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by Bishop, K. M.

  I turned and looked behind me. Standing there about ten feet from me was a beautiful girl. She was staring at me with a look of total shock on her face. Her hands were holding a notebook and she was wearing a backpack.

  As I looked at her, I realized that she looked familiar. It took me a second, but then it clicked. I’d seen her in the stands. She was that beautiful girl who was looking at me. And now she was standing in front of me.

  I only vaguely remembered that I was naked. I was too much distracted by how beautiful this girl was. She was a little taller than average, curvy, athletic build with a great bosom, sweet hips, and from what I could tell an immaculate rear. And she had sexy legs that jutted out from her dress. On top of that was long, golden hair.

  Those eyes… oh those eyes were forever etched into my soul. I could not get away from that gaze. I could have just lost myself in it all day long. And I would have been fine with that, to just put everything else by the wayside.

  “Hi,” I said.

  The girl’s eyes kept dropping to my crotch. I was mildly erect standing there under the water, the soap rinsing off my body, revealing everything to her in an almost step by step display.


  The girl was speechless. That was ok. I didn’t feel much like talking right then either. Why was she in the boy’s locker room? Had someone let her in there?

  “Can I help you?” I asked.

  The girl’s eyes kept trying to look upwards to meet mine, but her gaze kept falling lower. I was aware that my body might have been distracting since I was fully nude. But I’ve never cared about people seeing me naked. Especially, when it was a beautiful and mysterious girl in my presence. I was becoming aroused watching her. And it was physically starting to show a little bit. I could feel it. And as her eyes kept falling downwards, they grew even wider as she saw me growing up in all my glory.

  “I…I’m… sorry…” she stammered.

  I smiled. “Don’t be.”

  The girl tried to turn her eyes, at one point even shielding them with her hands. I could tell she was mortified now with embarrassment and I was not doing anything to help her out here. But I was having fun with the scene. I have never understood why people are so protective of their naked selves. Everyone basically looks the same naked, in my opinion. We have body parts and we know the body parts.

  Maybe it is just the exhibitionist in me. I don’t know, but I feel really comfortable in my own skin and this was the funniest thing to me. I was making a beautiful girl nervous by not being nervous about this situation. Hilarious.

  “So, what do you want?” I asked.

  The girl pulled her hands away from her eyes and her gaze dropped to my crotch.

  Yeah… it was becoming clear.

  Chapter Five


  Where was he?

  I had been standing outside the locker room for ten minutes waiting for Chance to come out and meet me. According to the coach when I called the week before, he said that he would tell Chance to meet me outside the locker room after the game. He would need some time to talk the team and then everyone would hit the showers. After that I would be able to catch Chance and we’d go somewhere to talk for the interview. I was thinking maybe the picnic area just down the road from the stadium.

  I was so nervous. I couldn’t believe that on the day I was going to interview him, Chance had played what was arguably the most impressive game of his career. He had scored the opening goal, and then after the game had been tied for most of the second half, he had finally scored with seconds to spare, the game winning goal in spectacular fashion. You couldn’t write this sort of an exciting sport event.

  I couldn’t wait to talk to him about it.

  After the game Rosie and Collette had wished me luck and teased me about the interview. “I want pictures of the sex, too!” Rosie cheered.

  I tried not to entertain her delusions. But, if there happened to be some sex, I would probably not take any damn pictures for the world to see. If Rosie’s hands got on them, that would most likely happen. The girl loved gossip. I felt that she should have been a journalism major like me. I saw her one day running a leading advice column.

  When I got to the place I was told to meet Chance I learned that I had just missed something exciting. I could see people gathering and almost cheering at something. And then I saw a woman storming off in a fit of anger. She was yelling something, but I couldn’t make out what it was. She was attractive, and looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her from that quick view that I got of her.

  Then I saw a man walking back inside. All I could see was the back of his head, but it looked like Chance.

  I asked a few people what happened and they confirmed that was Chance Atkins and that girl had just slapped the hell out of him. I had missed that. Wow. If I’d jogged over there instead of walking casually to not feel too excited about the interview, I would have seen it and probably gotten it on camera.

  But oh, well. I wondered who the girl was. I could imagine that a guy like Chance, if he lived up to his reputation anyway, probably got slapped a lot in his life. It would have been great to capture on camera though.

  After waiting for about ten minutes I saw several members of the team walking out of the locker room. My eyes quickly scanned all of them to see if Chance was among them. He wasn’t and my heart instantly sank.

  Still, I wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity to interview some of the guys on the team while they were there.

  “Hey, guys!” I yelled walking over in front of them. “I’m Jamie Adams. I’m a reporter with the Daily Student. I’m covering the game today, and I wanted to ask you a few questions if you have a moment.”

  Several of the guys shook their heads and kept on walking, but a few stopped with big smiles on their faces anxious for their fifteen minutes of fame. I recognized them as Kevin Perry and Ricky Johnson, hardly top guys, but still good players. They were really only playing because two of the starters were on the injured list.

