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Law and Disorder

Page 17

by E Hall

  A growl sounds from low in JJ’s throat.

  West turns from the window. “JJ, don’t employ the djinn again. We don’t know who we can trust, but it certainly isn’t them. I fear someone leaked the information.” He raises an eyebrow as though scolding JJ for using the djinn.

  He shrugs. “It was the best I could do to create a convincing cover story and get her here.”

  “There. You mean the Iron Tower. So I went from magic jail to magic reform school. Funny thing, I haven’t committed any crimes.” My free hand flies to my hip.

  “You have. You killed a demon.” JJ lifts and lowers his shoulder.

  “That was in defense. Do demons even have rights?”

  “Do we?” JJ asks.

  West grunts. “Not for long unless we do something. I can’t say that I’m pleased Storch stormed in and transformed my pride and joy, the epicenter of magical education, into a reform school, but for the time being, it keeps you all relatively safe.”

  I scoff. “Safe from what? Safe how? She practically torched me.”

  “From the enemy,” West answers.

  “And that is...?”

  “Still trying to figure that out.”

  “I’d say Storch.”

  “She’s an agent of the enemy. No, this goes deeper. Higher up. What we do know is that they’ve infiltrated our government, the Office of Magical Management, our educational system, the correctional system, and the homes of ordinary magical folk.”

  “Sounds pretty broad,” I say.

  “Indeed. And they’re using students, demons, and non-magicals to do their dirty work.”

  “And ghosts,” JJ adds.

  I shiver.

  West nods. “They manipulated the Hallows Eve ceremony. Derrington could’ve passed through the veil, never to be seen again.”

  “And that’s a problem why?” I mutter.

  “She’d have died.” West’s tone is flat.

  “I didn’t get the sense that you were friends with the professor.”

  “Not everything is as it seems, Maija.” West wrings his hands repeatedly as though smoothing away the lingering power there.

  “Clearly,” I say with a mite of irritation in my voice.

  “Now, I have damage control to attend to at the little candy shop in Tippleton. Maija, keep watching Storch and Bobby but be careful. They’re not to be trusted. Storch wants power. Bobby wants you and what else, I’m not yet sure.”

  I stiffen.

  West’s gaze sharpens. “He’s a fallen angel. Deception and falsely leading others to gain advantage are in his nature.”

  “But—?” What about the way he makes me feel? That golden glow? I don’t even need to say this. The two of them have seen enough of my thoughts and memories to know Bobby Gold has duped me. With a sinking feeling, I know they’re right.

  “There’s one more thing. I saw Storch as a dragon in a golden orb at a shop in Tippleton. She wanted...something from me.”

  West’s eyes widen. “Your wish,” he whispers. “This is much, much worse than I thought. Maija, stay away from Storch. Beware of magical objects. They’re not always to be trusted. JJ, keep an eye on Maija.” West’s voice is stern and commanding as he leaves us in his cottage.

  My question about whether West’s order to JJ means that I cannot be trusted goes unanswered along with whether Storch could actually obtain a wish from me.

  JJ’s eyes float my way. I fill with anger at this entire situation. Whatever happened to chilling at the beach and planning for college. I’d go for either right now.

  His eyes don’t leave mine. It’s like he draws the warmth inside to the surface. My skin heats and I forget my worries.

  “I didn’t mean for things to be this way.” His eyes dip.

  “What way?” I ask even though I know exactly what he means. “I’m not a criminal. I don’t belong here. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “I mean between us. Bitter. Hostile. Unfriendly.”

  “Is there an alternative?” I ask as my pulse quickens.

  His fingers drift to mine and link. He squeezes once and I turn to mush inside. I may hate him but there’s something else there that I cannot deny.

  The corner of his lip lifts. “Yes, you owe me a hat.”

  I almost giggle. He’s being funny...bordering on flirtatious?

  JJ’s mouth quirks. “I saw your name in the stars. That can only mean one thing.” His eyes lower to my lips. Magnetic energy ricochets between us. “We could try to be—”

  I lift onto my toes and our lips collide. I don’t want him to say friends. I’m afraid if he does I might give into the way he makes me feel—soft, gentle, less on my guard, open to something more. But that will surely lead to complications and my life is challenging enough. Then again, as I pull away, his eyes flash. It ends as quickly as it began. But I am inside out and upside down inside.

  JJ scrubs his hand through his hair as though as shocked as me. His eyes hold mine and flicker. Energy crackles between us. I could explode. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.

  I struggle to pull myself together as electricity jolts and ricochets inside.

  He runs his hand through his hair again and then grips the back of his neck. His eyes float and hold mine as though ask, “What next?”

  For a moment I dive deep into those gray eyes. I could drown, but I surface, remembering why I kissed him in the first place. To save us both from difficulty later. That’s the responsible thing to do, right?

