willing participant. I wanted her to scream my name in pleasure, wanted to make her wet. Would she really refuse me? “She won’t,” I said with more conviction than I felt.

  Luca’s eyes were practically x-raying me. “Nobody would blame you if you took what you wanted against her will. It’s not like she hasn’t already done the deed.”

  My hands curled to fists but instead of following my first impulse and punching Luca, I counted to ten in my mind. Luca often said things like that to gauge someone’s reaction. I didn’t think he was being serious. Maybe before Aria I would have doubted him more.

  His eyes took in my balled fists then scanned my face before smirking. “You are like an open book to me.”

  “Shut up,” I muttered. My eyes found Aria and Gianna once more. They seemed to have an argument, an unusual sight. I’d never seen the two not getting along.

  “What’s that about?” I asked after a moment.

  “How should I know?”

  “You and Aria are practically soulmates, haven’t you mastered the art of reading each other’s mind yet?”

  Luca gave me the finger. “I know your wife will make your life hell, so I’ll cut you some slack.”

  “How considerate of you.” I wondered how life would be with Gianna. Today she’d been mostly subdued, except for a few occasions but I had a feeling she’d recover quickly and return to her old snarky self. I hated seeing her quiet side, especially when it meant she was sad about that fucker Sid. I tried to forget the bastard but somehow he’d anchored himself in my brain. And then I couldn’t stop thinking about him with Gianna. How many more guys had seen her naked? Had been in her? I really needed to find out their names and kill them all.

  When we finally landed in New York, I was back to being royally pissed again. I barely glanced at Gianna as we took my Porsche Cayenne back to our apartment building. Every time I caught a glimpse down her shirt to the soft swell of her breasts, I almost lost my shit. I needed to get a grip on myself. It didn’t matter what Gianna had done before today. Now she was mine, and if I didn’t put a stop to my rising wrath, I’d only do something that I’d regret later on.


  Matteo had a strange look on his face whenever he glanced my way. I couldn’t really put my finger on it, but somehow it made me nervous. Of course I pretended I didn’t notice anything.

  Aria had tried to talk me into telling Matteo the truth throughout the entire duration of our flight, and even now that we were pulling into the underground garage of the apartment building, she was still giving me meaningful looks. I was worried that she’d take it into her own hands to share my secret with Matteo, but
she knew I’d see it as a breach of my confidence and so I hoped she’d hold herself back.

  Matteo took my hand when I got out of the car and practically dragged me toward the elevator. Aria and Luca had trouble keeping up with our pace. I had a feeling I knew why Matteo was so eager to reach his apartment. We all piled into the elevator. It started moving and Matteo’s dark eyes watched me in the mirror, something hungry and furious gleaming in their depth. The hunger was inexplicable to me. I looked a mess. Shadows under my eyes, fat lip, pale skin.

  Maybe I should have felt more anxious, but I only wanted to get this over with. Maybe Matteo would even lose interest in me once he’d had me, though part of me wondered if I’d really be happy if Matteo suddenly started ignoring me.

  The elevator stopped with a bling and the sleek doors glided open. Without another word, Matteo pulled me into his apartment. I threw a glance over my shoulder and caught sight of Aria’s worried expression moments before the closing elevator doors hid her from my view. Matteo led me toward a door to our right. I barely had time to take in the modern furniture and stunning view of New York before we rushed into the bedroom and Matteo flung the door shut. The desire in his eyes made it clear that he wouldn’t take no for an answer tonight.



  Nobody had ever looked at me like that, like I was the only source of water in a time of drought. And by God, I enjoyed it. Part of me at least, the other part, the stubborn part, wanted to hang onto my anger and sadness and indignation, and not give a damn about Matteo’s desire for me.

  In the last twenty-four hours my dreams had been crushed and an innocent life had been taken. I felt like it was my duty to fight this marriage, and the tingling that flooded my body whenever Matteo touched me. I owed it to Sid, and to my own self-respect. I’d fought too hard and long to be free.

  Before I could make up my mind about what I was going to do, Matteo jerked me against him and claimed my mouth in a fierce kiss that made me gasp, then tense. His tongue slipped between my lips, and without wanting to I opened up for him, parted my lips, wrestled his tongue with mine. My hands found their way into his hair, tugging, raking, wanting him closer and at the same time wanting to shove him away.

  Matteo gripped my butt and hoisted me up. My legs wound themselves around his waist, but our lips never parted. My body was aflame with lust. No kiss before had even come close to this. Matteo started walking, carrying me toward his bed.

  Fight him, Gianna. Fight this. You owe it to Sid.

  But I was sick of fighting for today, sick of my emotions. Today I only wanted to feel, let my body take control, forget everything for a few hours at least. There would be plenty of time for resistance later in this marriage.

  Matteo threw me down on the bed and the air left my lungs in a rush, but I didn’t get much time to recover because suddenly he was on top of me and his lips were back. His hand slipped under my shirt, fingertips gracing my stomach, then the sensitive skin over my ribs. He cupped my breast through my bra and I arched against him. He pulled away, and I barely managed to suppress a sound of protest. He seemed to know it though. He smiled in that arrogant way as he pushed my shirt up over my head and unhooked my bra. My nipples hardened and his smile widened even more.

  Annoyance shot through me. He seemed so damn sure of himself, certain of his victory over me. He had another think coming.

  “What would you do if I told you ‘no’?” I asked in a challenging tone.

  I’d expected fury or annoyance in return.

