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Abducted by the Alien

Page 2

by Sabrina Kade

  I take a deep breath, making sure to keep my cover. “No. I’m with Iriel. I like him.”

  Alaska whistles through her front teeth while stealing a look at Dakota. I should be so excited to have these two around me. Watching over me. But their kindness is for all the wrong reasons. Drazal isn’t the one I want to leave me alone. Iriel is. Can’t they see that? Can’t they hear me screaming at the top of my lungs that I don’t want to be with Iriel because—

  “I like Iriel,” I hear myself saying again. “Drazal and I are—”

  “Friends?” Dakota finishes. “So cliché. There are no friends here. They’re fuckers and fuck buddies.”

  “Amen to that,” Alaska says, sharing another look with her friend. “But hey, girl. You do you. If you want to hit it and quit it with the grumpy one, do it. If you want a much more attractive, baby-faced alien, then do it. But make sure you do you, okay?”

  “You guys think Drazal is attractive?” I squeak, hating my mistake.

  If they judge me, I don’t notice it. Maybe I’m too star struck. Two State Girls are talking to me. They’re paying attention to me. They’re as beautiful close up as they are far away. It’s no wonder they’re some of the top space entertainers in the universe. Everyone’s heard of the State Girls. So, if they think Drazal is attractive, I can’t help but notice my heart fluttering again.

  Drazal is attractive.

  Alaska rolls her eyes. “What does it matter if we think he’s attractive or not?”

  “It shouldn’t,” Dakota insists. “Alaska likes them young, but—”

  “Shut the hell up, Dakota.” And she does. Alaska turns back to me. “If you think he’s attractive, then that’s all that matters. You need to stop hogging two Sidyths. Arizona doesn’t like it. There’s a system here, you know? She doesn’t want some newbie fucking it up. If you like the grumpy one, stop teasing the hot one. If you like the hot one, stop sleeping around with the grumpy one.”

  “I’m not—”

  “Gotta go. Just wanted to pass that information on.” Alaska rises to stand, and I’m still stammering to say something by the time she and Dakota are out of sight.

  How did everything change so suddenly? First, I’m being told to follow my heart or some similar cliché, and then they accuse me of sleeping around with two guys! And what was that whole thing with Arizona? Why does she care what I’m doing? The State Girls have worries of their own, but it was odd that both Alaska and Dakota were in the Gathering Room, spoke to me, and then immediately left.

  Maybe the State Girls aren’t as icy as I once thought.

  Maybe Arizona sent them here because she wants to stay.

  Damn. That’s a lot to process

  Once the Gathering Room falls silent, I’m shocked when Drazal doesn’t come back in. How much did he hear Alaska and Dakota saying? Is he nervous about coming back in now? Does he think I’m messing with Iriel? Or worse? Does he think I’m messing with him?

  No. No. No.

  Messing with Drazal is the last thing I want to do. I don’t want to get in trouble with the Sidyths. I’m trying to keep everyone happy, even if that means I’m miserable. Doesn’t that count for something? Iriel wants a mate, so I’ll be his mate. I need someone to keep me safe and keep the other Sidyths away, and Iriel fills that role. And Drazal wants, what does Drazal want?

  I lift my head, wishing someone else would come into the Gathering Room. Maybe the girls are in Blythe or York’s room, oohing and ahhing over the babies. I guess it wouldn’t be a bad thing for me to check out the scene. To socialize and see some of the other girls. It’s not like I don’t like them. They’re going to question me. They’ll want to know what’s up with Iriel and me. They’ll want to know about Drazal. They’ll ask questions and though I’ll always say the right answer, one of these days someone is going to catch me off guard. I’m going to fuck up and tell the world how I really feel.

  Some of them think I'm a tease. Some think I should leave them both alone.

  Why can’t anyone call me out on my bullshit?

  Why can’t someone bark for me to stop hanging around Iriel?

  Why does everyone think I need to tell Drazal to respect my relationship with Iriel?

  I stand, rubbing the back of my neck and head toward the entrance. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to see some of the girls after all. If I can blurt out how I’m feeling, maybe all of this will end. Maybe I won’t have to spend time with Iriel, and maybe there’s something else out there for me. Something better.

