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The Keys (Ethos Society Book 2)

Page 16

by Chloe Gunter

  In one fell swoop, he had his fingers tucked into the sides of my pants as he removed both them and my underwear in record time. Reed sat back on his heels, his erection straining against his lounge pants as his hand absently ran through his beard, taking in the sight before him.

  “You’re beautiful, Charlie.” The sexual tension in the air was palpable, and unable to stop myself, I shifted my thighs desperate for more. “This is only the beginning,” Reed promised, his words carrying both weight and intention.

  Lightly tracing his hands over me again, Reed settled on his stomach between my legs. Goosebumps broke out against my skin, not just from the sensation of his sandy blond hair against my thigh, but at his intense green gaze peeking up at me. Lowering his head to me, he started licking a path up my inner thigh before blowing a warm breath over it.

  Just when I thought Reed was going to tease me more, he used one hand to part my lips and began to devour me. Gasping, I tangled my fingers through his hair, trying to stay upright until it became too much. My head fell back against the bed as my back arched from the intense pleasure coursing through me from Reed’s administrations.

  His face was so fully pressed into me, licking and sucking every inch of me, that I wondered if he needed to come up for air. Every time his tongue took a hard swipe upward and his beard dragged over my clit, I thought I was going to explode, the light scratch setting me instantly on edge. He took notice and repeated the action, this time slipping a finger inside me.

  My hips began to buck as I tried to ride his face and hand, earning me a growl from Reed. Opening my eyes and staring down the length of my body, I caught Reed’s wide smile, his face and beard completely wet with my arousal.

  He added another finger inside of me, fucking me in firm strokes as he pulled and twisted them, finally tilting his hand up and hooking his fingers against my inner wall to find my sweet spot.

  Drilling the spot over and over again, I knew it was only a matter of seconds before I would be coming all over his hand if I didn’t stop him then. My legs were shaking and a faint sheen covered my skin as my toes curled into the sheets.

  “Not like this,” I managed to gasp out. “Want to finish with you. Please, Reed.”

  The bed shifted as he situated himself beside me, one hand still stroking my pussy, albeit slower, while the other hand pushed my sweaty bangs off my forehead.

  He rested his head against mine as he kissed me in time to his strokes, my hands once again finding the elastic of his pants, this time able to find purchase and drag them down a few inches before Reed got the message and lifted his hips, helping me to get his pants the rest of the way off.

  "Need you," he groaned out, turning to lay flat on his back as he dragged me on top of him once again.

  The way Reed maneuvered me with ease, made me feel even needier. Thankfully, Reed didn't seem the type of lover to play wicked games in the bedroom, and he seemed to be exactly on the same page as me when it came to what we wanted next.

  Palming my ass, he slid me along his length, and the head of his cock hit my clit and made me gasp. Back and forth, he dragged me with ease, grinding up into me until I was once again a shaking mess.

  Pushing my hips up, I reached in-between us and grasped Reed’s length in my hand. He wasn't exceptionally long, but by god was he thick. I couldn't even wrap my hand around him completely, and I knew that I would be feeling him the next day.

  I gave him a few firm strokes from base to tip, his head still sliding across my slit. One of his hands wrapped around mine, guiding our hands up and down against his thick shaft. I watched Reed's eyes dart to the nightstand and then back to mine.

  "Whatever you're comfortable with, Mountain Man," I offered, feeling grateful for a trusty IUD.

  Reed's bottom lip disappeared between his teeth as he once again guided my hand up and down the length of him, the head of his cock nudging my opening.

  "I want to feel you," Reed gritted out, his words showing the strain of holding back. "I need you, Char."

  His hips flexed, and there was a slight pressure at my entrance as his head teased into me before I placed my hands on top of his corded chest and slowly sank down on him. Reed's arms wrapped around me, running a soothing path down the length of my back and to my ass as a whimper escaped me.

