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A Hero of Ticonderoga

Page 17

by Rowland Evans Robinson


  As the sloop swept past the massive battlements of Crown Point wherethey guard the narrowing channel of the lake, Job said to his youngcomrade:

  "We're getting towards home."

  "Yes, I've been thinking of home and mother and sis. Guess I needn't beafraid of ol' Toombs any longer, but I don't know as I could keep myhands off'n him. I always meant to give him a thrashing when I could."

  "Mebby you could, now, but he's a cordy critter and a soople one; butmind what I tell you, you never will."

  Nathan's answer was a short, incredulous laugh, as he helped Job makeready for disembarkation. As they marched in straggling ranks towardFort Ticonderoga, Nathan was accosted by one of the young Newtons, whohad remained there during the northern expedition.

  "Look a-here, Nate," he said, drawing him aside, "there's some troubleto your mother's. She's sent word for you to come right home. Old Toombsis dead or run off to Canerdy, or something. I don't know the rightson't. But, anyhow, she wants you bad."

  Either the death or the absconding of his stepfather was too good newsto be true, and his first duty was to serve his mother. He and Jobreadily obtained leave of absence, though it was scarcely needed, so laxwas the military discipline of the crudely organized forces. The two atonce set forth, and an hour's paddling of the light birch canoe broughtthem to the landing in the creek.

  As they emerged from the shadow of the woods into the broad sunlight ofthe clearing, their first glance sought the house standing in the midstof green grass and springing grain. The scene was in such apparent peaceand quietude as it might have been lapped, if all the turmoil of war andstrife were a thousand miles removed. As Nathan's eyes ran over thefamiliar fields in which he had spent so many hours in the companionshipof his father, his heart was softened with the sad and solemn memory.Then it hardened in a fire of wrath that flamed up at the remembrance ofwhat he had suffered from his father's successor, and he felt if heshould meet the wretch he would wreak summary vengeance upon him.

  Soon they were at the open door and looking in upon the homely kitchen.It was empty but for the figure of a man slouching inertly in anarmchair before the fireplace. There was no mistaking the shock ofgrizzled red hair, nor the brawny shoulders, though they were stoopedand curved together.

  The light tread of Nathan's moccasined feet did not disturb themelancholy figure, with its drooping head and vacant eyes staring intothe fire, nor did it move till he laid his hand on its shoulder. Thenthe face turned upon him a slow, dazed stare, that as slowly kindledinto recognition, then froze into a rigid glare of inexpressible terror.An inarticulate cry came from the white lips, while the helpless formstrove to arouse itself from the living death of palsy.

  Nathan cast upon Job a look of appalled, beseeching inquiry. As he metits answer in the awed face of his friend, resentment of past injuriesfaded out of his heart, as he realized that a mighty hand hadforestalled his revenge, and he felt nothing but pity for the abjectbeing that crouched before him.

  "It's come out about as I told you," said Job, "but I wan't expectin'nothin' like this, poor critter. He thinks you're a spirit come to haunthim." Then he called loudly to the figure, "It's the boy. It's Nathan,alive and well. Don't be afeared, he won't hurt ye."

  There were footsteps at the threshold, and Ruth and Martha entered,pausing a moment with wondering faces, which presently kindled with joy,and Nathan was clasped in their arms. When the first flush of joyfulmeeting was spent, Ruth explained in answer to her son's whisperedquestion and his nod toward the dumb figure:

  "He sort o' broke down after the guard went away, an' t'other day wefound him all of a heap down by a big hemlock log that he never gotround to cut up. He hain't seemed to sense much since. He's beendreadful worried about you, Nathan, all along, ever since you wentaway."

  She did not know the terrible cause of the speechless self-condemnationthe wretch had suffered, nor did she ever learn it.

  "I wouldn't tell her," counselled Job. "She'd feel bad, an' thatwouldn't pay any more'n it does to nurse a grudge. Vengeance don'tbelong to us, poor critters."

  Thenceforth, till Silas Toombs sank from his living death to eternalsleep not long after this, his stepson gave him thoughtful and kindlycare.

  At length the young frontiersman took his place among the defenders ofhis country. By the side of his old comrade and guardian, he fought inthe losing fight of Hubbardton and helped to win the glorious victory ofBennington. Yet he is best remembered by the descendants of the oldGreen Mountain Boys as the guide who led their fathers in the conquestof Ticonderoga.


  Where once stood the pioneer's log house, spacious farm buildings nowstretch their comfortable quarters. From it, away to the southwest,across meadows, thrifty homesteads, low woodlands, and the narrowedwaters of Lake Champlain can be seen rising against the foothills of theAdirondacks the hoary ruins of Ticonderoga. Within the house, upon apair of massive moose horns, rests the old flintlock once filled withbeans, "good enough for Yorkers," and later loaded with a leaden deathmessage for Tory and Hessian. Cherished with as fond pride by its fairpossessor, is a worn pocket-piece--the silver shilling given herancestor by the beautiful lady of Fort Ticonderoga.

  Transcriber's Note

  Spelling and punctuation inaccuracies were silently corrected.Archaic and variable spelling is preserved.The author's punctuation style is preserved.Hyphenation has been made consistent.


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