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Born in Blood Collection Volume 1: Collection of books 1-4

Page 65

by Cora Reilly

  “I guess it’s good that I don’t trust you then.”

  “Yes,” she said seriously.

  “I suppose you want to scare me?” I asked in a low murmur, leaning so close to her that I could feel her breath on my cheek.

  “I don’t think there’s anything or anyone that could scare you,” she whispered back.

  “Everyone’s scared of something. Why would I be different?”

  “Because you are the scariest person I know.”

  I paused. She didn’t sound like she was kidding. “Are you scared of me?”

  Silence was my answer.

  I reached for her arm. “Gianna?”

  “Yes,” came her sleepy reply.


  But her breathing had calmed. She had fallen asleep. What was I supposed to do with her admittance? I’d never given her reason to fear me. Okay, she’d seen me do some scary shit, but I’d never done anything to her. It took me a long time after that to fall asleep.

  * * *

  The next day Gianna didn’t mention our conversation from the previous night. I had a feeling she hated that she’d been honest. I’d never shied back from a topic but I didn’t ask her again why she was scared of me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

  Gianna kept touching her lip during breakfast. It wasn’t swollen anymore.

  “Let me take a look,” I said, pushing her hand away. “I think we can pull the stitches.”

  She grimaced. “Now?”

  “Scared?” I asked because I couldn’t help myself.

  “No, of course not,” she said. I wondered if she referred to more than the stitches. I got up and led her into the bathroom where I kept my medical kit. Gianna didn’t protest when I lifted her onto the washtable and stepped between her legs this time.

  I took small scissors from the kit. “Open your mouth.”

  She did, but gave me a warning look as if she thought I had something naughty in mind. I grinned and kissed her ear. “Do you know how kids always get a treat as reward after they see the doctor?”

  She rolled her eyes but didn’t push my hand away when I pressed it against her center through her jeans.

  “Be a good girl and you shall be rewarded.”

  I drew back, enjoying the scowl on Gianna’s face. She didn’t get the chance for a retort because I started working on her stitches. It didn’t take long and Gianna winced only twice. “Done,” I said, setting down the scissors and tweezers. “Do you want your reward now?” I rubbed her pussy.

  She glared.

  “You just have to say the words.” She pressed her lips together. “No?” I said, taking a step back, and stopped touching her.

  “As if I need you for that,” she said snidely, and then she opened her jeans and shoved her hand inside.

  I exhaled as I watched her fingers move under the fabric. “Fuck.” I stepped up to her and ripped her jeans and panties down her legs.

  Gianna didn’t stop caressing herself. Her slender fingers rubbed her clit nimbly while she watched me through narrowed eyes. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

  “Open your legs a bit wider,” I ordered. To my surprise, Gianna obeyed. Her eyes were clouded with lust as she teased herself. Damn, I could see how wet she was.

  I leaned back against the wall, tugged down my zipper and pulled out my cock. Gianna stroked herself even faster when I wrapped my hand around my hard-on and started jerking off.

  “This is messed up,” she whispered. She didn’t take her eyes off my cock and I couldn’t take my eyes off her fingers that worked her pink nub.

  “Who cares?” I growled. “Put a finger in your pussy.”

  She slipped one finger into her tight opening.

  “Another one,” I demanded.

  She barely hesitated. But I couldn’t fucking take any more. I staggered forward, shoved her hand away and buried myself deep in her. She shuddered around me as her orgasm rippled through her. After a few thrusts, I came too.

  “This is so messed up,” she said again, her voice heavy with sex.

  I didn’t pull out of her yet. Instead I rested my forehead against her shoulder and caught my breath. “Messed up is good.”

  “I knew you’d say that.”

  * * *

  “This thing is fucking annoying,” she said after another round of sex that evening, wiggling her leg with the ankle monitor in the air. It had bothered me too the few times I’d come into contact with it during sex, but I wouldn’t risk taking it off. Not only would Luca blow a gasket, I’d also have to supervise Gianna myself 24/7 without the monitor.