  "You okay?" Reed asked gently, giving me a few moments to adjust and no doubt noticing I had slipped into my head. I shook my head slightly, emotion clogging my throat, and his hands stilled against me.

  "You're too far away," I said quickly, the difference in our height making it so that I couldn't simply lean over and kiss him like I desperately needed to.

  Bracing his feet against the bed in a move that had me clutching onto him, Reed managed to move to a sitting position, his back now resting against the headboard.

  Rising up on my knees, the thick length of his cock deliciously dragged against my walls, the slight burn turning to pleasure as I wrapped my hands around his shoulders. I kissed him long and slow before sinking back down and taking all of him, my ass pressing against his thighs.

  His eyes rolled back in his head slightly, and I heard him mutter under his breath, "So fucking wet."

  "That one is all on you, Mountain Man," I said with a grin.

  Eyes locked on each other, he set a rhythm that had me shaking in no time, the prolonged release coupled with the intense connection we shared making me a goner. My thighs ached from the stretch of Reed’s hips, but it was nothing compared to ache that accompanied every drag of his cock as he filled me so completely.

  Reaching around and grabbing the edge of my ass with ease, Reed worked me up and down faster, his forehead coming to rest against mine as we continued to stare into each others eyes.

  In that moment, I was loved, safe, and utterly blissed out.

  "Char," Reed groaned, his hands beginning to tighten on me, "need you with me."

  At his words, I let go, wave upon wave of pleasure crashed down on me as I struggled to maintain his gaze, my back bowing in pleasure. He swelled even larger inside of me, a fulfilling throb, before the flood of his warm release filled me.

  Still joined together, we both held each other tightly, shudders wracking our bodies as we came down. When our breathing finally returned to normal, a shiver escaped me, the sweat of our skin now cool against the ceiling fan in the room.

  "I love you," I said simply, my body and brain heavy and content.

  "I love you," Reed said, placing one more gentle kiss on my forehead before he lifted me off of him slowly.

  I low hiss escaped me from the action, unable to stop the sound as Reed settled me next to him, the urge to sleep at the edge of my consciousness. Closing my eyes, the bed dipped in beside me and moments later, a warm cloth pressed between my thighs, Reed gently cleaning me up before joining me once again.

  Snuggling back into Reed's side, I rested my head on his chest, my eyes falling closed almost immediately, and the need for sleep called me under.

  The message we had all been desperately waiting for came through later that night. Crash had managed to crack the first of the singlet's code and was starting to slowly pull the data through. Naturally, since one of our own had been killed, and another almost fatally injured, a Conclave was called for early the next morning.

  Which is how I found myself walking through a familiar forest as the rays of the sun broke through the horizon, catching on the dew that hung heavy on the lush green leaves. Walking slowly through the damp forest floor, observing my surroundings, brought me back to my very first day at GRAVITAS.

  There was something calming about the woods, something that I yearned for that had me making the trek on foot rather than simply opening a portal into the outer chambers. I knew as soon as I reached our headquarters that I would find out exactly what had happened to Reed.

  And I also knew for a fact that no one and nothing would stop me from raining down justice on whoever dared to harm my family.

  Good morning, cara. Gav
in's sweet words filtered into my head after a tender brush asking permission.

  I miss you, Gav. Did you guys manage to work something out for Conclave? I asked, hoping that I'd be able to see him, even if it was just for a little bit.

  I'm taking a late lunch off site today. Not what I'd usually do, but hopefully it shouldn't raise too many flags as long as I keep it to half an hour. I've got eyes on me constantly, it's only a matter of time before they bring me in fully.

  I know it goes without saying, but please be careful. After everything with Reed, I just need to know that you're all being as safe as you can be. I said, knowing that I could never keep them from danger, nor would I try to impede their jobs. I'm assuming that means Gage is coming too?

  Nothing could stop us, cara. We'll see you soon.

  My boots pressed into the damp earth as I made my way more quickly towards the hidden cellar doors, looking forward to seeing the guys in one place again.