  “You won’t,” he said without a hint of doubt in his voice. I glared but he didn’t give me the time for a nasty retort. He lowered his head over my breasts and sucked one erect nipple into his mouth. A moan slipped out before I could stop myself and Matteo didn’t allow me any time to gather myself, to raise my defenses. His mouth was relentless. The sensations rippling through my body were almost too much. How could he make me feel like that? His tongue circled my nipple before moving on to the other, leaving a wet trail between my breasts. I shivered. Matteo’s eyes were glued to my face. He wanted to see me surrender to him, wanted to enjoy this victory to the very last. I resisted the urge to close my eyes. He would have seen it as another victory. I wouldn’t give him that as well. He gently bit down on my nipple and I moaned, even louder than the first time.

  With a self-satisfied grin, he moved lower, dipping his tongue into my belly button. I squealed like an idiot girl and tried to squirm away from him, but his hands came down on my hips, holding fast, as his tongue found every ticklish place on my stomach and hips. I was laughing so hard, tears were pooling in my eyes. I had expected him to be rougher after what he’d witnessed, had almost wished for it, but this playful side? That scared me because he seemed likeable, even loveable. I pushed at his forehead. “Stop it!” I gasped between laughter.

  “What’s the magic word?” he murmured against a particularly ticklish place right above my hip bone.

  “Fuck you,” I said sweetly. I braced myself but it didn’t stop the squeals and laughs when Matteo traced his tongue over my hip bone. I was on the verge of begging when suddenly he stopped his assault. He unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. His eyes traveled over my legs, and his hands followed the same path, barely brushing my skin. His motions were almost reverent; I didn’t get it. Disgust and fury, those I would have understood.

  When he kissed me through my panties, I became very still. I knew what he wanted to do. Nobody had ever done that. It felt very personal, as if I had to bare myself to him in more than just the physical sense, and I couldn’t do it, wouldn’t do it, no matter how much my body craved the experience. Matteo gripped my panties and slid them down my legs. He sat back for a moment, admiring me. “I’d wondered if you were a redhead.”

  I rolled my eyes, despite the flush spreading in my cheeks. “Isn’t that what every man wonders?”

  I realized a moment too late that mentioning other men wasn’t the best idea in my current situation.

  “How did you explain that to the other guys you’ve been with? Brown on top and red down below?” His voice and eyes had become harder, dangerous.

  Nobody’s ever seen me like this. The words lay on the tip of my tongue. “I thought you wanted to fuck me. I’m not in the mood for chitchat.”

  Matteo shook his head. “Oh, I will fuck you, don’t worry.” He crashed his lips down on mine and I kissed him back just as fiercely. “Feel, don’t think” became my mantra. His hands roamed my body until they found their way between my legs. I forced myself to relax despite my nerves. When his fingers brushed over my folds, I gasped against his lips. The sensations were delicious. His thumb found my bundle of nerves and started rubbing. Two of his fingers slid back and forth the length of my slit while his thumb pressed down on my clit. Maybe my mind didn’t want Matteo, but my body was so eager for him it was ridiculous.

  My toes curled as he drove me higher with his fingers. I gripped his neck, bringing him even closer, wrangling his tongue with mine, as my orgasm crashed down on me. My nails dug into his skin but that seemed to turn him on even more judging from the growl deep in his chest. Suddenly two of his fingers moved lower and brushed my opening. Fear spiked. Clamping my legs together, I shoved at his chest and wrenched my lips away from his.

  “Stop with the foreplay,” I said breathlessly. What if he could feel something with his fingers? I doubted his cock would be as sensitive as his fingertips.

  The hint of a frown crossed Matteo’s expression but then he slid off the bed with a wicked grin. He stood tall in front of the bed. The bulge in his pants was unmistakable. He didn’t give me much time to wonder what lay below the fabric. His hands made quick work out of unbuttoning his shirt and then he slid it off his strong shoulders and let it drop to the ground. This was the first time I saw him without a shirt. I’d caught glimpses of his six-pack through his white shirt before but it couldn’t compare to seeing him bare-chested. My core tightened with desire. Even
if Matteo’s personality grated on my nerves, my body definitely reacted to his looks. His hands moved on to his pants, and in one swift motion he dropped both his pants and his boxers on the ground. When he straightened, it took all my acting skills to mask my embarrassment and nerves at the sight of him fully erect.

  I really should have listened to Aria, but even as the thought crossed my mind I knew I was too proud to tell Matteo the truth. My eyes took their time taking in every inch of him, not even caring that he smirked at my obvious admiration.

  And, boy, was he gorgeous. Everything about him was, his chiseled chest and six-pack, even his cock. I hated him for it. Hated how my body reacted to him so quickly and easily when it had never reacted to Sid or the other guys I’d made out with. He advanced on the bed, every move lithe and calculated. Every move aimed to show off his muscles and strength. God, I wished it wasn’t making an impression on me. He put one knee on the bed, fixing me with a gaze that made me shiver.

  “Stop playing around,” I hissed because my nerves were getting the better of me and that was the last thing I needed.

  And he did as I asked. He moved onto the bed and climbed between my legs, grabbing my hips with a dark smile. “I’m going to make you forget every fucking guy you’ve ever been with.”

  I glared, and was about to give him a nasty comeback, when he pulled at my hips sharply and slammed into me in one hard thrust. I arched up with a cry as pain shot through me. Damn it. Aria hadn’t been kidding. This was fucking painful. So much for keeping it a secret. I sucked in a few quick breaths through my nose, my eyes clenched shut. “Oh fuck,” I gasped out when I could speak again. This was much worse than I’d thought. I opened my eyes slowly, dreading what I would see. I should have bitten into a fucking pillow, or even my stupid tongue.

  Matteo had frozen above me as he stared down at me in surprise. “Gianna?”


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