  “You’ll get used to it.” I tried to pull her against me but she slipped away, moving to the edge of our bed.

  “No cuddling as long as I have to wear this thing,” she said.

  I laughed. “As long as you don’t ban sex.”

  “Maybe I will do that.”

  I moved my hand down from her stomach and ran a finger over her clit. “Why would you want to punish yourself like that?”

  “You are an arrogant bastard. Maybe you think your cock is magic, but let me tell you something: it isn’t.” She didn’t shove my hand away from where it was stroking her. Maybe she didn’t notice but she’d even parted her legs a bit more to give me better access. I lightly traced her soft folds. I loved her silkiness and the way her body responded to me. I didn’t increase the pressure, only lightly brushed my fingertips over her pussy. She was probably still oversensitive so I needed to be careful if I wanted to guide her toward another peak. Her lips parted and her breathing quickened ever so slightly. I leaned over her and sucked her nipple into my mouth. Pushing her over the edge this time was ever better because I wasn’t busy with my own lust. I could completely focus on Gianna, her labored breathing, hooded eyes, hardening nipples as she succumbed to her orgasm.

  I didn’t even care when Gianna turned her back to me afterward, trying to punish me by not reciprocating. I’d gotten what I’d wanted.

  “You realize that sex is all there is between us, right?” she said angrily.

  “Sex is important.”

  “Sure, but it’s not all there is.”

  “It’s not all there is,” I said, annoyed.

  “Yes, it is, and there won’t ever be more. Don’t think I like you just because I like to fuck you.”

  “Thanks for the heads-up,” I growled.


  I was still annoyed at myself during breakfast, especially because Matteo’s expression was far too smug despite my harsh words. Maybe he thought I’d been joking, or maybe he didn’t care.

  My body had a mind of its own, always eager for his touch. It didn’t help that Matteo looked like a male model with his tight white shirt and messy black hair. He was sex on legs, and knew it.

  “We are invited to dinner at one of the leading families this week, so Aria and you should probably go dress shopping.”

  I dropped my spoon with the yogurt. “You want me to attend a social event with you?” I couldn’t believe he’d drag me into public so quickly. We’d been married for two weeks and the gossip mills were probably still going strong. “Everybody will be talking behind my back.”

  Matteo shrugged. “I don’t give a damn what they think and they know better than to say anything in front of you or me.”

  “I know those women, they won’t miss an opportunity to talk trash about someone, especially me.”

  “Ignore them. It’s not like their opinion matters. They will always talk shit about you. That’s all they can do.”

  I didn’t care what they said, but I’d never enjoyed myself at social functions and I doubted that would change any time soon. “I know, but I hate these gatherings. Everything about it is false. People who wouldn’t hesitate to thrust a knife into your back smile into your face if they hope to gain something from it.”

  For a long time I’d thought I was anti-social and just didn’t like to be around larger groups of people but during my time on the run, I’d
attended several parties and I’d never felt out of place. Even though I’d been pretending to be someone else then, I’d still felt truer to myself than I ever did around the people in our world.

  “You’ll get used to them.”

  “I don’t want to. That’s why I ran away.”

  Matteo searched my face with a curious expression, then his lips twitched. “So you didn’t only run from me?”

  “Don’t get your hopes up. You were definitely one of the main reasons,” I said.

  “But not the only reason.”

  I rolled my eyes and took another sip from my coffee. “Do I really have to attend the dinner?”

  Matteo rose from his chair and startled me with a quick kiss on my mouth. “Yep. I won’t suffer through it alone now that I have a wife who can share my anguish. Just do what I do when I have to talk to idiots, imagine how it would feel to slice their heads off.”

  Despite how often I’d pushed him away, Matteo seemed intent on making it work between us. Why did he have to be so stubborn? Couldn’t he finally grow tired of me and give me the chance to get away? “That’s easy for you to say, but not all of us make a habit out of killing people.”

  Images of Sid wanted to anchor themselves in my brain again, but I couldn’t bear them right now and forced them away.