  I turn the corner to leave the Gathering Room and bump into a part of the rocky wall that must be jutting out.

  “Damnit,” I mutter, rubbing my nose before the wall shifts and goldilicious eyes peer down at me.

  “Phoebe? Are you all right?”

  My heart races. Of course, it’s Drazal. He hasn’t gone far from the Gathering Room. He’s watching over the halls. And I ran right into him like an idiot and nearly busted my nose. I lower my hand, so he doesn’t start worrying and try to smile up at him. Goodness, he’s tall and gorgeous. Why did he have to put my life in danger with those dilewilers?

  Large hands suddenly land on my shoulders. Drazal must see my heartbeat pounding underneath my thin, black tank.

  “Phoebe. Is all well?”

  “I’m fine!” I stumble away from his grip before he realizes how much his touch affects me.

  “Have you changed your mind? Are you going to spend the night with Iriel?” There’s something in his expression that leaves me feeling a little sad, so I’m more than happy to tell him the truth this time.

  I shake my head. “I’m going to see how Blythe and the baby are doing.”

  He brightens. Goodness, that smile is shinier than the suns, moons, and stars combined. I don’t mind the two massive canines on either side of his mouth. I don’t mind that his nose is flatter and broader than a human man’s. I don’t mind that he has scales on his palms and the bottoms of his feet, so he’s always bandaged. I don’t mind any of that! He glimmers like a teen vampire, only better. Buffer. Sexier.

  “Would you like me to join you?”

  I swallow hard. People are already worried that I’m leading him on, but the words fly from my mouth before I can stop them. “I’d love that.”

  He beams, and his expression is almost too much to bear. We fall in line beside each other, my arm occasionally brushing his elbow. I try stealing a glimpse up at him through my light eyelashes, and though he seems tense, it doesn’t make me uneasy. His jaw is tightly set, and his steps are slowed, probably so I’m more able to keep up with him. And I swear, each time his skin brushes mine, my whole body feels like it’s on fire.

  We continue in silence, and though I want to fill the air with conversation, there’s something so beautiful about comfortable quiet. I don’t feel pressured to speak around Drazal. If I lie, he can tell. If I tell the truth and he likes the news, my heart turns to goo from his smile. This type of interaction is effortless. Carefree. Comfortable. Safe.

  “Drazal, I—” I stop short, unsure of how I want to finish this sentence.

  Drazal freezes mid-step before lowering his leg next to the other. He turns slightly, and the corner of his mouth crooks upward. God. I want to kiss him. He’s beautiful. I’m comfortable around him. And if I did decide to leave Iriel, I bet Drazal could keep me safe too. The dilewilers thing doesn’t have to happen again. He knows how much it affected me. He’d never put me in danger if I were with him.

  “Have you changed your mind again?” His voice rumbles, sending violent shivers to my lady parts. I’m all but squirming under his gaze, and I try pinching my thighs together, so Drazal doesn’t realize what’s happening under my black, pleated skirt. “Phoebe?”

  I have changed my mind. I’ve changed my mind about all of it.

  “I wanted you to know—”

  “What are you doing with my mate?” a second voice rumbles and a familiar face pops out from behind a curtain. This face doesn’t we
ar a pleased expression. This face looks furious.

  “Iriel!” I squeak.

  “I thought I heard two voices,” he growls, reaching forward and seizing me by the upper arm. It’s not a painful grip, but I squeal in surprise when he pulls me against his chest. Drazal’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t stop him.

  After all. I’m Iriel’s mate.

  Iriel’s not doing anything wrong.

  Drazal is.

  And I am.

  “I was going to see the girls,” I explain. “I wanted to see Blythe and the baby.”

  Iriel lowers his jaw. “Why was he—”

  “I offered to accompany her,” Drazal says. “So she would not be alone.”

  Iriel’s eyes narrow. “Next time bring her to me, Drazal. I will keep her company. She is my mate.” He pulls me more tightly against him, and already I feel his erection poking me in the hip. I want to squirm away, but Drazal would know I don’t care for Iriel unless he knows already. I try to nuzzle closer in case anyone else is watching, but it’s hard when he’s hissing loudly at Drazal.