  It would be the first time that all four of them would be in the same place since our dynamics had shifted, but I couldn't find it in me to worry.

  Life was too short not to let yourself love and be loved.

  Finally reaching the cellar, I swept the fallen foliage off just enough to heave one door open and ease through, pulling the door closed behind me. Making my way down the stairs and to the main chamber, my steps quickened until I reached the destined alcove.

  I heard a slight whirl of wind, signally someone was portaling into the main chamber behind me, but I didn't stop to check, instead placing my hand on the cool stone and coaxing an ounce of my Spark out to play.

  The hologram in front of me shifted as I passed through the gate and into our main headquarters. People were gathered here and there in the main warehouse space, some engaged in serious conversation while others exchanged greetings of hello.

  Doing a double scan of the crowd, it was noticeably missing my two sun-kissed twins. Glancing at my watch, I noted we still had a few minutes until the official start of Conclave, so they were probably trying to time it as close as possible so they wouldn't miss much.

  Certainly distinguishable in the crowd however was my mountain of a man, and his silent and steady counterpart.

  Walking up to them, they automatically shifted and let me into their space, an unconscious gesture that filled me with warmth at the underlying meaning. Ramsey inclined his head slightly towards me. I could tell that he was still trying to hold back, but I could see the flash of fire in his steely gaze. Uncertainty and passion coupled with reluctance and careful regard swirled in those depths before he looked once again towards Reed.

  Reed seemed to have no qualms about pulling me flush to his chest and wrapping his arms around me.

  "Next time, I don't care what you say, Char, you're sleeping the entire night in my bed."

  While I had fallen asleep curled into him in a post-coital haze, once we had received the message from Crash, I had ended up excusing myself when Ramsey had arrived to make sure we had heard, wanting to still give them some time to themselves after everything that had happened.

  "Reed—" I said trying to extract myself from his grip, feeling my cheeks start to flush as he pressed me even tighter into him.

  "Accept it, Char, and don't even think about arguing right now. Everyone here knows you saved my ass. But if you keep wiggling around like that against me they're about to know you now have more than two lovers under your skin," he said playfully in my ear.

  My body instantly went still, only unfreezing to return his hug after a second.

  "Charlie!" a voice said behind me, and I tried to pull away knowing exactly who was calling me, but Reed's arms tightened even further.

  "Promise me," he said quickly, his voice low, and his tone slightly unsure.

  My heart ached at the sound, and I wanted to assure him that he meant as much to me as anyone. I squeezed him tighter, before rising on my tiptoes to meet his ear.

  "I promise, Mountain Man."

  My words released me quickly, seeing his blinding smile before he turned me around and sent me towards the two people who had no doubt just arrived and had almost made it over to our group.

  Crossing the remaining few steps quickly, I launched myself at them. They wrapped themselves around me, holding me tight between them and an overwhelming sense of rightness filled me.

  I looked up into ocean blue eyes, a tender smile on his lips as Gavin whispered “Cara” like a prayer, his thumb running along my cheek before he pulled me in for a kiss. His lips moved steadily with mine, fitting seamlessly back into my life where they belong. His fingers braided through mine as he gave me three firm squeezes, affirming his love for me all over again.

  He reluctantly broke away, and I immediately felt Gage's hand on my hip, turning me towards him, his lips quickly reclaiming mine in a kiss that was much too short for my liking. But given the mixed company around, it was about as tame as I could expect from Gage.

  "I missed you, Baby Bird."

  His hands gave me one last squeeze before reluctantly pulling away. We were standing just a few feet away from Reed and Ramsey, and before I could even begin to wonder how things would play out Gavin walked over and pulled Reed in for a hug.

  Reed looked pleased, and returned the hug full-heartedly, a grin breaking out on his face from whatever Gavin was saying to him. Gage took a more subtle route, clasping arms with Ramsey, and I caught whispered words of thanks as their expressions turned serious.