  “Then imagine how it would be to watch me kill the people that annoy you. As your husband it’s my duty to kill your enemies after all.” Matteo smiled his cocky grin, his eyes lit up with humor. My stomach fluttered in a scary way and I quickly tore my gaze away from him and emptied my cup.

  “I’ll go up to Aria and talk to her about going shopping. I need to be a good wife after all,” I said mockingly but somehow it felt wrong. My emotions were confusing me, everything about my new situation did.

  “You should probably buy some new clothes for you,” Matteo said as he put his gun holster on.

  “Is that an order?”

  “I didn’t know it was necessary to order a woman to buy clothes. Isn’t that your favorite hobby?”

  “Really?” I almost laughed. “Not all women are the same.”

  “Oh, I know.” There was that smile again.

  My eyes lingered on his gun, trying to remind myself that this was who he really was. The smile that made my stomach do flips was only a mask.

  I stood abruptly. “You and Luca will be gone all day again?”

  “Why? Do you and Aria have another escape planned?”

  “Haha,” I muttered, then raised the leg of my jeans, revealing the black ankle bracelet. “I can’t, remember?”

  “It doesn’t stop you from making plans. Don’t tell me you’re not still thinking about escaping?”

  I considered lying but instead opted for the truth. “Of course I am thinking about it. Did you think good sex and a ring around my finger would suddenly make me change my mind?”

  “Only good, hm?”

  I snorted and headed toward the elevator. Matteo joined me inside, his eyes resting on my hand.

  “You are wearing your ring. I thought you’d throw it away the first chance you got.”

  I peered down at the gold band with the fine line of diamonds. “Did you carry it the entire time you were hunting me?”

  Matteo smirked as if he knew I was avoiding his question, and I was. I hadn’t even considered throwing the ring away. It seemed like such a waste. At least I hoped that was the only reason.

  “Of course,” he said. “I always knew I’d catch you eventually and I knew I would have to make you my wife before you ran off again.”

  His confidence was exasperating. It was also incredibly sexy. I was glad when the elevator doors slid open and I could walk away from Matteo’s smile and my own unwanted thoughts. Luca passed me with barely a nod and joined his brother in the elevator.

  Aria’s welcome was much warmer. She was beaming all over her face as she headed my way and hugged me. “I still can’t believe that you’re living so close to me. I really missed having you as my confidante.”

  “I suppose there aren’t many trustworthy women around here,” I said, my blood boiling when I remembered how Luca’s cousin Cosima had tricked Aria into walking in on Grace and Luca.

  “Now that you are here, I don’t care.” Aria peered down at her elegant gold watch. “How about we head out for coffee now and then go shopping. Luca said we were all invited to the Bardonis’ Christmas party.”

  I sighed. “Yeah. Matteo told me I had to attend.”

  “At least we can suffer together. Believe me, Luca isn’t too excited about that invitation either. Bardoni wants his son to become Luca’s Consigliere because in the past the Consigliere has always been one of the Bardonis, but Luca wants Matteo and nobody else.”

  “So this party is going to be even more awkward than I thought. Everyone is going to scheme against Matteo and me. Oh, joy.”

  Aria smiled apologetically. “It won’t be too bad. Now let’s go shopping. I need some fresh air.”

  Of course Romero accompanied us as we headed out to buy dresses. Maybe I would have enjoyed myself more if I didn’t have to be careful not to flash my stupid ankle monitor whenever I tried a dress on. From the look on the face of one of the vendors, I was fairly sure I didn’t manage to cover the bracelet with the hem at all times. I realized I’d barely thought about escape in the last few weeks. Too many things had happened. And then there was Romero’s constant surveillance whenever I went somewhere with Aria. Moreover, the ankle monitor was making it entirely impossible. I’d have to figure out a way to convince Matteo to take that thing off. Once that was taken care of, my desire to run away would probably return with full force.



  I’d known all along that the Christmas party at the Bardonis’ house was going to be a huge flop, but it was even worse than I’d thought. The only good thing about this ordeal was that Matteo had Sandro take off the ankle monitor so I could wear my cocktail dress without flashing that thing at everyone. That would have been the talk of the evening, no doubt.