  “You have always shown too much interest in my mate, Drazal,” he sneers.

  “I was escorting her to Prince Korben’s lair.”

  “You lie.”

  “I don’t. Ask her, and she will tell you.”

  I want to scream at Iriel. I want to tell him to go away and leave me alone with Drazal. I’m not entirely sure what I was about to say to him, but I’m sure it was important. I needed to get it out. But I can’t say it now. Whatever it was. Not with Iriel huffing and puffing behind me like someone’s trying to claim his favorite dessert in the cafeteria.

  Iriel’s sharp chin lowers further. “Is this true? You asked him to walk you to Prince Korben’s lair?”

  “Y-yes.” Fear prickles my spine at his harsh look, but Iriel doesn’t notice.

  “You are scaring her, brother,” Drazal says.

  “You, stay out of this.”

  “I’ll stick around when you are angry, brother.”

  “I am not angry with her!” he roars, gently shoving me aside to push his chest up against Drazal’s. Two mountains face off, but I know who will win this battle. Who will always win this battle because I sleep in Iriel’s bed and not Drazal’s. Drazal has no right to protect me. No right to claim me.

  According to Sidyths, I am Iriel’s.

  Drazal’s shoulders slump, and he pushes Iriel away from him with surprising ease. He spares me one last glance before moving back toward the Gathering Room, and though my heart aches to follow, and duck under his arm so he can wrap it around my shoulders, I don’t move. He grows further and further away as Iriel lets out one last menacing hiss before turning back to me.

  Iriel. My mate. I haven’t officially Chosen him, but I may as well.

  To so many of the girls on Hethdiss, this life is a dream come true. A place to be free and find happiness, love, and build a family. But for me? This planet has become a prison. I feel myself being dragged back into Iriel’s arms, and he kisses me slowly, making me promise that if I ever want to explore the lairs, to only ask him. I shouldn’t ask Drazal. I don’t bother arguing, and I don’t bother fighting off his kisses. Iriel has never taken advantage of me, but sometimes I wonder, if I say yes to be his, will he have sex with me if I don’t seem into it?

  Will he care?

  Do I want to have sex with another alien I don’t care about?

  Iriel pulls me into his lap on the bed and nuzzles his nose into my hair. “I wish you would open up to me more, Fee-Bee.” I don’t say anything, merely staring at the opening of his lair. The curtain is closed, and I guess I’m not going back to the Gathering Room – or to see Blythe’s baby for that matter. “You don’t need to talk to my brothers. You have me. And I am good enough.”

  Still, I don’t answer. His grip tightens, and a trace amount of vulnerability seeps into Iriel’s voice.

  “Am I good enough, Fee-Bee?”

  I let out a trembling breath. Despite everything, I can’t completely push Iriel away. It’s in these little moments that I see a person under his façade, grumpy face and always splayed scales. There’s a soul under his shell, and I’m one of the few he bares it to.

  I’m the wrong person. I’m the worst person.

  But I lie anyway because despite how much I’m screaming on the inside, the outside needs to remain Iriel’s good little mate.

  “Of course you’re good enough. You’re the best.” I turn around to lightly press my lips to his.

  They’re dry.



  Drazal avoids me for the next few days, but I feel him watching me.

  Rather, I feel him watching me interacting with Iriel.

  When I’m alone, Drazal is nowhere in sight. But when I’m with Iriel? I feel him lurking close by. When I fake smile at Iriel, I feel Drazal’s liquid gold gaze. When I snuggle with Iriel in the fields, I feel Drazal watching from behind a tree. He’s not sneaky about it, but maybe that’s the point. Maybe he wants me to know he’s watching me. Because sometimes, between Iriel’s bland, almost desperate kisses, Drazal’s looking right at me. I try closing my eyes, but more and more often when I open them, he’s there.

  Judging me. Or judging my feelings for Iriel.

  Fuck. I’m desperate to know if he’s the only one who sees how I feel.