  “So, did you think that the game was ever going to end? You seemed to be at a standstill for quite a while in the game today. When that happens, does it mean the teams are evenly matched and it boils down to who wants it more, or would you say it’s a fair bit of luck?”

  I hoped my question hadn’t come off as belittling somehow.

  Ricky answered first. “Luck? Yeah, it was lucky as hell that the ball happened to land right in front of Chance while I was keeping the goalie busy. If it wasn’t for me kicking that hard shot that bounced off the goalie’s hand, Chance wouldn’t have been set up for that.”

  I swallowed hard and asked another question. “So, you believe that Chance’s goal was really because of your setup?”

  “Yes. Absolutely. Why? Are you saying it’s not?” Before I could respond, he continued. “Chance is not nearly as good as everyone says. He has been lucky his whole career. It all boils down to his rich family and who his daddy is. That’s it.”

  Ricky walked away at that point. He continued to argue with nobody, but I could hear his voice almost shouting as he walked on. It was a bit disturbing, and kind of funny.

  Kevin laughed. “Wow, that dude… don’t worry about him. Ricky’s always after somebody to take the blame that he isn’t the top dog. Chance had a great game, but the whole team did really. To answer your question, yes - a bit of luck goes into all competition. Sometimes things go your way and sometimes they don’t. Today we played the better game.”

  “Right,” I said. “And what’s on the agenda next? Do you guys take a day or two off and regroup before starting to work on the next game?”

  “No. We will be in the weight room first thing tomorrow morning, and then we will be out on the field a good portion of the day. Sunday or no Sunday. At this level, there is no time for anything else. If you want to do other things, then you don’t play football here.”

  “That dedication is admirable,” I said. “Thanks so much. By the way, is Chance Atkins
still here? I’m supposed to interview him.”

  “Um… yeah. I think he just finished showering. There isn’t anyone else in there. You can go on in.”

  “Oh, really? Thanks.”

  “Sure,” Kevin said. He walked away trying to catch up with Ricky.

  I looked around and saw no one, so I decided to go into the locker room to find Chance. The building was dark and fairly quiet as I entered. The smell of sweaty men instantly hit me with equal parts revulsion and a bit of turn on. What was wrong with me? I couldn’t help it, I guess. Sweaty men turned me on sometimes. There was something about a strong man’s scent that just brought out the lust in me.

  I had to get my head on straight. I couldn’t stop thinking about my fantasy that morning in the shower and how amazing it had been. And now I was about to meet the object of that fantasy in the flesh in front of me. I was so nervous. What was about to happen?

  When I rounded the corner from the long, dank hallway I entered the opening of the locker room. I could hear something, but I didn’t right away know what it was. It sounded like shuffling, maybe someone working out? I couldn’t tell.

  I slowly walked into the opening of the large room. I saw rows of lockers, but I heard nothing else, except an odd sound that sounded almost like white noise from far away.

  “Hello?” I called. My voice echoed in the silence. I wondered if the coach was at least around somewhere close by. I didn’t see or hear anyone though. Had Chance forgotten? Or did he decide it was lame and just bail out of it. It wouldn’t have surprised me. Still, I hoped he could be professional and we would have a great interview. Why did I let myself get so full of hope with things like this? I groaned loudly as I moved along.

  I was about to give up. I’d wasted my time and energy on these expectations. It was silly. What the hell was I doing here? But what about my editor? I was expected to get an interview and I had to do it. If I didn’t get access to Chance here, I had to track him down somewhere else. I couldn’t just go to my editor and say, “Sorry. He wouldn’t speak to me.”

  What the hell kind of a reporter would that make me? It certainly wasn’t the type of reporter who had a bright future working for one of the big broadcast companies.

  No. I would not be ignored. I would not be put off.

  I took a deep breath and began walking up and down the rows of lockers. I was getting close to the shower and that’s when I realized that someone was still showering. Wait… was it Chance? Maybe he was later than anyone realized.

  I decided to go back out and wait for him, so I turned the corner. And that was when I saw him.

  I’d lost track of where I was exactly in this dark locker room moving in and out of huge towering lockers, and now I was out in the open and I was standing in front of the showers. The showers were opened with no doors or curtains.

  And he was standing right in front of me. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was staring into the backside of Chance Atkins. My eyes began to move over his sculpted, chiseled physique until they reached his butt. Oh, it was miraculous… the glutes were tight and separated. The muscles glistened as the water came down over his body mixing with the soap he was applying.

  I could hardly breathe. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him closely to me. He was just so sexy.

  My breath caught in my throat and I almost coughed. It came out as a slight whispering gasp.

  Suddenly, Chance turned around. He was staring right at me. I couldn’t breathe; I couldn’t move. What had I done?

  And I couldn’t stop looking down at his package. It was right there, just feet from me. And it was beautiful. I kept forcing my eyes back up, but my gaze would instantly drop downward.

  I was more than embarrassed. I was way past being shocked. I was mortified. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought this would be happening to me right then.

  And Chance began speaking to me. I was hardly certain of what he was even saying as I tried to turn away and avert my gaze. I placed my hands over my eyes. This was not working. Oh, I had to go. What was I doing here?