  As Gavin turned to Ramsey, and Gage to Reed, I took a second to appreciate what I truly had.

  "This," a familiar voice said in my ear, "is starting to get out of hand, Ptichka. Soon they'll be no available men left for the rest of us."

  "I thought you didn't need to worry about finding a man. Or did you already go and break Everett's heart, Katya?" I asked, smirking at my friend.

  "We need another night without the boys, yes? You will tell me how you manage to keep up with all those men, and I shall trade you a few wild stories in exchange."

  "You're on," I agreed.

  The lights began to dim, signaling that it was time for Conclave to begin. Making our way towards the receiving room, we took our places in the burgeoning circle, each of us activating our alloys and donning our traditional garb as we stood at the ready, waiting for the official mark of Conclave to begin.

  Wellington stepped into his place, seeming to come from out of nowhere, his Spark seeming to glow faintly under his skin as he rose to his full height.

  There was one gap left next to him, but before I could scan the Atlanteans in attendance, I saw Crash rushing in, activating his alloy and making it to the circle dressed and carrying a small alloy disc in his hand.

  He gave Wellington a solemn nod before crossing his hands in front of him, the disc still visible.

  With the attention of the room already on them, Wellington dropped a knee and placed his hand on the well worn grove on the floor, feeding it his Spark as he began to speak the old words that called the Conclave into session. The light electric-blue film quickly built up from the floor, unfolding until the entire circle was encased inside the dome.

  One by one we took the knee, pledging our oath for the good of mankind and feeding a hint of our Spark into the marks carved into the floor. The symbols on the path in front of me illuminated, feeding into the combined forces of the entire circle and illuminating the master crystals.

  "Atlanteans, do you heed the call of the Conclave?" Wellington asked.

  The rounds started, almost our full North American congregation in attendance. By the time calls had reached our side of the room, the full weight and power was staggering.

  "Bishop heeds the call," Ramsey said, rising to his full height once again, determination in his voice.

  "Whistler heeds the call," Reed followed strongly, no doubt ready to find out who was behind his attack.

  "Chiron heeds the call," Gavin followed.

  "Anorak heeds the call," Gage said, rising from
the floor to join the rest of them.

  "Bird heeds the call," I declared, feeling the currents of energy in the room as I rose to join my men.

  When the last of the calls were answered, Wellington once again commanded the room, the glowing sigils on our chests casting the room in a transcendent glow.

  "Having heeded the call, let the Conclave commence," Wellington declared firmly. "As you all know, one of our own from our European brothers was killed, and Whistler was in critical condition due to a deadly explosion that they were sent to investigate after our sensors read some concerning data."

  "I was able to pull a partial video off of Whistler's damaged singlet, the final packets of data just finished as you were all arriving," Crash voiced, holding up the alloy disc for the circle to more clearly see, no doubt he transferred the file onto there for easy viewing.

  "We'll be giving our European and Asian factions the full video after the conclusion of this Conclave. However, they have agreed to follow our lead within reason on how we want to handle this matter, only asking that they retain the option to be included on any field teams that may be sent out."

  It was generous, especially from the European unit, since they had lost a member of their own. But it seemed times like theses were when organizations such as Ethos shined.

  United, under one common goal, for the betterment of mankind.

  Not infected with revenge, or fear, or a thirst for power, but simply holding onto the same principles and oaths they had taken. Ethos was bigger than any one of us, and as Atlanteans, we constantly had to recognize what was best for the greater good.

  Crash stepped forward, disc in hand, as he walked to the center of the pedestal. His strides were sure, but his gaze was wary. He was most likely the only one so far who had seen what exactly was on that disc, and whatever it was, didn't seem to bode well for any of us.

  With another push of his Spark, the hologram sprang to life, projecting the image around the circle.

  My breath caught in my throat when I heard Reed's words detailing an infiltration plan with Benoit. Looking over to the man in question, I watched his face grow pale as he was subjected to reliving what was probably the worst experience of his life.


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