  It’s not the only thing I’m worried about lately. For the past few days, especially since right after the situation with Drazal, Iriel’s been more aggressive. Not painfully so. Just more insistent. Continually saying that if we’re mates, we need to express that physically. He wants us both to speak to Prince Korben to declare our union official.

  I don’t want that. And now I have no idea how to get out of it.

  Even this morning in the central lair opening when Iriel’s kissing me, I can’t push him away because I feel so many others watching us. Even some of the girls from the second lair are out because the weather is gorgeous. The suns are beaming down on the teal grass, and some of the Sidyths are parading around with their dicks erect in the wind like damn sails. It’s an unusual sight, I’m sure, but I’ve gotten used to it.

  “Choose me,” Iriel husks, wrapping his arms more tightly around my waist. “We are together all the time now. I enjoy your touches. Your kisses. You know that I do, but I want more.”

  Stall. Whatever you do, stall. Act confused. “What more do you want?”

  “I have been patient, Fee-Bee.”

  “I… I know,” I stammer, looking to see if Drazal’s hanging around, but for the first time in days, I’m alone. Sure, there’s the girls and the Sidyths, but according to my own words, I want this. I want the alien kissing me.

  I’m squirming more than usual today. I can’t help it, and it’s like my body is fighting my brain. It doesn’t want to submit to Iriel today. Come on body, get with the program. I have to embrace Iriel. I kiss him more deeply, meshing his tongue with mine, but I can tell when I pull away this isn’t enough for him.

  Not anymore.

  “I want you as my Chosen mate, Fee-Bee.” He pulls me against him so our chests touch. “I want you so badly that I cannot control myself for much longer. I want to claim you. I want to push my cock into your cunt, and I want to watch you grow full with my young.”

  “I’m not nineteen yet.” I’m looking for any excuse to slow him down, but Iriel isn’t biting.

  “You are older than many of the sprog carrying females back on the fatherland. I am sure you are scared, but together, we can do this. We can have a family.”

  But I don’t want that. I don’t want that at all!

  I push Iriel away, with more oomph than ever before, but he barely moves. I realize with horror, that if he ever did try to rape me, I wouldn’t be able to stop him. He’s too strong. I’ve played with fire for far too long, and now, if I’m not careful, I’m about to get burnt.

  “Why do you fight me, my Chosen?” he husks a second time.

  “I’m not fighting. And I’m not—”

  “You are pushing me away. Why? Do you not want me?”

  “It’s not that—”

  “Have you been teasing me, Fee-Bee?”

  I freeze, all struggle gone in a flash. “W-what?”

  “I’m asking if you are teasing me.”

  “Of course not.”

  He arches an eyebrow. “I protect you. When the others took you away, and you were scared half to death, who was there to protect you when you made it back? Was I the one who took you to see the dilewilers? Did I ever make you witness such horrors?”

  “No,” I mutter, crumbling in his grasp.

  “If Prince Korben were ever to think you are teasing me, he would not be pleased.” My eyes widen. “If you are not teasing me, then I must assume your words are the absolute truth. You say you want to be with me. You say I can protect you. Knowing all this, it makes sense for me to be your mate. Choose me, Fee-Bee.”

  The words are almost there. I feel them rising. And though I’m trying not to, I feel my body pushing away from Iriel’s massive form.

  “Choose me, Fee-Bee.”

  “I—” I pinch my eyes shut. If I say it, it’ll be over. If I say it, it’ll be over.

  “Choose me. There is no one better.”

  I stop fighting, relaxing further. I still can’t find the strength to open my eyes. I can’t look at Iriel when I say it. I won’t look at him when I say it. The words threaten to escape my lips, so I blurt them out I think too hard about what they’ll mean.

  “I Choose—”

  The last word is startled from my lips when something rough grips my wrist and yanks me away from Iriel. I can’t see the owner, but the bandaged hand is enough of a clue. The deep, rumbling voice sends a wave of relief from the tips of my hair to the tips of my toes.

  “This is wrong.”

  I stumble back into the new member of this interaction, feeling a thick, solid chest at my back. I lift my chin, but Drazal isn’t looking at me. His attention is entirely on Iriel who seems as though someone’s kicked his dog.

  “You!” Iriel roars, advancing.


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