  I shake my head. “Forget it. Pretend it didn’t happen.” I start to hurry away.

  He grips my hand. His cold skin chills me. “Are you sure?” His voice is strained.

  I nod slowly. “No, I’m not sure,” I whisper.

  Something shimmers in the space between us like stars. Magic? I blink. Now I see and it scares me.

  I have committed a crime. A big one. I’ve fallen for JJ Thorne.

  Chapter 30


  I sleep well past dawn the next morning and because I’m on a rule-breaking streak, first sneaking off-campus with the head of school, destroying a demon, and then kissing JJ, I may as well skip class too.

  After the events of yesterday, I hardly have the energy to move. I dig out the books I got while in Tippleton. First, I flip through the book of magical reflections with thoughts and commentary on the energetic world.

  It contains a collection of essays in which prominent poets, thinkers, and artists of the magical community discuss topics like our role in the broader world, how love is love no matter our backgrounds, and whether it’s our right as individuals or followers of the law to remain in secret. It should be required reading at Riptivik this year given the tension between the various groups on campus.

  I’m still myself, Maija, but so many of the things that I used to identify with don’t apply anymore or not as strongly.

  I’m not a senior at Hamilton High School, rather a primary student at Riptivik Magic Academy slash reform school. I’m no longer soccer team captain; I can’t even get the plays in rumpus straight while spectating, never mind while playing. I have no idea what my grades are since they use a different standard here. I haven’t been to the beach or swimming in months, nor have I knitted, done any of the crafts I love, or read any of my favorite books lately.

  Chelsea is still my best friend, but so is Yassi. I no longer have a crush on Carter Miller. He’s been replaced by someone else. A lot of things have changed or are just different. However, I’m still me and becoming someone new. I just don’t know who...just like I don’t know who was after me on Hallows Eve or in the quaint village.

  I sigh and then open the book on witches in magical history. I wonder if they always knew who they were. It falls open to a map of celestial bodies. I’ve always been a stargazer, a dreamer… and now, I guess a wish maker. There’s a brief section about Imogen Hawkes, but it leaves me with more questions.

  But of one thing I’m certain. Storch is definitel
y the enemy like West suggested.

  As for Sage, I can’t trust her.

  Bobby? I don’t want to think about how he may have been involved in the event in the cemetery. But I have to.

  This is a lot bigger than me waking up one day and finding out I’m a witch. I’m involved and might have to be more than a spy. Even in this short time, I’ve come to care about the students, this campus, and the magical world. I don’t want to see it divided or destroyed.

  It’s lunchtime and I haven’t left my room. Bree doesn’t make an appearance and all I can do is think. My mind is locked like the Iron Tower with my life as a witch, spy, and being attacked twice by demons. Then the betrayal and Storch’s threat plus everything that happened with JJ.

  I shower and get dressed—I used to do my best thinking in the shower but it’s just water and soap and thoughts on repeat. I go to the dining hall to find something to eat. JJ strides across the lawn.

  He carries himself with what I’ve dubbed Royal JJ. Part regal with his chin lifted and shoulders back and part dangerous—giving off a don’t mess with me vibe. His eyes flash when he spots me.

  I bite my lip with uncertainty about where we stand.

  Apparently, right in front of each other because he doesn’t waste time coming over to me, but he stops about six feet away.

  “So, are we back to hating each other?” He asks.

  “Something like that.”

  His accent is hypnotic, but not like Bobby where my mind goes blank and I feel empty except for a sensation like I’m drowning in King Midas’s gold kind of way. With JJ, it’s pure like running water, starry skies. I feel a certain kind of fullness and certainty—just about the only in this new life of mine. I’m certain we will go on hating each other. I can rely on it and his rainy-day moods. It’s quite the opposite of what I’d expect to feel.

  “Good. It’s better that way, safer,” he says.

  I can’t deny that I’m drawn to him and take a step closer, decreasing the space between us. I tell myself it’s because two elves walk past and they’re known for their keen hearing. “Better? Safer?” I repeat as my heart tumbles over this information.

  “Because of who we are.”

  “That’s not what I expected you to say because we’re too different.”

  “Not really,” he mutters.

  “What are you anyway?” I don’t expect an answer.

  A flicker moves across his classically handsome features. “Like me or loathe me, I’m bound to you, Maija.” He steps closer. There’s hardly a whisper keeping us apart.

  “Is this about West ordering you to protect me?” If so, he sure knows how to make a girl not feel special. I should be listening for his answer but my mind, heck my whole body, sticks on how he said my name. The way his lips parted for the letter M and then tripped over the rest like he too fell...

  “Where does this leave us?” My voice is a little breathy.

  “Right here,” he replies. “At least until we figure out who corrupted the OMM, what Storch is after, and why there are demons loose in this realm.”

  “So it’s just a mission?”

  “No, not just a mission. It’s freedom.” There’s a depth to his tone that resonates all the way to my bones.