  The Bardonis lived in a townhouse, which had been decorated to an inch of its capacities. They’d even set up a massive angel, which had been carved from ice, in their front yard. The decoration was white and gold, expensive crystal baubles adorned the massive tree. It screamed money, and felt so impersonal that I was sure an interior designer had arranged it. Mrs. Bardoni didn’t appear as if she’d ever moved a finger for anything. She was also at least twenty years younger than her husband.

  She and her husband greeted Aria and Luca first, and while their smiles hadn’t been exactly warm or honest, they turned positively fake and condescending when it was time to greet me.

  I shook Mrs. Bardoni’s hand with a polite smile, or at least I hoped it looked polite. Her expression was as if an untalented sculptor had tried to carve a smile into a statue. The smile of the ice angel outside had been warmer than hers. When Mr. Bardoni turned to me, I had to suppress a shudder. He reached for my hand but while he’d barely brushed Aria’s skin, his lips pressed firmly to my hand and then his tongue darted out and licked my skin. The accompanying leer he sent my way almost made me punch him. I quickly retracted my hand, only barely managing not to wipe it on my dress, and only because the silk was too beautiful to come in contact with that asshole’s slobber.

  Matteo was in conversation with Mrs. Bardoni who was introducing him to a young woman my age. It was obvious that the old hag was trying to set Matteo up with her daughter. Anger bubbled up in me but I knew better than to show my emotions. When I finally turned my eyes away from the scene, I found Aria watching me with a worried expression. I gave a small shake of my head. Matteo tore himself away from Mrs. Bardoni and her daughter, and wrapped his arm around my waist. He scanned my face as he led me into the living room where the remaining guests had gathered. “You look pissed.”

  I shrugged. If I told him what Mr. Bardoni had done, things would become ugly. “Looks like you have a fan,�
� I said instead, nodding in the direction of the Bardoni daughter whose eyes followed Matteo.

  “Jealous?” he asked, smirking.

  “You wish.” But was I?

  We didn’t get the chance to talk more, because other guests approached us, and while most of them were acting polite, I could see in their eyes that they despised me. I had a feeling that they would show me what they really thought of me the moment Matteo wasn’t around. They soon got their chance. While Matteo and Luca joined the other men, Aria and I strolled toward the buffet. Of course we weren’t alone for long. Soon the bitch Cosima, Matteo’s stepmother, Nina, as well as Mrs. Bardoni, and a few other women joined us. Aria’s presence still offered me some protection from direct insults, but none of the women bothered talking to me. It was as if I wasn’t even there. Even Aria’s attempts to include me in the conversation failed. I didn’t care. I hated these women, hated their fake smiles and nasty personalities. But the worst was watching Aria being polite to Cosima despite what that bitch had done.

  Eventually I excused myself and headed toward the terrace door, which allowed a view into the small snow-covered garden. My reprieve was very short-lived however.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” a high female voice said.

  Nina Vitiello stood beside me, her mouth stretched wide in the imitation of a smile. She no longer wore black. Her husband’s funeral had been more than a year ago. She linked our arms to my utter disdain and led me outside despite the cold. I knew this wasn’t going to be pleasant. Even though she was Luca and Matteo’s stepmother, she’d never come to visit. I had a feeling she was scared of her stepsons.

  The moment we were away from privy ears, she turned her back to the windows and faced me with a face devoid of any pleasantness. She reminded me of an ugly toad. “You might be parading around like you are one of us, like you belong in our circles, but if it weren’t for Matteo, nobody would invite you.”

  I raised my eyebrows. Did she really think I gave a damn? I’d never wanted to be part of this world, that was why I had run away. It took immeasurable control on my part not to say what I wanted. Instead I tried to return to the party but Nina Vitiello held my arm, obviously not done. “A decent girl would have died from shame after being caught with another man. The only reason you’re still alive is Matteo’s good-heartedness. That boy is too dutiful. Although nobody would have blamed him if he’d discarded you like a dirty rag after what you did. If my husband were still alive, he’d have fed you to our dogs.”


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