  I realized that Chance had just asked me that question out loud. The words echoed in the locker room.

  I started to answer, but Chance was still there, still naked, and he was walking towards me. Wow… he was almost in front of me and he was naked as could be. His body was covered with water and some soap. Every single muscle, each nuance—it was all on display for me to examine.

  What was I doing there? I couldn’t remember.

  Wait… I knew this…

  “Um… I’m Jamie Adams. I’m from the school paper. I’m supposed to interview you.”

  “Oh?” Chance asked.

  “Um… yeah… Coach Smith told me to meet you outside at this time.”

  “This isn’t outside,” Chance said with a grin.

  “Yeah… you were late, so I was checking to see if you were still here. I’m so sorry. They told me it was ok to come in.”

  Chance laughed. “Yeah, the fellas have a sense of humor sometimes. Listen, the coach never mentioned anything to me about any interviews, but if you want to wait until I’m done showering, I’d be happy to speak with you.”

  “Oh, ok. Great. I’ll just be outside,” I said.

  Then I quickly turned and ran out of the locker room.

  When the warm, afternoon air hit my face I took several gasping breaths. I’d never been so humiliated in my life. My mind felt like it was dancing back and forth into my skull. I was going to pass out. I was sure of it.

  That had just happened. I’d stood there with Chance Atkins. And he was fully naked. I saw everything. He was so beautiful, so sculpted, and fit. I couldn’t stop thinking about every single bulge of his muscles. They were all gleaming with water and soap. I wanted so badly to rub my hands over him and just take full advantage of the situation.

  I was so turned on. The air brushed against my sweating skin. I felt like I’d just stepped out of the sauna. I had to calm myself down. My breaths came in and out of me in short, rapid gasps. What was I doing? Was I really going to go through with the interview after all?

  I was. I had a job to do. And I had to explain myself further to Chance, but it was so awkward. I’d just humiliated myself in front of the one guy that I should never have humiliated myself in front of. He had to think I was a total spaz. Had I even said anything? Or did I just stand there gawking at him like a jerk?

  This was awful.

  But Chance was so cool. He was not even remotely flustered by the situation. He just stood there with his naked self, smiling at me, and talking to me like it was no big deal.

  That damn coach hadn’t even told him anything about the interview. That guy was a first rate piece of garbage and I planned to give the bastard a big piece of my mind. I might have just called him up to do just that. I didn’t think my editor would care that much.

  I could only think of what Rosie was going to say when I told her what happened. She’d probably think I was making it all up. I would think the exact same thing if I was her. It was ok. I’d mention it in the interview maybe.

  No, I would not. I hoped somehow that he would forget all about it.

  That was delusional.

  I had a feeling though that he would either not mention it or he would mention it in such a way that it would totally make me feel fine with it. Hell, I might even find it humorous somehow.

  Oh… his body was magnificent. I thought it was great and I’d imagined it being perfect, but it was beyond what I had even thought. And that included everything…

  His manhood was out of this world and I couldn’t get the image out of my mind. It was forever burned in my memory and from now on when I took those special showers, I knew that I would think of that.

  Who knew? Maybe I would actually get some action out of this yet.

  And as I stood there thinking about Chance, waiting for him to appear and reflecting on what had just happened and what I’d just seen—there was no longer a doubt in my mi

  I wanted Chance Atkins to be my first.

  Chapter Six


  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” I said as I left the locker room. I’d finished my shower quickly, with some excitement. The beautiful girl had come out of nowhere and seen me in all my naked form. I supposed I should have been embarrassed, but I could tell she was already embarrassed enough for the both of us. I was glad she’d seen me. It already broke the ice and started at least a little bit of a connection.

  I could see the way she was looking at me. She liked what she saw. I could see that definitely, and I liked what I saw. The girl was beautiful. Simply beautiful. She was so real and natural looking. She reminded me of the type of girl I always imagined I would fall in love with if that time ever really came.

  Not to say that I felt it was going to be that way for me any time soon. I still had a mission in my life. I had goals, a dream. I was on a well-defined path and I wasn’t going to let anything or anyone steer me away from it.

  But then again, I’d heard so many stories of that precise thing happening to people over the years. I just hoped it didn’t happen to me any time soon.

  “Oh, no. That’s quite alright,” she said. “I’m Jamie, by the way.”

  “Yeah, you mentioned that,” I said. “I’m sure you know, but I’m Chance Atkins.”

  She smiled and shook my hand. Her skin felt soft and nice against mine. As our hands touched our eyes locked, but only for the briefest of moments.

  “Yeah, I know,” Jamie replied with a nervous giggle. Ah, she was still nervous. That was cute.

  “So, where do you want to do it?” I asked.

  Jamie’s face went horror stricken. She suddenly blushed six shades of red and began to compulsively lick her lips. “Um… I’m sorry…”

  I suddenly realized what I had said exactly. I guess I should have clarified it. “Where do you want to do the interview?” I spoke slowly to be sure there was no miscommunication.


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