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His Broken Princess

Page 16

by V. F. Mason

  “Then why are you doing this? Why?” All this is very tragic and fucks up a person, but it doesn’t give him a reason to go around and kill people.

  Nothing justifies taking a life, nothing.

  “Because I want justice.”

  “For who?”

  “For my mother, dammit!” he shouts, spinning around to face me. “I kill those who use women for their selfish desires. Who harm them, rape them, kidnap them. I bring them death, and I’m not sorry about it. And I will continue doing so until the day I die.”

  “Your father wasn’t any of those.” I remove my hair from my face again. “Your father loved your mother, and he made a fatal mistake. Desperate people in love make mistakes.” But those words mean nothing to the child living inside him who still cries for his mother.

  “His obsession killed her.”

  “Love is not an obsession that has to do with serial killers, Eugene,” I say, finally understanding his true problem.

  For him, love is an obsession where a woman suffers and has to be with the man. No, for him, deep desire to be with a woman and give her everything equals obsession. But due to his trauma and twisted psychological mind, studying serial killers allowed him to act like some noble guy who erases the bad in this world.

  Except love and all that bad fucking shit has nothing in common.

  “I’m sorry for what happened to you. And I’m sorry your dad did this.” I get up slowly, going to him. He watches me like a lion ready to pounce on a lamb. “And even if you kill all those men who bring harm to women, it’s bad, Eugene. You could have been a police officer who catches them and puts them behind bars.” I stand next to him, my toes touching the tips of his boots while our gazes clash. “This forever ruins your soul.” And us.

  I expect him to jerk from my hold, or bark more stupid shit, but he does none of those things.

  He palms my face and presses his forehead against mine, while I hold back the tears threatening to spill. His scent surrounds me, and while it used to bring me peace, now it only brings me sorrow. For the life we had for a moment in time.

  “Accept my darkness, Lila,” he whispers, his thumbs rubbing my temples while I whimper, shaking my head.

  “I can’t.” I wish I’d never found out about this.

  I wish I didn’t have to choose.

  Life is not generous to me though, because his darkness is a part of him. A part that will win against my love.

  “Please,” he whispers, and my heart stills when pain travels all through my system, not even letting me breathe.

  He once said he’d never beg.

  Is he begging now?

  Vulnerable—he’s vulnerable now.

  Taking a deep breath, I decide to give us what we need before I betray us both.

  Because my morals are greater than my love. And my morals will clash with his darkness, forever tarnishing our love.

  So, with a rapidly beating heart, I fist his shirt and rise on my toes, then lock our mouths in a kiss that will end it all.

  And I hear my heart break into tiny little pieces, and now… no one will ever be able to put it back together.

  * * *


  Desperation laces our kiss as our tongues entwine in a passionate dance, and a small moan slips past her lips.

  A kiss that tastes of deception, because it’s nothing but a deflection.

  Her every touch, stroke of her tongue, the press of her beautiful body against my hard one… all this is a weapon in her hands she subconsciously uses to run away from me.

  Give the monster what he craves… and he might drop his guard.

  Too bad for this broken princess, this monster never sleeps, but broodingly watches her all the time.

  And for a moment, this monster wants to pretend that the princess in the castle prefers the villain to her prince.

  Even if she deserves better.

  So I place my hands on her hips and hike her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around me, and spin us toward the bed.

  Before I can take a single step, she leans back and palms my face, breathing heavily. “Tonight… tonight….” She licks her lips, her mesmerizing eyes holding mine when she finally finds the courage to say, “Tonight, I want to lead.” Her hands slide to my nape, and she brings us closer, our mouths just a breath away from each other.


  We’ve had sex in every position and location possible, passionate and slow… wild and gentle… fast and long… but in all those circumstances, only one person was in charge.


  Giving her control means allowing myself to be vulnerable to her… and it’s far more dangerous than the running away she plans to do.

  But it’s Lila, and there isn’t anything in this world I won’t do for her.

  Even give her the control that has the power to destroy me.

  Resting my forehead against hers, I breathe in her scent and reply, “Whatever you want.” And I hear her sigh of relief, and then she is kissing me again, slowly sliding down my form to the floor while her hands unbutton my shirt, one button at a time, our lungs burning from lack of air.

  God, was she always this wild for me?

  Closing my eyes, I throw my head back, allowing her lips to trail to my neck, leaving light kisses that my skin barely feels, yet they send wave after wave of desire straight to my dick that hardens against my zipper.

  “I want to do such obscene things to your body, Eugene.” She repeats my words from our very first night, biting on my collarbone and dragging her tongue over the exposed skin of my chest. “Each dirtier than the other,” she murmurs, her finger fumbling with the button of my jeans, and she finally opens it, lowering the zipper and sliding her hands inside, wrapping around my dick, and my growl echoes in the room. “And I don’t want to wait for it.” She swirls around and I try to catch her in my arms, but instead, she flattens her palm on my chest and pushes me to sit on the bed, and fuck yeah, her tits are in front of me.