  Yeah, this is big. Bigger than both of us and we just happen to find ourselves smack in the middle of it.

  He holds my gaze a moment longer and then grips the brim of his hat, tips it, and walks off.

  As usual, JJ Thorne leaves me wanting more.

  The thoughts continue to turn loops in my head for the rest of the day until I meet Yassi to go to the rumpus game. Winnie, Audra, and the others march ahead.

  “When I didn’t see you this morning, I checked the infirmary. You weren’t there or your classes.” Yassi starts to remind me about Storch’s Red Class three-strikes rules.

  “Actually, about her.” I go on to explain everything that happened in her office.

  Her eyes widen. “Storch? It makes sense, but Sage betraying you surprises me.”

  “So you believe me that I had nothing to do with the events on Hallows Eve?” Relief washes through me.

  Yassi stops midstride. “No offense, Maija, but you’re kind of terrible at magic. At least so far.”

  “Yeah, about that. It turns out that I can spellcast without a wand.”

  Her eyes grow wider. “Was it intentional?”

  I shake my head. “I just lost it. Was being attacked. In Tippleton. With JJ,” I blurt.

  Then there’s the other stuff with JJ, but I keep that to myself for now.

  “Okay, maybe it’s better that I don’t ask, but Maija, don’t forget, I can see your thoughts and memories. I am certain you had nothing to do with it.”

  I exhale with relief. She’s right. Yassi’s brilliant skill is my alibi.

  She snaps her fingers. “No, I’m not surprised Sage betrayed you at all. She knew her brother was involved but that he’d tried to bring you into the plan. You’re the scrapegoat.”

  “Scapegoat,” I correct her use of the non-magical term.

  “Yes, that.”

  “But why? It didn’t seem like she and Bobby got along.”

  “Maybe he threatened her.”

  I let out a long exhale.

  “Come on, we have a game to watch while the admin still lets us have fun. We can talk about all this stuff later. There is nothing more unifying in the world than rumpus.”

  Most of the girls in my dorm are dressed in gold, ready to cheer Bobby on.

  When we get into the stands, Winnie yells, “Gold team rules!”

  “I still don’t get it,” I say over the cheering.

  “Don’t get the rules or—?” Yassi asks.

  “Any of it.” Story of my life.

  “When Riptivik practices at home, the golds play against the red team, which does rotate, mostly consisting of students hoping to get on the gold team, which travels and plays against rival schools,” Winnie explains.

  “Oh. So the gold team is the main team and the red team is made up of hopefuls?” I ask.

  “Pretty much. Why? Do you want to play?”

  “I’m probably better off in the stands.”

  “I’ve seen you run. You’re fast,” Winnie says.

  “Rumpus confuses me.” I hold my head in my hands because mostly I’m thinking about everything other than rumpus.

  Their laughter stops abruptly when the bell rings for a red team point.

  “The red team never scores,” Winnie says in awe.

  I scan the field, waiting for the ref to call a foul, but it doesn’t come. In the next hour, the red team racks up point after point after point, which is highly unusual. My mouth falls open when I recognize the student who repeatedly makes the winning scores.

  Instead of a top hat, he wears a helmet, but I’d recognize those gray eyes anywhere. JJ is a beast on the field. During halftime, I study him while he talks with the coach. His gaze lazily travels over the stands. I see that look again, the one I saw in the sweetshop—an almost-smile and then I realize it’s landed on me. It grows as our eyes meet.

  On this cloudy day, in this dreary place, JJ’s smile is like starshine. It fills me with warmth and light...and hope. Then it’s gone as quickly as it had appeared. For a moment, I felt like I wasn’t imprisoned in reform school at all. His smile made me feel strangely free. Then I realize I’m smiling too. Maybe that’s what freedom is—choosing how I feel. Like smiling, like laughing, or like breaking down the walls of this reform school, one brick at a time, if I have to.


  Keep reading.. book 2 in the series, Crime & Curses

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  Many thanks to you, readers!


  About the Author

  E. Hall is the author of *unputdownable* fantasy and paranormal romance books. She’s also known for making up words, which kind of goes with the territory. She’s in constant pursuit of wonder, waves, and nachos. When she’s not writing about fae, wolves, and magic, she’s probably writing under her romance pen name...or reading. There is no such thing as too many books.


  P.S. If you have a moment, and enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a starred and/or a written so other readers can find it too.

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  Also by E. Hall

  The Court of Crown and Compass Series

  Fae of Light and Shadow (prequel)

  Fae of the North (book 1)

  Fae of the West (book 2)

  Fae of the South (book 3)

  Fae of the East (book 4)


  RIP Magic Academy Paranormal and Supernatural Prison Series

  Law & Disorder (book 1)

  Crime & Curses (book 2)

  Mayhem & Magic (book 3)





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