  But before I can reach for her, she wiggles her finger at me and clacks her tongue, “Nah, uh. Didn't you say whatever I want?” She steps closer, making room for herself between my thighs, and her fingers skim over them, leaving fire with each touch.

  “You want to drive me crazy?” I ask hoarsely, not giving a shit about my voice now. She can have all the evidence of my desire she wants if it gets my hands on her.

  Lila taps her chin, musing on my words while she shifts closer, her perky breasts almost reaching my mouth.

  I breathe in, but she chuckles, sliding her hands over her waist, and slowly, so fucking slowly, hikes the end of her dress and drags it up, up, up, revealing her gorgeous body that would make a weaker man beg.

  Fuck that.

  That makes me beg.

  She throws the dress to the side, and the only thing covering her are her lacy panties and ridiculous high socks.

  I lean back, placing one palm behind me and tapping on my lap with the other. “Climb up, pretty girl.” Lila shakes her head and drops to her knees instead.

  I grit my teeth as she brushes her hand over the bulge in my pants, and my dick jerks under the touch.

  She winks at me, and I can see mischief playing in her eyes, even if it’s tainted with pain and devastation.

  Nothing like having our last time in style, right? My hands lace in her hair, and I pull at it slightly, bringing her closer and enjoying the moans slipping past her lips. “You want me in your mouth?” Her hand drifts inside my jeans, and she runs her thumb over the tip and takes my cock out. I barely hold back a fucking groan as I threaten to spill.

  Pressing my fingers on her chin, I open her mouth wide while her eyes darken with a mixture of emotions playing through them, and order, “Well get to it, then.” I thought her kiss tasted of deception.

  But I was wrong.

  Her kiss tastes like agony.

  * * *


  The breath hitches in my lungs, and I resist the urge to listen to m
y rapidly beating heart that screams at me to stop all this and run far, far, away, to not bruise it any more.

  Mom once told me that the greatest misery in this world is love, and whoever gets trapped in it knows nothing but sorrow.

  I used to think those were the words of a bitter woman, since my dad was far from perfect. But maybe her words have merit after all.

  Loving a man can push one to do despicable things.

  Like lose all self-respect when the body craves the person, even if he is a serial killer ready to hunt anyone who so much as looks at you wrong.

  We have no future, but we have this moment… when the monster loses his control and becomes mine.

  For a moment in time.

  Eugene pulls my hair and brings me closer to his erect cock, coating my lips with the precum leaking from the tip. “Ah, pretty girl. You want it but don't know how to ask for it.” My cheeks heat up, but I have no chance at a comeback, because he slips the head in my mouth, and instinctively I close around it, sucking it, and moaning as his taste hits me.

  I glide my palm along his length, all while dragging my mouth up and down, savoring his rigid member and enjoying the power it gives me as he groans and curses above me, tightening his hold on my hair to the point of pain.

  His cock reaches the back of my throat before my gag reflex kicks in, and I release it with a pop. My lips skim his length all while my hand continues to pump him, and I get off on his groans and the softness of the skin on his dick. With my tongue, I swipe away his precum, wanting to taste more of him. Sucking on his tip, I groan around it, sending vibrations through him.

  “Lila.” His voice is hoarse, uncontrollable, demanding.

  Yet he is completely at my mercy while I make love to him with my mouth, lavishing his cock with the attention it so desperately wants.

  Fire spreads through me in waves, demanding release, and I feel my core dampen my panties, and I can't take it anymore.

  My hand slides down my stomach and sneaks under the silk, reaching my clit.

  His growl bounces off the walls, freezing my movements. “Is your pussy wet from sucking me off, pretty girl?” he asks, and I moan around the tip, dragging my mouth back and flicking my tongue over the head. “That’s right. No matter what we do, it’s always fucking wet for me.” He pulls at my hair again, angling my head better, and orders, “Pinch your clit, darling, and then slip two fingers inside you. We can’t have it unsatisfied, can we?” I immediately follow his command, whimpering in distress, because it’s not enough.

  I hear him mumble something before he barks, “Fuck it.” And then he drags me up from my knees. “We both know no one can bring this pussy relief but me.” He takes off his jeans and pushes them to the side, and then in one swift move, he rips my panties away, leaving me in the stupid socks. “Fucking come here.”

  And even though my heart bleeds, my body soars. How can I do anything but listen?

  * * *


  She climbs on my lap, settling on top of me, and I growl at the feel of her wet pussy leaving a wet trail over my chest. She wants to settle over my hips, but instead, I pull her hips up right above my face, and immediately feast on her puffy, red pussy while she cries out above me.

  I feel her fall forward, slamming her hands on either side of my head while my tongue sweeps through her slit, my fingers leaving marks of ownership all over her ass.

  Her scent, her taste, the softness of her skin… I can bathe in this fucking heaven forever. “Jake.” Hearing my first name on her lips fuels my blood, awakening the beast inside me, which longs for her acceptance. “Please, Jake. I need—”

  First, I flick my tongue around her clit and then suck it in, and then I drag my tongue through her lower lips and slip inside, fucking her with my mouth. She grinds on top of me, pressing against my mouth and seeking pleasure she can’t find anywhere but in my arms.

  If only it was enough.

  She arches her back, the ends of her hair swaying over my chest, and then I groan into her pussy when she wraps her hands around my dick and strokes up and down. Her feet dig into the bed while I summon all my control.

  With her taste and smell all over me and her hand, I could fucking come right now, but I won’t.

  “If you’re playing dirty, so can I,” she warns, need coating each word. And with that, I decide I’ve had enough of this.

  With one last flick inside her, I flip her onto her back and settle between her thighs. Her hips cradle me home, and I hike her knees over my elbows, rubbing the tip of my dick over her wet slit and earning myself a moan.

  “Don’t tease,” she begs and closes her eyes, lifting her chest, which gives me a perfect view of her rosy nipples, and makes my mouth water.

  “Your show, pretty girl,” I say, stilling my movements and expecting her next command, all while my dick continues to press over her and probably drive her insane with need.

  Too bad she has to beg for it first.

  Tonight, more than ever, it’s important for me to know she wants this as much as I do.

  After all, tonight, she is not in bed with her fiancé.

  She is in bed with a serial killer who lives and breathes for her, who is completely obsessed with her and doesn't need a cure for his insanity.

  He just needs her.

  Her eyes snap back open and she holds my stare, breathing heavily as her chest rises and falls, and we have a battle of wills going on.

  Finally, she swallows and sighs in resignation, for a moment in time accepting me as I am and admitting her love for me.

  Even if it kills her. “Make love to me, Jake. Please.” The last word is barely out of her mouth when I thrust inside her and place my mouth over hers, swallowing her cry.

  And finally we connect when it matters the most, because when I’m inside her, all the stupid and impossible reasons of why we can’t be together no longer exist.

  Swaying back, I drive inside her again, continuing to kiss her passionately, feverishly, all-consumingly as she wraps her legs around me.

  My fingers find her breasts and tweak her nipples all while she writhes under me, moaning, whimpering, and scratching my back as my cock plunges inside her deeper and deeper, stretching her to the hilt.

  I slide my mouth to her neck, sucking on her skin, all while she gulps for breath and repeats, “Jake, Jake, Jake.” And each time I hear my name on her lips, I thrust slower and slower, grunting at her pussy tightening on me with each jerk of my hips.

  How can she stay so tight, yet stretch all around me?

  “Like being in control, Lila?” I whisper in her ear, biting on her earlobe and then soothing it with my tongue. She hisses but lifts her hips anyway for better friction. “Or would you like me to run the show now?” I skim my lips to her shoulder and leave a hickey there, licking away the sweat and savoring her unique taste.

  Lila, my Lila.

  She shakes her head and stays silent, turning her face to the side, but I won't allow her to do that.

  I grab her chin and shift her head to me. Our breaths mingle together, and I don’t fucking know where she ends and I begin.

  It has always been like this between us. Why does she fight it? “Look at me.” She blinks but keeps her eyes on me, and then I lean closer, our lips brushing against each other while I slam my hips harder and harder with each word. “You. Are. Mine.” Thrust, thrust, thrust. “And no matter what, you will always stay mine.” I enter her again and again, and plant my hands on her hips, stilling her on the spot, so she is pinned under my weight and can’t escape—us. This. Or pretend like it never existed, or we are someone else. Being with her is like heaven on earth, a moment of peace in this chaos I call my life.

  When I'm with her, I can forget about the past and see the future.

  My world revolves around her.

  I feel her tighten, almost sucking my dick inside, and she clenches around my length and screams, arching her back and mesmerizing me with her fucking beauty.
/>   She falls back on the bed but still has her head thrown back while I continue to drive inside her, my orgasm coming dangerously close, but I can’t have it.

  Can’t have it without her arms wrapped tightly around me like she always does.

  What if she doesn't give it to me this time?

  But then her fingers twist in my hair and she scratches the back of my neck lightly, bringing me closer to her and enveloping me with… her.

  She breathes into my neck and then kisses me softly on the cheek before whispering, “Jake.” And I fucking lose it.

  My balls press against my dick, and I slam inside her one last time before I spill into her, finding solace in her arms for a moment in time.

  Because despite what people think, life is made out of these moments.

  And as life taught me, none of them last forever.

  * * *


  Eugene’s breathing evens out next to me, and I gasp for breath, rolling onto my side and staring right back into the flaming fire, which sends crackling noises through the room.

  My attention zeroes on one of the burning logs, as the orange and blue licks consume it from different sides, with no way of running away from the inevitable death. Soon there will be nothing but ash, as if the wood never even existed, while the fire will continue to burn.

  A perfect representation of what will happen to Eugene and me with time.

  His darkness, just like this fire, will slowly turn me and everything I stand for to ash, until I slowly disappear in the infinity of this life.

  “Ugh,” I mutter quietly, pressing on my chest from the sudden ache in my heart. For a second, I’m afraid I’m going to have a heart attack from all this.

  But slowly, it eases, allowing me to gulp air into my lungs, but the sign is clear.


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